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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 808 KB, 1350x764, Little Eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19313664 No.19313664 [Reply] [Original]

Little Eden edition

Previous Thread:>>19302423

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19313684
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Is Poe /sffg/?

>> No.19313687

Anti-Bakkerposting beam activated

>> No.19313876

>even a lion uses all its strength to catch a rabbit

>> No.19313880

Is their any self published /ssfg/ related that could be considered great?

>> No.19313886

He is the father of sffg.

>> No.19313889
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>> No.19313895

>implying there ever was a contest

Bakker is the heir apparent

>> No.19313896
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Based. Bakkerfags cope and seethe more. This is now a Gene Wolfe thread.

>> No.19313929
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You can't escape

>> No.19313977

>Sounds interesting, might give it a try, thanks
You're welcome.

>Have you ever thought of making a pastebin for your reviews?
There isn't any need for me to do so. You can view the /sffg/ related ones here, as seen in the OP:
That's why I use a tripcode.
All other reviews can be seen in my Goodreads profile, which is obvious, or should be at least, upon joining the group in the OP.

>i just finished ship of fools by richard russo it was very compelling
Yeah, I enjoyed that.

>I wouldn’t go that far, that named at, sffg, is the only opinion I take in consideration since he reads the books and gives them an unbiased reviews.
I wouldn't say what I write is unbiased, but if you find them helpful or interesting in any way, then that's good.

>> No.19313998
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>> No.19314603

Previously I've mentioned trying to read some bad/meme books as decided by /sffg/, but it didn't seem worthwhile for now. Instead, I'll try something else out on a whim that may be mildly fun for all involved. I'll read the first book in the winning series and if I finish, write something about it, as I've been doing for a couple years now. All of these are series I already planned to read, so it's only a matter of when I do so. If I don't finish the book then I may do another vote or pick the runner-up. This is a once-a-month sort of thing to prevent adding too many new series, as I may pick up a couple others as well on my own. Vote for whatever reason you prefer. This is for November. I'll read it no later than the end of the second week. This is not a group read or read along. Responses to this post as to why I should read a particular series will be considered as well. Voting ends when this thread is archived or Nov 1st, roughly US time, whichever comes later.


The Pariah (Covenant of Steel, #1) Ryan Anthony

The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga, #1) John Gwynne

Stranger of Tempest (The God Fragments #1) Tom Lloyd

Blood of an Exile (Dragons of Terra #1) Brian Naslund

The Black Hawks (Articles of Faith #1) David Wragg

The Cruel Stars (The Cruel Stars #1) John Birmingham

Counting Heads (Counting Heads #1) David Marusek

Equations of Life (Samuil Petrovitch #1) Simon Morden

The Wild Shore (Three Californias Triptych #1) Kim Stanley Robinson

Cash Crash Jubilee (Jubilee Cycle #1) Eli K.P. William

>> No.19314610

All /sffg/fags must hang

>> No.19314661

Is there something like wheel of time but without the w*men chapters?

>> No.19314829

Thoughts on the Mistborn series?

>> No.19314843

I never read, I probably haven't read a book cover to cover since high school. I was about to pick up Rendezvous with Rama but decided last second to get LOTR two towers instead. I finished the fellowship of the ring audiobook (gay medium I assume) last year and got halfway through two towers but found it boring, but I decided LOTR was a tried and true series to try and get back into physical reading with.
I know this will sound super retarded but how often do you guys read? If you start a book and find it boring do you bother finishing it or is it okay to put it down and call it a day? I am a somewhat slow reader and the thought of investing a lot of time into a book seems annoying

>> No.19314854

any comfysci fi where diapers are the sniper and mom finds the sniper and uses military comms to inform dad that there are diapers in the sniper.

>> No.19314902

Word salad

>> No.19314913

scraped, undigested, out of your elderly fathers asshole.

>> No.19315178

You don't say?

>> No.19315207

How do I write a book with momcest without it seeming like I am just indulging in my fetishes (I am)? Like, it won't be centered around it, there will be other plotlines, of course, but momcest will be heavily featured. Would it be too controversial and risque?

>> No.19315227

Post name of your book

>> No.19315247

An Epic Motherfucking Tale

>> No.19315294

what say you?

>> No.19315296

make sure it involves nursing bra's

>> No.19315307

It's in the brainstorming stage. Before I commit, I need the approval of revered /lit/ experts. I'm sure Bakkerchads will help me out, considering all the gayrape and curved phalluses were probably author's fetishes and he managed to write a competent book series. I wonder whether mother/son (consensual, gentle and romantic) incest would fit into current Overton window.

>> No.19315390

Cradle fucking sucks

>> No.19315411

Read Heinlein. I can't remember which ones exactly, but I'm pretty sure there's momcest in some of his books.

>> No.19315444

Heinlein's take on incest is bizarre. I'm pretty sure that anon just wants regular incest shit which in that case he should just turn to hentai because I can't think of a book that has a serious mother/son relationship.

>> No.19315465
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>> No.19315471
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>> No.19315478

>Would it be too controversial and risque?
Depends on how you write it. Don't make it out to be a positive thing. If I were to write something like that I'd make it so that the mother is trying to groom her son for a certain purpose and makes sure she has control over every single aspect of his life.

But in general there are mainstream books with much worse shit than mother/son incest so I wouldn't worry too much. Just don't be blatant about it and write it as pure fetish fuel.

