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File: 207 KB, 800x1266, Martin Luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19319813 No.19319813 [Reply] [Original]


>The Gospel

>Historic Creeds and Confessions

>Reformation Church History Playlist

>Free eBooks directory

Recommended reading:
>The Book of Concord
>Loci Communes by Melanchthon
>On the Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
>Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther

Reformed Christianity
>The Three Forms of Unity
>The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms
>Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
>The Pilgrim's Progress

>The Book of Common Prayer
>The Books of Homilies
>The Apology of the Church of England by John Jewel
>The Decades of Henry Bullinger
>Actes and Monuments by John Foxe

>Schleitheim Confession
>Dordrecht Confession of Faith
>Martyr's Mirror

>> No.19320888
File: 1.59 MB, 576x1024, b0c22a3f93d2be055e0d7f77aa800cad-videowebm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19320951

Some people poorly using their freedom from tyranny doesn't make freedom from tyranny bad, and is far less of a sum negative than that which flowed from the tyrant itself.

>> No.19321107

Why are these threads so dead compared to the Catholic general? I thought you guys were the exciting guys?

>> No.19321156

Their female "pastors" won't let them post on icky racist 4channel.

>> No.19321429

They make no inherent sense, Protestants aren't LARPing. Also there should be no "Recommended reading" other than the Holy Bible and maybe some good commentaries that tell about symbolisms and such that might go missed in our age/culture.

>> No.19321433

>Also there should be no "Recommended reading" other than the Holy Bible and maybe some good commentaries that tell about symbolisms and such that might go missed in our age/culture.
Weird, because protestants overwhelming produce the vast majority of shitty Christian novels and biographies, like how they produce all the cringe "Christian movies".

>> No.19321464

Your holy and infallible Bishop of Rome actively endorses people like Joe Biden and James Martin while confessional Lutherans won't let people like this from the video even commune at their church.

>> No.19321821
File: 1.28 MB, 1008x1558, christianity-and-liberalism-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machen was based.

>> No.19322250

The thread is a Protestant thread on a literature board. The recommended reading shows the distinctives of the four main branches that came out of the Protestant Reformation by listing their confessional standards and influential works which they produced.

>> No.19322251
File: 14 KB, 220x290, Paul_Tillich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone on here read Tillich? Based on his wiki he seems really interesting, I am considering buying some of his works

>> No.19322276
File: 23 KB, 329x500, 41OK6tYAoWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /prot/ think of Zuck?

>> No.19322448

Hi friends

I'm looking for a book on the relationship between heathenism and Christianity.

I have read the first few books about the History of the Christian Church by Schiff, and it seems really interesting to me. Paganism being a parallel act of yearning towards God, but without the Truth of Christ ends up being misdirected and misused. But being from a pagan culture, I do not want practicing/accepting Christianity to mean accepting the cultural colonialism of Germanic or Roman culture. I want to have a live culture and tradition of practices, but my culture is inherently pagan (even if not in tradition, then in the basis of the desires, such as drinking culture, 'productivity' e.g. capital worship etc.), but even the 'purely' religious stuff is culturally charged, such as the church architecture, robes, hymns, and holidays and other stuff is inherited from heathen sources.

Basically, I want to have a holy space free of pagan-inherited culture to look towards, but that does not seem possible. At the same time, I am curious what we can learn through study of pagan practices and how they can be repurposed for the Lord's Plan.

>> No.19322750

I don't know yet, but tomorrow my used eBay copies of the Bible Knowledge Commentary arrive. I had never heard of him until looking into which commentaries I wanted and saw him as one of the two primary editors of this one.

>> No.19323013
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, cRSBEVE02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Sproul pill.

>> No.19323096

Reformation Study Bible is excellent and I believe it is overall superior to the ESV Study Bible with the exception of the latter having cool color images and maps. However, Sproul's study bible has better content and includes the creeds and confessions as well. If you're anywhere remotely close to reformed its simply the better resource. It would be ideal for raising children and catechizing them, for instance, whereas I don't see other study bibles or the ESV SB being so reliable for that. Its also nice that it comes in ESV or NKJV.

>> No.19323122

Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible has the creeds and confessions also with Joel Beeke as general editor for that Puritan slant.

