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File: 31 KB, 346x350, Rene-guenon-1925 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19323827 No.19323827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19323841


>> No.19323867

>Initiation is...LE GOOD
Wtf does this proto-new-age larper have to offer other than that?

>> No.19323876

why is he built like that

>> No.19324019

skinwalker lookin ass mf
I miss him...

>> No.19324114

if guenon were a zoomer what type of zoomer would he be? I think he'd be like a soft sadboy with a heap of russian egirl followers

>> No.19324130
File: 382 KB, 414x379, sussy_guénon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19324788
File: 30 KB, 414x740, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19324799


>> No.19324854
File: 112 KB, 680x760, 322A5C0E-57F0-4711-A8B0-4DC321F1725F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf does this proto-new-age larper have to offer other than that?

>*Destroys philosophy*
>*Destroys science*
>*Destroys libtards*
>*Destroys atheists*
>*Destroys secularism*
>*Destroys utilitarianism*
>*Destroys pragmatism*
>*Destroys egalitarianism*
>*Destroys psychoanalysis*
>*Destroys marxism*
>*Destroys colonialism*
>*Destroys atomism*
>*Destroys materialism*
>*Destroys Leibniz*
>*Destroys Kant*
>*Destroys Bergson*
>*Destroys Whitehead*
>*Destroys Deleuze*
>*Destroys anglos*
>*Destroys the modern obsession with working*
>*Destroys theosophy*
>*Destroys process philosophy*
>*Destroys unprincipled modern “math”*
>*Destroys consumerism*
>*Destroys new-age syncretism*
>*Destroys Protestantism*
>*Destroys “Academia”*
>*Destroys Orientialism*

>> No.19324858

>Destroys Orientialism
I like how this troll was left for last on purpose

>> No.19324944

Except all of this is out there in the Academia whereas Guénon was reduced to alt-right and chan subculture.

>> No.19324955
File: 12 KB, 270x186, 8EBB83C5-35B8-4CE3-80B7-5343C23D0DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guénon was reduced to alt-right and chan subc

René Guénon’s influence on the literary and intellectual life of his time has been recently documented in an impressive 1,200-page book by Xavier Accart, Guénon ou le renversement des clartés, which spans fifty years of French history and demonstrates the pervasive, if sometimes subterranean and implicit, impact of the works of the French metaphysician on personalities as diverse as André Gide, Simone Weil, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, and Henri Bosco. Upon going through the pages of Accart’s impressive volume, one is literally astounded by the breadth, and sometimes the depth, of Guénon’s presence in the intellectual landscape of France between 1920 and 1970, a presence that a cursory, conventional consideration of the French intellectual history of the time would not betray. Who would suspect prima facie that Guénon’s works have been known and appreciated by personalities as diverse as André Breton and Charles de Gaulle?

>> No.19324996

Again, none of that relevant in modern Academia. Guénon's influence died with intellectuals and is only propagated by alt-right ideologues that are using his critique of modern world for brainwashing deluded internet incels (such as yourself) into their political groups. Either that or insane conservatives using his rhetoric to save their own minds from the undeniable fact that the modern world proved their beliefs to be wrong. Welcome to the cult.

>> No.19325024

Rene Girard >

>> No.19325049

At this point I can't take seriously anymore a Guenon reader who doesn't know french and believes in the hilarious concept of a "traditionalist school". The english speaking fanbase of Guenon is really really bad, for many of them Guenon is just part of a phase.

>> No.19325065

I've already accomplished all these things in my personal life so no need for me to read Guenon.

>> No.19325068

skinny nerd that uses twitter too much

>> No.19325072

Guenon could have been great if not for his obsession with Shankara.

>> No.19325103

>that the modern world proved their beliefs to be wrong.
how so? I am not suggesting that it has been proven right, but I fail to see how it is completely proven wrong, especially some of the prophetic nature in some of his works, especially the Reign of Quantity
>and is only propagated by alt-right ideologues
considering you are the same ESL shitting up other threads, it is safe to say you are the ideologue here...

>> No.19325131

>how so?
Look at yourself. Your "enlightened master" is a meme in a meme website. That should be enough.

>> No.19325141

Not really.

>> No.19325143

>considering you are the same ESL shitting up other threads, it is safe to say you are the ideologue here...
By the same token you acknowledge you are behind every thread, confirming Guénon fags are just one spammer.

>> No.19325147

It wasn’t just Guenon, but Schuon and Coomaraswamy too. Anyways, that doesn’t really detract from them, Shankara is great.

>> No.19325165

Shankara is the main reason why they didn't fall for the sentimentalist relogious exclusivism.kxrr

>> No.19325182
File: 91 KB, 972x356, guenonbtfosfruedbergson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19325227
File: 150 KB, 620x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, none of that relevant in modern Academia

>> No.19325231

>jews detached from their tradition
Exactly, therefore contrary to what /pol/tards say, talmudism isn't evil. All of the rich jewish bankers live a secular life and don't give a shit about Judaism.

>> No.19325247

i have only read the Reign of Quantity and Crisis of the Modern world, i am no more a zealot of Guenon than I am the likes of Marx or Nietzsche; who are both prophetic in their own way also
no that is not me i mostly lurk these threads, although yeah i am pretty sure you are right

>> No.19325261

>but Schuon and Coomaraswamy too

Neither would have existed if not for Guenon. Shankara is overrated and it's disappointing that Guenon builds you up to lead you to advaita metaphysics.

>> No.19325286

>Again, none of that relevant in modern Academia
Here in Russia Guenon and traditionalism are quite popular among philosophy students and some professors.

>> No.19325323

>Neither would have existed if not for Guenon.
So? They dont view originality as praiseworthy in itself, they consider being in agreement with the truth as more important
>Shankara is overrated
“Overrated” is a vague and lazy charge that’s an insufficient substitution for a real critique

>> No.19325328

>“Overrated” is a vague and lazy charge that’s an insufficient substitution for a real critique

Shankara fucking sucks.

>> No.19325343

>Neither would have existed if not for Guenon
It would be better to abstain from things which you don't know about. Coomaraswamy was a scholar on the topic of religion before he knew of Guenon and his point of view was also orthodox. Schuon was a "perennialist" from his youth, the work of Guenon only consolidated his views.

>> No.19325388

To say that Shankara sucks is to say that Taoism also sucks

>> No.19325475

Okay, he makes you seethe for some reason, I get it. That’s not an argument that demonstrates that he’s bad in any way though

>> No.19325696

Are anybody you guys actually (sunni) Muslim? Didn't think so, larping faggots