>> No.19315522

Oedipus Rex

>> No.19315587

I'd like to hear more about Heinlein's incest. He is a respectable author, so if managed to get away with it, I want to know how.
I want to depict it in a wholesome/positive way because I want to sublimate (is that a right term?) my mommy issues. The thing is, I heavily dislike my actual mother and lacked healthy parental dynamics and affection as a kid. I'm sure, Freud would have something to say about it, but basically, I wish to supplant my lack of motherly affection with that idea of mother/son romance, because, not knowing how normal mother/son relationships go, I can only imagine love between man and a woman as eros. I can probably write in some Uranus/Gaia parallel and claim I was inspired by Hellenic mythos so the relationship won't look as bizarre and unjustified.
As a side note, I think I developed schizoid personality disorder due to my early childhood environment and that's probably the reason why I don't consider the idea of writing a momcest novel to be so taboo.

>> No.19315595


>> No.19315600

My diary desu

>> No.19315619

It wasn't only the environment. If you do, it's probably also genetic. Though I can't say that's really the case for you.

>> No.19315621

You want to have sex with your mom? Elaborate on your family dynamics. Is she hot?

>> No.19315672

My parents were constantly shouting and hurling insults at each other and I was in constant fear they would divorce. It lasted until I was about 10-12. I didn't even fully realize that's not how parents are supposed interact and now I have difficulties reacting in an appropriate way in social situations. I don't think any of my relative were as maladaptive as me, but my dad is pretty weird and might autistic. He constantly does mundane things which are normally done by people in a certain accepted way in his own retarded method which doesn't really make sense and it annoys me heavily sometimes.

>> No.19315694

Seems more like an attachment disorder then and maybe something with trauma.
I think overall you're probably making too much of it in general though. Too much idealization of how you think parents ought to be.

>> No.19315705
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You guys know of any comfy fantasy writers like Lord Dunsany, George MacDonald, and Hobbit-era Tolkien?

>> No.19315756
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What music would they listen to?

>> No.19315758
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Me and my platonic friend reading Second Apocalypse like kings

>> No.19315950

Based and Bakker pilled

>> No.19315952

Kek. I just randomly decided to read "Sailor who fell from grace with the sea" and the first few pages are about the kid peeking on his mom. It's truly written in the stars. I WILL write a momcest fetish fuel barely disguised as low-fantasy.

>> No.19315987

How do you guys like scifi short story collections that follow a cohesive ish narrative, a la I, robot and Foundation and Earth?

>> No.19316003

I like Conan The Barbarian because he is hot and strong

>> No.19316020

Terra Ignota is the best set of sff books to be authored in the last several decades. If all of you pissants didn't have too many/ pol/ brainworms to appreciate the literary masterpiece that is her work you'd be worshipping her as the successor queen to le guin (rip)

>> No.19316023

>I WILL write a momcest fetish fuel barely disguised as low-fantasy.
Best of luck anon, for what it's worth I hope you succeed.

>> No.19316037
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>uhhhhh yeah I know the woman standing in front of me basically sold her soul to Satan but uhhhhhh I still can't kill her even though she is going to kill my friends

>> No.19316042

It isn't and she isn't. They're just ok.

>> No.19316067

The characters in Wheel of Time are one of the worst written ever, in terms of their behavior. Garbage books.

>> No.19316107

>finally read spook's apprentice
>enjoy it and continue on with the series
>get to the part where alice cucks the protagonist
>spoil myself to read that she eventually comes running back to him and he takes her back despite being used goods who betrayed him in every way possible
Quickest drop I've ever had. I hate shit like this. Like if you're going to write a plot line where the main character's love interest runs off with another man then use that as an opportunity for the protag to move on not pine over the slut until she eventually comes crawling back. Same shit happens in Memory, Sorrow and Thorn but it's even more infuriating.

>> No.19316262

They're alright, but I just find the tone infuriating. She clearly thinks she's on some le Guin or Wolfe level but comes off about 20 years and 40 IQ points short. Political stuff was even handed though. I honestly don't want to find out what dumb irl political shit writers are into. It never improves my opinion of them.

>> No.19316291

Thanks, anonbro

>> No.19316394

mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry

>> No.19316404

The songs of the Gnosis, pussy

>> No.19316446

Down with the sickness - Disturbed

>> No.19316640

Bump for visibility, also I read a lot faster than I remembered. I read hundreds of papers in college but those were scientific and I had to go slow to absorb everything. Books are a lot more fun to scan over

>> No.19316910

book good because anti-sjw
book bad because anti-based

>> No.19316953

The Hobbit

>> No.19317289 [DELETED] 

punk are the true rebel right winged, trump liberal destroyed won the election, hillary mad because bubble is popped, obama fascist islamic hussien

>> No.19317308

Agreed, punks are the real fascists... fascists are the real punk.

>> No.19317365

sci fi needs more focus on interpersonal drama and less on autistic robot shit. some of this shit is barely readable its so wooden.

>> No.19317388

Hahah this is an interesting take. Those on space flight general on /sci/ disagree completely. They think science fiction is riddled with autistic character development and drama with no means to an end, and absolutely no payoff in terms of exploration of technology or near-to-far future technological progression

>> No.19317434
File: 259 KB, 950x579, my-image(46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished all the Witcher books. I'm glad I didn't pay for any of them besides The Last Wish.

>> No.19317465
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curved phallus owners are the real punk

>> No.19317490

The short stories are alright, anything beyond that is alarming levels of bad. I'm convinced that the majority of praise for these books comes from people who played the games then read the books and try to pretend these books are some high quality fantasy work to validate their love for the games.

>> No.19317541

>and absolutely no payoff in terms of exploration of technology or near-to-far future technological progression
sounds like the complaint a bunch of autists would make
>this science fiction story doesn't huff its own farts enough to just do wacky pseudo la la land bullshit. forget all this character and plot development

>> No.19317546

prior to one of them pumping some black alien seed into the other's anus

>> No.19317553

you can have both

>> No.19317559

that's what i was afraid would be the case. glad i decided to spend time reading other books this year. maybe if i am in need of a quick, mindless set to hit my #s next year...

