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19317802 No.19317802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ alcoholic drinks?

>> No.19317831
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>> No.19317837


>> No.19318172

This isn’t even a good thread by off-topic standards

>> No.19318337

seltzer because I ain't going back to that life no how

and all that "great writing" was a stinking bowel movement of the subconscious and frankly I'd rather not stand over a toilet bowl looking at my own shit as I contemplate mortality considering it thus the culmination of innumerable bodily humiliations WHERAS I would have frankly preferred the tubes as well be of glazed porcelain and perhaps even made in Vietnam.

And vomiting on a piece of paper is Not Art, vomiting in a drawer of a nightstand even less.

>> No.19318422

That drink is a beautiful colour. Reminds me of that gray purple and blue you get just as the sun goes down.

>> No.19318470

>From Europe and the Americas, notable absinthe drinkers included Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Amedeo Modigliani, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust, Aleister Crowley, Erik Satie, Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron, and Alfred Jarry.

>> No.19318476
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based aviation poster
that’s one of my favourites
pic related is very /lit/, the last word

>> No.19318504

Is that Peter Gould from a Philip Marlowe movie?

>> No.19318526

Beer and a shotgun.

>> No.19319582

For me it's a sweet manhattan

>> No.19319585

straight cooking brandy

>> No.19319596
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Either absinthe as mentioned above or Chivas

>> No.19319597

only from the ukraine

>> No.19319606

Scotch and soda (soda cooled)

>> No.19319693

A Rusty Nail.

>> No.19319715
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On that note, the most /lit/ cocktail is the Death in the Afternoon. Absinthe and champagne, drunk by Hemingway and named after one of his novels, and sure to make your alcohol-induced slow suicide much quicker.

>> No.19319771

A bottle of bourbon

>> No.19319779

Alcohol kills your braincells and organs. You're only allowed to drink it after you've written your magnum opus, otherwise you are just lowering the quality of your own book and literature as a whole.

>> No.19319808
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The last time we had a drink in a bar was in May and it was earlier than usual, just after four o'clock. He looked tired and thinner but he looked around with a slow smile of pleasure.

"I like bars just after they open for the evening. When the air inside is still cool and clean and everything is shiny and the barkeep is giving himself that last look in the mirror to see if his tie is straight and his hair is smooth. I like the neat bottles on the bar back and the lovely shining glasses and the anticipation. I like to watch the man mix the first one of the evening and put it down on a crisp mat and put the little folded napkin beside it. I like to taste it slowly. The first quiet drink of the evening in a quiet bar — that's wonderful."

I agreed with him.

"Alcohol is like love," he said. "The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off."

— The Long Goodbye, Raymond Chandler

>> No.19319818
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A Hangman’s Blood

>> No.19319820
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Bond insisted on ordering Leiter's Haig-and-Haig 'on the rocks' and then he looked carefully at the barman.

'A dry martini,' he said. 'One. In a deep champagne goblet.'

'Oui, monsieur.'

'Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon-peel. Got it?'

'Certainly, monsieur.' The barman seemed pleased with the idea.

'Gosh, that's certainly a drink,' said Leiter.

Bond laughed. 'When I'm... er... concentrating,' he explained, 'I never have more than one drink before dinner. But I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold and very well-made. I hate small portions of anything, particularly when they taste bad. This drink's my own invention. I'm going to patent it when I can think of a good name.'

He watched carefully as the deep glass became frosted with the pale golden drink, slightly aerated by the bruising of the shaker. He reached for it and took a long sip.

'Excellent,' he said to the barman, 'but if you can get a vodka made with grain instead of potatoes, you will find it still better.'

'Mais n'enculons pas des mouches,' he added in an aside to the barman. The barman grinned.

'That's a vulgar way of saying "we won't split hairs",' explained Bond.

— Casino Royale, Ian Fleming

>> No.19319830

Joyce drank a bottle of wine a day and that was apparently enough to get him drunk
Fucking lightweight

>> No.19319923
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How you doing, Jim?
I'm doin everybody I can, where you been? Where's the whiskey? Here ye go. Get ye a drink, Bud.
What is it?
Early Times. Best little old drink in the world. Get ye a drink, Sut.
Suttree held it to the light. Small twigs, debris, matter, coiled in the oily liquid. He shook it. Smoke rose from the yellow floor of the bottle. Shit almighty, he said.
Best little old drink in the world, sang out J-Bone. Have a drink, Bud.
Suttree's eyes were squeezed shut and he was holding the bottle out to whoever would take it. Goddamn. What is that shit?
Early Times, called J-Bone. Best little old drink they is. Drink that and you won't feel a thing the next mornin.
Or any morning.