>> No.19323156

Reformation Heritage is way too fundamentalist for me. I think its perfect for someone who holds that perspective and I have nothing against it. I think a lot of people could really get a lot of use out of it. Its very cheaply priced and great for apologetics and framing church history in terms of a KJV only, Reformed YEC worldview. In fact if you take that sort of perspective it may be the only study bible you ever need. Plus its devotional in nature so the notes can be used repeatedly as you read through or lead your family in prayer. But not everyone is as hardline as Beeke and their crowd.

>> No.19323189

Watch out the jannies might prune this thread too

>> No.19324071

Imagine being
>too fundamentalist
for someone.
It's not neary fundamentalist enough.
The C. I. Scofield is where it's at.

>> No.19324093

>freedom from tyranny
You say it like you can't have this in a conservative society.

Conservative Roman Catholic > Liberal Protestantcuck

Cope. Biden is to catholicism what Burger King is to haute cousine.

>> No.19324921

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
...Anonymous (ID: HeOS+F+a)
11/01/21(Mon)03:53:36 No.345588072
539 KB JPG
>Be Saint Patrick
>Baptize a guy
>Literally stab him in the foot without realizing it
>See what you did
>Ask him why he didn't say anything
>He thought it was part of the ritual
"Uhh shit well your descendants from this day forward will never die from wounds"

>Be Saint Patrick
>Go to wash your hand in a small pond
>Your tooth literally falls out
>Can't find it
>Get help to look for it
>Somebody finds your tooth
>Leave it in some random church for some reason

>Be Saint Patrick
>Somebody is late to a meeting with you because of a storm
>Curse their bloodline with storms and infertility

>Be Saint Patrick
>Trying to sleep midday
"when he heard the noise of gentiles"
"noise of gentiles"
..."on the sabbath"
>Literally gives a speech about (((profits)))
"a great tempest destroyed their work, according to word of Patrick
>according to his word

>Be Saint Patrick
>Two horses eat grass some a spot they weren't supposed to eat grass(??)
>Literally use psychic mind powers to kill the horses instantly
Catholicism is literally retarded and I see why it's called larping to even pretend such a thing could maybe be true.

>> No.19325006
File: 142 KB, 1200x1200, Fat greasy fedora neckbeard redditor satanist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19325195

Papists still seething 500 years later.

>> No.19325373

What are some protestant opinions on other denominations/catholics? Will they be saved? It would seem that faith alone makes null the need for doctrine.

>> No.19325387

>Cope. Biden is to catholicism what Burger King is to haute cousine.
I agree, but I am so disappointed that Francis did not call him out for supporting abortion and homosexual lifestyles when they met.

>> No.19325397

Protestantism is a cope for being able to do whatever you want under the umbrella of religion. God died for your sins so as long as you believe it doesn't matter! It's the lowest IQ of all religions, and is devoid of any mysticism. It exists purely, and functionally as a cope.

>> No.19325422

As far as I know there are only two Protestant churches that make the claim to being the one true church outside of which there is no salvation, The Lutheran Church and the Churches of Christ. The non-Protestant churches that make that claim would be the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Communion, Assyrian Church of the East, and the Ancient Church of the East.

>> No.19325589
File: 36 KB, 500x481, IQbyreligion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the lowest IQ of all religions
Why is everything that catholics says so disconnected from reality on very basic levels, bros?

>> No.19325820

Why does this image always shut catholics up immediately?

>> No.19325847

The Body of Christ is not a "denomination" or earthly institution. It is all true believers/followers in/of Christ wherever they happen to be.

>> No.19325853

>"Orthodox" don't even chart

>> No.19325881

>Sample sizes

>> No.19325931

based thread, craplicks and orthodorks seeth

>> No.19325963

Is it possible to be protestant and somewhat believe in sola fide but not to neglect the importance of the good works? I find that there's too much rituals with catholics, but I'm weary of thinking that I'm saved if I don't perform good deeds, even if we come short of the glory of god. Lost anon here, praying for Jesus to show me the way.

>> No.19326053

We’re too high to list

>> No.19326063

Faith naturally leads to good works, but you are saved by faith. Truth faith will not lead to no works. You’re not justified by the works though, of course. Read James and 1 John

>> No.19326091
File: 73 KB, 500x498, 20211101_133431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good paper that briefly explains protestant ideology and its differences to the catholic? I'm vaguely aware of what it's about but discussions surrounding this topic confuse me because I don't know the history and the often used terminology. Something in essay-length would be appreciated, or maybe even a video if it's trustworthy.
Also I saw picrelated on twitter. What's up with that? No idea who they are except for Luther.

