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19306863 No.19306863 [Reply] [Original]

Great resource, very engaging all around.

>> No.19306906
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Whoops, meant to post this

>> No.19306959

>silly larpshit dying religion meme Bible that relies on protestant scholarship anyway
Haha dial 8

>> No.19306970

Still better than a gender-neutral translation with secular pilpul commentary on every page telling that AKSHUALLY none of this happened and is cobbled together by anonymous writers. NRSV is literal garbage. “a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.” Into the trash it goes. OSB commentary is informative, actually Christian and draws parallels between the Old and New Testaments.

>> No.19307064

These but also "Orthodox" are Mary and idol worshiping Satanic pagans.

>> No.19307077

read the vulgate.
end of debate.

>> No.19307089

Prots hate the Mother of God almost as much as Jews

>> No.19307126

God existed loooooooong before Mary, retard.

>> No.19307151

Mary gave birth to God in the flesh, did she not? Therefore she’s the Mother of God. This in no way denies the eternal nature of God or makes Mary into anything other than a human

>> No.19307154

Nah, she was the carrier of the Ark.

>> No.19307159

i was told that this book will be revised soon

>> No.19307171

Do catholics and orthodox ever get tired of shilling their dying religions? Literal 500 year old apologetics every fucking night? I understand the impetus is BECAUSE of your religions' slide into non-existence, but part of the decline is because of how intolerable you psycho incels are

>> No.19307173

The translation itself is about to be updated to be even more gay.

>> No.19307208


>> No.19307211

Do we know what they are going to change?

>> No.19307300

I think it's going to be released in some app next month then go out to printers early next year. I can't recall any details since Iast read on it. You can read about the translators on their website, which is eye opening in itself. Their new logo for it is also gay, and just a poor design as well. The whole thing is just gay.

>> No.19307334

It looks like it's because they haven't updated it since before they found the dead sea scrolls. I use the ESV and NKJV and they both reflect that more contemporary research. Them updating it isn't a bad thing.

NRSV having gender neutral language is bad, but the conservative translations pull sneaky shit that shouldn't fly either. ESV changed the tense in Gen 2 to obfuscate the fact that the two creation accounts have different orders of creation.

Personally I like the Reformatiin Study Bible in ESV or NKJV, but the Oxford is definitely the best in terms of research. No question.

>> No.19307362

I’m glad I was raised Baptist. Sola fide

>> No.19307506

>it's because they haven't updated it since before they found the dead sea scrolls
Wrong, the present edition is already informed by the DSS.

ESV is dangerous garbage. Do comparative study including a Strong's look at the original languages. Just because "you like it" doesn't mean it's anywhere even near good. I recommend starting with Psalms and Proverbs as they make for easier comparative study. You'll see why if you actually put in the time and effort. NKJV isn't much better.

>> No.19307512
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What translation of the bible should Orthodox read?

>> No.19307518

King James

>> No.19307638

Uh ok please go ahead and let me know specifically what the criticism of the ESV is, and don't you dare explain in terms of your lay use of Strongs.

>> No.19307651

Put in the time and work if you actually care about the word of God. See for yourself.

>> No.19307657

I'm a Presbyterian, you're not going to shill the KJV to me, I don't care. The ESV is the best conservative translation and the critical text is the most faithful version.

>> No.19307671

>ESV is the best conservative translation
Beyond laughable, and simply paroting the opinion of others. Even the NASB is superior. I'm not shilling anything other than actually comparison study God's word for yourself directly rather than listening to "opinions". The King James will "shill" itself and it has zero to do with the "missing verses" type arguments.

>> No.19307686

Lol you recommend "using Strongs" which is just a concordance of words in the KJV, you can't read the original languages, and all you've said is "look it up bro".

>> No.19307699

Wrong, obviously you have no depth of familiarity with either Bible Hub or the actualities of the matter. Even the word order is not specific to the King James. Put in the time/effort and reveal to yourself just how shaky the ground is on which your opinions now stand.

>> No.19308566

Something from the Septuagint

>> No.19308581
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>> No.19308584

What's the annotation for John 6:53?

