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19328160 No.19328160 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for NaNoWriMo - the annual National Novel Writing Month challenge.

>What's the challenge?
Complete a 50,000 word novel by writing ~1,667 words every day in the month of November.

Google NaNoWriMo to find the website and sign up to participate if you care about that. Or just do it on your own.

Are you participating this year?
What kind of story are you going to write?
How much have you written so far?
Care to share some of your story?
Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?

>> No.19328387

>Are you participating this year?
Yeah but I'm more inspired by famous works which were produced in a really short time span than nanowrimo, this just happens to be a good time for me.
>What kind of story are you going to write?
A phonepunk story set in the near future. It takes place in a world where smartphones are mostly forgotten, society having nearly collapsed due to over-stimulation caused by apps. The protagonist is a veteran of the chaos who runs into a group of teenage capitalist revolutionaries who seek to use his delivery vehicle to seize the local broadcast studio and kickstart a revolution against the eco-socialist regime which rules over the Pacific Northwest.
>How much have you written so far?
I have a pretty tight outline typed up, started a week ago. It's got each individual scene along the timeline, broken down by character, setting, dialogue, and action. Beginning to end.
>Care to share some of your story?
None to offer.
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I will be the first one 4chan finished.

>> No.19328394

No one writes here, so why bother?

>> No.19328408

>Are you participating this year?
I'll try
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Urban Fantasy exorcism type thing
>How much have you written so far?
550 words, I should be able to reach the 1666~ or so daily goal if I don't procrastinate.
>Care to share some of your story?
I'm the nervous type, besides, my prose is nothing worth sharing.
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I actually finished Inktober this year, which made me decide to try this for the first time.

>> No.19328424
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>Are you participating this year?
I might. I certainly planned to, but my brother gifted me another RPG game and I am bad at time management. If I can beat it soon, I should be able to make it for nanowrimo.
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Something like a mix between dark fantasy and a self-discovery quest. Not sure what I will settle on in the end, but I hope to give it an uplifting ending.
>How much have you written so far?
I've had the first chapter drafted in bullet points for a while now. Other than that, nothing lol.
>Care to share some of your story?
I would have liked to if I had anything.
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
Implying I attempted nanowrimo last year. If I get started in good enough time to be able to write it all by the deadline, I will finish for sure. I told another person I really respect that I am going to be writing a work soon, so I can't afford to lose face now.

>> No.19328432

>Are you participating this year?
now i am, thx 4 reminder
>What kind of story are you going to write?
not sure yet, im already behind, figure it out tomorrow
>How much have you written so far?
0 words
>Care to share some of your story?
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
i didnt even get to give up last year cos i never started

>> No.19328518

>Are you participating this year?
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Neo noir
>How much have you written so far?
>Care to share some of your story?
I'll wait until it's done.
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?

>> No.19328628

>Are you participating this year?
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Fantasy/horror. Three people are trapped in a small town that suddenly became empty and they have to get out. based on a dream
>How much have you written so far?
None so far, I've written several drafts before but they just didn't seem right. Will start a new draft once I've finished work.
>Care to share some of your story?
maybe once I've started actually writing
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I didn't even get to participate last year, fuck my job

>> No.19328668

>Are you participating this year?
yeah sure. just heard of it today but i got nothin else shakin for me
>What kind of story are you going to write?
i have several ideas but most of them were for short stories. one comes to mind that might be suitable for novel length. it's navel-gazing religious scifi wank with romance. another one that's metafiction about the delusions of a narcissistic incel extremist (me, the author)
>How much have you written so far?
nothing lol
>Care to share some of your story?
see above
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
this part doesn't apply to me but i'll probably do this for real

>> No.19328705

>Are you participating this year?
I guess, didnt know it existed until know
>What kind of story are you going to write?
One that uses a type of literary conflict that is rare if not entirely unforseen. As I had planned to originally anyway.
>How much have you written so far?
77 words
>Care to share some of your story?
>Rain is the bringer of life, and death. Rain gives water to the crops; rain gives water to the people. Rain gives, and rain takes. It takes away the topsoil, it takes away the dirt on the roads, it erodes the foundations of your house and floods your cellar. Rain is why the Aztecs used to paint altars with their own blood. Rain is why people stay home from football games. But wind is what people fear.
(Please judge I am an absolute amateur. Ive only ever done this for a hobby)
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
Probably. The idea for my story has taken months if not a year or more to develop and the semantics of it have taken years to culture. I want it to be quality so there is no telling how long it will take given my prose but I might as well use this as an excuse to work.