>> No.19326136

I know you're a small brain catholic and all but those are really strong sample sizes by any metric and definitely powerful enough for the study in question.

>> No.19326174

>Catholics are orders of magnitude greater in sample size than most other groups.
>Make up 1/4 of the survey.
Okay, chump.

>> No.19326185

>the metric doesn't scale

>> No.19326207
File: 671 KB, 1009x1317, Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two questions about philosophy and protestantism.

It is true that you guys like Kant and don't like Aristotle?.

Which philosophers are accepted within Protestantism?.

>> No.19326213

Oh wow you are really proving how stupid craplicks genuinely are with your """critique""". Pure dunning kruger.

>> No.19326236

Guys, don't fight, we are brothers. Fight the atheist demons in other threads.

>> No.19326239

>Also I saw picrelated on twitter. What's up with that? No idea who they are except for Luther.

Those are all figures of the Catholic Reformation or Counter-Reformation. I'm not of all of them, but top middle is Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits), top right is Francis de Sales**, middle left is John of the Cross, middle right is Teresa of Jesus, bottom left is Alphonsus Ligouri, I think (not sure of the rest).

**When he was a young priest, de Sales volunteered to re-evangelize the Calvinists of the Chablais. Finding his preaching forcefully rejected, he switched tactics and began a written apologetics campaign, posting pamphlets on walls and slipping them beneath doors under the cover of night. His defense of the Faith was so clear and thorough that at the end of four years nearly the entire population of 72,000 had returned to the Catholic Faith. His pamphlets are collected into a book, 'The Catholic Controversy', which is online as a pdf (it's in the public domain) and also in print. It's highly readable -- a great book. It uses all sorts of arguments I've never seen elsewhere. It's quite brilliant.

As for that "Not you" aimed at Luther, you might consider reading the excellent 'Roots of the Reformation' by Karl Adam -- a learned German Catholic historian who offers a very balanced take on the Reformation. He speculates, compellingly, on the possibility that Luther, had he not been such a hothead, might have actually achieved the reformation of the one Church, rather than initiating a massive schism.

>> No.19326252

Catholics aren't my brothers.

>> No.19326300

Now now, Jesus loved the Samaritans too.

>> No.19326374

Brothers means fellow Christians. Catholics reject the gospel. They aren't Christian.

>> No.19326389

Thank you. Do I need to confess or I'm an heretic in the eyes of protestants? I still favor sola scriptura, but grew up in a catholic household. Reading KJV Bible gave me conflicting views, hence my preference for protestantism. I believe in Jesus and I'm trying to follow good deeds.

>> No.19326476

The Samaritans rejected all but the Torah but Jesus still found some of them to be more truly righteous than the Jews with correct doctrine.

>> No.19326490

How does that contradict the post you're replying to?

>> No.19326499

All whom God elects unto Him are siblings in Christ regardless of anything and everything else.

>> No.19326559

I don't care, I do consider you my brother.

>Catholics reject the gospel.

>They aren't Christian.

>> No.19326603

What are your thoughts on Charismatics? My girlfriend goes to Hillsong and I went to see what it was like and it felt so wrong. I felt judgemental and realized I was wrong since their faith is very strong (stronger than mine probably), but ultimately something felt so wrong to me

>> No.19326640

Not my cup of tea, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.19326668
File: 70 KB, 940x788, allah-wallpaper-free-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Noble Qur'an Surah 112 "Al-Ikhlas"

1 Say, “The truth is that Allah is One.
2 Allah is Besought of all, needing none.
3 He neither begot anyone, nor was he begotten.
4 And equal to Him has never been any one.”

This is the proper description of God in my opinion.

>> No.19327278

I don't understand why reactionaries latch onto Calvinism like tradcaths latch onto their latin mass popery.

>> No.19327282

Anti-Calvinists BTFO in this vid

>> No.19327372
File: 14 KB, 794x100, Accepting Jesus as Personal Savior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I just watched a little bit of it, but the black guy summarizes Steve Anderson's argument as: Calvinists can't evangelize because they can't tell people that Jesus died for them.

