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File: 226 KB, 720x986, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19295830 No.19295830 [Reply] [Original]

Many of you are familiar with Evolas essay on American Civilization:

But apparently he expounds on this in The Bow and The Club

I have the whole chapter here:

>> No.19295837
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>> No.19295845
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>> No.19295855
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>> No.19295858
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>> No.19295862
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>> No.19295869
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>> No.19295876
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>> No.19295897


>> No.19295967

I wonder how many evolafags have seen this interview:


Nothing like seeing your idol be a complete fucking retard in person to shake you out of your delusions, it's one thing to talk shit on a page but people will rightfully remove themselves from you once they realize you're just a shit-talking faggot and they were being retarded. Evola fags read this guy and think
>yeah he's smart

>> No.19296007


>> No.19296021


>> No.19296027

hilarious thanks for sharing

I dont even like evola but he seems fine here

>> No.19296030

Lmao seething Amuttican niggers

>> No.19296035

Seems like people only say this because his teeth are a little goofy, he's perfectly intelligible, sensible and personable here.

>> No.19296046

They are trying to imply he's ugly or scary looking cause he's an old man missing some teeth and had a grim facial expression 24/7.

>> No.19296079

So what if Evola is old and missing his teeth? It's not like dental hygiene was highly developed in the past or an important practice back then. He looks like a sage, unlike this guy who looks like he got his soul sucked out by communing with demons, which he literally did.

>> No.19296101

looks pretty good for his age? my italian grandpa looked like that too

>> No.19296103

Damn that really puts it into context, Evola looks fine

>> No.19296158

what is your point here? he is in his 70s and speaking in a different language perfectly coherently, having been a cripple shut in his apartment for 30 years.

>> No.19296177

Typical thread derailer tranny, just read the screenshots

>> No.19296221

it's not about his appearance you dumb coomers.

>> No.19296228

Then what is it

>> No.19296229

Yeah, he looks more like a stern grandpa who has seen a lot of shit in his day, and has many nuggets of wisdom to dish out. 10/10. Would definitely drop my kids off at his place and so they can hang out with him for the afternoon.

>> No.19296242

about him showing his ass like i said.

>> No.19296261

Then why don't you actually say what it is about you stupid faggot? he is speaking in french and speaking it quite well, considering the complexity of some of the topics he addresses.

>> No.19296264

what the fuck is that solar warrior shit

>> No.19296269

He actually says something interesting that is neglected - World War I created an existential crisis for him. This explains why all this radical non-sense happened.

>> No.19296270

What the fuck am I watching

>> No.19296303

the translation of that interview really sucks, i will make a better one. it also isn't the full interview.

>> No.19296318
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Poltergeist 2 (Deleted scene)

>> No.19296325

Theres already better ones

>> No.19296333

The African-American populace is currently enjoying its dominance because whites are machochists. Mark my words, when Latinos become the majority Blacks will suddenly be in very dire straits.

>> No.19296338
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>Fitzgerald: a civilization of dance, music, jazz
He accurately diagnoses decadent eastern seaboard carpetbagger cosmopolitanism.

>Nietzsche on the coming White Mandarins and 'European Buddhism'
The 'negritude' he alludes to is a sign of vitality, good digestion to be capable of assimilating and tolerating it. America is the land of extremes, the leading edge of the Western world's trends -- decrepit Europe didn't take man to space, and wouldn't lift a finger to buck the yolk of diet Bolshevism (or its Sino-Ziobanking descendants). If the American fighting spirit is ever lead in the right direction for once, it will be salvation of the world from endless usura.

>> No.19296379

It's all rather accurate. I think his description of the "American race" is best observed in the behavior, and language, of the zoomer generation. They have been thoroughly negrified, and are cruelly obstinate. I would say that is generally the case, that american culture as emulated the worst aspects of what results from the contrasting interplay of the negro psyche with the technocratic, capitalist mercantilism. Burgerpunks. Observing the posts made by Americans.. it becomes obvious.

>> No.19296390


>Dario Evola (ex-communist) shows the roman house of uncle Julius Evola

>> No.19296396

>decrepit Europe didn't take man to space, and wouldn't lift a finger to buck the yolk of diet Bolshevism (or its Sino-Ziobanking descendants). If the American fighting spirit is ever lead in the right direction for once, it will be salvation of the world from endless usura.
>implying PRC victory wasn't the fault of the US
>Pretending Germany wasn't the pioneer in rocket technology before the US destroyed her

>> No.19296402

Then why did whites enslave and colonise and generally dominate them for most of their relations throughout history? it is only some modern whites who are as you describe, due to decades of extreme comfort and psychological warfare operations / jewish propaganda. Latinx people are easier to control, once whites are the minority america is truly fucking over, since whites are the only relevant section of the population keeping it from turning into a 3rd world shithole. Africans are put on a pedestal by all the megacorps and global bodies, they all use them as corporate faces and force them on us everywhere to degrade humanity. The truth is, everybody would rather see a beautiful white person in an ad rather than a brutal-looking sheboon.

>> No.19296421
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Evola was Right.

