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19333047 No.19333047 [Reply] [Original]

Book(s) about the Protestant work ethic in relation to Catholicism

>> No.19333109

I need to kill myself with overwork to please the lord
I need to kill myself with overwork to please my mother

>> No.19333142

Doesn’t exist. It’s just retarded prots seething about meds not being wagecucks and not giving jews their return on investment

>> No.19333956

itt anons who don't know what protestant work ethic is

>> No.19334415
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>> No.19334589

protestant work ethic is aimed at success in carrer, so gains of reputation and wealth
Catholic work ethic is the end goal of good works achieved.

>> No.19334630

Prot work ethic is the ultimate materialist subversion of Christianity.

> I'm only good in gods eyes and worthy of heaven if I have lots of stuff
> I must work hard to get stuff to prove to others that God is gracing me with heaven

>> No.19334637

You need help

>> No.19334665

Protestantism is the real Christianity. The misled souls of the Catholic "church" will not tell you that. Christ in the KJV says to call no Earthly man Father (as in creator) but the Catholics take that and twist it on its head and call their own Pastors "Father". They are also idol worshippers in the image of blessed virgin Mary and the Crucifix and the Saints (most of whom I respect greatly); as well as pagans and angel worshippers.

>> No.19334678

They are praying through the saints and Mary because they have closer seats to God. Its the same thing as asking your pastor to pray for you. They don't worship the saints.

>> No.19334686

do you have a closer seat to mary or whoever than to god for this middleman to be warranted?

>> No.19334689

Wagecucking is good

>> No.19334738

go buy forgiveness from your cathcuck homosexual rapist priest

>> No.19334748

seethe prot

>> No.19334774

You mean the christian work ethic?

>> No.19334828

im having dreams about you every night
i want you so badly

>> No.19334836


>> No.19335001

this. catholics are just dark skinned voodoo cultists that give statues of the virgin mary bottles of rum and cigars praying for lotto numbers.

>> No.19335064

There is only one intercessor and that is Jesus Christ. Should be obvious. Obviously Catholics are heathens and idolators.

>> No.19335504

I was reading about "megachurches" and they look incredibly abominable. I was following a series of criticisms about them until the writer started going on about how they're anti-LGBT and the other usual buzz. But one thing caught my eye: the "prosperity Gospel", a very American idea that if you have faith, God will make you rich. I know it's not necessarily synonym with "protestant work ethic" but are burgers really like this shallow and disgusting? I'm not looking up any videos of this shit but I imagine it's astronomical levels of cringe.

>> No.19335524
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>Christ in the KJV
Who gives a single, solitary FUCK what some translation says? You do know Catholics and Orthodox can read the actual Bible, right? Shit translations like that are what give rise to
>lmao everyone in the Antiquity was a faaaaaaaaag
because you don't have all the words. Why are Protties such soulless little automatons?

>> No.19335556

Dude I am reading about these huge American televangelists who preach that God is legally bound to give you money, they have tens of millions of followers... If Protestantism is real Christianity then we're all fucked.

>> No.19335590


>> No.19335617

>itt anons who don't know what protestant work ethic is

>> No.19335621

not true
that is false
retarded take

>> No.19335630

wait when you all discuss this you kinda expect that everyone is familiar with weber, right?


>> No.19335640

yes. i made this thread in order to find a Catholic commentary/response to it or something similar.

>> No.19335736

>Catholics-Socialists want to Capitalize the domestic inasmuch as Protestant-Capitalists want to domesticate the Capital, "Protestant work ethic" is only innovative in content: the C-S proudly claims that the P-C is only wrong because he works for himself and the P-C claims that the C-S is only wrong because he works for others. The C-S is as, if not more, morbid than the P-C in worshiping work. Neither inquires about the truth of work and its place in the Phenomenal world. In fact, the C-S is even more choleric than the P-C, his pretension to being a good person revealing itself to be nothing more than bestial obsession with exertion at the slightest critique of work. The C-S implicitly Philosophically conceding to the P-C in claiming the P-C idea fundamentally good, only criticizing it inasmuch as it fails to impose itself onto a minority of people (!): money and material goods toward sensuous pleasures are the highest good, and are only bad inasmuch the people sanctioned by the C-S are not experiencing them. Likewise, the P-C implicitly Philosophically concedes to the C-S in claiming the C-S idea fundamentally good, only criticizing it inasmuch as it fails to embrace a particular kind of servitude: servitude is the highest good, and is only bad inasmuch as it excludes P-C-sanctioned servitude. The reified effects of this convergence are as obvious as they are tragic, people whose whole lives consist of nothing more than work to mitigate the consequences of their lives consisting of nothing more than work and people whose whole lives consist of nothing more than medical treatment to mitigate the consequences of their lives consisting of nothing more than medical treatment; the C-S is, again, at least as, if not more, morbid than the P-C in prescribing people a lifetime of suffering. Per the P-C, you must suffer incidentally, per the C-S, you must suffer. In light of this, the "primitive" or "shallow" Gnostic and Orthodox attitudes toward work are anything but. If you happen to be into Socionics, map the Christian branches onto the quadras for further elaboration: Gnostic-Gamma, Orthodox-Delta, Catholic-Alpha, Protestant-Beta.