>> No.19317572
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If its not curved, then its a fucking turd

>> No.19317589

If I wanted character and plot development I'd read Tolstoy or something. Is technology is just there to be wacky pseudo la la land bullshit then the story would only benefit from not actually including it.

>> No.19317594

books about templar like groups hunting mages? In a logical fantasy world mages would be hated and feared

>> No.19317632

>Memory, Sorrow and Thorn
Doesn't she get Dennis(It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) raped in that? Like she had to fuck him on the boat because of the implication.
The Spook's Apprentice thing was funny though, that's some peak woman shit right there to say it was actually some god making her do that.

>> No.19317655

books about facts and logic destroying libs?

>> No.19317659

The Holy Bible

>> No.19317661

the darkness that comes before

>> No.19317688

That isn't true.

>> No.19317701

Feminist AND SJW Cringe Compilation

>> No.19317707

bwahahahaha look she has red hair and scream, what a feminazi.

>> No.19317739
File: 33 KB, 260x390, 638F53C5-3ECF-4F61-A3A1-DB837378D413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is racist AND homophobic.
Shame on whoever it was in /sffg/ who recommended it to me.

How the hell did it win a Hugo?

Though I will say I liked Haldeman's prose.

>> No.19317768 [DELETED] 

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

>> No.19317778

I wish but no

>> No.19317797

>Spook's apprentice
>gets cucked
>Ranger's Apprentice
>kills off Will's wife in the end

>> No.19318018

it was a different time

>> No.19318025

idk what i was thinking trying out progression fantasy, listened to Unsouled for an hour and was bored to tears. ask for recs and people will link you a 6 gorillion word machine translated abomination from china.

>> No.19318189
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it was a better time

>> No.19318198

I liked the part where the Jews were eliminated by their own brown gay clone army. Shame the sequel was so awful. Haldeman is the most boomer sci-fi author I've encountered.

>> No.19318246

I liked it, but Unsouled doesn't really get good until Lindon starts beating up little children in front of their parents. And unfortunately the main plot doesn't even begin until after that.

>> No.19318274

Perhaps I can interest you in the harem fantasy genre

>> No.19318518

such effort

>> No.19318598


>> No.19318621

His Traveler’s Gate series was my favorite but he hasn’t touched it in years. Couldn’t get into the other wuxia shit. Hopefully he goes back to his roots.

>> No.19318639

The hymns of the Hinayata of course.

>> No.19318653
File: 460 KB, 1280x720, thinking elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading Traveler's Gate, it's not very good so far

>> No.19318772

How are the penguin galaxy books?
I'm mostly interested in buying hardbacks that have sewn bindings and are clothbound

>> No.19318850

The princess is convinced it is rape, it is overall a bit shady because she did accept, then learned that the guy is evil, then they fuck, then she thinks it is rape.
That implication meme is a good comparison, weird situation all around.

>> No.19318926

books you consider to be top tier in world building?

>> No.19319032

>This book is racist AND homophobic.
Is this supposed to be a negative? Fuck off.

>> No.19319097

The first book only gets interesting when Simon gets into the house. You'll know what house I mean when you get there.

>> No.19319190

Travelers Gate, at least the first book, it's pretty awful. I never got through the first book.
He did mention on his blog that once Reaper is out the door he's planning to revisit that series though.

>> No.19319337

Looking for good fantasy books with lots of tits. There are plenty with tits on the cover, but I want tits being described in the text

>> No.19319477
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I am once again going to shill The Mask of the Sorcerer. The worldbuilding isn't just amazing, it's effortless

>> No.19319507

Robin Hobb is unironically a great woman writer of fantasy just telling comfy and grounded stories without ruining them with id politics. Sadly overshadowed in the mainstream by more diverse and therefore more important women writers of the genre.

>> No.19319518

Why do the worst people get famous in Fantasy? Rothfuss boasts about being a "professional" DnD player on twitch but gets his chat to tell him what good builds to take when character making... If he does that about a game, imagine how much he steals from people in writing.

>> No.19319602

Which book of hers would you recommend to start with?

>> No.19319626

>Shame the sequel was so awful.
You don't recommend? I was thinking about picking it up.
Also, do you mean Forever Free or Forever Peace? Or both?

>> No.19319652
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I'd start at the beginning with the Farseer Trilogy, the first book being Assassin's Apprentice. They're all in the same world with a different region and cast for the Liveship Traders and the Rainwild Chronicles. You can skip those two if you don't like their premises and just want more Fitz

>> No.19319910

Forever Free. I have an omnibus in the order of War, Free, Peace. Free was dnf for me, and I don't do that a lot.

>> No.19320028
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>Reading book
>Protagonist is over 6 foot
>Can't self insert anymore

>> No.19320030

The absolute state of manlets

>> No.19320042

shut up i didn't ask for this

>> No.19320046

Never understand why people dislike Two Towers. Sam and Frodo walking all the way to Mordor with slave Gollum is kino

>> No.19320048

>self inserting
> ever

>> No.19320339
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whoever posted this, please stay in your ball pit

>> No.19320382
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>filtered by rothfuss
His story barely has single meanings, let alone any deeper ones. The only good thing about either of his books is that his prose is comfy and his - may allah forgive me for uttering these words - magic system is interesting.

>> No.19320402

Does anyone know the name of a book about a man, I think a detective, who was replaced by a cyberversion of himself or that his cyberclone started fucking shit up in the real world? It was something like that and I thought it sounded interesting but I didn't write the name down

>> No.19320410

The Darkness that Comes Before

>> No.19320727

Imagine reading things written by wh*te ppl

>> No.19320749

Those are the only things I read.

>> No.19320829

So now that 4chan is legal. What coming of age books will you be reading in it's honor?