>> No.19308601

Check back within a half hour or so and I’ll look

>> No.19308613
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Make that three minutes actually

>> No.19308703

What about the ESV study bible? Is it a good academic source to use?

>> No.19309115

Not academic per se. It incorporates a lot of academic info, but its primarily apologetic and somewhat evasive about it. Read it and the Oxford side by side and you'll see how the ESV Study notes coyly dance around issue of historical problems or inaccuracies. A great example is the walls of Jericho, one of the great embarrassments of biblical archeology. Rather than admitting the evidence proves that the biblical account is off by centuries, it says something like "the study of these walls is an exciting field with promise of revealing the truth of the account as recorded in Joshua".

The ESV and other conservative bibles are replete with this shit and it gets tiring. I appreciate an inerrantist perspective and the conservative theology, but the sly weasel wording gets very tiresome.

ESV Study Bible is your best bet for a conservative academic approach, but imo, the Reformation Study Bible in either ESV or NKJV is more useful because it focuses on theology and church history. It also tends to acknowledge the results of historical criticism frankly, even if it then states that those results are wrong because the Bible can't be wrong. The honest approach is nice.

>> No.19309936

> A great example is the walls of Jericho, one of the great embarrassments of biblical archeology.

more like great embarrassment of academia. see Rohl's New Chronology

>> No.19310258

It's heavily biased towards evangelical theology.

>> No.19310835


>> No.19310869


>> No.19310919

If you enjoy filling your head with spiritually bankrupt "christianity" by amerilards then sure.

>> No.19310955

Thst's just one proposed chronology, there is endless debate about chronology in Egyptology. You're presenting it as if it swept away all competing views, which it didn't.

>> No.19310979

Evangelical and mainline protestants constitute almost 100 percent of all Christian academia. All the shitty memes like catholic and orthodox literally ape from protestants and nothing else. Full stop. They even admit this. Every Ivy League seminary is strictly protestant and even places like Notre Dame recruit protestants and evangelicals heavily because they're such heavyweights in the field.

>> No.19311198

>2.5 billion christians in the world
>expected to be 3 billion by 2050
>Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, all growing.
Dying?? Keep dilateing tranny

>> No.19311205

The standard Bible of the Orthodox nation you belong to. It should have the name of the Patriarch and the approval of the Holy Sinod on the first page.

>> No.19311222
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does anyone else watch that guy on youtube who reviews every bible ever

>> No.19311241
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>> No.19311308

While according to "The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion", approximately 15.5 million converting to Christianity from another religion, while approximately 11.7 million leave Christianity, and most of them become irreligious, resulting in a net gain of 3.8 million.[6] Christianity earns about 65.1 million people due to factors such as birth rate, the religious conversion while losing 27.4 million people due to factors such as death rate, religious apostasy.
And christians also have an average birthrate of 2.7. Keep coping tranny, you went from saying its dying to saying it will maintain its huge size, and it will probably keep growing.

>> No.19311332

Still 30% of the population while Islam grew by 7%, keep coping

>> No.19311354

Which one? Yes.

>> No.19311358
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Even if it's stagnant worldwide, it's declining in the heart of the western world, no one cares if South America or Africa has a birthrate of 1000

>> No.19311533
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This is a literature board.

>> No.19311592

Reminder evangelical or mainline Protestantism are the only non retarded, non larp religions. Everything else is incoherent.

>> No.19311593

Thanks very much.

I must say, that seems a bit thin, imho, for such an important text.

>> No.19311595


>> No.19311623


>> No.19311643

Thanks, Anons.
I'm considering getting a few study Bibles to get an overview of Christianity. I'm a Catholic, but have always had a keen interest in learning about other religious belief systems. This may sound extremely weird, but despite having very limited knowledge, I feel that taking an academic approach towards learning about various religious interpretations has strengthened my faith and alleviated my sorrows.
Anyway, I'm also thinking of taking the Yale courses on the Old and New Testament and they require the Jewish study Bible as one of the key texts for the Old Testament.
So, I might get this one as well as the Orthodox one.
Any feedback on the Yale courses would be much appreciated.

