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19307189 No.19307189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Bro just wageslave 50/52 weeks a year until you're 65 lol
Unironically is the modern world more of a dystopia than the dystopian fictions of the past?

>> No.19307190

yeah but you can sure be super comfy while being spiritually and morally decadent

>> No.19307200

>taking pictures of your naked body is selling your body but working 50/52 hrs/week and destroying yourself isnt
crazy the things capitalism can convince you of

>> No.19307203

capitalism at its finest

>> No.19307202

Don't make me laugh, anon! Life has always been about finding how to live in the cracks. You need to move beyond this childish mindtrap. As long as you value the external world you are enslaved. I stand beyond the walls and you could too.

>> No.19307221

Ok twitter fag

>> No.19307228

theyre both awful

>> No.19307346

>it's CAPITALISM's fault your life is full of senseless toil
>my favorite system doesn't involve people working boring, soulless, pointless jobs because... BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN'T, OK???
Yeah comrade, why bother thinking when you can seethingly attribute all the shitty qualities of industrial civilization to capitalism? The truth is, wherever you live, as an average person you will probably toil your entire life doing dull work. If you are lucky or smart about it, you will get to do work that you enjoy or tolerate well. The propaganda might be different, the way you are controlled might be different, but you would still work your life away. In what country is this not the case? In what system? Only a select few ... the rich, the powerful, the privileged, the beautiful, the patronized ... get to live without care for work. Most likely, if you lived their lives, you would realise that "not having to work" is not even the answer you were looking for.

>> No.19307359

it's funny how these guys who waste their whole life on an internet dopamine drip in a basement in some shithole in middle america are so precious with their time when it comes to their career. spare me man.

>> No.19307365

you motherfucker. you fucking montherfuckner

>> No.19307376

I work

>> No.19307382

Yeah being unproductive is so fucking lame. Don't they know they could be earning taxable income or consuming?

>> No.19307400

imagine thinking you are sticking it the man by sitting on your couch watching cartoons all day, someone has to watch all those ads i suppose, might as well be you

>> No.19307416

>imagine thinking you are sticking it the man by sitting on your couch watching cartoons all day
Ok, do you feel the same way about someone who writes and concerns himself with literature all day? They probably make the same amount of money as the cartoon watcher, and make a better case against the flawed system

>> No.19307433

Oh fuckin hell. As much as I despise the times we live, serfdom would've been the fate for most of us regardless of historical period/regime/social structure/nation/religion etc. At least now your master can't kill you for being a bad wagie and you have distractions to ease the pain. Some slaves were also castrated. Truth is that serfdom was never so humane before.

>> No.19307441

so your plan is to stick it to the man by writing bad fiction for free? are you sure you've thought this whole life of sloth thing through?

>> No.19307452

>the modern world
Sweet boy. Do you not realize that at least 1/4 to 1/3 of all humans ever to exist have been slaves throughout history? And that most people in industrial societies are slaves in all but name? Nothing has changed since the back-breaking days of the Pharaoh God-Kings presiding over throngs of abject slaves. Except are pharaohs are billionaire capitalists.

>> No.19307454

>Bro did you work today? Did you look for work today? Okay, take this free money paid for by hardworking taxpayers
In any other period in history I would have been left to starve or just thrown off a cliff but now I get to live like a digital Caligula on welfare.

>> No.19307457
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>. Except are pharaohs
*our pharaohs

>> No.19307532

Serfs worked less and rested more than the average modern wagecuck, on top of living in a more socially cohesive society.

>> No.19307548

Yes it is you utter moron.
Here is why we have no free housing, free electricity, free food for 2 of work a week for everyone:
family wars, big wars, clan wars, theft, gender wars.

>> No.19307550

>this is gabitalism's fault
incredibly lazy criticism. the fault of this lies solely in the advent of industrial revolution, worker ownership of the means of production isn't gonna change anything
being a NEET is bad but being a wagie is just as terrible and awful, arguably worse. in an ideal scenario, we'd be living innawoods but unfortunately, reality doesn't work that way
>Truth is that serfdom was never so humane before
serfs worked in open fields while you work in a dingy cubicle taking your happy pills to avoid an heroing from your miserable, meaningless wagie existence
the slaves of yesteryear have more freedom than you do now

>> No.19307553

More world building and realistic. Not sure if that qualifies as “more”

>> No.19307560

I'm not sure if you're trolling or if you've never read 1984

>> No.19307569
File: 150 KB, 2500x1878, amazonas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you for example know that free energy is real cause a river can pull the same amount of metric tons upwards like metric tons flow down?
Where does all the money go? We will never know i will never know.

