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/lit/ - Literature

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19307797 No.19307797 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read silently, with a voice in your head or just plain aloud? Will a work be the same work if read either way?

>> No.19307854

You're supposed to stop vocalizing/subvocalizing by the time you enter teenagehood. If you didn't that means something had gone horribly wrong during puberty and your brain is permanently malformed now.

>> No.19308333

ye but nay

you should stop stating bullshit (which, if taken seriously, have life changing implications) with such certainty: you are making terrible use of the trust people put on each other, thus undermining the base of every human interaction. You should be more responsible, really.

there's room for silent reading and there's room for reading aloud

silent reading should be reserved for purely informative reading, whilst reading aloud should be practiced for any truly formative work of literature, since it not only makes an impression on you, but also flows through you as you express such impressions, thus transforming you as a person in the long term (by appending value of cultural significance to your character)

or do you read poetry silently?

>> No.19308349

Nice troll, this is exactly the opposite of the truth. Subvocalization is normal and should be expected. If you don't have internal monologue that is considered a disorder, similarly to how the inability to picture objects mentally is called aphantasia

>> No.19309714
File: 25 KB, 320x318, CARPEAUX 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this thread because it is something actually worth investigating

Also, I encourage you to pick up the Didascalicon (which verses about the topic) and read pic related's work on the History of Western Literature (its initial chapters on the Greeks is also pretty elucidating)

I honestly have no idea why his work isn't referenced more frequently around here

>> No.19309718
File: 167 KB, 600x600, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19309740

I pretend to be blind and get attractive young college students to read to me

>> No.19309742

I read poetry aloud, ans it's meant to, and the rest silently.

>> No.19309773

Silently except for dialog.