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19326801 No.19326801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the only people who read evola are edgy 14 yearolds and faggots

>> No.19326808

I agree, it’s largely based on meta-politics and serves as a runaway basis from everyday life and wants from other people.

>> No.19326811

i caught my brother reading his shit and he started talking shit about me being buddhist

>> No.19326828

He’s right, your a fag.

>> No.19326867

This, all mature heteros read only the Holy Bible and Bible commentaries.

>> No.19326886

>be American
>call yourself Buddhist
>get dabbed on by your kid brother
Kek, your brother was right to call you out on being a larping easternboo.

>> No.19326887

not american grew up in thailand

>> No.19326888


but evola loved buddhism

>> No.19326892

he wants to be a great warrior but he is a scrawny little shit

>> No.19326894

Sure you did.

>> No.19326961

I can have my own opinions shitskin.

>> No.19326984

today op was a fag and his brother was based

>> No.19327101


not if it's dumb, retards don't have the right to have an opinion

>> No.19327120
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No, Evola loved his particular weird interpretation of Buddhism. Evola's Buddhism has pretty much nothing to do with how the religion has historically been practiced and understood.

>> No.19327130

His esoteric Buddhism, not your Reddit kind.

>> No.19327149

>edgy 14 yearolds
you don't have the social perception necessary to assign actions to their proper stereotypes

>> No.19327190

I have heard the most bizarre stereotypes ascribed to Evola fans. I have never met a single person who was a fan of his though so I have no idea what kind of people they are. I'm personally not a fan. The hermetic doctrine contained some fodder for my schizophrenic tendencies but I'm not into his general shtick. On the other hand I dont understand why he provokes so much drama.

>> No.19327238

You're right OP, I agree with you. Erudite gentlemen like you shouldn't be reading and discussing Evola, please leave that to us faggots and all the 14 year olds who have an interest in ontology and perennialism.
>source: my ass
>I have never met a single person who was a fan of his though so I have no idea what kind of people they are.
Insofar as we are discussing people who have a genuine understanding of at least some of Evola's ideas, it is a small but very diverse crowd.
>On the other hand I dont understand why he provokes so much drama.
IMO he's the best anti-materialist thinker of the past millennium at least and his right wing inclinations instantly mark him as a target for leftists and as a figure of interest for rightists. Since his political ideas are tightly linked to his spiritual ones, this opens up a whole new dimension to the political polemic.

>> No.19327266

No my source is his book on Buddhism, which is just him own Nietzschean BS covered with Buddhist colored paint. Show that book a Buddhist monk of any denomination and they will wipe their ass with it. Buddhism has never been a "based Aryan warrior aristocratic" religion.

>> No.19327283

>t. didn't read it
How was his book on theosophy?

>> No.19327292

>No my source is his book on Buddhism
The one endorsed by the Pali Society?
>which is just him own Nietzschean BS covered with Buddhist colored paint
Really bad take. Of all the books to criticise for something like this, you picked the least suited one.
>Show that book a Buddhist monk of any denomination and they will wipe their ass with it.
Really? Have you tried? If you go digging on the web right now, you will find at least one notable Buddhist monk that became a Buddhist because of that book.
>Buddhism has never been a "based Aryan warrior aristocratic" religion.
Are you sure you've read the book anon? Do you have an explanation on how and why Zen became the religion of the Samurai - a "warrior aristocrat" group par excellence? Are you aware of the role Buddhism played in the IJA as late as the early-mid 20th century?