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/lit/ - Literature

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19311407 No.19311407 [Reply] [Original]

>Read a lot, it's of my biggest passions in life
>Don't have good writing skills so /lit/ makes fun of me when I post

>> No.19311438

I get a lot of yous and frequently derail threads with my writing. I manipulate anons like Wintermute. Even now i have a post going with 15+ yous in another thread intentional typos and relatable emtional pathos that plays on the internet zeitgeist. You really just need to know what river youre fishing in.

>> No.19311494
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Please post some or your writing, anon. I won't make fun of you. Maybe there's a small thing you can improve upon.

>> No.19311612

I don't have an example right now, one time I talked about why I liked the Iliad and someone screenshotted it an anons made fun. I just want to talk about books and I'm not a dumbass I just can't articulate shit to a keyboard that well.

>> No.19311622

what are you stupid or something?

>> No.19311659

Cheer up anon, it's Friday!

>> No.19311666

If you're not a dumbass then the good news is you can develop yourself, and the best way is practicing.

>> No.19311715

You are the best of us anon

>> No.19311787

You might just be making grammatical mistakes. Double-check what you type and pay attention to why the things you're reading flow well. General pointers include:
>vary sentence length
>avoid repetition (like words and sentence structure) unless it's to create some effect, e.g., juxtaposition or emphasis
>avoiding phoneposting as typing on little screen isn't ideal
>be concise
>or not if things like romantic literature strike your fancy—with the stream of words culminating in a message absolutely precise in it's delivery, or—by similar procedure—resulting in a phrase with a myriad meanings; the blurry edge of lone terms shaved off, or multiplied, depending on careful arrangement
>don't be a tryhard like I just was
>it's more important you know the reasoning behind grammar rules than the rules themselves
Keep in mind I'm a novice and don't know everything to tense and comma placement. Supplement this thread with advice elsewhere.

>> No.19311798
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>lift a lot of weights
>get better at lifting weights
>play a lot of guitar
>get better at guitar
>draw a lot
>get better at drawing
>write a lot
>still suck at writing
what has filtered me?

>> No.19311821

literally autism. you need to be empathetic to be a good writer. you are autistic. being autistic is clearly beneficial for all of the hobbies you listed, but being an autistic writer is like trying to paint blind.

>> No.19311896

My God, who the hell cares? Just post and get what you get. Stop being a retarded female

>> No.19311995

I don't want to be rude and frankly if you weren't bringing it up I wouldn't bother, but:
>I don't have an example right now, one time I talked about why I liked the Iliad and someone screenshotted it an anons made fun.
Has a comma between two independent clauses, which are each complete sentences, it should be a semicolon or a period.
>I just want to talk about books and I'm not a dumbass I just can't articulate shit to a keyboard that well.
And is a poor choice of conjunction, and "articulate shit to a keyboard" is very awkward. Better would be "I'm not a dumbass; I just want to talk about books, but can't articulate shit on a keyboard."

Try studying the SAT writing section. It's a nice medium between reading and writing since you choose between multiple phrases and can sound them out in your head, and since you read a lot it should come pretty naturally. The alternative is to forgo basic English rules, i.e. capitalization, and hope people assume you're an ESL with poorly expressed yet intelligent views.

>> No.19312847


>> No.19313149
File: 152 KB, 1189x356, greentext manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I talked about why I liked the Iliad and someone screenshotted it an anons made fun
I am that guy who screenshots a lot of anons. I'm not doing it to make fun of anyone, just to document funny moments here on /lit/. For example I have full thread saved about /lit/'s artistic movement, and again, not for bullying anyone

>> No.19313168

Implying that being good with grammar can make one into a good writer.

If it were that easy, anyone would be able to do it, but clearly its not. The only people who obsess over grammar are non-english speakers who are of no consequence to the world at large (Europeans.)

>> No.19313179

>he thinks autism = no empathy
Calm down there Dr. Phil and get with the times lol

>> No.19313192

>Has a comma between two independent clauses, which are each complete sentences, it should be a semicolon or a period.
I just want to point out that you have, ironically, made this exact mistake in your own sentence (in fact it's much more jarring than his mistake).

>> No.19313199
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>Don't read a lot, it's not one of my biggest passions
>Have good writing skills so /lit/ calls me based when I post

>> No.19313714

>>watches a lot of movies
>>thinks he can make a movie

do anons really?

>> No.19313721
File: 441 KB, 1057x1832, 1600250759875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this

>> No.19313729

I like this. It’s almost like modern anthropology and documentation of internet culture while it’s happening. Rly cool.

