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19306818 No.19306818 [Reply] [Original]

What's the general consensus on french literature?

>> No.19306827

Kinda like literature, bur written in the french language.

>> No.19306849

I like Houellebecq

>> No.19306881

Degenerate and based in the same proportion

>> No.19306984

>tfw never met a qt girl browsing books

>> No.19307038

I love their degeneracy.

>> No.19307104

Zolas good, Dumas is fun. Proust is, well Proust make of that what you will

>> No.19307121

The variety of their 19th century classics is very impressive. It makes the Victorians and the Russians look fairly one note.

>> No.19307152

I hate France I wanna live in France.

>> No.19307295

the consensus is who is the QT

>> No.19307361

Juliet Searle. I also recommend Charlotte Lemay if you enjoy french model art chicks.

>> No.19307585

The French are an odd people. It's like their spirit has rotten because an external parasitic entity has wormed its way inside it and has perverted its core. They resort to degeneracy for the same reason all weak-spirited, anchorless people do: to briefly simulate the satisfaction of living a worthwhile life with shallow dopamine bursts.

>> No.19307594

Many great works, but few, if any, true masterpieces.

>> No.19307597

17th century French literature was the peak

>> No.19307684

She doesn’t read

>> No.19307708


>> No.19307711

Imagine not being into BASED DEGENERACY and not understanding why it's SO IMPORTANT AND GOOD (you must be an intellectually inferior being)

>> No.19307712

u read céline???

>> No.19307714

i would say 19th century

>> No.19307731

not much to be read
Greeks = Romans = Scots > everything

>> No.19307756

Mostly alright but only for chicken sink realism. Very rarely I stumble into something exuberant and outlandish

>> No.19308024

Yes yes and yes but all of this is good actually.

>> No.19308038

>t. French

Opinion disregarded

>> No.19308087

I know exactly where this picture was taken. The beautiful city of Nice in the South of France, which Nietzsche said about :

“And those colors! It's a shame that I can't untie them and send them to you […]. " (to his sister)
I am French and I think that we are a country of literature, of language lovers. But I think that all this is lost and that our country tends towards mediocrity, lack of culture and illiteracy (for several reasons that I will not detail here). But there are still people who have the will to rekindle the flame of prestigious French culture and history.

>> No.19308167

>for several reasons that I will not detail here

>> No.19308204
File: 954 KB, 768x623, marche-du-livre-2290-768x623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I think that all this is lost and that our country tends towards mediocrity, lack of culture and illiteracy (for several reasons that I will not detail here).
This is not specific to France, but international. Less and less people are reading worldwide. We even have more and more people not feeling capable of reading a book (mostly because of attention deficiency). It's very known to be the case in the west, but not only. Sovietics used to be big readers, and they lost that attribute.

>> No.19308211

yes, but not only. our elites destroyed the school system in the name of indulgence, without understanding that this is a huge betrayal of French youth. the school of the republic produced authors like Camus, who were miserables from uneducated families. today, the school system produces dunces.

>> No.19308216

I unfortunately agree

>> No.19308222

How about we bring back royalism

>> No.19308610

bahahahaha just smoke a cigarette already

on va pendre tous les apologistes de l'éducation à commencer par toi

>> No.19308616

>La France est un produit de son école, et non l’inverse. Nous vivons dans un pays excessivement scolaire, où l’on se souvient du passage du bac comme d’un moment marquant de la vie. Où des retraités vous parlent encore de leur échec, quarante ans plus tôt, à tel ou tel examen, et combien cela a grevé toute leur carrière, toute leur vie. L’école de la République a formé depuis un siècle et demi un type de subjectivités étatisées, reconnaissables entre toutes. Des gens qui acceptent la sélection et la compétition à condition que les chances soient égales. Qui attendent de la vie que chacun y soit récompensé comme dans un concours, selon son mérite. Qui demandent toujours la permission avant de prendre. Qui respectent muettement la culture, les règlements et les premiers de la classe. Même leur attachement à leurs grands intellectuels critiques et leur rejet du capitalisme sont empreints de cet amour de l’école. C’est cette construction étatique des subjectivités qui s’effondre chaque jour un peu plus avec la décadence de l’institution scolaire.

>> No.19308618

It's exactly the opposite though

>> No.19308721

vers quoi devrions nous nous tourner si ce n'est vers l'éducation alors ?

>> No.19308726

>on va pendre tous les apologistes de l'éducation à commencer par toi
kys leftie bitch

>> No.19308733

My personal sentiment is that French literature is some of the deepest and broadest, maybe the deepest and broadest and perhaps the best overall of all nations, but there are no truly remarkable French standouts with cultural relevance such as Shakespeare, Goethe, etc.

>> No.19308749

this, the memoirs alone are better than almost everything written since that time and there's also Racine, Pascal etc.