>> No.19320907

> Han Ming walked up slowly, kicked the boy and girl freak, and then sneered: "Hehe, I forgot to tell you, the way you smile is really disgusting."

Western tranny authors baka

>> No.19320914
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Who is reading?

>> No.19320921

I never finished the last cradle so I prolly won’t continue

>> No.19320961

Who is the god? WITNESS
And why is Garth still putting out Abhorsen books?

>> No.19320999
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I’m one of the og cradle shills

>> No.19321005

>the god is not willing
So has it been released somewhere already or not?
Still nothing on libgen, but I have a malazanautist on my friends list who apparently read it already and some anons also have made bold claims concerning it.

>> No.19321016

Here you go.

>> No.19321017

It is on zlibrary

>> No.19321025

Me too. I was shilling Wight since House of Blades (yes, I was the fag that used to shill house of blades for years)

>> No.19321038
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Thanks, friend.

>> No.19321046
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Anyone know what happened to the Dao of Magic author? I was expecting another skeleton in space, but he just dropped off the map.

>> No.19321069
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Echogenesis - Gary Gibson (2021)
This was recommended to me as a "Top Pick" by Goodreads. The author notes that his first ten novels were traditionally published. This one however was self-published. The premise is that a group of fifteen people wake up on an unknown world with no memory of how or why they're there. Having little other choice, they begin exploring. The sole reason I read this was because of the premise, and once again, just because it's an idea I like doesn't mean I'll enjoy it. Fortunately, this was a rather quick and simple read. Even so, it probably should've been a novella rather than a novel. The main problem is how insubstantial it is.The majority of the book is spend exploring, but it doesn't have the slightest bit of the wonder that should come with discovery. This would've worked much better as a visual medium because it's rather difficult to have many characters involved in the same scene. Because of this, most of the characters have little to no development, though if it were visual at least they would've been seen. I don't think I can really call it survival horror either because there isn't really any sense of dread. When something happens, it just sort of happens, and that's how it is. The same can be said of the sex scenes which literally last a couple of short sentences. There isn't really anything to recommend about this other than to say it wasn't anything worse than being insipid.
Rating: 2/5

>> No.19321072

Western authors are worthless, drop em

>> No.19321075

Not, not really.

>> No.19321112

Chi-com authors will write 8 million words in 3 years while a western author does like 10,000

>> No.19321119

8 million words of low quality crap, gee whiz.

>> No.19321121

Quality > Quantity

Simple as

>> No.19321125

>10k words
>3 years
>10k words is ~40 pages
>~13 pages per year
You aren't credible in the slightest.

>> No.19321155

first five chapters of my book are done bros

it's all coming together

>> No.19321159

godspeed anon. you better finish it

>> No.19321169

You have a general, fuck off and go there.

>> No.19321171

>you better finish it
me and a buddy from school have been working on it since 2015. Spent a while mapping out the world, characters, and themes and letting them marinate a bit. He's dropped the book completely, but I'm doing heavy lifting to get it out there.

I'm gonna fucking finish it. I love it too much not to.

>> No.19321176

stop breathing

>> No.19321182

>only allowed to talk about writing in one thread on a board dedicated to writing
nah you're a retard

>> No.19321248

For genre fiction:

Dan Simmons > Alistair Reynolds = R. Scott Bakker > Frank Herbert > Gene Wolfe = Glen Cook > a bunch of one offs I read and weren't particularly memorable > Tolkien, which I forced myself to read and didn't like.

>> No.19321342

Based. Hail the return of the Epitome.

>> No.19321445
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I'm half-way through the third volume and I still feel like a brainlet reading this.

>> No.19321475
File: 758 KB, 1920x1200, 1303679963745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self published
>cover is an obvious video game reference
This and <female> <jewish> author are two cases where I always judge a book by its cover and have never regretted it.

Thanks for the quality review anyway though. I'm going to have to type up something like this when I finish reading Fledgling. It's got comfy + the power of melanin

>> No.19321481

>crashed ship
>video game refere9
Anon, that sort of pic has been used as a generic picture for all types of media.

>> No.19321492

It's weird seeing BoTNS artwork that looks like that. I always imagine the world as looking more fantasy than sci fi, even though there are some sci fi elements to the story. Also why do they always draw Severian as an ugly freak? All the characters describe him as handsome. I know that Severian is "muh unreliable narrator" but why make him look so freakish?

>> No.19321494

Feeling like a brainlet is something you greatly enjoy though. It's like a mental form of humiliation and masochism.

>> No.19321504

Well, a lot of times I just can't help myself. It would be far better if I prioritized expected enjoyment over everything else, but that's not something I seem to be able to do.

>> No.19321520

The people of Severian' time look weird to Jonas who's more or lees contemporary to us, and Severian even more so since he's part exultant.

>> No.19321540


>> No.19321564

People will shit on you for not liking it, but it is simply not my cup of tea.
Way too exoteric, even for me.

>> No.19321597

The less something is understood, the better it is.

>> No.19321667

>All the characters describe him as handsome
>unreliable narrator

>> No.19321672

Adrian Tchaikovsky is one of the most prolific authors in the world. No ricebug can match his writing quality, range and creativity with the same output.

>> No.19321681

It came out looking a lot more like OP's cover in the actual game. I just had that wallpaper on hand.

>> No.19321757

I liked the Abhorsen trilogy years ago. Are any of the new ones good?

>> No.19321889

I dont like the magic system

>> No.19321928

Is the Shadows of the Apt series worth checking out?

>> No.19321932

I"m reading the /sffg/ archive and everyone seems to shit on it.

>> No.19321946

Is that the one where moths cuck ants?

>> No.19321953
File: 132 KB, 500x684, cradle lindon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you can't read Cradle then, sad!