>> No.19335757

I don’t understand Jack. What are those Deltas and Gammas and whatever?

>> No.19335819

kys spambot

>> No.19335849

The "Protestant work ethic" simply comes from the Reformed belief that you should fulfill well your station in life. If you are, for example, a bank teller, you should strive, as part of your Christian duty, to be a good bank teller, to honor God through honest work and service. Doing this tends to correlate with increased material gain but it is not the goal in any sense.

>> No.19335856

"Stop thinking everybody, I'm right and nothing more needs to be said"

>> No.19335859

You're welcome to argue with me, provided you have something to say that isn't vapid anti-Protestant rhetoric.

>> No.19335864

Also I am indeed right. If I thought I were wrong I would not have made the statement I did. Does this concept offend you?

>> No.19335868

Well criticizing the PWE is anti-Protestant, and you're going to call it vapid (since the criticisms are obvious) so why bother?
Since everything you say is right, can you tell me some stonks to invest in? Just make it up, the price will go up once they know Anon said they're good.

>> No.19335880

>Well criticizing the PWE is anti-Protestant, and you're going to call it vapid (since the criticisms are obvious) so why bother?
All I have done is put the question in its proper sphere, the theological. If there is any increased work ethic in Protestantism it comes from the theological point that I mentioned. Do you think that Christians should perform poorly in their station? Should a judge not worry about being a good judge? What do you actually think about the matter?
>>>19335864 (You)
>Since everything you say is right, can you tell me some stonks to invest in? Just make it up, the price will go up once they know Anon said they're good.
People hold opinions and viewpoints because they think they are correct. They may not actually be correct, but they think that they are. Your relativist drivel is frankly banal. If someone disagreeing with you is going to send you to the fainting couch then you should perhaps retire from all public discourse.

>> No.19336590
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Pope Pfizer says getting vaccinated is the Christian thing to do.

>> No.19336895

Is look into the works of Hilaire Belloc. He probably doesn’t have what you’re looking for exactly, but he does write on economics and politics from a very catholic perspective. So it might help

>> No.19336913

Hope you don’t call your dad “dad” lol

>> No.19336928

Yeah it’s a massive sham that preys on the dumb and desperate. They’ll have commercials and telethons where you can send them money for absolution.
There was even one that refused to open its doors to people displaced by a hurricane. Big wide open empty auditorium that the holy rollers couldn’t open up to the needy.

>> No.19336945

Say what you want about the merits of Catholicism or Protestantism as the true Christianity, but it's clear today that the Catholic church serves no purpose and the only reason to remain Catholic is because of the "gates of hell" clause that makes you think there's still a point to being Catholic despite the fact that the church goes against most Catholic teachings and is practically undifferentiable from globohomo techno-politics. What's the next thing that Pope Francis will do to destroy the church even further?

>> No.19337018

A lot of people ITT seem to be equating Protestant work ethic with Prosperity Gospel (God will make you rich for following X megachurch ministry). I always thought Protestant work ethic was just a sociological term used to describe how much more actively expansionist and colonial Britain and America were in comparison to the more Catholic parts of Europe.

This just sounds like you have beef with Haitians.

>> No.19337030

if anything is the work of the antichrist
it's prosperity gospel

>> No.19337038
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>are Burgers really this shallow and disgusting?
They're worse than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.19337042

>how much more actively expansionist
look where that got them
a couple years of glorious increased GDP while laying the foundations for globalization

>> No.19337249

>Protestant work ethic
meme propaganda

>> No.19337299
File: 31 KB, 326x498, 519ZqEQu23L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This any good lads?

>> No.19337437

You're correct about what the term means. /lit/ is filled with retarded tradcath LARPers who don't have any clue what they're talking about.

>> No.19338003

Internet catholics are the scum of the earth

>> No.19338397

"Protestant work ethic" is a theory about Calvinists, not Luther really.

>> No.19338488

Prayer is synonymous with worship. Prayer is reserved for the triune God, and anything else is unnecessary.

>> No.19338663
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>Wagecucking is good
It sure is, I got stocks!

>> No.19338672
File: 11 KB, 707x436, Protestant_work_ethic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a huge meme, typical idealist bullshit that contradicts reality.