Now, that strikes me as an interesting point vs. Calvinism.

I didn't watch the full rebuttal, just a bit of it, where he said the apostles didn't preach that way in the book of Acts.

Okay, fine. There are different ways to evangelize. But Anderston's larger point would appear to be correct. If you hold to Calvin's TULIP, you can't evangelize people by telling them that Jesus died for them, at least, you can't say that it you want to be honest.

AND, belief that Jesus died for YOU *IS* a traditional aspect of the appeal that people accept Jesus as personal Savior. Pic related.

>> No.19327501

thanks a bunch! I happen to be Gernan so this is a nice coincidence, I hope he has some useful material in German

>> No.19327634

So this is why I've never seen a Calvinist try to convert people.

>> No.19327960

Why isn't the fact that Calvinists use the Bible as the guide to convert good enough for you? Ever wonder why the apostles didn't go around saying God loves you and God died for you? Maybe they didn't think it was true, just like Calvinists?

This isn't a small point. Calvinists are taking the biblical approach and you're shrugging that off like "psh ok but I like telling people God died for them! So me and the Bible are both right!" Uh no. The gospel is repent and believe, not Jesus died for you specifically.

>> No.19328069

Jibreel was a demon btw

>> No.19328115

>Ever wonder why the apostles didn't go around saying God loves you and God died for you? Maybe they didn't think it was true, just like Calvinists?

In 1 Cor 15:3 Paul says: “For I delivered to you as of FIRST IMPORTANCE what I also received, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures.”
>"Christ died for OUR sins"
I.e., you and me.

I suppose you could torture that verse to make it gibe with your theory, but I don't think Paul would have said that if he followed Calvin's TULIP theory.

With that said, Calvinists can do what they darn well please. It's a free country.

>> No.19328125

On second thought, I don't think you CAN torture that verse to make it gibe with your theory - because Paul was not given supernatural knowledge of who was saved and who was not.

>> No.19328134

>I.e., you and me.
Actually its Paul writing to fellow Christians, which is how calvinists would talk to fellow Christians as well. We have no problem saying Jesus died for you if there is some evidence that is the case.

But let's not get into "problem verses" pointlessly. The point is that the Bible should challenge you to evangelize in the way God wants, not how you want.

>> No.19328150

Just say you don't understand the first thing about Calvinism. Paul is talking to people in the church.

>> No.19328157

Calvinists can only make educated guesses about other person's salvation.

>> No.19328165

I'm still dissatisfied with the catholic explanation for Romans 8:29-30

>> No.19328170

So what exactly is it that he wants to keep?

>> No.19328173

There's more catholics on this board and tbqh theres much more to talk about regarding Catholicism

>> No.19328175

So what is your point? The explanation of the verse as well as how calvinists discuss election still stands regardless of this inane statement. Also please note calvinists and the Bible are on the same page here

>> No.19328178

I own some of his books but never got around to reading them. In my Philosophy of Religion class we talked about his concept of God. Accorsing to Tillich saying "God exists" is atheistic because "exists" as a predicate is limiting and God must be limitless. He's basically a Neoplatonist.

>> No.19328182

>So what is your point?
Paul would not have said what he said in 1 Cor 15:3 if he followed Calvin's TULIP theory.

>> No.19328183

Its because all catholics are sad and lonely larpers who spend their lives alone online. Its a dying religion so only a specific type of incel likes to pretend with it.

Protestants who get into the religion actually go out and live their lives and have children and don't have time to post on 4chan anymore. Its really that simple and anyone claiming otherwise is coping

>> No.19328189

>I am curious what we can learn through study of pagan practices and how they can be repurposed for the Lord's Plan.
A little bit leaven ruins the whole lump. Theres no need to add anything to Christ when Christ already encompasses all things. I know it's hard to leave behind a culture, but maybe compare yourself to the rich man whom Christ exorted to give away all his things to follow Him. Imagine if Christ asked you to leave behind all your Culture for Him. This is something we must be prepared to do.

>> No.19328190

ok so you're just strawmanning, ignoring what calvinism states and practices for the tulpa in your head. Conversation over. Enjoy living in ignorance and pridefulness

>> No.19328199

Kirkegaard is a good one

>> No.19328202

Whatever. Either refute the claim, or don't. And no, nothing you've written so far remotely refutes it. I congratulate, however, for not going so far as to claim that Paul had infallible knowledge about who's saved and who's not, the only theory upon which you could square his words with 1 Cor 15:3 with TULIP.

