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19328495 No.19328495 [Reply] [Original]

I feel as though cutting out popular media and replacing my spare time with reading has separated and disassociated me from the average person, and I don't like it.

>> No.19328505

Why is the fuck would you ever want to associate with an average person? These creatures scare the shit out of me. They look human, but aren't.

>> No.19328510

consciousness is hard....

>> No.19328513

>he needs popular media to associate with the average person
I diagnose you with NPC.

It's terminal

>> No.19328515

>"noooooooooo please I WANT to be a boring piece of shit noooooooooooooooooooooo"
>t. you

>> No.19328526
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I don't watch popular media but it's not like a struggle to talk to people for that reason. Maybe you're just gay OP?

>> No.19328539


Average are the majority. I have no special contempt for the average person. But there are few and far between people I can share my thoughts with forthrightly. Having to 'dumb it down' or stop myself short of talking about things I'm interested in is very exhausting.

>> No.19328540

Why would you care about average people? GTFO normalfag

>> No.19328579
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>fill brain with filth
>suffer mental problems
many such cases

>> No.19328816

Change the average guy to relate to you.

>> No.19328869

Back in the 90s a coworker explained to me he watched the most popular sitcom, at the time either seinfeld or friends, and the home nfl game during football season just so he could talk to coworkers and they not suspect he wasn't like them. That was 1/2 hour a week and football in the background on sunday in winter.

>> No.19328906

Yeah it's awkward but I've always been a freak

>> No.19328911

>hey anon, have you seen this new show!
>I don't have tv
>oh neither do I, it is on netflix
>I don't have netflix
>oh. I was watching this youtube channel you would love
>I barely have internet, streaming video is not really possible
>oh, do you live out in the woods or something?
>no, I just don't care about being able to stream video so I got cheap ass internet
>oh, so, ah...
>this is the part where you get uncomfortable because I just forced you to acknowledge that your identity is built around staring at screens and now you are convinced that I am judging you for it but I am not, I don't really care if you watch netflix for 8 hours every night.
>it is ok, I am used to it
>I will just stand here in silence until you think of something else to talk about or give up and scamper away

I have mostly given up on talking to people

>> No.19328940

post brain megamind

>> No.19328950

Don't feel too bad. Just being the type of person who posts on 4chan is enough signify that you are the type of person who could probably never connect with the average person. Some people are just born to be outcasts. If not you then who?

>> No.19329022

Many problems I see on this board are remedied with age. If everyone below 25 was barred from participating, Yahweh knows this board would be the pinnacle of literary discourse.

>> No.19329070

If you're cunning and ambitious, you can lead them. To do so, it helps to be someone they can relate to.

>> No.19329073


>> No.19329351


> Back in the 90s a coworker explained to me he watched the most popular sitcom, at the time either seinfeld or friends, and the home nfl game during football season just so he could talk to coworkers and they not suspect he wasn't like them. That was 1/2 hour a week and football in the background on sunday in winter.

Yeah, but retardo entertainment has changed since then. Now you have to keep up with absolutely everything, and it all has a much uglier tone and is usually lower quality. Less and less people have the stomach to put up with it. The mass entertainment niggercattle culture we have in America is becoming less and less tenable and more extreme over time. Like imagine speaking ebonics "because it's cool" or mutilating your body with a tattoo. A new, brutal aristocracy is in the making in response, and I for one welcome our new, cruel, white-judeo-asiatic overlords. I would also love to see a mercenary class like the Samurai literally hunt normies down over debt and steal their heads for quick cash. Sign me up. I was born too soon

>> No.19329369


Even if you're a healthy seeming person, you literally do have to watch the same media and listen to the same music, or at least pretend. You might think you're charismatic, but you secretly aren't getting invited to things and are barred entry to many opportunities like perhaps networking or job promotion. Dumb beasts like them refuse to deal with the small cruelty of intellectual inferiority or tolerating even mild differences in hobbies or manner of taste