>> No.19321954
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>epic fantasy
>high fantasy

>> No.19321971
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What happened to Sanderson?

>> No.19321976
File: 2.43 MB, 2026x2865, happy cute blushing anime armored girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epic fantasy

>> No.19321983

he got a wife, two kids, parrot, fat and old

>> No.19321992
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Shit's rough.

>> No.19322085

I mean its good but its seen as "entry level" for a lot of the people here. Give it a shot

>> No.19322202

George RR Martin's new book, When?

>> No.19322211

When E William Brown releases his Loli space Marine Princess and Daniel Black 5.

>> No.19322321
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If the nigger would put on a shirt and stop cutting his own hair with a sword, he'd be pretty handsome. Artists always seem to treat 'unreliable narrator' as license to do whatever with him too.

>> No.19322450

>black and/or female writer
I do not read that book.

>> No.19322454

there are a few /based blacks/

>> No.19322498
File: 6 KB, 188x268, 1626155851842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for an easy way to read ALL the stories by certain authors by publishing date, because I'm assburgers and I always get caught up reading, lists cross-checking editions of books and this consumes all my energy.
I just want to open a 3000-long page book and consume it linearly.

I stopped reading Poe because of this and now I want to get into Asimov.
I've also read a few pieces by other authors (Lovecraft, Chambers) that I'd like to turn into a "complete read-through" project.

wat do
Am I bound to waste countless hours cataloguing shit?

>> No.19322572
File: 62 KB, 1000x562, bulli55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm halfway through Judging Eye and I just feel bad for Sorweel bros fuck Aspect-Emperor damn bros fuck his faggot sons too little imbred monsters

>> No.19322587

Can't you just look at their wikipedia pages? As long as you're not reading authors nobody has ever heard of, which it looks like you're not, there shit should be accurately catalogued already.

>> No.19322606
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Yes but piecing together what books have what stories compiled in is awful.

I was reading a website called Annotated Poe (I think), blissful and ignorant believing that was his complete work until I realized it wasn't, it was just a selection.
It was so practical and I felt so liberated knowing everything was there, linearly laid out in front of me as readily-readable hyperlinks, but it was all an illusion.

>> No.19322609

It will only get worse.

>> No.19322680

I don't know what you are doing, but you are really bad at it. I pity you.

>> No.19322682

Black loli grandma is posthumously recognized by the ethnostate.

Still looking for a sffjewess who isn't an awful writer / chomo.

>> No.19322744
File: 103 KB, 500x712, 1633734285882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Dune back in May, do I need to give myself a refresher before I read Messiah?

>> No.19322749

How shit is your memory? Also, Messiah is just an epilogue to Dune, you were supposed to read them back to back

>> No.19322751

You should be fine if you read attentively.

>> No.19322782

Dropping Night Land. I don't care how many bushes you crawled through or pills you ate. You had half a book to do something interesting.

>> No.19322865

I couldn't stand that faggot.

>> No.19322911

Holy filtered

>> No.19322968

>Reading shit isekai because I have no taste
halfway through the translaor changes, but they stopped paying the wordpress tax so the link redirects to some site that wants me to install a new search engine
Why do I keep doing this to myself...

>> No.19323002

Even worse, you're probably reading from terrible sources that are unreliable at best rather than a reliable aggregated source.

>> No.19323021

Just use your knowledge of Isekai tropes to write your own stuff. At least that way you're creating something.

>> No.19323100

read iron prince instead

>> No.19323112

When the fuck is volume 2 coming out?

>> No.19323129


>> No.19323130

Just wait until you see what else he does...

>> No.19323283

I don't have an aggregated source now that Asianovel's dead... What else is there?

>> No.19323321

>tfw no strictly platonic friend

>> No.19323602

yeah that really messed me up when i read that series as a kid.
the author just couldn't stop himself from inserting his cuckold fantasies

>> No.19323655

Just finished The Coward I overall liked it. The first quarter is kind of a slog and the book could of used another draft or two.

>> No.19323676
File: 23 KB, 483x470, HMMHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are westerners so bad at writing any type of romance?
It's at the point where they should be banned from writing any sort of romantic plot and focus solely on the actual plot.

>> No.19323681

yeah I like the epic chinese romances

>> No.19323724

he look its another leftie mud.

>> No.19323810

>Book from before 2005
>it may be a franchise
>some military ship traveled into hyperspace via some weird space whale or otherwise space faring creature
>from the perspective of the second in command who had to take over after the captain died
>features corporal punishment, some guys get tied down and caned until they stop making mistakes

Anyone know what this is?

>> No.19323854

Has anyone ever played a good text adventure? I'm wanting to try my hand at a Wolfean text adventure with minor RPG elements, but wanted to explore any other attempts first.

>> No.19323991

I tried reading Gene Wolfes book of the new sun series but the way my mind pictured what the setting looked like made me lose any interest in it
It seemed really dumb like a mishmash of 80's fantasy art and was very ugly and chaotic, I didn't like it and so I had to stop reading
Did I get filtered?
All I remember is some castle I pictured in my mind and some purple black graveyards and some huge structures with small stony rooms, some girl running through some corridors and a shitty fountain
Any ideas of how to force your mind to picture something better when it hasn't been adapted into film yet?

