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/lit/ - Literature

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19333453 No.19333453 [Reply] [Original]

Also, how can I stop myself from being Stoner

>> No.19333462

>how can I stop myself from being Stoner
Don't go into academia

>> No.19333472
File: 144 KB, 736x941, Raskolnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am quite literally Raskolnikov

>> No.19333491

For me, it's Quentin Compson.

>> No.19333507

I also feel I am The Swimmer in that John Cheever story
I won't!

>> No.19333519

You wish.

>> No.19333530

Except for financially I am Felix Carbury. An irresponsibly moron who makes life more difficult for his poor mother.

>> No.19333560

I'm the mom from The Road cause I see no future and have given up on my responsibilities

>> No.19333658

I'm the opposite.
>Raskolnikov: a schizoid criminal that everybody likes
>Me: a regular law abiding guy that nobody likes

>> No.19333765

Stop yourself from being a warm hearted and tender man who cares for his company and family beyond their wildest imagination? Stop yourself from being a literary genius who was likely one of the best professors in the entire state? Stop yourself from being brave in the face of a cancer diagnoses so not to burden those who you cherish, even if they’d never show you the same regard? Stop yourself from understanding the significance of every decision you made, big or small, and that love comes in all different varieties as you peacefully pass onto the next life? Why would you want to stop yourself from that, anon?

>> No.19333770
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>> No.19333771

i will literally be fyodor karamazov when i grow up

>> No.19333772
File: 26 KB, 236x365, 6bb3b437e7f76953f7ce7165e3bd4ea7--russian-literature-human-figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally pre-murder Raskolnikov

>> No.19333811
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Isn’t his name Neal? From Good Old Neon?

>> No.19333815

Extremely based. Make sure you keep those brats at a safe distance.

>> No.19333849

I'm Hans Castorp. My house is the sanatorium.

>> No.19333865

What will be your war?

>> No.19333867

Don't go into academia, get a better mind body connection through exercise and more physical or extroverted hobbies, take conscious control of your life and go out of your way to do more fun / adventurous shit, stand up for yourself and don't settle when it comes to the important things.

>> No.19333896

probably turning into a wagecuck

>> No.19333897
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>> No.19333916

Franz Polzer.

>> No.19334025

You are quite literally Smerdyakov

>> No.19334064

I am the "Underground Man"

>> No.19335545


>> No.19335549

I like to think that I am just a much less successful and well read version of Michel de Montaigne.

>> No.19335569
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Julien Sorel

>> No.19335669

I am literally Smerdyakov anon

>> No.19335891
File: 33 KB, 291x450, 2D5EC957-518A-453A-8F1D-1C2019D9EF60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pechorin is literally me
I should have been born a Russian cavalry officer instead of a Suburban burger cubicle drone
Fate is cruel

>> No.19335898
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I am literally Wallenstein

>> No.19335994
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>> No.19336013

I'm Lord Jim.

>> No.19336080
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>ywn comprehend the linguistic subtleties and the intricacies of Homer, Aristophanes and Thucydides

Got any tips on learning Greek through self study? I'm worried about regretting this on my deathbed.

>> No.19336142

No you're fucking not. You are not the type of person to murder two people, faggot. You're a loser and nothing like Rodya.

>> No.19336203
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From the classic historical fiction "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa, Hon'iden Matahachi. He made nothing of himself. After fleeing the battle of Sekigahara with his friend, Shimmen Takezo (who later became the legendary Miyamoto Musashi), he abandoned his fiancé (the beautiful Otsu) waiting for him back home in his small hometown village for a whore-widow in the city. During the prime of his life he wasted his days mired in alcohol and meaningless cooming. He's a delusional egomaniac, was incessantly told that he has potential, and is incapable of producing any coordinated effort.

>> No.19336210

Raskolnikov was a loser who threw his life away for nothing.

>> No.19336217
File: 708 KB, 1600x2432, 91GDow1tuLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanno is literally me, except I didn't fucking die. I've never felt as called out as I did reading his chapters.

>> No.19336525

Venechka from Moscow-Petushki

>> No.19336558

Yeah and im sure the fagots who say "woooooooow that's literally me" did the same thing, the ones living in their houses making these exact threads.

>> No.19336571

I feel like I would've been Darl if I had grown up in similar circumstances as him

>> No.19336748
File: 1.05 MB, 3468x4624, IMG20211029153753-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coincidentally I just started reading it. Gonna look out for this name now, thanks.

>> No.19336807
File: 1.66 MB, 1702x2464, A1isV5oK4JL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally me to a T

>> No.19337701

need to correct myself, I'm more like a combination of quentin and joe christmas from light in august.

>> No.19337753

What's wrong with your belly button, anon?

>> No.19337766

Enjoy, anon. It's a great book, and far funnier than it gets credit for (like almost all of Mann's books).

>> No.19337813

Pessoa of course

>> No.19337824
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>> No.19337848
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>> No.19337868

How often do you fight swedes?

