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1933353 No.1933353 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you'd like to be turned into movies, assuming the movie would be good. Also feel free to tell who you'd want the cast to be, and if the book is fairly obscure provide a little background info.

>> No.1933356
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>> No.1933360
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OP here. I'd love to see a Dresden Files movie. If you don't know it is a great book series, about a wizard named Harry Dresden, who is also a private detective. It is a mix of old Detective novels and urban fiction. I would love to do it in the old detective Noir Style, muted colors, dramatic scenes, and a running internal monologue of the main character.

As far As Casting goes, I would love to see the guy who played Harry in the TV series reprise his role in the movie. Susan Rodriguez, the spanish reporter, would need to be played by Penelope Cruz or maybe Eva Mendez. As for the Tough as nails but cute blonde cop Lt. Karin Murphy. I could see Amy Adams or even Amy Smart as her.

>> No.1933365


This actually was a movie. Just not a modern one. They totally should do remake though.

>> No.1933373

Really no takers at all? I thought with the new Harry Potter movie coming out, and of course twilight all the time, people would have a whole bunch of ideas on books that would have made better movie.

>> No.1933374

I believe I've read that they're making Blood Meridian into a movie with James Franco as the kid.

me not know what feel

>> No.1933390

To a God Unknown by Steinbeck

It's probably his least read work, but I think the atmosphere of it is really beautiful and haunting.

Joseph - Daniel-Day Lewis
Thomas - Johnny Depp
Burton - Sam Rockwell
Benjy - Casey Affleck
Elizabeth - Natalie Portman
Juanito - Benicio Del Toro

>> No.1933392

James Franco is directing it, even worse

>> No.1933401
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This right here. But we got a couple of kick-ass video games instead, so I'm content.

>> No.1933410

a better Catch-22

a better Princess Bride. yeah, I fucking said it. they cut a bunch of really great parts and, as much as I love Mandy Patinkin, his Inigo Montoya makes me want to punch babies.

if they made a Count of Monte Cristo as long and epic as the novel that'd be cool.

I'd love to see Mr Pye on the big screen, assuming it was done well.

>> No.1933415

A better Catch-22, totally

>> No.1933416

he's got like a doctorate in english though so he's not too bad of a choice

>> No.1933417
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My soul for a world were Eco allowed Kubrick to turn this in to a movie.

>> No.1933430

I don't know if youse guys know Earth, but he made a great album with Blood Meridian as inspiration. The movie would do will to include some tracks.

Is Franco both directing and starring?

>> No.1933434

Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Every character is instructed to chew as much scenery as possible. In the case of John Malkovich, this is meant literally, as he would begin his first scene as the movie's principle villain literally chewing on the edge of a table.

Also, the protagonist's female dragon is now voiced by Tim Curry, who is nice enough to at least try to sound like a woman.

>> No.1933441
File: 59 KB, 370x550, Scarecrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything by Matthew Reilly.
>Directed by Michael Bay.

It would be amazing.

>> No.1933455

A movie of Valis would be interesting. They could get Nicolas Cage to be Horselover. Directed by David Lynch.

>> No.1933460

I still have to play those. Picked the first one up on Steam for $5 last Winter, never played it.

Frankenstein adaptation that isn't about a guy creating a monster going crazy. One that actually explores the psychology and characterization of Victor and the dualism with him and the Creature.

>> No.1933463
File: 52 KB, 796x584, Arty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis Fowl.

Just the first one, mind. No need to go and do the others; If they do, I pray they stop at Eternity Code.

>> No.1933471
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I dream of making The Navidson Record an actual movie....

>> No.1933476

I know it's not a movie, but the BBC stage play from a few years back was really good. They filmed it, so you can probably find a copy floating around the internet somewhere.

>> No.1933478
File: 63 KB, 443x648, the ten thousand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So goood.

>> No.1933479


I thought this was planned but had been in production hell for years.

>> No.1933491

Yeah, it's been in dev hell for several years now. Main problem, I should think, is casting Artemis and maybe Butler.

>> No.1933508

Rad. Will try and find it then. My thanks anon.

>> No.1933513

I would love to see a better Count of Monte Cristo too, the movie that came off it was terrible.

>> No.1933524


>Directed by Danny Boyle
>Starring Jonny Lee Miller

brb downloading

>> No.1933537

I think every version ever has ruined the ending in typical hollywood fashion.

>> No.1933548

I loved the movie, 'cept for the ending.