Oh, yeah, and the necessary corollary that follows from this conclusion: 1 Cor 15:3 refutes TULIP.

Cheers and good night!

>> No.19328208

You're probably right. I was a happy and active protestant. But then I started spending more time alone and online and suddenly catholicsm started making sense

>> No.19328212

Many such cases.

>> No.19328225

Ladies and gents this is what a genuine, honest to goodness 90 or less iq looks like. Paul is talking to people who he believes have been saved. He doesn't say "your sins" because he believes himself to be in the group of people who have been saved. The "our" doesn't address Limited Atonement. Every reformed confession treats these issues the same way. This isn't even a Google search away. Yet this mouthbreather thinks he's dunking on calvinists by watching Steve Anderson rebuttals of nonissues.

>> No.19328233

You can always comfort yourself by claiming that catholics are smarter than protestants and that's why they think more and spend more time alone, but then I'll just post "that image".

>> No.19328240

I havent adopted catholicsm. I just think they have better literature and desu I'm fond of scholasticism

>> No.19328289

>if Aristotles metaphysics aren't 100 percent correct than our religion and even the existence of God makes no sense within our framework
Yeah ghettoizing yourself to only a subsection of ancient philosophy that literally no one takes seriously sounds like a great idea.

I guess you're entitled to like the literature but I doubt you could make a strong case for it being superior in any meaningful way. Theres a reason only lower iq euro countries favor catholicism.

>> No.19328296

Does it bother you that catholicism is historically verifiable false at the most basic level? I mean that seems like it might make it kinda not a great source kf wisdom

>> No.19328352

What the mainstream takes seriously is no concern to me. You could easily say the mainstream dismisses christianity as a whole and make a similar argument. In any case, philosophy is just my hobby. I'm happy to take Christianity at face value without any prior philosophy. I just happen to like the Aristotelian philosophy and the Catholics were the ones who developed it best. Reading some neo scholastics has actually helped me understand modernity and how we got to the point of secularism and what secularism entails as a philosophy. Etienne Gilson is a great neo scholastic historian of philosophy and I think everyone would benefit from reading him despite being Catholic.

>> No.19328368

i recommend you get out of the hole you're digging for yourself. i remember being there and it's not a pleasant place to be. i mean, you fit in well on this board. i almost feel a little sick to my stomach just reading it.

>> No.19328389

I really don't see what the problem is. I have no plans on abandoning my protestant church or substituting Aristotle for Christ.

>> No.19328396

Bruh, you literally sound like you're a school shooter in training. I also really doubt you "understand modernity" from reading shitty Catholic philosophers. Not even Catholics take their gay writers and culture seriously so lol at you for doing so. Just another /pol/ deus vulter. Good. I wouldn't want you going to church around my children.

I honestly think that since Catholics are on their way out anyway, it's good that they're drawing the schizoids to them while closing the doors.

>> No.19328411

I'm not critiquing your choice of literature. I'm expressing sadness over the mindset that is leading you to seek out such literature in the first place. The kind of hopeless frustration with modernity and secularism that you're describing just isn't a good thing. Your entire problem is thinking too much about pointless bullshit in the first place. Stop. Find a hobby that isn't diagnosing why you don't like the world. Get a girlfriend or something.

It's interesting that you're describing the entire appeal of Catholicism to people like yourself, but it makes me sad that you feel this way.

>> No.19328414

I read a few books on scholasticism so now I'm a school shooter? What?

>> No.19328799

What's some heretical Protestants?

>> No.19328889

Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copland, pretty much all of the big "TV" ones. My own view is that it takes more than disagreements on relatively non-core issues to get deemed "heretic", so I don't say that lightly, but it seems to work out that those whom aren't rather solidly heretical do not wind up being "big TV guys". Most of the megachurch "preachers" are pretty heretical too, but there are some "big names" that I'd say are reasonably orthodox, John MacArthur being an example (and that's despite not being a fan). Truly I think *everyone* is heretical to at least some degree.

>> No.19329578

bump for this

>> No.19329599

This thread was moved to >>>/his/12225637