>> No.19337882
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>> No.19338326
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a sick man, and so

>> No.19338387

This. I almost have the same levels of contradictory autism as that dude in the book

>> No.19338528

oh, how good is it? i just ordered it today

>> No.19338579


>> No.19338602
File: 9 KB, 290x445, 31H108p3WCL._SX342_SY445_QL70_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for me personally, but its interesting to note how this is the "literally me" book for so many people in Japan.

>> No.19338686

is it really? do japs actually read if not put together next to 2d characters?

>> No.19338691

Its the second best selling book in Japan. Not sure how it fares when compared to manga like you said, but then again i doubt books are winning against other entertainment media anywhere in the world.

>> No.19338903

source on that? All I could find was this blogpost https://nbakki.hatenablog.com/entry/All_Time_Best-selling_Books which used a tv show from 2015 as a source. Can't find anything else

>> No.19339298

Why the fuck would anyone even think of abridging a short story

>> No.19339334

I'm not sure why every other cover of this book is so sexual. Sure there is that aspect of it but not much more than you'd find in your average 1830s novel honestly. Would have been much more fitting and ironic with Napoleon on the cover or something.

Also needless to say 99.9% of European women would not have looked anything like that with their clothes off in the early 1800s

>> No.19339339


>> No.19339704

He wasn't the type of person to murder two people either, that's the entire point of the novel

>> No.19341108

this book is so fucking good

>> No.19342122

I'm the protagonist/antagonist from my diary desu

>I am quite literally Raskolnikov
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor?

He just means he's going to rape his wife.

>> No.19342164
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>> No.19342197

Antoine Roquentin I guess
but I have a gf

>> No.19342243

I hated him so much yet he was so human at the same time.

>> No.19342609
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>> No.19342621
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>> No.19343816

based m2

>> No.19343838

H. H from lolita

>> No.19343998

almost. this guy lays down pipe left and right though.

>> No.19344011
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>> No.19344040

Akakiy Akakievich from the overcoat (my coat got stolen)

>> No.19344493

>I am The Swimmer
Bro, you've got some serious problems if you are. That pretty much implies you are in denial and living in a fantasy, a fantasy which is obviois to those arouns you. Seek help.

>> No.19344554

You're a pathetic, sociopathic, bitter retard? Me too

>> No.19344777

Those 2 dudes who steal Akakiy Akakievich's coat in The Overcoat

>> No.19344788


>> No.19344801

That's a fairly common trend with 19th century French literature. I wonder if it is done to make it stand out from the Victorian prudishness.

>> No.19344820

Same. Sad life.

>> No.19345009
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>> No.19345031 [DELETED] 

put a quarter in it once and had to have it surgically removed

>> No.19345037

Take your penis out of Edith when she don’t want to fuck.

>> No.19345158

Émile Sinclair

>> No.19345192
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>> No.19345397

that guy from the beginning of infinite jest who just sits around doing nothing for hours anxiously waiting for some girl to deliver his weed

>> No.19345418

what the fuck does literally even mean

>> No.19345423

Oblomov with a side of Mishkin

>> No.19345433
File: 240 KB, 652x521, 1634782746008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think I'm like this guy too.

>> No.19345510

I think he meant literarily

>> No.19345526

>guy is constantly taken advantage of by women
fuckin wish this was me

>> No.19345705
File: 344 KB, 1520x2333, against nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unnecessarily verbose just flex my poetics
>Raging aesthete
>Hate doing work and just live in contemplation of aesthetic beauty

Yea, this is me, for better or worse.

>> No.19345772
File: 172 KB, 919x1390, young-adolf-hitler-1905-FD83PG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Young Hitler I Knew

>> No.19345952
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Le Jude, c'est moi

>> No.19346568

The inverse equation of life lmfao, ppl loathe whatever the fuck they want, how aspiring !!!

>> No.19346587

Why in God's name is everybody on the board slighting Autism as if it is kinda HIV or Malaria man up faggot...

>> No.19346599

Autism is sexually transmitted use a condom.

>> No.19346613

It's just a meme word the internet makes us of, not a diagnosis.

>> No.19346616

use of*

>> No.19346641

Horselover Fat but less depressed

>> No.19346671

Timothy Archer but less transmogrified

>> No.19346705

I am Heathcliff

>> No.19346731

Yes this is me too but I’m not rich so I can’t afford any of the bullshit he describes in the book. If I did despite being a recluse I would still invite people over every once in a while to see their bewildered reactions to it all and laugh at their plebery

>> No.19346777

what was your crowning shame?

>> No.19346820
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>that part where he starts ripping into himself

>> No.19347153

Robert de Saint-Loup

>> No.19347164


>> No.19347210

its good. its great actually. also horrible and at times painfully relateable.
The contradictions between how he "repents" by writing and his weasly acts is what makes it good and bad

>> No.19347893

Stoner is a hero. If you have a way out then you are not Stoner.