>> No.19328784

>Are you participating this year?
Half heartedly,
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Just a bunch of short stories with the aim of writing enough that I hit 50k.
>How much have you written so far?
1,500 words
>Care to share some of your story?
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?

>> No.19328792

>Rain is why people stay home from football games.
This line stands out. Kind of jarring.

>> No.19328820

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.19328943
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>Are you participating this year?
Yes, though I'm not sure I'll reach 50k I'm still going to give it a shot. Unfortunately, job and family commitments take up a lot of my time.
>What kind of story are you going to write?
It's a Satirical adventure story about the children of communist sympathisers who left LA moved to Moldova to support the Soviet Union, only to for it to declare independence shortly after they arrive.
>How much have you written so far?
1200ish words
>Care to share some of your story?
pic related
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
No, but with my current schedule and writing speed, I don't know if I'll be able to hit the 1700 words per day I need. I'll keep going anyway.

>> No.19328944

>Are you participating this year?
>What kind of story are you going to write?
make it up as i go along
>How much have you written so far?
2,339 words
>Care to share some of your story?
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
probably not, the novel's going to be unreadable shit though

>> No.19328962
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>Are you participating this year?
Yes, first time
>What kind of story are you going to write?
>How much have you written so far?
Nothing, I used today to set up Scrivener
>Care to share some of your story?
I will use what I write during Nano as a very rough first draft, but I will share the revised drafts
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I didn't participate last year, but I have other things that demand my time. I will try to write as much as possible

>> No.19328964

A bad thing, you fucking numpty.
>until know

>> No.19328977

>Are you participating this year?
fuck yeah
>What kind of story are you going to write?
science fiction
>How much have you written so far?
about 2000 words
>Care to share some of your story?
Not yet. I want to hit at least 10k words before talking about it
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
most likely.

>> No.19328992

I've seen references to this all over. But what is it, like actually? Is it just a text editor or some shit? or does it actually have benefits for writing a story?

>> No.19328997

>the novel's going to be unreadable shit though
most first drafts are. don't be so harsh on yourself anon

>> No.19329014

Pardon me for not editing my 4chan posts your majesty. As for the "jarring" line about football, I really dont see what was wrong with it. It was meant to shock, as well as establish setting (rural Oklahoma, which will be expanded upon later). You can clearly see that it comes before a subject change to the matter of wind and is mean to ease the transition. I suppose you aren't so fond of it, but the story is meant to be written from the perspective of an angst ridden high-schooler anyhow.

if you where me, would you remove the line or replace it with something else?

>> No.19329024

don't listen to the asshole anon. I think it's kind of cool.
the phrasing is definitely a little rough, but I really like the idea.

>> No.19329030

In liked the line in fact I thought that anon was complimenting it at first

>> No.19329031

thanks anon. i never write fiction so i'm just considering it practice.

>> No.19329032


>> No.19329034

This guy is legit unhelpful and I have no idea why he talks about writing software when he barely shows its functionality. His Scrapple video was terrible and didn't show most of the features.

>> No.19329035

>if you where me
Jesus, why do you bother writing when you can't even speak or write in English?

>> No.19329048

jesus anon. how far up your asshole is that stick shoved? Because it sounds like you have a mouthful of pole.

>> No.19329237

Nice thread, I forgot about this and have never done it, but I started today and got to around 1700 words.

I'm doing a journal where I reflect on how I'm living day to day (write about what I did, how I felt while doing it, and reflections afterwards).

