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File: 732 KB, 2500x1667, jones-cu0232-pynchon-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19296582 No.19296582 [Reply] [Original]

What does Pynchon think about the pandemic?

>> No.19296638

He probably doesn’t like it.

>> No.19296644

Kill yourself

>> No.19296653

Probably thinks it’s some sort of CIA experiment to cull the population.

>> No.19296658

He probably loves it like all of the other libtard boomers who pretended to be pro freedumbs until they got into power.

>> No.19296662

more like SCANdemic

>> No.19296929
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Pynchon loves the pandemic, almost as much as he loves cameras.

>> No.19298117

more like SCRAMdemic

>> No.19298266

considering he still live in NYC he probably has the standard liberal boomer opinion

>> No.19298336

He probably died when they put him on a defibrillator during the onset of the plandemic.

>> No.19298363

He'd see the spread of anti-vaxx information as the work of bad faith actors who are deliberately trying to make those who are vocally against the government more likely to die needlessly.
Because, you know, it never seems to occur to people who believe in conspiracies that that conspiracy is in fact constructed intentionally in an effort to control them. Like how, for example, the US government spread theories about UFOs and aliens in places where experimental aircraft were being tested.
But uhhh, well. Hyuk.

>> No.19298397

yeah, this sounds like the kind of basic bitch nuh yawk boomer opinion he'd have

>> No.19298463

>your premise
>your conclusion
Anon, I...

>> No.19298498

The government’s number one concern is getting more money to their donors.
Further, the vaccines aren’t properly tested and wear off easily. We can’t properly keep us with the mutations, so we should have been focusing attention on treatment.
Further still, why aren’t we focusing on why they created it in a lab? You think that’s a “conspiracy theory” like UFOs? Speaking of UFOs, they’re pushing that garbage again too. Somehow only the military are seeing them.

>> No.19298525

Then why the massive propaganda campaign for vaccines? It's literally just stealing money and giving it to corporations. Same as always. They don't even fucking work.

>> No.19298536

I'm very sorry, it must be hard to come to terms with being controlled opposition.
But I'm sure that the information that you can find very easily on the internet is the real truth and not just the other side of the same coin.

>> No.19298568

But the first supposition that covid is dangerous is objectively false. They could do a lot better if they wanted to engineer a virus that is actually deadly.

>> No.19298611
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It is significantly more deadly than regular viruses. Wait till they cross it’s infectiousness with ebola’s 50% mortality rate. 12 Monkeys scenario is closer than you think.

>> No.19298638

They can't do that because the entire fractional reserve banking system requires as many slaves as possible. Same reason they push immigration on the dupocrats even though the labor party was anti immigration.

>> No.19298653

Actually the only group who would actually do this would be ecoterrorists and honestly they would be right to do so.

>> No.19298680

Nations wanted immigration for cheap labor markets that were in continual shortage. That is until the 1970s. A labor surplus has changed all that. The influx of Middle Easterners to Europe are of course caused by US imperialism, but Obama chucked out a lot of hispanics during his tenure. But capitalists don’t need so many in the labor market anymore, this is why healthcare is shit, water is poisoned and laughed about, and they’re secretly cool with people dying from covid. They’re having trouble employing everyone and would rather switch to an android workforce

>> No.19298692

>Somehow only the military are seeing them.
To be fair having the military pushing the UFO conspiracy is more helpful to its cause than having the town idiot go on talk shows and talking about his ayy lmao anal probing.

>> No.19298700

They're still doing it. Biden's team opted to import pajeets for computing jobs on his first day in office instead of promoting the professions domestically. Pajeets lower the wages. We don't have factories but they are still happy to import skilled laborers to lower the cost. Honestly I think supporting anarchy or libertarianism would be more beneficial to reducing the power of cronies via the state to absolutely rape the population over ceding more power to them. Though I do have some Georgist tendencies especially surrounding public land for recreation.

>> No.19298702

Because uniformed men taught to obey orders are much more believable
All hail the giant tic tac

>> No.19299361

>The government’s number one concern is getting more money to their donors.

So not only are you a tranny dyke but you're also a retarded leftist? Holy fuck just end it all.

>Further, the vaccines aren’t properly tested and wear off easily. We can’t properly keep us with the mutations, so we should have been focusing attention on treatment.

welcome to the filter

>> No.19299377

If you don’t understand the motivations of the standard politician, in the middle of this obvious mess, you must be informed of the fact you are a complete moron. Please, you can fix this by developing a little critical thinking skills. Get well soon, moron.