>> No.19324076
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>my mind pictured dumb mishmash of 80s fantasy art
>I hated it
cringe take

>> No.19324202

Has anyone read Too, Too Solid Flesh by Nick O'Donohoe? What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.19324223

Idk, as a very late millennial (1994) I just hate that kind of aesthetic for some reason
Reading Jack Vance was the absolute worst experience for me

>> No.19324229
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I felt like these character drawings were the closest I imagined them to looking like-not totally spot on but the best artistic interpretations I've found

>> No.19324273
File: 72 KB, 1080x969, 3 year old boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I write for NaNoWriMo lads? I want to write xianxia but I'm not sure I can

>> No.19324278

sounds like more of a personal problem than anything else. idk why you pictured 80's fantasy art, did you buy a book with that style on the cover? Cover art is notoriously inaccurate

I picture a ruined world when reading it, what you get when you combine a medieval world with schizo tech in a post apocalyptic hellscape-what would happen if humanity in the far future lived in the remnants of a high tech world, a fantasy world with the "magic" just being clarke's third law

>> No.19324286
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>> No.19324314

Leguin was shit though

>> No.19324335

Yeah only the short stories hold any charm. As soon as the Pollock starts trying to take his Elric fanfic seriously he shits the bed

>> No.19324342

Based pooping Bakkerchad about to wipe his ass with chinkshit

>> No.19324359

Hi will. Still not reading your litrpg wuxia trash

>> No.19324400

There are plenty of good ones. Try Anchorhead, which is a Lovecraftian horror game. Here's a ranking of games by user vote

>> No.19324418 [DELETED] 

I'm so fucking tired of science fantasy post apocalyptic settings.

>> No.19324425

I'm so fucking tired of science fantasy novels set in the post apocalypse.

>> No.19324442

The years have not been kind to Linkara.

>> No.19324515

Thanks for the spoiler anon, ill read it just because of that reference.

>> No.19324518

What does /lit/ think about Heinlein? I've read Stranger in a Strange Land, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and Methuselah's Children. Currently slogging through Time Enough for Love.
I've liked the general premise of each book and enthusiastically got through the first half, but all the books seem to take a turn as he amps up whichever self-insert character he has to preach his ideals to the reader. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress has been my favorite so far, and I want to keep reading his books, but Time Enough for Love has nearly stopped me in my tracks. I'm currently in The Tale of the Twins Who Weren't chapter and so far the entire book has been Heinlein's favorite character Lazarus Long monologuing. There's some good stuff in here and I enjoyed Long in Methuselah's Children, but this book is about four times as long and doesn't really justify it. Just finished the section where he justifies eugenics and it really just feels like I've gone to a Heinlein TED talk or something.

>> No.19324554
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I'm glad we all agree that Aching God is the best self-published fantasy novel.

>> No.19324562

The Forever War is in my top 3 SFF novels. Only good book Haldeman ever wrote, but it's a GOAT.

>> No.19324582

Go to sleep Hamlet

>> No.19324599

Maybe I'll give it another chance someday, but it's a rather low priority.

>> No.19324655

What's /sffg/'s favourite explanation for FTL transport?

>> No.19324674

I'm going to write a sci-fi story it's gonna be awesome with a ton of political intrigue, brutal cynicism and epic battles, with a well thought out world that shows skill and knowledge especially in the arts of politics, history, religion, philosophy, science and warfare.
One side is going to be like the Japanese in the early 20th century, one is going to be like the Austrians in the 18th and 19th century, there's gonna be the polish question and also the russians during the invasion of Russia by Napoleon and finally there will be modern America which will be brought down to it's knees and enslaved, it's traditions destroyed and it's people scattered to make space for the glorious conquerors to repopulate their empire, oh also there will be a frederick the great but he'll get his shit pushed in cause he's a swarmy obnoxious cunt who deserved worse (not cause he was a faggot faggots are cool) it'll be so epic.
Gonna be hard to make the parallels less obvious though.

>> No.19324695

>a ton of political intrigue, brutal cynicism and epic battles
That sounds like the most boring shit ever.
>muh talking heads
>muh edge
>muh action

>> No.19324700

Fuck you space magic

>> No.19324703

Ah, does it really sound boring?
I'm a very boring person and I know it probably comes out in my ideas but I'm not sure what to do :(

>> No.19324733

Instead of talking about writing, just write. If it comes to you while writing, great. But talking about writing without writing usually means you'll never do it.

>> No.19324736

Well I just thought about this while having a shower just then and thought it sounded epic
I'm writing now

>> No.19324741

That sounds pretty fun but probably just because I'm into history. Write some and post it here.

>> No.19324790

Thanks dude
Idk, I don't have anything to post
I'm starting to get worried about scale and like how many planets each empire should have, what kind of planets, do people find planets that are basically just suitable for habitation as is? Or do they need to do terraforming on them?
The distances would be so large, what would stop someone just firing asteroids with FTL engines on them at planets?
How do you make combat interesting without it just involving gaining air superiority and then bombing? Or maybe planetary defence systems which would include satellites would be so powerful no ships could approach so all warfare would involve infiltration? You could surround each planet with detectors and stuff, cloaking is lame
Maybe the only warfare that really goes on is over systems which have been discovered to be valuable to occupy and they sometimes fight over it and fighting in other people's systems just isn't worth doing assuming they fixed the FTL asteroid problem.
I need to do some research on typical star systems.

>> No.19324897

Agreed. She's a good writer, has strong characters and actually is loyal to them; there isn't fanservice in either the SJW direction or the harem isekai one.

>> No.19324977

>You can skip those two if you don't like their premises and just want more Fitz
bit cringe opinion but RWC kinda sucks

>> No.19325035

I was peeking through this before I started, I was just wondering if anyone had come across something in the vein of BOTNS or Dying Earth or Fifth Head.

>> No.19325047

welcome to wot

>> No.19325076

The thing with mirrors in BotNS is pretty genius in its simplicity. That or Alastair Reynold's "Technically possible, but reality jumps up its own ass and you come out in a different universe."

>> No.19325088

Its good and easy to read. I'd recommend Way of Kings over it.