Seldom do I think. The more I’ve grown the more I’ve relied on instinct from prior experiences, neglecting to tune into the world around me and instead opting for cruise control with only a few taps of the break and turnings of the wheel when necessary. (that's the opening of the journal)

Not really a traditional book but it should be valuable to me. It also will show me that I'm capable of doing something such as writing 1667 words a day. It feels good to put my thoughts down and I hope to continue doing it for the rest of the month :)

Cheers anon and good luck.

>> No.19330290

I’m not participating and everybody that does is a dumb nigger.

>> No.19330590


>> No.19330910

It would be interesting to try my hand at writing, but I don't know what to write about.

>> No.19331193
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OP Here, glad to see so many response. I was going to make one of these threads every day but I forgot how fucking slow this board is. So, ignore the "DAY 1" part and continue. Will see about making new threads as necessary throughout the month, or until I lose interest and give up. Unless a mod wants to sticky this.

Here are my own response to the thread questions:

>Are you participating this year?
>What kind of story are you going to write?
a Christmas story
>How much have you written so far?
2800 words
>Care to share some of your story?
Here's a little excerpt:

“Hey. Ming-Ming.”
He looked up and noticed that Hazel was trying to get his attention.
“You wanna come with me and Blinky to Bethlehem tonight?” The phrase “tonight” was a relative term down in the mines. It typically just meant “after your twelve-hour shift was over”.
“That new band The Herald Angels are going to be playing.”
The Little Town of Bethlehem was a speak-easy hidden away on one of the abandoned upper levels of Shaft D-9. A cave-in nearly a decade ago had made it possible to access through a hidden tunnel from the barracks rather than taking the main coal elevator. It was somewhat of an open secret that seemed to be tolerated by upper management as long as things didn’t get out of hand.
“Come on, Ming! We need to unwind a little, and this eggnog is NOT doing it for me,” Blinky pleaded.

>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I am going to try my best not to. Failed like 4 years in a row though. Fuck.

>> No.19332193

I'm just going to share the Google doc I'm writing on, so you can follow along as I write if you like.

>> No.19332371

This is comfy anon I like it

>> No.19332406

Um, not exactly the type of story I'd typically go for but not bad so far, for a first draft. Seems to be moving really fast though. Would like to get some more details so I can picture it a little better.

>> No.19332417

Every year in November all I can think of is the amount of people plodding out absolute garbage that will never be read by anyone. It's a fun exercise I guess, but shouldn't people focus on their writing rather than fulfilling a challenge?

>> No.19332453

I view it more as a motivational exercise. One of the biggest hurdles for me, and many others from what I've heard on this board, is getting the motivation to actually write.
A big event dedicated to writing all month long is a great excuse to get writing, even if you don't do the whole 50k word challenge. If it's something that helps you start working on some of your ideas, what's wrong with that?

>> No.19332487

I'll try to keep that in mind when editing and when writing the rest of it. My plan is to keep writing straight through, though, and then edit afterwards, or I'd get totally bogged down in editing and never make any progress.

>> No.19332812

any recommendations on texteditors?
I've been planning on using LibreOffice

>> No.19333054
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>2nd day
>already wrote a sex scene

>> No.19333188 [DELETED] 

>Are you participating this year?
I will attempt to do so
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Dark fantasy where Earth has been reverted into a hellhole at the behest of a Gog abd Magog type figure who is attempting to curb human freedom in the attempt to offer comfort to humans willing to put up with it.
>How much have you written so far?
73 words!
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
While I am not desperate to hit the number of words that is expected for this challenge, it is not my intention to give up. Especially after all the plannong I did. I am using this challenge to give my friend a manuscript for a webcomic series that we wanted to develop. We agreed I would do all the story and worldbuilding stuff and he would just translate it into a comic format.