>> No.19299522

Anon the socialists and the libertarians have exactly the same enemies. The difference is the solutions are diametrically opposed. Libertarians/anarchists see the state as the mechanism of oppression by crony corporations to weasel their way out of the free market via legislation enforced by state violence and therefore the reduction and restriction of the power of the state or dismantling of the state as the phoney "legitimate" master of violence to be the solution. Socialists see the corporations and capitalism itself as inherently crony and that the problem is not that the state is the arbiter of violence and a crony corporation itself but rather that this corporation could be harnessed and the violence wielded against the upper classes. Personally I think the removal of as much state violence, legislation, and centralized power to be the better solution as opposed to ceding power and trust to a monopolistic corporation defined by said violence in the hope that this corporation would act benevolently. Realistically I also see the libertarians as more capable of dismantling corruption than enacting further legislation. It is simply the more pragmatic solution. I do believe we need rent reform as far as banning it as is and all leases should earn equity in the property in a lease to own with a cash out option. The rent cycle is what keeps multiple generations poor.

>> No.19299634

>socialists and the libertarians
You mean the anarchists/libertarian-socialists and the free market liberals/neoclassical liberals

>> No.19299786

Those are oxymoronic.

>> No.19300178

Hey moron, got any oxy?

>> No.19300279

Not actually. They’re specific and correct.

>> No.19300306

>Somehow only the military are seeing them
Somehow the few people who can fly above legal airspace are seeing strange foreign aircraft?

>> No.19300308

You are at the same time over- and underestimating the US intelligence agencies.

>> No.19300333

I don't have much to say about it. I was already staying at home anyway

>> No.19300352

Proudhon was retarded. Normal anarchists/lolberts follow Stirner and Rothbard. Anarcho socialism doesn't scale and would only work in loose voluntary tribes or communes.

>> No.19300359

I'm so fucking gay right now.
Anyone wanna do me?

>> No.19300383

Rothbard isn’t an anarchist. Stirner is only an honorary one, and regardless of what you think of Proudhon I’m right.
Yes, anarcho-communism scales fine

>> No.19300392
File: 887 KB, 896x1565, 03FA559B-E146-481B-B4D8-39480BD927D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag, sit down.

>> No.19300399

No, it doesn't. I do not consider a person in New York to even be in the same country as me in Arizona. We are not kin. We do not have the same culture or values. We would not willingly pool resources.

>> No.19300426 [DELETED] 

Yet we are forced to do international trade and much come through NY harbors and makes its way to Arizona
Understand anarcho-Communism your area would need very little from the east coast, and probably nothing from China. There would be great self sufficiency, though a need for some importation contracts with local neighbors. It can scale and relieve you from thinking about New York much

>> No.19300436

Yeah I don't think so. Voluntary socialism only works on the small scale.

>> No.19300448

Yet we are forced to do international trade and much of it come through NY harbors to makes its way to Arizona
Under anarcho-Communism your area would need very little from the east coast, and probably nothing from China. There would be greater self sufficiency, though a need for some importation contracts with local neighbors. It can scale and relieve you from thinking much about New York.

>> No.19300456

I am describing the small scale! That’s a cure unto itself for all kinds of social ills

Sorry for the typo correction

>> No.19300489

I think I can get on board with the government (or someone) spreading that stuff to some degree. But not to cause death, seems more likely to subvert anti-vaxxers or make them look stupid so the average person doesn't want to align with them. If that makes sense.
I think some conspiracies have ulterior motives, like the "5G towers cause coronavirus" shit, I think was started by the Chinese to make anyone who criticized Chinese involvement in US infrastructure look like a moron by linking them the 5G-corona thing.
Or the adrenochrome/pizzagate thing being a smokescreen to make people who believe in elite pedo rings sound insane even though they've proven to be real with Epstein.
Ultimately, your ability to question information and filter signal from noise shouldn't go out of the window as soon as you leave the circle of mainstream media.

>> No.19300497

I bet that nigger Pynchon wears a mask when he's in public and is accepting of others' choice to not wear one.

>> No.19300517

i have a really strong feeling you've never read Pynchon and dont know anyth8ing about him, but but you posted in this thread with your tripcode for attention

>> No.19300683

>being this new
lurk more before posting.

>> No.19300796

>the pandemic

>> No.19300821

hail hitler you fuken bitch

>> No.19300896


>> No.19300900

based butterfly

>> No.19300961


>> No.19301095

You think he’d like it?

Hitler is piloting the giant tic tac!

>> No.19302369

I don't know what he thinks. It's not like I am Pynchon or anything. That would be insane.

>> No.19302518 [DELETED] 

What a monotone response. You must be very fun. Hip hip hooray.

>> No.19302550