— Suttree, Cormac McCarthy

>> No.19319927

Surely an Old Fashioned is /lit/ approved

>> No.19319935

rum and cok..e..

>> No.19319983

Never really got into mixed drinks. I mostly drink outdoors or in houses, only later in life did I go to bars. So I drank mostly bourbon and later vodka (when I became a real alcoholic).

Now I don't drink at all.

>> No.19320411

Based retard. I'd you're spending over 20$ on a bottle of clear.liquor you're an idiot who likes marketing more than alcohol.

>> No.19320432

Tear of a Komsomol Girl

Lavender Toilet Water 15 g.
Verbena 15 g.
Herbal Lotion 30 g.
Nail Polish 2 g.
Mouthwash 150 g.
Lemon Soda 150 g.

>> No.19321241
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Brandy until you start to vomit blood, then leave drinking behind and get addicted to morphine.

>> No.19321274
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Anyone else want to try laudanum? It looks fucking awesome if Gothic is anything to go by

>> No.19321303
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johnnie walker black, on the rocks

>> No.19321332

I only ever get a highball because I don't like being drunk but my friends drink socially.

>> No.19321333

Milk and brandy are good for evening reading.

>> No.19321478
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>> No.19321513

For me it's rum, Coke, and tears.

>> No.19321548

homemade mead

>> No.19321612


>> No.19321638
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Generally when I'm drinking and reading I try to match a drink to the book. Asbach Uralt brandy with Storm of Steel, Rum with Rum Diary, Scotch and Soda with Hemingway etc.
Beer works well with almost anything but it should be a decent one.

>> No.19322506


>> No.19322534

All those drinks made by the Italian futurists that look beautiful but would just kill you if you drank them.

>> No.19322538

Mint julep

>> No.19322687

mojitos and tom collins for me

>> No.19322726
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Hell I wish I could still go down to Chinatown and smoke a few pipes and waste a while away

>> No.19322874

Pleasant post, anon. Thanks

>> No.19322892

My great grandmother drank them, an association so strong that Don Draper's preference had almost no effect on me. She was a lovely, exceptionally kind woman. I've never had one aside from a piece of fruit here and there

>> No.19322894

Whiskey, straight, ideally from the bottle

>> No.19322912

sweet for salt

>> No.19322926
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Based semenologist

>> No.19322946

that looks fucking disgusting - I bet it's overpowered by the anis flavor of the absinthe.
also it's just alcohol, diluted with more alcohol

>> No.19323086

coors lite obviously.

>> No.19323089

Alcohol is overrated. Kills your brain cells and turns you into a disgusting pig.

>> No.19323094

While you're not technically wrong, it's a fact that many great writers drank often.

>> No.19323121
File: 90 KB, 606x728, AKG252656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sherris Sack
>. . . This same young sober-
>blooded boy doth not love me; nor a man cannot make
>him laugh; but that's no marvel, he drinks no wine.
>There's never none of these demure boys come to any
>proof; for thin drink doth so over-cool their blood,
>and making many fish-meals, that they fall into a
>kind of male green-sickness; and then when they
>marry, they get wenches: they are generally fools
>and cowards; which some of us should be too, but for
>inflammation. A good sherris sack hath a two-fold
>operation in it. It ascends me into the brain;
>dries me there all the foolish and dull and curdy
>vapours which environ it; makes it apprehensive,
>quick, forgetive, full of nimble fiery and
>delectable shapes, which, delivered o'er to the
>voice, the tongue, which is the birth, becomes
>excellent wit. The second property of your
>excellent sherris is, the warming of the blood;
>which, before cold and settled, left the liver
>white and pale, which is the badge of pusillanimity
>and cowardice; but the sherris warms it and makes
>it course from the inwards to the parts extreme:
>it illumineth the face, which as a beacon gives
>warning to all the rest of this little kingdom,
>man, to arm; and then the vital commoners and
>inland petty spirits muster me all to their captain,
>the heart, who, great and puffed up with this
>retinue, doth any deed of courage; and this valour
>comes of sherris. So that skill in the weapon is
>nothing without sack, for that sets it a-work; and
>learning a mere hoard of gold kept by a devil, till
>sack commences it and sets it in act and use.
>Hereof comes it that Prince Harry is valiant; for
>the cold blood he did naturally inherit of his
>father, he hath, like lean, sterile and bare land,
>manured, husbanded and tilled with excellent
>endeavour of drinking good and good store of fertile
>sherris, that he is become very hot and valiant. If
>I had a thousand sons, the first humane principle I
>would teach them should be, to forswear thin
>potations and to addict themselves to sack.