>> No.19313736

/lit/ would make fun of anyone trying to write
although many dudes here do come across as pretentious cause they only read pre19th century shit an ultra long sentences and the most elaborate descriptions.
If you wanna be a writer you also need to take a public into account while writing.

>> No.19313759
File: 26 KB, 168x250, Yes Indeed Sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me

>have read nothing more literary than the instructions on the backs of packets of Pop-Tarts since 2003

>survive and indeed thrive on /lit/ with a combination of cheap verbal sleight-of-hand and inspired guesswork, deducing salient facts about the works under discussion entirely from other posts in the threads I am purportedly leading

>eventually become so addicted to the thrill of danger I make a point of never entering an argument if I know anything whatsoever about the author(s) in question

>> No.19313777


>> No.19313794
File: 21 KB, 423x725, Simulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ice trips

>> No.19314204

That's cool
Do you have the Illiad cap tho

>> No.19314259

The first 3 hobbies are the sort of things you can get good at with simple practice.
Writing isn't like that.

>> No.19314274

>>draw a lot
>>get better at drawing

>> No.19314275

OP, you make me think of this one black guy >>19311759

I don't give a shit about your shitty writing. you fat nigger.

>> No.19314283
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>I'm not a dumbass I just can't articulate shit

>> No.19314285

If you can't 'articulate shit' then you are a dumbass.

>> No.19314286


>fap a lot
>never get any better at fapping
>must have been naturally gifted at it from the start

P.S. if anyone here feels he *is* better at it after years of practice, please don't share

>> No.19314326

Are you an ESL no?

>> No.19314337

I've gained a great deal of skill on my fapping by incorporating new tools and techniques. I could teach you, and the other anons.
Unrelated to the topic, what's that black box under your text?

>> No.19314339
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>Are you an ESL no?

>> No.19314681

>why I do it?
>oh well you see I like when people reply and call me a retard

Why? wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.19316220

>be me
>spend years reading tons of old books about all kinds of subjects ranging from phylosophy, religion, history and even old and now outdated scientific papers
>proud of my english
>one day watch some britbong on youtube talking about how stronk some character from bleach ackshually is
>he uses words I've never heard of
it never ends...

>> No.19316410


>> No.19316422

Not that anon but something about it is just so--devious!
I receive so much joy, so much pleasure from it; it's just so much fun to play the fool.

>> No.19316426

I need to start doing this; I have some screencaps of helpful and informative posts but I don't really save the funny stuff

>> No.19316442

It's so blatant that I figured he was making a point with it, nobody could be that self-unaware while making a nitpicky point about another's writing.

>> No.19316457

been there bro, I hate trying to express thoughts in text format, never comes out how I want.

>> No.19316520

>Good at writing but never read
>Want to write a book but not well studied enough to be able to
Such is life

>> No.19316545

well yeah, you probably should feel bad about it, dunno. my condolences regardless.

>> No.19316752

it didn't worked this time

>> No.19316857

>Don't have good writing skills so /lit/ makes fun of me when I post
>I'm not a dumbass I just can't articulate shit to a keyboard that well.

then learn with those critics and never stop writing

>> No.19316905

I like this post. It was well-worded.

>> No.19317695

you are just butterfly with a dick and a little bit of self aware

>> No.19318107

I'm honestly probably the best naturally gifted writer on this board

>> No.19318694
File: 108 KB, 598x956, jak323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all books are about people with cool jobs or who understand complicated stuff
>i'm just a fag wagie and my work doesn't really inspire anything interesting, nobody cares about the specifics

i feel like i can't write anything cool like about the CIA or whatever because i'm not an ex-glowie, idk how to research this stuff. anything i write about other occupations or interesting people is going to be retarded.

>> No.19318844

lmao i rarely ever come here but i remember that thread

read more, think about what you like in the writing be better but also stop dressing so crazy

>> No.19319526

Do you really play the fool when you have no capability to act as anything else?

>> No.19319571
File: 12 KB, 300x168, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Simulacra, but I hated Simulation.
Your thoughts?

>> No.19319581

>learn more words
>learn to write long sentences
>learn to write very short, dense sentences
>combine the dense writing ability into long sentence ability so every word feels important
If you're talking about verse though, I don't have a clue. Poets must be thinking about words constantly to be able to write with meter. Just thinking about syllable stress triggers me.

>> No.19319737

>>draw a lot
>>get better at drawing
lmao nice joke