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/lit/ - Literature

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19315321 No.19315321 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to get a physical copy without being put on a list?

>> No.19315333

How is it different from viewing the pdf? Don't they track everything anyways? You probably got put on a list for saving the pic

Just buy it off amazon

>> No.19315339

>living your life in fear of being put on The List

>> No.19315343

I ordered off amazon. I'm definitely on a few lists, and I just gotta wait until it effects me.

>> No.19315369

ted was a fed read ellul

>> No.19315372

If you post on 4chan you're already on a list

>> No.19315382

Yes you are so important that the government is going to scrutinize your book purchases and put you on a list for buying a suspicious title...

>> No.19315597
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x992, unafesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went to office depot with a pdf and got it bound in a spiral ring.

>> No.19315633

>Not fostering a healthy schizophrenia for creative purposes
>Referring to The List by name
nice try glowie

>> No.19315696

Your entire personality has already been inventoried by Google Analytics, anon. What year are you living in where you think surveillance requires a guy in a trenchcoat to go through your garbage?

>> No.19315708

you are already on a list

>> No.19315727

This, it's all done through a host of neural nets probably; FAGMAN has PhDs in spades figuring out the most efficient way to categorize and store data so they free up more resources to collect more info on everyone automatically. Just everyone that breathes, it's no secret.

>you are already on a list

>> No.19315732

>he hasn't been on a list for years

>> No.19315752

oh yeah. 100%. We're on 4chan.
Chans get monitored anyway- but the government have buzzword quick search algorithms and shit, and you're posting about Teddy K. Your agent is rubbing one out as we speak. I know you're reading this, and your dick is small, you glow-in-the-dark faggot.

>> No.19315755

Just read it on a kindle while you listen to the audiobook!

>> No.19315761
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>Not being on at least one government watchlist
get out normie

>> No.19315788

And they have the audacity to call /pol/tards obsessed.

>> No.19315790
File: 14 KB, 334x500, 31sJr2WTmWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to /lit/ to see if there was a Kaczynski thread.

Still right about everything. The more I read, the more I come back to Kaczynski. What appears as faults or incompleteness turn out to be rigorously correct.

>> No.19315825

I like to jack off to hardcore pornography while staring into my webcam so the officer assigned to me knows I'm dangerous

>> No.19315938
