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/lit/ - Literature

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19318300 No.19318300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does this book make leftists seethe so hard?

>> No.19318311

Because they never read it.

>> No.19318322
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>> No.19318461

>why don't liberals like pseudoscience

Because liberals are pro-science.

>> No.19318471
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comedy gold

>> No.19318475

oh shit it's another bell curve thread
I thought /sci/ was your board bro, or maybe /his/ or /pol/. This isn't literature

>> No.19318479

it's scientific literature

>> No.19318501

All text is literature. Electronics manuals are literature, 4chan posts are literature. Patent sfkljlksjfxddkdkd;;;;; nonsense is literature.

>> No.19318507

Because it shatters their delusion and childish worldview that all people are the same. They would rather deny reality instead of admitting that certain ethnic groups are better than others on average, at least in certain fields if not overall (but yes it is pretty much overall). I don't know why this would surprise someone assuming they believe in evolution. Wow, big surprise the africans who never invented the wheel have 25-35 fewer IQ points than the people colonising the world despite being a tiny minority globally. That isn't to say you should just write a black person off as an impulsive retard if you meet one, although it is statistically likely, you may find yourself incorrect.

>> No.19318556

Liberals don't like the science of genetics, race, and intelligence. Just a reminder that brain size differs among the races.

A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment is Associated with Larger Brains

>> No.19318558

9/10 for comedic shitpost, the biggest gang of literal retards ever assembled are the science bros. I doubt most modern leftists can even spell science

>> No.19318576

Race is not a scientific concept, anon.

You're proving my point about pseudoscience.

It's not a coincidence that antivaccers are all Republican Trumptards.

>> No.19318623
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Like all libtards, you arent a 10th as smart as you think you are. The fact that you think you know what you are talking about when you are clueless makes you 100 more times more dangerous than an idiot that knows they arent real bright

>> No.19318649

And pluto is not a planet by definition but it is still a massive body turning the Sun. It is the same, call it what you want but some people with determinated lineage and origin is clearly dumber than other people with determinated lineage and origin.
Race became a term with political implications and anthropologists dropped but ethnicity is still used it.

>> No.19318657

He is either retarded or trolling. This study shows
Genome Wide Association Studies, how they correlate with IQ, and how it differs by countries.

Blacks have lower vaccination rates than whites

>> No.19318668

>race isn't real
That's not what this medical pharmacology textbook says.

>> No.19318669

That is not a scientific study. IQ and race aren't scientific; they are sociological. Sociology is not a science.

>> No.19318711

evolution deniers like you unironically make me sick. Please neck yourself Christ cuck, it would make the world a better place.

>> No.19318762

Because it presents facts and libtards don't really like those. Also they've probably never read it. At no point does it make the assertion that niggers are "less than human" or whatever nonsense they like to imagine, only that, of humans, they are less intelligent (if they bothered to read it they would realize the science behind it).

>> No.19318796

I mean, even if you agree with it and say that niggers are inferior, wouldn't that make you inferior to chinks and kikes?

>> No.19318825

Still amazed at how many replies these obvious circle jerking ‘WHY IS MY OPINION RIGHT GUIZE’ threads gets every time. Frightening, the number of absolute retards on this board.

>> No.19318931

Underrated post

I'm sure he would say that system is rigged against whites and that's why Asians and Jews make more money and score higher on IQ tests & exams - which is hilarious because it's literally the same argument as to why people think Blacks and Hispanics don't do better.

The lack of self awareness is actually staggering. I don't know how these people are legally able to vote, drive, and impregnate other humans. These /pol/tards have the critical thinking skills of a box of coconuts.

>> No.19318936

I mean it makes sense considering that Asians and Jews make a ton of fucking money and you will almost NEVER see a homeless Asian or Jew