>> No.19348015

dude weed lmao

>> No.19348886

>Raskolnikov: a schizoid criminal that everybody likes
Read the book first

>> No.19348907
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I am Elisabeth/ Paul in the sense I live in my own secluded world and I hate everyone who attempts to penetrate it.

>> No.19349382

the true /lit/ hero

>> No.19349441
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>> No.19349570
File: 872 KB, 1023x872, de98qo9-5912a449-7483-4556-a614-1fcc4689ab7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me books that promote suicide.
Or that just say life is meaningless.

>> No.19349607

I want to cum

>> No.19349860


>> No.19349902
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>> No.19350225

What am I missing?

>> No.19350245
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Psychopath and Neet

>> No.19350318
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>Gregory Berrycone.

Or maybe the guy from the book where 75% of the words are Nigger.

>> No.19351326
File: 12 KB, 313x500, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me lol
best book ever

>> No.19352278

Matahachi is literally me

>> No.19353442
File: 87 KB, 646x334, stoner thread on lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all stoner

>> No.19353528

denial of death

>> No.19353545

indeed. finished reading it yesterday. hit me the same way a classic album first slaps. keeps growing and suffusing itself upon my thoughts. relate a lot to stoner right now.

>> No.19353970

I'm literally Tao Lin.

>> No.19353976

why are you such a coward?

>> No.19353986

I remember being struck by how much I related to Levin's Personality in Anna Karenina

>> No.19353996

I'm literally Josef K.

>> No.19354012

are you retarded kek

>> No.19354034

nigga u ever find out whats behind that door?

>> No.19354047

you don't think stoner is a coward? why don't you use your words kid. I asset he is a meek little coward who let his relationship with his daughetr wither at the hands of his wife and priamirly his cowardice, and he let his office get ruined as well, his only sanctuary, among other cowardly things.

>> No.19354138

its a battle he would not have won for many reasons.

>> No.19354466

I think I am becoming Raskolnikov's friend, Razhumikin.

>roommate anon says he's constantly tired and becomes more erratic
>like "I just wanna bash something to oblivion"
>gets hospitalized for some brain anomaly
>"I think I'm dying anon but I wanna do something thrilling, fun, wild before I depart"
>stays with him, even slept on the top bunk one time together
>buys him food, helps him dress
>"th-thanks anon but you really don't have to"

This was a year ago. There is quite obviously a gigantic elephant in the room, but none of us want to approach it.

>> No.19354695
File: 123 KB, 976x1500, 374233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally you and me

>> No.19354901


>> No.19355020


>> No.19355181
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>tfw settembrini

>> No.19355240

i'm Empedocles

>> No.19355441

>none of us want to approach it.
just dont, what the worst that could hap;pen

>> No.19355469

wish I had a friend like you, keep doing good bro.

>> No.19355518

should be required reading for any midwit who has ever self-described as "smart, but lazy"

>> No.19356824

thirded for Russki masterpiece

>> No.19356846


>> No.19356851

Based. I’d drink with you on the train.

>> No.19356960

>whats the worst that could happen

They fuck?

>> No.19357010
File: 53 KB, 431x600, Fukawa.Touko.600.2091178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you count fictional writers? if so, i am literally her
including the serial killer part

>> No.19357163
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The mirrors on the landing reflected ladies in white, pale-blue, and pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on their bare necks and arms.
Natásha looked in the mirrors and could not distinguish her reflection from the others. All was blended into one brilliant procession. On entering the ballroom the regular hum of voices, footsteps, and greetings deafened Natásha, and the light and glitter dazzled her still more.

More than half the ladies already had partners and were taking up, or preparing to take up, their positions for the polonaise. Natásha felt that she would be left with her mother and Sónya among a minority of women who crowded near the wall, not having been invited to dance. She stood with her slender arms hanging down, her scarcely defined bosom rising and falling regularly, and with bated breath and glittering, frightened eyes gazed straight before her, evidently prepared for the height of joy or misery. She was not concerned about the Emperor or any of those great people whom Perónskaya was pointing out—she had but one thought: “Is it possible no one will ask me, that I shall not be among the first to dance? Is it possible that not one of all these men will notice me? They do not even seem to see me, or if they do they look as if they were saying, ‘Ah, she’s not the one I’m after, so it’s not worth looking at her!’ No, it’s impossible,” she thought. “They must know how I long to dance, how splendidly I dance, and how they would enjoy dancing with me.”

The strains of the polonaise, which had continued for a considerable time, had begun to sound like a sad reminiscence to Natásha’s ears. She wanted to cry. Perónskaya had left them. The count was at the other end of the room. She and the countess and Sónya were standing by themselves as in the depths of a forest amid that crowd of strangers, with no one interested in them and not wanted by anyone. Prince Andrew with a lady passed by, evidently not recognizing them. The handsome Anatole was smilingly talking to a partner on his arm and looked at Natásha as one looks at a wall. Borís passed them twice and each time turned away.

>> No.19357635
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>tfw depressed and nihilistic.

>> No.19357700

>Missing the point this badly