>> No.19307581

hope that makes sense for you just imagine an elevator with an equivalent big counterbalance.

>> No.19307602

It’s not free energy my esl friend, any more than hydroelectric power is free energy

>> No.19307610

I dont know pro, the pyramids stand now 6000 year. So can a power plant. Maybe its plant obsolescent? And the fact that you dont want to use the proper materials.

>> No.19307627

At least Brave New World had an area set side for hunter gather LARPers. Even living innawooda is going to become unaffordable soon in our world
>literal blocks of rock have stood undisturbed for thousands of years
No shit bro, unfortunately power plants are more complicated and require maintenance, planned obsolescence or not

>> No.19307629

What is it for example? Its insane, i don't know the numbers but the pressure in this plants is so high that the cavity would simply tear an ship's propeller apart with in day.

That's now the redpil: You can build an power plant with low velocities and get even more EFFICIENCY out of it. And suddenly instead of 60 it stands 1000 years.

>> No.19307635

after you get this in your head we can speak about full automated farming ok?

>> No.19307644

I feel like the destroyer of work, the patron of laziness. :D The guardian of procrastinating people.

>> No.19307681

Yes work is essentially prostitution. I have no bones to pick with prosties, it’s just not a profession you want your loved ones engaged in. It’s shameful and humiliating.
Shut up

>> No.19307690

And what will stop the people who use their power to turn children into trannies from using your perpetual motion plant for their own goals?
It’s just going to be more of the same

>> No.19307700

If they are to stupid to hold them self alive over more as 4 generations we can solve them today with an bullet. Thats also very izzy and climate neutral.

>> No.19307803

Bro, most of the work of the modern world are way easier than working the soil or hunting for a meal, there’s no alternative to suffering at least you’ve born rich

>> No.19308066


>> No.19308108

Life being worthless moil without hope of temporal salvation has been identified many times over. Why do you think all civilizations have sought destruction in some form or another? Or the instances of plebian uprising which never result in anything meaningfully redemptive? The persistent and consistent evil which goes on in the shadows of society, and so forth? Evidently, the universe is complete malediction.

>> No.19308115
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age of retirement for men here is higher than the average life expectancy of men here

>> No.19308215

i'm a NEET but honestly, what the fuck else is there to do?

>> No.19308226

nothing, except if you have a family to support. In that case you invent something.

>> No.19308236

>the rich, the powerful, the privileged, the beautiful, the patronized ... get to live without care for work
I mean, yes, critical approach to that is kinda the point.

>The truth is, wherever you live, as an average person you will probably toil your entire life doing dull work.
You can enjoy your work much more when it efficiently contributes to the well-being of other people you like and yourself, not provides Mr. Shekelberg with more cocaine and hookers.

>> No.19308248

i wish i could get a job i liked. i should have been working this whole time. nobody told me how the world works. everybody's stupid and crazy. now that i get it, it seems like it's too late. i don't feel like a real person.

any books about NEETs?

>> No.19308295

i work 8 months a year and travel/do whatever the other 4, i have no house, no car, no wife no kids. The choice to be a wageslave is yours

>> No.19308304

Work on something you like. I work in an engineering firm, we have set-goals to complete in 2 weeks time, and we all get some additional time to work on our own projects.

Everyone is individually contracted and has some authority. You have to work in any system, ANY, you dumb lazy nigger.

Do you think Peter Thiel scratches his ass ass day? NO, he works, ALL THE TIME.

>> No.19308310

For any given action, there is deficiency and there is excess.

>> No.19308318

>Only a select few ... the rich, the powerful, the privileged, the beautiful, the patronized ... get to live without care for work.

Elon Musks works all the time, Peter Thiel works all the time, All the top professors at decent universities wok all the time.

All the top hedge fund managers work...all the time, what kind of succesful person doesn't work all the time?
Maybe some oil monkey sandmonkeys but thats' that.

>> No.19308515

The underclass works, the middle and upper classes manage. It's not the same thing, I care not for their Bullshit jobs.

>> No.19308518

>Do you think Peter Thiel scratches his ass ass day
no I think the buttplug gets in the way

>> No.19308522

I am a neet.

