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File: 497 KB, 1218x1214, kisspng-aristotle-lyceum-ancient-greek-philosophy-philosop--5b8c04b03e5c91.3369473315359028962554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19328271 No.19328271 [Reply] [Original]

how can i articulate NEETdom to my father? have any great writers written about it?
>inb4 get a job
slaves need not reply

>> No.19328284

Neetdom can't last forever

>> No.19328301

>go to work
>get some money
>lurk around biz
>go all in into some meme coins or get into stocks
>if you're lucky you'll get some money, leave the job and start investing more, this time smartly
>if you're not retarded you're set for life
At least that's my plan. What do you think?

>> No.19328342

nothing can except God

>> No.19328427

Doesn't the soul last forever in abrahamic religions?

>> No.19328456

Don't have the knowledge to say cause I still have little but I don't think it's smart to go all in. You only hear about the successful cases not the many who lose everything. Better to spread it out and consistently invest a percentage of your income. And to always keep enough in the bank to last you at least a year.

>> No.19328469

>he doesn’t realize the difference between soul and essential soul

>> No.19328476

What's the difference. Please

>> No.19328477

Just get a fucking trade job and make $100k a year doing electrician work.

>> No.19328497

>get a job working 50-60 hours a week


>> No.19328509

It really seems like the only way to get rich is to invest and get lucky. Even if you were to learn a skill and be very good at it, you'll never be wealthy enough to retire at the rate we are going. Our whole economy is based on investing in technology businesses and hoping we pull out before they go bankrupt.

>> No.19328529

No such thing as an immortal soul.
Overtons Man Wholly Mortal discusses this.

>> No.19328537

>can’t explain something he claims to know
Ironic of you to post Aristotle.

>> No.19328564

The Bogs will come for us all

>> No.19328605

oh, i can. my ideas are a synthesis of disparate influences with a common thread. i'd like to know if anyone before me has done the same and published anything like it.

>> No.19328635

You have to choose NEET but no money or money but work

>> No.19328649

Go to bed James, I won't tell you again.

>> No.19328654

I gotcha covered famalam:
>I don't want to work
Short and sweet. Gets the point across, don't you think?

>> No.19328655

NEET Losers who have never actually worked before think having a job is the worst thing ever, but really it just means you can't watch as many animu eps as you currently do, and you actually have to physically move. To the NEET, these seem to be unbearable downsides, when in reality they are blessings. If you get a physical enough job, its basically getting paid to go to the gym. That's right, instead of paying to go to the gym like you've always meant to, they will PAY YOU to work out. You have literally no excuse.

>> No.19328662

Start with the greeks

>> No.19328666

ok I'm your dad:
"Why don't you want to contribute to society like normal working people? Are you afraid? Are you lazy? Even if you don't like your society or the work it requires of you, part of being an adult is accepting the shortcomings of your situation and being productive. Having a job is part of our way of life, going against the stream is childish, emotional, and maladaptive. It's time to grow up and get with the program."
what do we say to this? I'm in the same boat

>> No.19328672

yes, i understand
father says:
>you have to work
but he means
>you really should work
to which i reply
>i don't want to work
an impasse is reached but so be it.

>> No.19328689

i've had several jobs. some may enjoy physical labor but i am not meant for it. i am meant exercise my mind. that is harder to make a living off of because job opportunities are scarce.
i suppose you have to accept their insults. say or think what they like, all that matters is what they do and if they don't intend to remove you then you're in a good spot.

>> No.19328695
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>Not listening to your Father
>Doesn't want to work
>Spends all their time on 4chan and vidya
>Will never achieve anything
Why would you want to be this?
I genuinely don't understand why you would want to be a whiney redditoid manchild.
You are a slave to your mediocrity.

>> No.19328714
File: 14 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-700990240-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the fact that you can tell exactly how this would go says that you're more self-aware than you let off. I know that you know what you must do, but all the walls you've put up inside yourself prevent you from executing it. You might say that it's actually deeper than not wanting to work, that it's your crippling social anxiety or your lack of skills or your lack of a car to get to a job or lack of social skills etc etc etc. But we both know that, beneath all of this, the real problem is that you can't bring yourself to accept life and face things head on. One can have all of the same obstacles in their life that you would blame for your being a neet and still not be a neet. But, instead, you choose to hide behind anything you can to either not accept this or leech off of others while you bide time until you must. I know society is bullshit and 'contribooting' is bullshit, too, but if you live your entire life with this mindset, running from corner to corner like a scared animal, you will never, ever be happy. Get a job or a degree or whatever or don't, just fucking do something with your life. Because this shit- I know you know it doesn't make you happy. And you don't have to keep living this way. And what's more, the only thing others will do is talk shit or tell you what to do- no one but you can actually make your decisions. You know this. So why do you still expect life to do it for you?

>> No.19328720

"I would prefer not to"

>> No.19328732

>I am not meant for physical labor
Ok don’t mind me crushing your skull in half with my hand you pathetic faggot, you know nothing of the liberation that comes with being strong. I was once like you, then I got into a fight, it forever changed me. You will never be happy sitting and doing nothing, you will cope by filling it with short term entertainment that has no value

>> No.19328733

for me, it's the consoomer materialist factory of production that is society which puts me off to engaging in work. it is depressing and a stark contrast to the ideal of the greek city state, where the cultural centerpiece is the pursuit of the sublime rather than technique for its own sake

>> No.19328736

1. How about expanding the acronym - "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", what's left to explain?
2. Why did you post Aristotle, he was a chad who was so wealthy he didn't need to work but still became employed as Alexander's tutor? How the fuck does he have any relation to being a NEET?

