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19334919 No.19334919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best book about being lonely and socially outcast?

>> No.19334921

I've come to really dislike white women

>> No.19334923

She's actually laughing because someone sent her a pic of your penis

>> No.19334963

>record digitally so mockery can persist forever
>Aww that's so sad!
Women are fucking soulless.

>> No.19334970

Only in Miller Grove

>> No.19334977

>this is so sad
>let me record it and then post it online for internet attention

>> No.19334991

Why is she(male) eating outside?

>> No.19335002

to look ridiculous on those big amerifat chairs

>> No.19335010 [DELETED] 

I have done weirder things in public probably. I don't quite get what's happening in this video though, or why they're recording though.

>> No.19335013
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Behead the women that recorded this IN REAL LIFE

>> No.19335014

>both clearly laughing at the poor girl
Women can be so evil

>> No.19335016


>> No.19335101

i don't get it. it's just a girl crying public? am i missing something here? was there a subtext to the video other than just recording her crying in public?

>> No.19335102

Damn you can see the 4 fat bitches recording and laughing in the mirror reflection. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.19335106

"Someday this pain will be useful to you"
The protagonist is an autistic gay teen, I never see anyone talk about it but it's my favorite book.

>> No.19335115

fat ugly bitches are the most savage cunts possible when in a group. the hot mean girls are nothing in comparison.

>> No.19335240

That's obviously their friend however realistic

>> No.19335509

Les Enfants Terribles by Cocteau. A brother and sister lock themselves away from the world after their mother dies and escape into their own fantasies.

>> No.19335654

nevermind was a tiktok prank to stir outrage, probably some NGO funded plot to further their research for "raycism." Disgusting.

>> No.19335666

>see a girl crying
>record her and upload it online
>"awww it's so saaad!"
People are disgusting. Every year I hate people more.

>> No.19335681

Obviously staged. If nothing happens to these people in their lives they will stage it for their audience.

>> No.19335768

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.19335811

My twisted world

>> No.19335844

>Another tiktok dicklet rage thread on /lit/
You all need to be gassed

>> No.19335954


>> No.19336049

3 million views. what a fucking bitch. her friends in the background laughing. "oooo someone is crying because something bad has happened in their life. time to put this on tiktok so I can get views!!"

>> No.19336512

____ women

>> No.19336524
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why is eating alone considered sad?

>> No.19336539

car yelled a racial slur. kind of pointless without sound

>> No.19338174

Women are terrible bump

>> No.19338182

Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts.

>> No.19338201

I saw a tiktok where a girl filmed herself crying and her (guy) friend wiping her tears away in an intimate Netflix romcom way. The caption “My dad is in the hospital with blood cloughts (sic) and I called my friend”

>> No.19338208
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its all performative these days, making it looks like you care without lifting a finger, complete detachment from any semblance of empathy

>> No.19338988


>> No.19339162
File: 1.82 MB, 720x1280, rich fakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's on tiktok so it's fake, just a bunch of women staging a video for views

you should look up selection bias
by definition if you can see them on the internet and in particular on social media there's a very strong chance you're only looking at the worst part of a given population. Overwhelmingly TikTok is for sheltered upper midder class mediocrities posing for another while listening to mumble rap and anime music.

It's not indicative of the real world.

>> No.19339178

>tfw ywn own a house
>all these kids of millionaires in California making their gay videos
honestly it makes me understand Bolshevik chimp outs

>> No.19339196
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95% sure my life is still worse than hers and fewer people care about me. Please film me for your tiktoks.

>> No.19339516

Hate commie fucks, but hate richfags too. Working class, born and raised, but if I ever become rich, I refuse to pamper my children to the point where they become tiktok obsessed idle suburban faggots.

