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19319570 No.19319570 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good books on desire? I'm thinking probably most of the literature about it are from psychoanalysis but if there's something older it's welcome too

>> No.19319595

To summarise, Dolce & Gabbana discard Freuds Oedipalised interpretation of desire, suggesting instead a "positive" model inspired by Nietzsche.
Probably will be one of the hardest things you'll read, and it also requires a lot of background knowledge. Regardless, it should be worth your time.

If that sounds like too much, just stick with Nietzsche (Zarathustra especially covers desire nicely)

>> No.19319609

>Dolce & Gabbana

>> No.19319610

I thought Dolce and Gabanna was just a fashion brand. Interesting

>> No.19319618
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>> No.19319641

just read a biology text book. there is nothing ambiguous about desire

>> No.19319645
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>> No.19319649

The Darkness That Cooms Before. It even has curved phalluses like your pic.

>> No.19319661

On a reductionistic level, yes. Desire is just a manifestation of brain chemicals, mostly dopamine.
OP is probably looking for something more philosophical though, possibly even as a way to master his desires? If so then Epicureans and Stoics are always worth a read.

>> No.19319680

Fashion brand is itself a packaged representation of desire. There are everywhere desire-flows desiring to be unraveled. also shitpost. also sneed.

>> No.19319681

What do I need to read first to get that background knowledge?

>> No.19319733

A lot desu. You need to have a concrete understanding of Marx and Freud first, while also being familiar with Nietzsche, Lacan, and Deleuze himself (which means it should also be good to familiarise yourself with Spinoza and (optionally) Bergson).
This is before mentioning all the allusions that D&G make frequently; Artaud, Beckett, Melanie Klein, Kant, Proust, Schreber, Kafka... to be honest, most of these can be researched as you go, but you still have to pay close attention to them regardless.
I also found that reading Swann's Way helped a lot (personally at least, and bonus points also since it touches on love/ desire).

>> No.19319784

Just a P.S. for what texts you should read:

-Genealogy of Morals or Beyond Good and Evil for Nietzsche
-Ethics for Spinoza
-Freud and Lacan can just be researched (online material is fine)
-Proust and Signs (optional), Practical philosophy, Nietzsche and philosophy (both optional but will help substantially) and Difference and Repetition for Deleuze
-Secondary/ online material for Marx, but only because Capital is a slog.
-Swann's Way (mentioned before) by Proust
-Malone Dies (research this) and Waiting for Godot (optional, but it will contextualise AO) by Beckett.
-To be Done with the Judgement of God by Artaud
-Research Jean Paul Sartre; seems weird to add, but Deleuze/ Guattari and Sartre have a closer relationship than most like to admit. While they differ vastly, Sartre makes a good reference for approaching AO.

If all of this is daunting, feel free to pass on Anti-Oedipus OP. Again, Nietzsche parallels a lot of what AO says, and doesnt require nearly this amount of pre-reqs.

>> No.19319824

Of those I've read Nietzsche, Freud and Spinoza. I think that would be enough work my way up, I'll check it out.

>> No.19319826 [DELETED] 

Lists only block desiring, making it heavy and obligatory. School summer reading list, no, fuck that. OP, do not let anyone to control your desire.

>> No.19319828

enough to*

>> No.19319843
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Just to address the image, the moche actually believed that the healing power of the shamans semen purged the body of evil spirits which cuased mental illness. This was only possible through oral or anal sex, as it was recognized that the spirit must be purged at the point of entry or exist. There are no examples of vaginal sex in moche 'erotic' art.

>> No.19319854

If you are already somewhat into Freud then going into Anti Ödipus should be ok if you get one secondary book on it or something.
It's only in Thousand plateaus the second book of Capital & Schizophrenia where they go full bananas. AÖ is more accessible in that regard.
I'll link a youtube vid of some dude about the topic which I thought was made quite well.
If anyone thinks it's absolute dogshit because he looks like faggot then feel free to disregard it but don't @ me niggers.
He also has one on Lacans Desire.

>> No.19319862

Augustine, Sade and Hegel

>> No.19319978

Plato's Symposium, get the Benardete translation.

>> No.19320007

>when you trick the mentally ill into indulging in your fetishes by claiming your cum will cure them

>> No.19320012

i swear man religion is such a hustle

>> No.19320015
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>> No.19320363
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I'll read them all.
I'm still starting with the greeks on the odyssey along with how to read a book, so I haven't even touched anything philosophical, but I'll get there.

>> No.19320524
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Pic related is of mentally ill being brought in litters to suck the shamans dick. Ignore the image title, they arent captives. There is no mutilation and there are little flying demons everywhere.

>> No.19320559
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>> No.19320804

Notes from underground guy talks a bit about desire. Its pretty interesting i think.

>> No.19321208

where's the desire chart

>> No.19321857

Good luck anon. Trust me, it pays off!
Thats a good starting place desu. If you wanted to be lazy about things, you could technically start right after approaching Marx. That would only make the read monolithic, though.
Seconding the linked video. PlasticPills and Philosophize this both have good introductions to AO.

>> No.19321997

I inherited one of these peruvian macca tea pots.

>> No.19323475

I came to say that that thing was from my country

>> No.19323485
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Symposium - Plato

>> No.19323503

kys retard

>> No.19323850

sonnet 129

>> No.19323859

This one's terrible IMO

>> No.19324511

Cool, post it.

>> No.19324528

Song of Songs

>> No.19325009
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