>> No.19325105

how so? i remember it being very edgy for its time, it has lots of female soldiers and they have sex orgies with the men, right? also the ending and so on

in any case it was a great read, great sci fi concept and also very well written

>> No.19325115

The Knight, The Wizard. it's a great setting but it's also the way it's shown and how well it fits together as you understand more and more abuot it

>> No.19325116

i'd recommend it if you liked wheel of time

>> No.19325120

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child.

>> No.19325124

China Mieville's Bas-Lag books

>> No.19325163
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>> No.19325293

Cradle #10, Reaper, is now available to pirate.

>> No.19325331


>> No.19325333


>> No.19325412

What type of music do you listen to while reading?


>> No.19325424



>> No.19325426


>> No.19325427

ah, a fellow bakker enjoyer

>> No.19325435

None. I was a musician and if there's any kind of music on that I like I'll start paying attention to it and won't be able to concentrate on the book I'm reading.

>> No.19325449
File: 88 KB, 972x850, 1610952948379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I lived in Ram Ranch bros... just me and my 18 Bakkerchad frens

>> No.19325732
File: 444 KB, 1000x1521, 220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found myself really enjoying Moving Mars, are Bear's other series worth reading?
Seeing Halo and Star Wars in his list of works has me doubtful.

>> No.19325740
File: 244 KB, 580x449, 1633979263803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give me your thoughts on these books (those you've read anyway)
Thinking about reading some of these
>the stars my destination
>double star
>the shrinking man
>the big time
>the space merchants
>more than human
>the long tomorrow
>a case of conscience
>lies, inc.

>> No.19325790

>>the space merchants
pretty good, it's a depressing setting but written with humour, it makes for a quick and laid back read. the character arc is well done, the plot twists and contrievances almost feel too much at times, but not really. i liked it, was going to pick up the sequel too but read a summary and it didn't really pick my interest so i prefered to leave it be. it works well as a stand alone book, the ending is good

>> No.19325825
File: 365 KB, 202x227, gnomed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so fast

>> No.19325879

Yeah sounded interesting
Reminds me of a movie but I can't think of what it was

>> No.19325898

So how bad is the new Cradle book?

>> No.19326010

>it didn't really pick my interest

>> No.19326084

Write Xianxia, even if it turns out badly you'll only have spent a month doing it.

>> No.19326331

Lindon and Yerin kiss...multiple times!
The TRUTH IS REVEALED about a certain character!
The Cradle is shaken!
There's essentially zero training!
There is a boss fight!
It's more like a typical fantasy novel than ever before!
Wight tries to impart a weighty moral theme!
This and much more!
The title of the next book is DREADGOD.

>> No.19326418
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>> No.19326448

Is the dreadgod little blue?

>> No.19326492

No, but there's a blooper about that character that's even sillier than that.

>> No.19326506

Excellent examples

>> No.19326550
File: 57 KB, 400x669, dune messiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genghis khan killed 4 million
>hitler killed 6 million
Uh... Frank? What the fuck are you talking about? If you mean the people that died in the wars they waged shouldn't the number be bigger? If you mean the alleged holocaust, why does Khan get any numbers at all?

>> No.19326563


>> No.19326574

The comparison is retarded. I get the comparison between the Jihad and Hitler, because you could boil down the holocaust to a religious war. Bringing Genghis Khan into it is retarded, he wasn't on a crusade.

>> No.19326585

You're using the wrong comparison. It's about conquerors.

>> No.19326590

Hitler lost, chud. Genghis Khan spent his whole life winning. He got tired of winning.

>> No.19326647

I started Malazan yesterday.
Reading one chapter before falling asleep.
So far I'm enjoying it.

>> No.19326674

was there cannibalism in Gene Wolfe's book of the new sun? I'm pretty sure I remember reading something about eating brain in one of those books, or am I mistaking the series

>> No.19326677

Ok so I love worldbuilding more than writing. What do you think about the idea of putting up mythological stories of your world up in social media to perhaps get a following ala the guy who did Metro 2033 and improve your writing bit by bit with it?

>> No.19326733


>> No.19326741


>> No.19326781
File: 65 KB, 686x402, kill you filthy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stars my destination
Fucking good.
Whole book felt like a fast and crazy ride, that doesn't relent at all.
Foyle is an absolute beast.
You might be put off by the mind power teleport shit, if you prefer some harder sci-fi tho.

>> No.19326821
File: 901 KB, 688x1043, The_Forsaken.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your favorite "Evil overlord" villain in fiction ? I found Shai'tan from Wheel of Time's motivation lacking in vision.

>> No.19326854

sounds based I'm in

>> No.19326901
File: 59 KB, 572x614, trve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is Sol’s story in Hyperion with his backwards aging daughter genuinely heartbreaking and difficult to read? I have read a lot of old classics with sad moments but this is up there with the most gut wrenching of them

>> No.19326909

No it was pure unadulterated kino that restored my faith in storytelling when I read it

>> No.19326912

hes jewish so no

>> No.19326928

I felt similarly. Many of the pilgrim's tales were enthralling, but his was truly tragic.
I felt similarly at the end of the second book. The thought of countless families being torn asunder in an instant, without the chance of being reunited in their lifetimes, was a heavy note to end on.

>> No.19326931

>stop someone just firing asteroids with FTL engines on them at planets?
you can make it so that the bigger mass you accelerate the more fuel it requires, so only small ships can FTL. also, make it so that you reach your objective but with some degree of error, big enough that you can't just spam nuclear missiles.
typical star systems have several planets, gas giants further from the stars than rocky smaler planets. these are the ones that could be earth-like, as long as they have a magnetic field to protect from radiation (for example mars doesn't anymore). binary stars are not uncommon. if they fight over resources rather than habitable planets though, which would be more realistic, they should be interested in asteroids belts i guess, the resource could be water or whatever you want

>> No.19326933

I liked the part where all the rich people got killed in riots

>> No.19327134

Skimmers get the rope too

>> No.19327136

Do not advocate for violence.