>No maid, they gotta learn to do the laundry, the dishes, clean, and cook
>A small allowance of a dollar every time they cook dinner or mow the lawn or something
>Smartphone data usage restricted to an hour a day except for calls and texts
>Gaming only after finishing all their work is done, and only 2.5 hours a day
>When they're 13, no smartphone, only flip phones for calls and texts
>When they're in middleschool, no super advanced gaming laptop, just a cheap lenovo thinkpad that's good for running microsoft office and the internet
>When they're 16, no car, but they will get driving lessons
>If they want a smartphone, they gotta use what they saved up to buy it
>If they want a gaming pc, they gotta save up to buy it
>If they want a car, they gotta get a part-time job to buy a cheap used car on craigslist
>I'll help them pick out a good, bargain smartphone, or a good cheap gaming laptop, or a good used car, but the money has to come from their own hard work
>I'll take them to various sports and they can choose whichever they like best
>Instead of expensive disney vacations every summer, I'll take them camping and let them sign up for summer camps (not those expensive richboy summer camps, but the summercamps that cater to the poor families)
>Expensive disney vacations or Caribbean cruises and stuff will be a rare treat, like maybe once when they turn 13, and again when they turn 16, and maybe finally when they turn 18

Yeah, that's the way right there

>> No.19339559

>fake muscles and fake ass
>need the world to look at them on their giant lawn
>even bring their 2 tiny faggot dogs that probably cost my year's salary into the picture
>btw do you see how we're miscegenation? we're so socially conscious and virtuous! why my girlfriend here barely has a mansion half the size of my father's!
There's nothing wrong with eating the rich.

>> No.19339563

Am I autistic? Why did they record her and caption it as sad? She's just eating fucking food

>> No.19340034

Don't insult the dogs.

>> No.19340120

Lmao, proving once again that incel seethe is the basis of communism and other bio-leninist doctrins.

>> No.19340126


>> No.19340127

This is called the faggot's guide to raising a child. They will wish they grew up in a genuine poorfag family with lazy parents who just give them shit like second hand Xboxes instead of being raised by some "self-made" grifter

>> No.19340145

if you have ever downloaded tik tok you are not old enough to post here

announcing sage and dodging the subsequent ban

>> No.19340203

Fuck you, you'd probably raise a bunch of low-income prison babies or suburban sociopaths, depending on your level of wealth. I would treat my kids the same way no matter if I was rich or poor. They need to learn the value of the dollar, and they need to develop a sensible work ethic.

>> No.19340221

The girls I know raised by parents like what you described ended up becoming prostitutes with loads of tattoos

>> No.19340230

The girls you're talking about ended up that way because they had no parents to discipline them, you dumbass. My parenting style would effectively discipline them, while affording reasonable freedom befitting of a growing teenager, until eventually they reach adulthood.

>> No.19340241

No their parents were exactly like what you described you would do, dummy.

>> No.19340283

You're retarded, and I pity your future children, if you can even have sex

>> No.19340313

I'm just relaying my observations to you. People raised by normal middle class parents who didn't pamper them but didn't refrain from helping them out either turned out normal and successful. Those raised by hardasses with a chip on their shoulder became trannies, prostitutes, tattoomers, feminists, etc. You should probably refrain from mating as you seem to already be developing an adversarial relationship with your as-yet unborn children.

>> No.19340318

I wish I could beat the shit out of you but sadly I can’t. You have no fucking ideia what your rage and bitter fueled autistic parenting does to a kid. My girl friend have the most severe conservative and religious dad, she can’t even fucking dance with her girl friends just because he thinks that’s gay. She cuts herself and mentally beat herself to exhaustion because of that fuck. He restrains her in EVERY way possible and she uses all the opportunity she have to do weird shit, drink, smoke, and that kind of stuff because he did not allowed her to be a normal kid, so now she have no touch with the real world and to after these exciting but harmful things. I hope you rot before you are able to have a kid

>> No.19340355

Because a bunch of dumb cunts try to make a big deal out of it and can't mind their business.

>> No.19340393

...What the FUCK gave you the impression that I wouldn't let me kids dance? Are you fucking stupid? Are you fucking retarded? I said I would limit my kid's internet usage and not spoil them with consoomer shit even if I was rich. If they want to get a smartphone, they have to save up for it with money that they earn every week by doing chores, so it teaches them that they just won't get a free smartphone and they need to take care of it otherwise they need to pay for a new one if they break it. They can go on instagram and tiktok and shit, but they're limited to an hour a day. They can text as much as they fucking want, because keeping up socially is important. They can play videogames, but only 2.5 hours every night AFTER they do all their homework.