>> No.19308552

This is not my experience. Granted, I have little access into the lives of the super elite, but I've been able to closely observe the executive management of a few billion dollar firms, federal agencies, and local governments, and attended Duke/Yale for grad/under grad, which gave me a lot of interaction with very successful people (Duke interestingly was better at getting well connected government people to show up for networking events, or maybe it's just that I got more plugged in).

The fact is that there is a large spread in work ethic and ability at the top echelon. The 80/20 rule doesn't quite apply, but there are plenty of ruthless self promoters who have risen despite being incompetent. In government, the phenomenon of a deputy doing most of the work, or even becoming defacto main decision maker, while the actual department head is an empty suit isn't that uncommon. Neither is richfag owners in the private sector whose main role in their company's success was getting an influx of cash through their personal connections/families early on, and who have no idea what they are doing and are seen as a bumbling threat to be managed.

I was CFO for a 6,400 employer organization at 29 and I think I actually worked less than when I was grinding my way to get there. I had way more meetings and my work was more delicate and interpersonal, but I spent less time actually doing work.

I work way more now that I left for a start-up with a co-worker. But even now I work in but sprints but also take 6 weeks of vacation a year to recharge. The most time I spent involved with work was during the Great Recession when I had a shit tier pleb job that required working 50-60 hours a week to make rent and then had to live in bumfuck Brooklyn and spend 3+ hours on the subway every day in addition to work. Literally worked up at 4 am to get ready for work, got back at 6pm, had to go to sleep by 8, also worked weekends most times.

>> No.19308560

Chad anarchist destroys any nonsense of "management". There is no need for organization.

>> No.19308583

Also, people aren't that much smarter at top tier universities. This one really shocked me when I was a TA for grad and undergrad level classes and had to grade papers.

Yes, there is an obvious difference in general quality, but there are people who are legit dumb as rocks who somehow get into elite schools. Classes also aren't particularly harder. I had graduate level classes in economics that were graded easier than classes I had at community college.

You really weren't supposed to fail people at Yale, or even give them Cs if they turned in poor work. It would mess up their careers. Kind of seems like it is the same for suburban schools' grades from what I understand.

Meanwhile, I went to a school system that is 90+% black and Latino (was a bit less then) and 90+% economically disadvantaged. They had absolutely no qualms about failing you. Community college (been to three over my life), generally had no problems failing you, but varied more by professor. My high school had freshmen classes of 1,100 but graduating classes of 250 and was still over crowded. They had to have 70% attrition to keep the building from spilling over so no work = F. Come in late to class too many times but you still had an A-? F. Miss more than 3 classes, F.

That's why I think some degree of affirmative action gets you better candidates. If some kid from a shitty inner city district still manages As and a high SAT despite the enviornment, they are going to tend to be harder workers and smarter than a kid with an identical SAT and grades from a rich suburban school.

>> No.19308615

>Americans hate labor legislation
>work ends up becoming so bad, Americans start hating work.
What did they mean by this?

>> No.19308619

Americans don't hate work, the children on 4chan who work minimum wage 12 hours shifts at walmarts do.
A white collar worker who sets his own schedule and receives a very good compensation isn't the one making these threads

>> No.19308643

The only thing worse is watching the way people make apology for it. They would have you believe it’s always been this way (obviously untrue).

>> No.19308647

Speak for yourself. I’m a white collar worker who sets my own schedule and am compensated well but despise what I do, to the point of suicidal ideation sometimes. We’re not all like you.

>> No.19308653

The answer is to just give both kids a test so you know they're being judged by the same metric

>> No.19308656

Imagine believing that a life with complete freedom to pursue self interest is an ideal lmao.

>> No.19308659

Damn it's the modern worlds fault that you despise your job

>> No.19308664

/lit/ - literature

>> No.19308689

Not what I meant. Management very easily can become a parasitic Byzantine mess that exists to perpetuate itself.

>> No.19308690

>Work on something you like.
this is very very hard to accomplish

>> No.19308696

working from the grave: the ultimate remote work

>> No.19308737

>bro wageslave until your body starts falling apart and you can't do shit anymore
Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Goldberg

>> No.19308748


>> No.19308753

>Work on something you like
Childish fantasy for 99.99% of people. Work is no longer vocational as a matter of fact. It exists because one does not want to do it and it’s increasingly impersonal, inhuman, systematic.

>> No.19308757

As if serfs had a better life

>> No.19308762


>> No.19308785

>people at some point in history had a worse life than you, that means you should just let yourself be walked over like a farm animal
Also remind me how the whole monarchy treating their peasants like shit story ended.

>> No.19308790

>at some point
*for all of recorded history