>> No.19327168

The fuck out of here with your veiled threats of Hebre reddit kikery and never return.

>> No.19327178

Do not be anti-Semitic, xenophobic, and exclusionary.

>> No.19327229

*Do be fify

>> No.19327245

I enjoyed this one, hows the 2nd book?

>> No.19327270
File: 43 KB, 474x720, FFE4AC5C-C728-44A9-922E-AA41B9022C3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I got the book for you!

You can check out the dwarf thread on /fit/ too :)

>> No.19327273

Series is only good while Chad Old Man Gregory is in it.

>> No.19327308

That it doesn't have one.

>> No.19327309

Hello does anyone have recommendations of books with lots of cool aliens in them? Like Foster

>> No.19327315

ALIEN you say by Alan Dean Foster? Why not PREDATOR then? Hahahahahaahahaahaahhaahahahahaha

>> No.19327328

Parasite by Darcy Coates
The Luminous Dead By Caitlin Starling

>> No.19327334
File: 472 KB, 1695x2560, 81015NXB2pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Took a small break from reading The Dark Forest
>No desire to pick it back up again
I do feel kind of bad, because my attention span has been short lately. Which is very uncharacteristic for me. But at the same time, I can't work up the energy to care. Maybe I should officially skip it?

>> No.19327341

>>19313876 No.
>>19313880 By whom?
>>19318926 Ones that are literally 100% worldbuilding to run tabletop games.
>>19319477 I hate how "shill" is used on this site.
>>19320727 Imagine reading this thread.

>> No.19327344

is that cutie on the left moghedien?

>> No.19327345

>Maybe I should officially skip it?
Why are you asking us? Decide for yourself if you want to skip it.

>> No.19327350

>The Luminous Dead By Caitlin Starling
That literally doesn't have any aliens.

>> No.19327358

You're depressed.

>> No.19327361

I don't know, man. Why not ask you guys?

>> No.19327364

Because it’s pointless?

>> No.19327370

New thread

>> No.19327379

Is it though?

>> No.19327380


>> No.19327383

I love me some sword and sorcery. I've read most of Conan, all of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, a bit of Jirel of Joiry, most of Moorcock's stuff (going to buy the current comic adaptation if they ever finish the whole series and put it in an omnibus, as it's breathtaking and Moorcock considers it the definitive version).

I watched The Spine of Night the other day though and I can't get it out of my fucking head. It felt like sword and sorcery written by Jeff Noon or something.

Anyway, please recommend me some sword and sorcery or heroic fantasy (which is similar, right?) I may not have read.

>> No.19327387

Are you that much of an indecisive bitch that you can't decide for yourself?

>> No.19327396

You could've just provided an answer instead and ended it there rather than arguing about it.

>> No.19327407

I've just been having trouble focusing lately is all.
I got photoshop open. I'm listening to music. I'm watching twitch in another tab. Keeping eyes on a /tv/ thread I made. And now posting here.
Also, I got first in the new thread lol

>> No.19327410

ADHD much?

>> No.19327415

I don't know. I've never been diagnosed with it. And I don't suspect I have it. I've been around ADHD people and they annoy the fuck out of me.

>> No.19327427

Not that anon but I have ADHD and if you're really into something, ADHD makes it hard to do anything else. It's not really attention deficit so much as an attention regulation deficit. Has to do with difficulty processing dopamine correctly. So if you're not sufficiently stimulated, you get frustrated and scatterbrained, and if you are, you don't want to stop like it's a fucking skinner box because who knows when you'll get a steady supply again?

Meds basically smooth it out a bit.

>>19327407 does this sound like you?

>> No.19327480

Sounds like me in part. Not whole. I do get fixed on things for a long time. But even when it's something I enjoy doing, I struggle to get *started* doing it. And I basically have to calm my mind before I can focus on it. Otherwise, I'll constantly find ways to procrastinate. My brain is always looking to deviate from the objective. No matter what that objective is. The objective can be eating ice cream and petting puppies, and my brain will still find ways to deviate from that. Of course some things easier to focus on than others. And sometimes necessity spurs me forward. But at scary times, even necessity isn't enough of a motivator, so I fall into episodes of neglect.

Sometimes I think I would do so much better in life if I just had someone to prod me for every things. That's all. Just a push to force me to do what I already know I should be doing. I made the mistake of making The Dark Forest an objective to be fulfilled. And because I took a break from it, my brain is doing everything in its power to deviate. So I guess I just came to /sffg/ for a prod.

A prod is too late now though. Because now that I'm aware of what I was doing subconsciously, my brain is going work around it.

>> No.19327500

In the far future only certain pieces of info have survived. Probably. Likely they don’t know the numbers of WW2, just the far more popularised 6 gorillion number.

>> No.19327514

Yeah, I shouldn't have posted before the line about "the pittance the Butlerians left us" or whatever.

>> No.19327689

Sin Eater is pretty good, but not as good as the first book. It has a fairly predictable twist regarding the nature of the gods, which sets up a crazy third book which is the best in the trilogy. The second book has minimal horror and dungeon crawling.

>> No.19328269

Thanks anon, maybe I will read the 2nd then just to read the 3rd also, didn't even know it had a 3rd book already.

>> No.19328282

Hey thanks a lot for the reply and the advice, I appreciate it a lot dude it's encouraged me a lot

>> No.19328640
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What's some SFF with detective or mystery elements?

>> No.19328768

Which other Jack Vance works are most like his Cugel books? I fucking love those things and want more. Like I will start autistically rereading them 4 times a year love them.

>> No.19328804

How do I square my desire to read Three Body Problem with my hatred of chink communists