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19324699 No.19324699 [Reply] [Original]

best books to read if you are a 28 years old neet?

>> No.19324704

ultramind solution
the mind illuminated

>> No.19324720
File: 51 KB, 302x475, Notes_from_underground_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19324730

Just read Peterson like every other listless loser

>> No.19324756

Grindset genre like 48 laws of power and anything by 50 cent

>> No.19324848


>> No.19325357

A manual abiut job interviews

>> No.19325369

Madame Bovary

>> No.19325552

If you happened to be pic related you don't need to start with a book.
>replace those dark curtains with sheer white curtains, get more light in there
>stop eating/drinking where you sleep you fucking degen
>get a bed frame ffs
>get rid of those juvenile posters, you are 28
>shave, nobody cares about your weak chin but you and beards are for zoomers
>get a plant, if women see you can't keep something else alive other than yourself you will probably be a lonely neet forever
There, anon's six rules for life

>> No.19327202

that parachute one is pretty good

>> No.19327230

I'm not him or OP but my room is extremely clean and orderly. I love plants. Literally none of the things you pointed out applies to me, yet I'm a 3X year old NEET and I want to die. I can't hold a job for more than a week. Every second I spend wageslaving is like my soul is getting raped. I cannot live with the idea of a "gig economy" where I have to do whatever job I can land every 2 to 6 months. I would unironically rather kill myself than do this, if not for this problem I would love life. Really I am content with an almost monastic lifestyle that would bore any normal person to death. I just don't want to work. I don't wanna.

>> No.19327244

suicide tutorial

>> No.19327252

never seen such useless "advice"

>> No.19327287
File: 1.16 MB, 1209x1612, welcome home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the Aspidistra Flying by Orwell

>> No.19327313

Actually pretty good idea that might help OP work out his issues. Also add starting strength or some other fitness program just for the mental health benefits.

>> No.19327329

What are some books to read if you're a 27 year old semi-NEET still stuck living with his parents who has ambitious hopes for the future but is terrified that he'll be stuck working a soul sucking dead end job in his god awful soul sucking post industrial American midwestern city for the rest of his life as he slowly loses his sanity and continually contemplates suicide?

>> No.19327347

>I just don't want to work.
You have no problems with work, it's everything else around it that is insufferable to you. Being forced to stay in a certain place for a set amount of time, being forced to interact with coworkers, superiors or (god forbid) customers. That shit is what kills you. Not the clown but the circus around it.

>> No.19327395

Yes this is what I mean for work: the "job" part of it. I am actually insanely driven when I'm actually doing something I like and I'll miss sleep to finish what I'm doing. But it seems like the world actively hates the idea of letting you do something that is not soul-crushing and it's fucking impossible to make a fucking penny that way. I just don't understand how is it possible that I can get paid minimum wage for flipping burgers, advertising or some other absolutely useless piece of shit job that nobody needs and thousands of people could do, but I can't make a fucking dime doing something I love by putting 100% of my body and soul in it. Fucking hell I hate this world.

>> No.19327416

Dude, I could quote every single word you've just said. If I was still forced to work menial, retarded jobs to live, I'd kill myself. Thank God for crypto (and you're still in time to hop on the train, but for the love of god wait for the next crash, buying now is too risky).

>> No.19327436
File: 326 KB, 699x1082, Screenshot_20211101-190009_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trade certification prep books.

>> No.19327443

Go work at a colorado weed farm.

>> No.19327450

well considering that you're literally me (except for the semi-NEET part), I would recommend the consolation of philosophy
I really enjoyed that book

>> No.19327466

I'm >>19327395 >>19327230 I've unplugged from what little media I was consuming and started writing a journal which helped me a lot with clarifying my thoughts. I've done basic reading so far. On the Shortness of Life by Seneca was great. I've read the Tolstoy essays, ISAIF, Capitalist Realism, a bunch of other essays on modernity although I had more than a few things figured out. I'm about to read The Crisis of the Modern world after I finish Moby Dick. I'm dabbling into Christianity but I'm still a fence sitter and I need time to figure out where I'm going with that. I do love the message in the Gospels but I'm afraid I'm too disillusioned to truly believe. I'm also getting into Medieval literature because I want to tap into this older consciousness that is completely lost today. I look at younger people and I feel like I'm 85 years old, completely out of the loop in every way.
I'm going to volunteer at some program that lets you work in agriculture in exchange for food and lodging (called WWOOF) and I hope I will do it before December but it might be in January. I think I might do something with agriculture, my ideal life is small frugal house in the middle of nowhere + manual labor in the sense of artisanry and then contemplative shit in my spare time. If I manage to embrace religion I will unironically sign up to be a monk but I don't want to push it.
Definitely drop all media and as much online junk as you can, it's poison.