>> No.19311674

>I'm considering getting a few study Bibles to get an overview of Christianity. I'm a Catholic

You should check out the Navarre Bible series. They have the scripture text, plus extensive, well-chosen commentary from the early Church Fathers. They're very well-done.

Also, John Bergsma books published by the St. Paul Center are very good. I think his book on the Dead Sea Scrolls reflects a significant academic achievement in understanding the influence of the Essene community on early Christianity/Catholicism.

>> No.19311793

Keep in mind there are also many differences between Catholic and Protestant Bibles. Such as http://www.bible-researcher.com/rsv-ce.html for the RSV vs RSV-CE.

>> No.19311992

>I'm considering getting a few study Bibles to get an overview of Christianity. I'm a Catholic, but have always had a keen interest in learning about other religious belief systems

>> No.19312080

>thread hijacked by dying religion catholic shills yet again
Haha every time. Reminder that even catholic scholars admit there were no bishops on Rome until the middle of the second century at best and therefore there's no such thing as a chain of succession from Jesus and Peter to the popes. Just flat out historically wrong, and those papal lists are pure fiction. But that's obvious from the sixth pope being named Sextus and silly shit like that.

>> No.19312460

Out of all the study bibles I've read, I like the Oxford the best.
>Oxford: strongest, most helpful notes because there's no apologetic shying away from academic research
>Reformation Study Bible: really interesting notes, and I like that it includes the historic Protestant confessions and catechism in the back with notes about them too
>Reformation Heritage Study Bible: terrible, I got this one just because it was a cheap but nice looking KJV, but the notes are totally loony, off the deep end fundamentalist

Never got around to the ESV Study Bible, but I've heard it's a toss up between it and the Reformation.

>> No.19312963

there's like a million of them and I've had a really bad feeling that there's such a fetishism surrounding bibles
numerical data is all pointless anyway, vast majority of "christians" are actually semi-agnostic and many Catholics think the Pope is just a man and would laugh if you told them about transubstantiation.

>> No.19312986

Does the Jerusalem Bible count as a study Bible? It's Catholic and has plenty of notes.

>> No.19313265

>Reformation Heritage Study Bible
>totally loony, off the deep end fundamentalist
Sounds like a must have.

>> No.19313441

Thank you, Both.
Will check these books out and will keep the differences between them in mind.

>> No.19313518

If those are your beliefs - and I'm being totally sincere here - it's an excellent Bible, it really is. If you want a cogent defense of six day young earth creationism, the global flood, the 6 million fleeing Egypt, and strict inerrancy, the Bible is for you. The essays about church history, the validity of KJVonlyism, and the importance of a strict Reformed/Baptist/Reformed Baptist theology are very convincing. Joel Beeke is the editor and I suspect it's the best of its kind regardless of your particular theology. It has all the reformed confessions from the apostles creed through the london baptist. And essays on each century of church history.

I got this premium hardcover, and it's only 28 dollars https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/kjvstudybible/premiumhardcover

But the leather and faux leather options are beautiful as well. Even if you were a tradcath I think there'd be a strong defense of a number of doctrines for you, but then again you wouldn't want the KJV. Anyway, like I said it's not for me, but if you lean that way it's probably the best study bible out there. God bless.

>> No.19313678

so sad that catholics are relegated to this midwit pabulum as their only "approved" material. i laugh every time. no wonder protestants run the world while catholics just obsequiously kiss our feet.

>> No.19313907

Reminder that nobody will condemn you if you are a Catholic and read the KJV. The only difference is it lacks the apocrypha but you can easily get one that includes it.

>> No.19314008

Technically they aren't allowed but its one of those things where not even they believe their own silly bullshit rules, except for when they do.

>> No.19314216

If you want a Vulgate based Bible as a Catholic, you can just go for Douay-Rheims (DR) / Douay-Rheims-Challoner (DRC) (as all DR translations almost assuredly are).

>> No.19314262

Vast majority of Catholics don't even read the Bible. Sure if you have a Catholuc Bible it's more kosher but what I am saying is that any of the goos Bible translations are still the Bible and nobody cares if you read the KJV, especially so for personal devotion (I doubt that people here actually attend Church).

