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19328524 No.19328524 [Reply] [Original]

malebros... what do we think of this?

>> No.19328533

>Why men are the disposable sex
Other males.

>> No.19328552

You will never be a woman
You have no womb
You have no eggs
Your skeletal structure gives it away
On your tombstone they will carve your birth name
In a 500 years they’ll dig up your skeleton and conclude you were a male

>> No.19328594

Women have the power. You are a apologist for the fascism of the "fairer" sex, according to this book

>> No.19328599

Pretty sure OG Butterfly is cis, but she doesn't have any eggs left lol.

What a profound observation you dumb fucking whore. Duh. Women are the bottleneck in procreation. In the 9 months it takes one woman to carry pregnancy, one man can potentially impregnate upwards of 70 other women. But I bet you think that's just a "social construct" because you don't get biology (see your shriveled up ovaries for reference).

>> No.19328603

Hiya buttahz, are ye a-doin' NaNoWriMo?

>> No.19328633

life is not inherently harder for men or women. it's just different. I wish people would accept this already. I'm so tired of the battle of the sexes. but, desu, it's an incredibly human thing to get so bent out of shape over that, so i can't really expect anything else out of people, esp on 4chan.

>In the 9 months it takes one woman to carry pregnancy, one man can potentially impregnate upwards of 70 other women
wait, what? are you only able to nut every few days or something? potentially, a man could impregnate multiple women in a single day. if he does this every day for 9 months, that's way more than 70. unlikely, sure, but still. where exactly did you get that number from?

>> No.19328684

not every nut is going to lead to a pregnancy. a guy could def push into the triple figures if both he and all of the women are healthy and at peak fertility.

>> No.19328708

When I'm a billionaire I'll just have the slave's menstrual cycles monitored, and feed them fertility drugs under duress. I am only aiming to impregnate 5 women per week, for 10 years. I am not a trying to get 3 pregnant a day, that's insane

>> No.19328711

I’ve always been
I do so, just never used it.
Menopause any year now!
My birth name is a girl’s name.
I would like to buried by a tree or healthy sapling.

Is that what the book goes on about?
Make common cause with socialist males and women and get the fascist tendencies in the others under control.
Naw. Never have before. I have neglected my writing. Still think of the two I want to write quite often though, so I guess they’re not dead

>> No.19328725

You don't want your soul to be eaten by a tree soul butterfly, it's a weird experience to say the least.

>> No.19328745

>Is that what the book goes on about?
To be perfectly honest, I haven't read it

>> No.19328762

There is no myth of male power. Men are the most powerful, so powerful that they can make other men disposable for their profit. Really has not much to do with women besides the fact that powerful men want to fuck them all for themselves.

>> No.19328776

>Men are the most powerful, so powerful that they can make other men disposable for their profit.
And yet not powerful enough to prevent other men making them disposable.
If the power you talk about arises from one's masculinity, then the "patriarchy" would be egalitarian because all men would be equally men.
So maybe the power that the powerful men have, has something other to do than with the fact they're male, otherwise the masculinity of the men they use would counter it.

>> No.19328802

how do I delete my own thread this sucks

>> No.19328808

Try not making it in the first place next time.

>> No.19328818

That's a thought

>> No.19328822
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>> No.19328867

Petey works out at the library.

>> No.19328873

You make me smile. I like you as a friend

>> No.19328913

Women really are the niggers of gender

>> No.19328939
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>> No.19328989

What were you expecting to get out of the thread exactly? Maybe it's still salvageable if you explain in detail what you thought of the book and ask what questions you're actually wanting to have answered about it instead of meming like some prancing lala homo.

Just a thought.

>> No.19329687

It's true. Men are inferior but pretend they aren't because they have upper body strength. They frequently get themselves killed just to look cool in front of friends, or when no one is looking they want to kill themselves. I'm starting to think that men just want to die. despite the superiority they claim over us, they're unhappy and most barely achieve anything around the ages of 15 - 25, and far beyond their 30s. Whereas women, despite all the devaluation they face, enjoy life and have dozens of academic achievements stacked under their name. They only stop after realizing they can contribute more than an average man ever could by bringing 7 billion people to the economy.

I believe the reason why men constantly belittle women is bc they can't have or control our happiness and affection we receive from other women. If you discard the masculine value system we live in, Men are perpetually lonely and miserable. They're unlovable too since they're ugly and unable to connect with anyone. Only a handful of men have the money to burn to keep themselves warm.

>> No.19329723

Will reading this convince me to troon out?

>> No.19329732

Females live out their animalistic side more and more, flaunting their sexuality for everyone to see at any point in time, while at the same time DEMANDING from men that they do the exact opposite, that they can never dare to even give a hint of their animalistic side. If thats not a massive display of power in society I dont know what is.

Strangely they seem to be completely unaware of their actions, or that might even be just another mind trick they use.

Today I will go outside and knock out and try to rape the next bitch that shows too much skin. Y'know just being all for equality on the being animalistic front.

>> No.19329737

"The slave that has been brainwashed to think he is the master will never be able to see his prison."

Me, anon, today.

>> No.19329747
File: 47 KB, 850x400, quote-to-me-one-man-is-worth-ten-thousand-if-he-is-first-rate-heraclitus-95-73-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a book written by an inferior male.
>Make common cause with weak males and women and get the strong tendencies in the others under control.

>> No.19329839

Stop getting baited, this guy posts in half the threads on the board pretending to be OP.

>> No.19330108

To be fair, I haven't seen half the threads on the board

>> No.19331261

men built the western society, cope more femcel

>> No.19331302
File: 610 KB, 1024x768, laetitia-casta-affiche-nue-sur-instagram_exact1024x768_l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female power has it. Male power doesn't need it. Together combined they create captain planet, he's a hero.