>> No.19328744

>greek city state
Buddy, newsflash, ancient greece died thousands of years ago. You're in the 21st century, baby, and you're not going back. Now, are you going accept the unavoidable unfortunate aspects of modern life and still try to find some kind of happiness or are you going to waste away and keep blaming the world for your unhappiness until you die, unfulfilled?

>> No.19328754

I am going to be a homeless man and wander the countryside eating squirrels
you got a problem with that, big guy?

>> No.19328772

>dependent on others
>will contribute nothing to no one

>> No.19328777

I don't like it either but that doesn't stop me from utilizing it for my own gain. I save my money, and it won't really be that long before I could buy some land and build a modest home in the country if that's what I decide to do - but first I need to make money.
Your illusion of what the perfect Greek city state was isn't real either, unless you were born an aristocrat. Not much different from now - the modern world is a great place to live if you were born the son of a Wall Street Fat Cat.
You're gonna need to be more realistic if you're gonna be happy in this world.

>> No.19328783

yes I just literally cannot help but constantly seethe at not being an aristocrat, intellectually and socially. that's what it comes down to

>> No.19328785

Even if you were an anime watching neet who did nothing but play sleazy visual novels all day and harass random women through sock puppet accounts on twitter, I don't have a problem with you or the way you live- to judge your life and choices is not my job as a human and I don't care to waste my energy doing so. But I will point out the obvious flaws in one's worldview and life plan when I see them, just like anyone else would, and if your flaw is that you're so obsessed with a masturbatory daydream of larping as some idealized 'based' ancient greek fuck debating in a forum to the degree that you can't even function in modern society then, yeah, I'm gonna point that out to you. Is it a very human thing to do? Yeah, totally- we all got flaws and egos, but we don't always gotta keep living with them if, at one point in life, we do.

>> No.19328796

Well, I'm glad you realize this and are honest with yourself. Now that you can see it's causing you so much pain and anguish, you can start replacing it with some type of worldview that actually serves you better and makes you motivated enough to want to actually live. We all gotta accept things about life that we don't like. The silver lining, though, is that the human spirit is durable enough to survive past this, put the pain to rest, and start to thrive. That can be you, anon.

>> No.19328838

yes you both are correct, I am attempting to fix this, thanks. im not the OP btw, but another neet who hijacked the thread

>> No.19328859

Well good luck anon

>> No.19328863

Just claim that NEETs are the modern heirs of aristocratic freedom.

>> No.19328866

I am also painfully aware of my inferiority of class, both in the tangible and the spiritual sense, but it doesnt make me seethe; it makes me feel ashamed of existing at all, or it makes want to go away to some remote location where I cant infect anything. I am probably significantly more dysfunctional than you though. I have always had an extremely vivid sense of aesthetic, and it has practically crippled me, because everything around me, including my own reflection, is so unbelievably ugly almost all of the time. And I have experienced more superficial beauty than most people: girls, nature, my own face and body, strange fortuitous circumstances. But this is still a pathetically provincial, almost savage, conception of aesthetic; it is basically the soul of some creeping arthropod, who is extremely adept in locating its prey, wholly unaware of even the possibility of focusing its scattered insect mind on actual meaning and beauty. I know I am like this because I have been gifted with a degree of honesty which is downright perverse in its stature when compared with any other positive quality I possess, and this honesty compels me to prostrate myself in ever more ridiculous excursions, such as this post itself, because to not intentionally make a pathetic fool of myself would be to lie about the awful idiocy and rot which constitute my nature.

>> No.19328878

you have good intentions but there is projection here. people that willingly neet are happy with the lifestyle. getting shit from your parents or friends only matters if you let it affect you. once you achieve that, and it is an achievement which all should strive for, it comes down to how you feel about yourself. some will not be happy without working because they say that people must produce, create. this is true and yet people have different ideas about what these words mean. a man can be creative in very subtle ways that satisfy him, ways that others might not even recognize. to me, video games or cartoons are a waste of time. these are disposable little sense pleasers. on the other hand, reading for example is invaluable with the right books. what you are doing is building up your mind. it really is akin to the creation of the physical body that you envision. and neets can work at that harder than anyone can because they are willing to sacrifice their reputation for what is important to them. living on one's own terms is happiness to me, come what may.

>> No.19328947

The utter meaningless of existence is most obvious when you're not consumed by familial and work responsibilities. I hope I get pancreatic cancer asap so I can be dead in a few months. This shit is pointless and doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19328955

what's the current NEET guide for americans? gain citizenship in germany or something?

>> No.19329813

Win the crypto lotto

>> No.19329815

You should try stoicism

>> No.19329865
File: 52 KB, 1080x607, fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The utter meaningless of existence is most obvious when you're not consumed by familial and work responsibilities. I hope I get pancreatic cancer asap so I can be dead in a few months. This shit is pointless and doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19329892

You sound upset

>> No.19329895
File: 79 KB, 1041x690, E_Wu4JYXMAEa0Q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why articulate it at all? Either your father is a free NEET himself, in which case no explanation is necessary, or he is a slave, in which case no explanation is worth your time.

>> No.19330620

>how can i articulate NEETdom to my father?
You don't. You know what is the difference between having a son and a daughter? I can clearly hope for my son to be able to physically help me out in the future. Because he's a man, It is clearly in his duty to learn the skills that were consistently used throughout my whole life. You can't really expect the same help from your little girl.
So, you either try to help your old man, or you are as useful as little girl. Get your ass moving.

>> No.19330628

And instead, do what? Sit on the internet and let the government spy on you all day?