>> No.19314272

The USCCB cares, at the very least.

I mean, if you're going to go to the effort to read the Bible, why not read a translation that doesn't have Protestant ideological tilt confusing the meaning of things?

Sure, if you are in a world where literally your only option is a Protestant Bible or nothing... but that isn't the case. You can pop on Amazon and get a Catholic Bible for pocket change.

>> No.19314305

>why not read a translation that doesn't have Protestant ideological tilt confusing the meaning of things?
Because it's objectively the most beautiful. Douay is also archaic but stylistically it's inferior.

>> No.19314675

>Evangelical and mainline protestants constitute almost 100 percent of all Christian academia.
Modern biblical academia isn't really something to be proud of.

>> No.19314683

It's also full of errors inherited by the textus receptus.

>> No.19314718

But why aren't the better translations as amazing as the KJV? It's so much better and inspired that it's difficult to compare with any other translation. Not to be a KJVO guy but they're just a class below, I like the ESV or the JB for studying but when I have to think of the verses I think of the KJV.

>> No.19315017

Because old language and uncommon words sound more literary by default.

>> No.19315153

>“a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.” Into the trash it goes
This was exactly me on page one many years ago. Yes, I know where they get it from, and no, that does not make it anything more than an intentional edgelord reading just for the sake of breaking the loooooooong standing interpretation simply because squinting at the original language juuuuuuust right almost sorta nearly hints at maybe kinda allowing for it but not really.

>> No.19315361

They did it because it offends jews, just like how it calls the Old Testament the Hebrew Bible instead

>> No.19315375

> because it offends jews
Source on this?

>> No.19315430

It implies the OT is trinitarian. My source is this post

>> No.19315449

I just wanted to read about Jews seething at Christianity.

>> No.19315460

Unfortunately its mostly liberal Christians seething on behalf of jews. Even the Oxfords use of BCE and CE instead of BC and AD was a totally voluntary concession on behalf of imagined offense. Well, real offense too, but its not like there are a lot of Jews in Ivy League seminaries. Just a lot of people who spend their days worrying if their beliefs might offend Jews

>> No.19315482

I'm not sure what you're attempting to communicate. Do you think Oxford went with a terrible translation of Genesis 1:2 in order to offend Jews, or that saying "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" offended Jews so they changed it to the new, terrible translation with zero traditional precedence?

>> No.19315508

It's not just the vocabulary, the English used in it is straight up better.

>> No.19315743

>its not like there are a lot of Jews in Ivy League seminaries
You would be surprised.
Also, isn't the Oxford annotated Bible a secular, scholarly bible anyway? As in, I don't think it's meant to be used as a devotional tool or read by religious people at all.

>> No.19315860

It originated as an ecumenical mainline bible but then expanded to include catholics and jews. It is primarily academic but that doesn't preclude it being used by denominations

>> No.19315878

You are conflating the NRSV and the Oxford Annotated.

>> No.19315879

Since mainline protestants aren't inerritantists, there's no conflict between academic and religious study of Christianity.

>> No.19315902

>atheist's study bible
>Prot bible larping as Orthodox

>> No.19315917

Literally nobody likes the NRSV, though. Catholics have the Haydock DR, and the Didache and ICSBNT for the RSV2CE; Protestants have the ESV Study Bible; and Orthodox have the Greek itself.

>> No.19315931

Have a look.

>> No.19315936

top comfy

>> No.19315941

EOB or KJV New Testament; Brenton LXX for Old Testament. Avoid the Lexham LXX and the NETS. Or just read the Greek.

>> No.19315962

R. Grant Jones is the best. I watch him for Bibles I don't even have or want just to see the aesthetics out there. That said, he's removed all but one of my Bibles and has given me insights on what to look for if I ever seek more. If analysis of all the translations corresponding to the different Greek NTs also led me to purchase the THGNT over the NA28.

>> No.19315965

>But why aren't the better translations as amazing as the KJV?
But we already have the Knox.