>> No.19308750

Why girl pretty

>> No.19308769

neurotic freaks who wish to chain children for 8 hours a day are a danger to humanity, they insult human physiology and dignity. You were domesticated and wish it upon children. It doesn't get more vulgar than that.

à la première coupure d’électricité les ennemis de l'humanité et ses divers agents devront bien se cacher car l'état n'aura plus le monopole de la violence.

>but there are no truly remarkable French standouts with cultural relevance such as Shakespeare, Goethe, etc.
It's because there are so many from different eras that no individuality stands out

>> No.19308773

Basically if Romanticism was its own country. The French, to me, are at core a country that has not lost the monistic myth of the universal king, and rather that myth has simply become that at the individual level with regards to values. A frenchman is a man that believes in birth he has been forsaken and must fight back with culture to save himself from his damnation. In some ways, it provides an incredible art scene because their arts are their salvation. In another sense, they literally have just made a bunch of pseudo-worldly Christs as their answer to a post-Christian world. I assume that it fails like all secular projects invariably do.

>> No.19308791

Can you list some of your favourites? I'm curious.

>> No.19308842

There's a strong undercurrent of augustianism/calvinism/jansenism in French litterature, very noticeable in its pessimistic view of human nature and unability to earn salvation.

>> No.19308882

It's simply the best.

>> No.19308892

then you're not looking

>> No.19308894

>It's because there are so many from different eras that no individuality stands out
Do you mean to imply that there are many Shakespeares and Goethes across the ages of French literature? If so, I have to just completely disagree.

>> No.19308980

Fin de siècle literature is particularly appealing today.

>> No.19309049

well, as for the memoirs there're obviously those of Saint-Simon, although translation of the complete edition (I'm not french, unfortunatelly). Currently I'm reading those of cardinal de Retz and they're absolutely amazing. There are also memoirs of the Mancini sister who were nieces of cardinal Mazarini. Apart from the memoirs I've heard that the letters of madame Sevigne are greatly valued, so I'm planning on reading those in french, hopefully.

>> No.19309103

mostly gay, hypersexual and nihilistic

>> No.19309160

Don't miss the memoirs of La Rochefoucauld while you're at it.

>> No.19309199

sure, I'm planning on reading those one day, he seemed to be a very interesting person (although the Maximes didn't really click for me).

>> No.19309206

>well, as for the memoirs there're obviously those of Saint-Simon
Wasn't he a Communist though?

For my part, I've been trudging through the unedited journals of Léon Bloy (I regret not getting the versions he condensed for publication).

>> No.19309245

there were two Saint-Simons, the one I'm talking about was called Louis de Rouvroy, he lived in the court of Louis XIV

>> No.19309254


>> No.19309255

Rec me something that's not gargantua and pantagruel then. I would love to

>> No.19309278

Les Chants de Maldoror
Locus Solus

>> No.19309285

i bet she smells like garlic and onions

>> No.19309330

Great but why the fuck is there no easy way to get french classics in their original fucking language? They don't really have an equivalent of penguin or oxford and its a real shame.

>> No.19309343

Folio is just that.

>> No.19309381

You just FUCKING KNOW she had one of her vapid friends or orbiters snap that pic, and that she has never read a book (YA and required reading for uni or HS doesn't count) in her sorry excuse for a life. I fucking despise women, especially the young and beautiful among them. Thankfully, they'll grow old and bitter with time. One day they'll be dead. Until then: FUUUCK WOMEN

>> No.19309394


>> No.19309401
File: 44 KB, 892x501, 07AC7F19-84F9-4440-9D90-30657DFD1BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to read a french novel once and didn't understand a single word of it. Not a fan.

>> No.19309403

Sperg out

>> No.19309407

Livre de Poche paperbacks are pretty cheap, but ugly. I buy those to take notes in and to throw around in my bag. 10/18 paperbacks are nicer, also cheap. They don't have a big selection. Otherwise I buy used. Older books are more likely to be clothbound or leatherbound which I like.

It seems that French people don't read a lot of classics, because some are actually out of print and you HAVE to buy used (or from one of those print-on-demands - which looks ugly.)

>> No.19309459

Is it just because those french degenerates seem daring of social norms for their time?
I suppose you dont know much about human nature. Hedonism is at the basis of our animal instincts. There's no need for nobility and strong will to be horny and write about it.

>> No.19309967
File: 38 KB, 540x785, 1635529403887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Searching some book in a place like OP's pict
>QT girl talking to the bookseller
>She says a close friend died and need advice books to cope
>Ask her "Did you had the opportunity to see your friend's body?"
>"Euh, no. Why?"
>"Lost 2 of my best friends, it's easier to cope with her death if you see the body."

>> No.19310454

Yes but they are always either completely unavailable for purchase or x5 times the price.

>> No.19310936
File: 2.96 MB, 700x850, 1635468265363.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my gf

>> No.19310991