>> No.19333200

>Are you participating this year?
I will attempt to do so
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Dark fantasy where Earth has been reverted into a hellhole at the behest of a Gog and Magog type figure who is attempting to curb human freedom in the attempt to offer comfort to humans willing to put up with it.
>How much have you written so far?
73 words!
>Care to share some of your story?
As I get farther along I might.
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
While I am not desperate to hit the number of words that is expected for this challenge, it is not my intention to give up. Especially after all the planning I did. I am using this challenge to give my friend a manuscript for a webcomic series that we wanted to develop. We agreed I would do all the story and worldbuilding stuff and he would just translate it into a comic format.

>> No.19333501

Last time I did this I wrote a 40k word porn script lol

>> No.19333545

Do porn scripts count? Also, how long would the running time be of a 40k word script? It's at least an hour, I presume, depending on setting description.

>> No.19333568

Rule of thumb is one page equals one minute for a script. I deleted it a few months into it, since I just kept rewriting it instead of moving forward with the plot and I lost interest. I think it was about 140 pages or so, which would put it at just over two hours.

>> No.19333735

You can write anything you want as long as it's 50k words

>> No.19333778

>Are you participating this year?
My response ITT implies so.
>What kind of story are you going to write?
It begins as the diary of an increasingly crazed white nationalist, and is supplement towards the end with a transcript of his livestreamed attack and some supplemental news reports, trial transcripts and letters from jail. The main character is bipolar and fluctuates between acting as a foolhardy race warrior and being a pessimistic depressive loser. He is one quarter black and unsure if his great grandmother on his white mother's side is jewish. It will be implied that the "internet friend" egging him on to commit crime is a fed, with a later news clipping confirming this.
>How much have you written so far?
A loose outline.
>Care to share some of your story?
None yet.
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
Most likely.

>> No.19333784

>Are you participating this year?
>What kind of story are you going to write?
A story about a man who accidentally gets involved with a group of dangerous revolutionaries. I've read a few books about that kind of thing this year so it's an opportunity to put some of those ideas together on the page.
>How much have you written so far?
5100 words. It's the 3rd here so I'm on target.
>Care to share some of your story?
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I don't think so. I've deliberately tried to make my writing time as habitual as possible and I'm writing with my only real priority being getting the words on the page. My goal here is mainly to come out of the month with writing as a daily habit and not just something I do occasionally.

>> No.19333820

damn anon. seems a little on the nose for the current state of the world.

>> No.19333829

The Great /pol/ian Novel

>> No.19333887
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>> No.19333888

Yeah, hopefully it's not too cheesy. Being that I've only written one embarrassing unpublished novel before, I have no doubt it will be shit and need a lot of polishing, assuming I get off my ass and actually keep writing.
Another idea I had was even more on the nose and involved a nurse working through a global "pandemic" as we see them slowly go from a science-trusting, consensus-trusting, naive and optimistic selfless"hero" in 2020 to an unemployed, spat-on underclass in 2021 who is ultimately convinced that "that great Wyrm, the Devil" controls all major centers of power in this realm and purging those who worship and host Him is the only path any righteous man can follow.

>> No.19333933

>Are you participating this year?
An attempt is being made
>What kind of story are you going to write?
A basic YA progression fantasy
>How much have you written so far?
3300 words
>Care to share some of your story?
>Are you going to write for 3 days, get distracted and then give up again like last year?
I’m dictating it to my phone on my morning walks, so probably not

>> No.19334691

>dictating to phone
How accurate would you say the transcription is?

>> No.19334857

80% I have to unfuck it a bit but it’s pretty handy. I do it on google docs

>> No.19334865

ah. is the transcription part of your phone software or built into google docs?

>> No.19334973

To update this, I'm at 3473 words. I feel like what I wrote was a bit of a mess, but I don't expect to have a truly completed novel at the end. If the broad strokes are there, that's what editing is for.

Since I write late though, the website doesn't really track my wordcount correctly, I keep going into the next day. Not really a huge deal, but it messed with the "required word count" stuff.

>> No.19335231

It’s part of the google docs app

>> No.19335323

>Are you participating this year?
I'll write like 10k words
>What kind of story are you going to write?
Murder mystery
>How much have you written so far?
>Care to share some of your story?