>> No.19327472

Not American, I think the USA has more opportunities if you want to unplug and go live among the hippies or whatever. Europe is much more structured and the smaller towns are being used to lodge all the immigrants.

>> No.19327494

Why the fuck would you be a NEET at that age? Thats what 18-25 is for. At 28 you should be taking shit seriously unless you want to end up homeless

>> No.19327518

The secret is that you’re a fucking loser and if you can’t change that, a book won’t. You are permanently fucked by waiting this long to get your shit together. I’m not trying to be mean, but you are permanently fucked. Your brain has been wired for this kind of life for so long, changing it would mean becoming an entirely different person; a task only accomplished by people who have accomplished many things.

You will commit suicide sometime in your mid to late 30s.

>> No.19327545

>You will commit suicide sometime in your mid to late 30s.
I know anon.
I don't think I'm a loser though. I don't like this life. I think I'd be a loser if I just accepted to be miserable just for the sake of being "normal". Until I quit going with the program I was doing fine. I had relationships and I had a friends. It all just lost its appeal for me. But you're right that I'm probably not going to escape this situation and I'll end up homeless. In that case I already have a plan.

>> No.19327647


You're softening the blow by making it all psychological. The problem OP has is the lack of accrued money and wealth, and the "freak radar" unintelligent men and especially women have. That "woman's intuition" (which is really just a freak radar) will block OP from finding a gf and a family. The impossibility of admitting to dropping out of society for a period of time, maybe because you were lazy or angry. That is totally unacceptable to most people, worse than murder. Normies and wahmen will secretly admire or be entertained by serial killers, but have no sympathy or interest in dropouts

>> No.19327667

>the "freak radar" unintelligent men and especially women have
Oh that shouldn't be a problem if you don't want anything to do with people ever again. I have free healthcare.

>> No.19327673


What's the point of life then? You don't have too much pride to spend your whole life on vidya, it doesn't bother you to be ridiculed by people lesser than you?

>> No.19327756

>a lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep

>> No.19327810

>to spend your whole life on vidya
I don't consume media, only occasionally I listen to a song. I've watched two (old) movies in 2021. I read mostly nonfiction.

>> No.19327847

>The secret is that if you can’t change [your life for the better on your own], a book won’t.
This is the only halfway decent advice in this post, the rest of it, as I'm sure you're aware, makes you come off as a complete dickheaded retard and OP was clearly better served by your total avoidance in the act of spewing such mental diarrhea ITT.

>> No.19328334

I'm in the same situation as you, I guess I'll go with cyanide desu

>> No.19328373

>you and beards are for zoomers

My Muslim coworker gave me a fist bump for having a beard at work the other day. He said 'at least somebody here isn't afraid to be a man'.

>> No.19328388

That's literally a pipe dream. Those farms will work you harder than a regular wagie job and underpay you because they think you should be happy to be around le weed every day.

>> No.19328437
File: 1.92 MB, 1184x1791, А.Н. Бенуа. Виконт Ренэ де Божанси в образе Ринальдо. 1907 г. -Эскиз костюма для постановки балета-пантомимы H.H. Черепнина Павильон Армиды в Мар�.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read poetry. You need to appreciate something. The world is awful but there is good in it somewhere, you just have to search for it. When you find it, forge a path forward.

>> No.19328472

>The problem OP has is the lack of accrued money and wealth
inflation is going to wipe out pretty much everyone with savings. but actually useful people are in increasingly short supply because of the multi-generation dysgenics program. know thy worth
>The impossibility of admitting to dropping out of society for a period of time
the covid hoax has reset that. irrelevant

>> No.19328498

>actually useful people are in increasingly short supply
This plus the lost knowledge of technology scares me. We might reach a point where we can't produce energy at a constant and reliable level but since the last 200 years have advanced so fast, we won't be able to just redo that progress. We will truly be living in a decaying world, like medieval people thought when they encountered Roman ruins next to their cow shit hut.

>> No.19328541

which one

>> No.19328823

>I look at younger people and I feel like I'm 85 years old, completely out of the loop in every way.
I feel this too. I stay so aloof of so much pop culture and even to a certain extant mainstream news that what little about current events I know I get from this place.

>> No.19329720

You forgot "wash your dick" part.

>> No.19330037

In my opinion, most of us on this board have a deeper understanding of the ideas explored in Notes from Underground than the author himself. Simply because most of us are the Underground Man.