>> No.1933544

Which movie? There are a few out there.
The one starring what's-his-face who plays Jesus was really bad, but there's one from the 70's that's pretty good even though they changed a lot.

>> No.1933549


>> No.1933555


more likely it's because of doubts of profitability, doubts that i would share given the franchise being considered.

>> No.1933556

It just isn't really feasible. Even if you had unlimited resources and no limits or restrictions, the novel relies too much on literature as a medium to adapt well to film. You could try to use crazy cinematography and stuff to emulate it, but in the end it just wouldn't work.

That's not to say they can't make a good movie based on the story, but a direct adaptation couldn't ever work. That doesn't really make sense, but I think you know what I mean.

>> No.1933564

this applies to this:


so much of the humor is just how it's narrated, and that stuff wouldn't be funny if the characters were saying it. too much narration in movies is awful and movie narrators are almost never funny.

>> No.1933579

Directed by: Paul Thomas Anderson
DP: Emmanuel Lubezki
>Lt. Tyrone Slothrop - John C. Reilly
>Katje -
>Pirate Prentice -
>Tantivy -
>Teddy Bloat -
>Pokler -
>Roger Mexico -
>Dodson-Truck -
>Seaman Bodine -
Fuck, I'm missing so many characters.

>> No.1933632

Perdido Street Station
maybe a modern adaptation of Candide

>> No.1933688
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A new adaption of Naked lunch by william burroughs would be nice.

>> No.1934566

No no no no no no no. He's called "Tyrone" after Tyrone Power. He should have the same looks----handsome, black Irish.

Film would ideally be....

Directed by: Alfonso Cuaron
DP: Robert Richardson

>Lt. Tyrone Slothrop - Colin Farrell
>Katje - Scarlett Johansson
>Pirate Prentice - Eddie Izzard
>Tantivy - Bill Nighy
>Teddy Bloat - Tom Hollander
>Pokler - Christoph Waltz
>Roger Mexico - David Mitchell
>Dodson-Truck - Ben Whishaw
>Seaman Bodine - Jack Black
>Brigadier Pudding - Christopher Lee

>> No.1934569

Assuming it would be good, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.

>> No.1934575


>> No.1934577

there are tv series

>> No.1934578

Hell by Robert Butler
Not a great book but I think it would make a lot better movie

>> No.1934576

The Picture of Dorian Gray would be awesome.

>> No.1934580


>maybe a modern adaptation of Candide

i would actually go to a theater and pay good money to see a film of candide, instead of waiting for it to come out on video. it's one of my favorite books -- and funny as fuck!

have no idea who'd make a good director. possibly the farrelly brothers, because they do gross farces well.

as for actors, i'm open for suggestions and would love to read them. if you have any suggestions, then please list them below.

>> No.1934581

The Catcher in the Rye, but it should be very very good movie or nothing

>> No.1934596

They already made a catcher in the rye movie it's called Taxi Driver

>> No.1934636

I heard a while back that they were thinking of making Stephen King's Dark Tower series a mini series or something. That's something I would like to see.

>> No.1934647

The Hunger Games trilogy.
Could be good.

>> No.1934654

>>Pirate Prentice - Eddie Izzard
>>Teddy Bloat - Tom Hollander
>>Pokler - Christoph Waltz
My money, you must take it.
But I disagree with the whole Colin Farrel for Slothrop, seeing as Slothrop is pretty much the only major American character, so he needs to sort of 'stand out' if you will, from all of the other characters.

>> No.1934674
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Case: Lee Pace
Molly: Emily Blunt
Armitage: Josh Brolin
Riviera: Jude Law or Jared Leto
The Finn: Steve Buscemi
The Dixie Flatline: William Fichtner
Wintermute: Tom Waits
Neuromancer: I have no idea
Linda Lee: Jessica Biel or Kristen Stewart
Julian Deane: Ian McKellen
3Jane: Natalie Portman
Old man Ashpool: Anthony Hopkins
Hideo: Hiroyuki Sanada

>> No.1934708

The Sirens of Titan
Cat's cradle
I am legend
A confederacy of dunces
The Keys to the Kingdom series

>> No.1935134

Altered Carbon
Cat's Cradle

Yes, I like sci-fi

>> No.1935139
File: 37 KB, 413x395, 1302025284001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Confederacy of Dunces

With the right actors, this would be hilarious.

>> No.1935152

South of the border, west of the sun

This will probably never happen