I WANT them to go outside and hang out with friends in the real world. I WANT them to go dancing. I WANT them to be disciplined, yet you can't give teens COMPLETE freedom, you need to set up boundaries. As they get older and older, I plan to give them more and more liberty until they're finally 18 or 20 and they're more or less ready for the real world. You can't just let a 13 year old go to parties every single night, retards.

>People raised by normal middle class parents who didn't pamper them but didn't refrain from helping them out either turned out normal and successful
That's EXACTLY what I said I would do. That was the whole POINT of my post, you fucking spastic. Not pamper them by buying them whatever the fuck they want, but give them the means to earn things for themselves, and then help them out when it comes time to buying things.

Goddamn you guys are dumb fucks and should never have children or else you'll fuck them up just like how you're probably fuckups yourselves.

>> No.19340419


>> No.19340423

The way you speak says all one needs to know about the father you'd be

>> No.19340430

Your typing remind me of those onions redditors when they get enraged by "chuds". Will you react like this when your children annoy you kek.

>> No.19340439

>it's on tiktok so it's fake, just a bunch of women staging a video for views
Pretty much

>> No.19340454

>refute your points
>"hurr durr you no maek sents"

Yeah, that's what I thought, retard faggots

>> No.19340473

What are your thoughts on corporal punishment and what will you do if your kid is gay

>> No.19340531

I've been hit by my dad, a lot, it doesn't help. No corporal punishment. If my kid is gay then my kid is gay, oh well.

>> No.19340538


>> No.19340566
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It's not your origins so much as the below average intelligence behind even conceiving of such a list (let alone its eye-wateringly banal content) that'll keep you from moving up the social ladder.

>> No.19340618

Yeah I agree with some of the points you make here but you still come across like an enraged fucking spastic cunt who shouldn't be anywhere near children.
Don't breed you fucking mongoloid, somehow I don't think you'll have to choose that advice conciously though.

>> No.19340635

Why? Because you said some retarded shit and I slapped your retarded-ass opinions down off their high horse? Get fucked, fatties.

>> No.19340636

Your list is pretty reasonable and I can't understand why everyone is shitting on you for it. On the other hand, you have to be a midwit to write up imaginary parenting programs in your free time. Also, making any human being conform to some arbitrary program seems retarded for anyone who can conceive of life and it's values as anything other than a perpetual middle America 20th Century workweek.

>> No.19340650

Nah, because you come across as a mong desperate to prove himself on the internet. I can guarantee your feigned righteousness would lead you to fucking up your kids somehow. You wouldn't be able to control yourself, autist.

>> No.19340662

Sounds pretty based. How much she make & whats her #

>> No.19340738

That was my first post in this thread. There's a lot of people dogpiling you, dude. Maybe you're just a fucking idiot.

>> No.19340784

OK, based

>> No.19340808

Download a bunch of hardcore faggot porn, sit him down and watch all of it with him. Make sure you include a little bit from every genre including anal prolapse and bug chasing.

>> No.19340998

>the little "like and follow" at the end
soulless and evil

>> No.19341003


>> No.19341513

>name dropping bio-leninism
How I know you're a pedophile.

>> No.19342042

no longer human by osamu dazai. Made me understand how some people can just be wrong in a way that is irrecoverable/irreconcilable with society

>> No.19342044

>73 replies
>maybe 4 book recommendations

>> No.19342974

ay lmao women are whores are women

>> No.19342978
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>> No.19343007

Wtf is bio-leninism

>> No.19343209
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Basically how my parents raised me(they went form upper lower class to upper middle class) and I think I turned out ok
>inb4 you're on 4chan

>> No.19343287

We're all pretty lonely/social outcasts one way or another. Books just help stave off the existential dread for a little bit

>> No.19343430

Retarded boomer mindset. This is how poor people think the rich raise their children. You have absolutely no idea and it's obvious you come from a long line of worthless oiks.
>hurr durr one hour of tiktok a day kids
Yeah that's going to instill in them the hard work ethic to prosper and thrive you fucking pleb. Don't ever breed.