>> No.19323123

based, on my second of the night

>> No.19323313

Following the late Roberto Calasso (pbuh), the most /lit/ drink is a negroni.

>> No.19323414

A jacking coke

>> No.19323512

If you can down an entire bottle of wine without getting drunk you're far enough down the hole that nobody thinks it's cool anymore

>> No.19323523

bacardi 151

>> No.19323569
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Plymouth is usually around $30. It's also well worth it.

Most alcoholic drinks are /lit/; it would be easier to say which drinks are *not* /lit/. Of the not /lit/ alcohols, there are wine coolers, hard seltzers, and flavored vodkas.

In terms of the most /lit/ drink, it's hard to go wrong by following Dr Johnson's maxim:

>Claret is the liquor for boys, port for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy.

>> No.19323581

I've had a week version of it made from distilled mead that had milked and then crushed up garden poppies infused into it. It's OK. Very floaty feeling. Wonderful cure for a hangover, especially if taken before going to bed after a night of heavy drinking.

Not something that I lust after though, although in general though I don't find opiates particularly fun or addicting; obviously YMMV.

>> No.19323585

>I've had a week version

>> No.19323587
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Is *not* drinking /lit/?
>Of the not /lit/ alcohols, there are wine coolers, hard seltzers, and flavored vodkas.
How is light beer /lit/?

>> No.19323609

Not drinking can also be /lit/ if you are otherwise /lit/.

As far as light beer, pounding it like it's some hard alcohol or something is not /lit/, but if you treat it as the equivalent of a small beer or mainly for hydration, it's fine if not particularly worthy of any note.

>> No.19324183

>also it's just alcohol, diluted with more alcohol
Like most of the best cocktails. But you do you, enjoy the expensive sugary "mixers" that water your drink down. Faggot lmao

>> No.19324200

No you get a highball because you're a weaboo faggot

>> No.19324240

>johnny walker red
>cheap beer

>> No.19324952

y'all niggas should read Infinite Jest. You can beat the disease of addiction.

>> No.19325004

No one that I know of rates alcohol highly. It's just legal and abundantly available and disinhibits.

>> No.19325013

Malt liquor n sheeeit

>> No.19325037

Elliott Gould* yes, its from The Long Goodbye

>> No.19326307

/thread. Alcohol is not /lit/. It is a poison. Weed fans and alcoholics are scum. The patrician drug choice is basically anything else, especially low dose stimulants and tobacco.

>> No.19326493

alcohol is literal poison for your organs.
>calls weed poison
>lists tobacco as "patrician"
lol biased midwit

>> No.19326564

Weed is a stupefying soporific for fat niggers on EBT
Tobacco amplifies the neurosis that defines all the best writers

>> No.19326616

french martini

>> No.19326654

Hemingway style daiquiri(double rum). This is probably the best answer. Also straight Wild Turkey(ice optional) if you want to drink like Hunter Thompson.

>> No.19326825

Cigs actively make you and everything around you uglier.

>> No.19326997

white wine

>> No.19327064

>Mr. Suttree it is our understanding that at curfew rightly decreed by law and in that hour wherein night draws to its proper close and the new day commences and contrary to conduct befitting a person of your station you betook yourself to various low places within the shire of McAnally and there did squander several ensuing years in the company of thieves, derelicts, miscreants, pariahs, poltroons, spalpeens, curmudgeons, clotpolls, murderers, gamblers, bawds, whores, trulls, brigands, topers, tosspots, sots and archsots, lobcocks, smellsmocks, runagates, rakes, and other assorted and felonious debauchees.

>I was drunk, cried Suttree.

>> No.19327071

Difference between 20 dollar alcohol and 40 dollar alcohol is night and day.

>> No.19327090

read a book dipshit

>> No.19327100

Absinthe is like 75% or 80% proof iirc.

>> No.19327648

what neurosis? the constant thought that everyone around you thinks you smell like an asshole?

>> No.19327822

Hi, percentages and proofs are different. 80 proof would be 40% abv