>> No.19316247

I've heard people say that it is biased towards Protestantism but I have no idea why. I'm reading it now and it's clear that it is academic in nature (I am on Exodus). It is not apologetic to Judaism/Christianity whatsoever and calls out all historical inaccuracies. It doesn't even mention Christian exegesis in the old testament at least.

>> No.19316267

>historical inaccuracies

>> No.19316288

It's not really a secret to anyone familiar with the ancient near east that the OT is full of anachronisms.

>> No.19316306

Such as?

>> No.19316307

>familiar with the ancient near east
What a joke. So much supposition built on so much interpretive guess work.

>> No.19316333

Ah yes a totally culturally irrelevant translation that not even catholics know exist. Great example

>> No.19316335

Lol you're in every fucking thread on the Bible and ANE. "All ancient history is wrong because... uh... that would contradict the Bible!"

>> No.19316339

>quality of a text is only judged based on whether the English crown outlawed all other translations for centuries

>> No.19316344

Chaldeans ruling over Ur in the bronze age
Philistines being present during the conquest
The walls of Jericho
The dozens of other peoples and nations mentioned that would come to be hundreds of years after the supposed time period
Mesopotamians were extremely autistic about record keeping and dates. We know quite a lot about them thanks to the fact that they kept records of everything and their clay tablets didn't rot or get destroyed during fires.

>> No.19316444

>knox failed in the 50s because of this
Haha kys coper

>> No.19316489

Nice goalpost moving.
>knox failed in the 50s
It didn't, though. It was immensely popular in the 50s. It just fell in the 60s because of the RSV and the Jerusalem Bible as mainstream alternatives. And even then, there were still lectionaries based on the Knox being used throughout the 60s and even into the early 70s. It was designed as a companion to the Douay and it served that purpose as long as the Douay was still in lectionary use.

>> No.19316596

Meanwhile in reality its circulation is in the 10K at best in 2021 and catholics use the NABRE, literally the worst bible translation of all time and that's not remotely an exaggeration.

>> No.19316667

>source: dude trust me

>> No.19316769

Have you ever read the nabre? Its 7th grade reading level at best. But then again catholics are notoriously low iq, so yeah.

>> No.19316831

>Have you ever read the nabre?
No, because I'm Orthodox.
>But then again catholics are notoriously low iq, so yeah.
Catholics didn't create "The Message," so I wouldn't talk.

>> No.19316968

Its literally objective fact that protestants have higher iqs than catholics. Plenty of studies demonstrate this. In fact, mainlines have higher iqs than jews. Catholics are 3rd world tier, like you.

>> No.19317227
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Today I will remind them. Protestants are physiognomically and genetically superior to catholics with their slave class tier brains.

>> No.19318814

If I wanted to read the bible for entertainment's sake (as opposed to dry academic study) what should I look at?

>> No.19318826

Depends on what you mean by "entertainment." If you mean easy and not bogged down in rigid literalness, then The Message or the CEV. If you mean grand and poetic, then the KJV, Jerusalem Bible, and the Knox. If you mean..."entertaining"? I dunno, I think there are some manga versions of the Bible.

>> No.19318832

Will look into these, thanks. Bit torn between grand and approachable.

>> No.19318848

>Bit torn between grand and approachable.
In that case, eliminate The Message immediately. The KJV is classic but might not be approachable without proper context due to several words not meaning then what they mean now, the Jerusalem is dynamic and grand but not the most literal, the Knox is grand and fairly approachable but uses a Latin base, and the CEV isn't grand but uses fairly simple language and extensive footnotes for virtually anything they predict will confuse the reader so it's extremely approachable. There are probably others, but the others I know are either extremely academic (RSV, ESV, NASB, etc.) or they just suck desu.

>> No.19318851

I just finished reading The Crale of God, a sort-of retelling of the Bible thru OT and the Gospels, it was really good, very beautiful at times. Good option for those too lazy to read the whole thing, or as a prelude to doing so.

As I read I looked up the most interesting stories and read the Knox Bible translation, best bit for me was the Rape of Dinah and her brothers' revenge

>> No.19318855