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. They sided with the niggers in Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia and South Africa against the whites. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows and fantasizing about nigger dick. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

>> No.19296426

>Then why did whites enslave and colonise and generally dominate them for most of their relations throughout history?
You need to stop pretending that the whites of the past and the present whites are the same race. They aren't. Modern whites are a tamed and conquered people, and it is frankly an insult to the pre-World-War whites to say that they are the same race as the modern whites. Whatever spark which made the Old Europeans what they were has been snuffed out.

>Latinx people are easier to control
Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Africans, Indians... these races still have a fight within them. Whites are broken, controlled entirely by corporations and media. I do not think they will fix themselves. If anything, most of them celebrate their own demise.

>> No.19296435
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>the shapeless, screaming mass of flesh that is the Negress Ella Fitzgerald
how is he so fucking based, bros?

>> No.19296438

>If the American fighting spirit is ever lead in the right direction for once

Nothing short of lethal crisis will rouse Americans from their collective coma. People have already forgotten about George Floyd, even after all the mourning, and supposed moral outrage. And that was specifically engineered cause that sort of disruption. Maybe because they're too busy trying to avoid homelessness.

>> No.19296441

Fun fact: Gramsci wrote about the niggerfication (he used a very similar term, I think it was negrificazione) of american customs as well. I don't remember exactly where sadly.

>> No.19296447

You're a fucking retard. There is a massive difference between chemically lobotomised zog slaves in the cities and whites in rural areas. Whites in rural areas (a massive proportion of whites) are absolutely fucking based, and I know for a fact that you have no experience with them.
>Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Africans, Indians
These races do whatever they're told. If your theory were correct, the global elite would be trying to keep these people out while breeding more white people. The complete opposite is occurring, so you're a dumb shitskin.

>> No.19296458

Kek Evola hated fatties too. Based.

>> No.19296463

If that was bad to him imagjne what he would have thought about MTV and by God Twerking

>> No.19296465

>Whites in rural areas (a massive proportion of whites) are absolutely fucking based, and I know for a fact that you have no experience with them.
They are a dying breed, and to be blunt they have no where to run to, having fled the cities and then the suburbs in previous decades. You cannot argue with demographics.

>These races do whatever they're told.
I have yet to see an Asian American cheering as an statue of an Asian is torn down, as many whites did. Blacks have a racial spirit while whites reject themselves. Whites are a tamed breed.
>global elite would be trying to keep these people out while breeding more white people
Perhaps the golem aren't needed anymore.

>> No.19296468

>these races still have a fight within them. Whites are broken, controlled entirely by corporations and media
nonwhites are just as controlled by megacorps and media, if not more. Why do you think the elite are so eager to import them en masse to the west and replace the white population?

Of course Evola is right, I'm not arguing that the US and thus the rest of the world is being degraded through negrification. This also fits his scheme of involution perfectly.

>> No.19296469

>These races do whatever they're told.
Yeah, ok. They resist anti-human globalism just as much as Skeeter and Martha down in the sticks do, zoomer.

>> No.19296487


Damn I see from the point of tradition how this chaotic shit would be a frightening omen.

>> No.19296492

>They are a dying breed, and to be blunt they have no where to run to, having fled the cities and then the suburbs in previous decades. You cannot argue with demographics.
This has nothing to do with your stupid point though. The fact remains that a significant proportion, perhaps nearly a majority or half, are whites who do not live in the cities, which refutes your point that whites have become a weak race of cucks. As for demographic replacement, everybody already knows that whites are being put under conditions that will replace them, importing 3rd world garbage like you by the tens of millions.
>I have yet to see an Asian American cheering as an statue of an Asian is torn down, as many whites did.
HAHAHAHAHA. Because there are no statues of "asian americans," because the US was built by whites. Also, asians are not the victims of propaganda against their race. They are part of the special victim class, whites are the evil oppressors. If the roles were switched you can guarantee all these dumb asian bitches from rich families would be doing the same thing, they buy into the poz just as much already.
>Blacks have a racial spirit while whites reject themselves. Whites are a tamed breed.
Again, whites are victims of psychological warfare and decades of jewish propaganda beating them over the head. Blacks are encouraged to have black pride all the time you fucking idiot, meanwhile having "white pride" will at the very least lose you your job and possibly get you charged with a crime.

You haven't refuted anything I've said. You have just gone on to bash white people further, while you are fat and comfortable in a nation founded by whites, because the nations founded by your 3rd world monkey ancestors are all, without exception, shitholes. Whites are the only race who will be able to save the West, all other races are inherently conformist.

>> No.19296496

In general, non-whites are very likely to do what they're told, really the only significant resistance you see comes from white people who aren't in globohomo cities. Sure, there are some based non-whites who resist, but they are anomalies. Whites in the cities are of course very cucked too, just as much as the average immigrant is.

>> No.19296504

He looks like Nosferatu

>> No.19296505
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jazz music sucks. it is just bastardised classical music. the only good jazz is autistic prodigy fusion like allan holdsworth.

>> No.19296507
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He looks like a fucking dark lord.

>> No.19296508
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>"Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro. American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance.
>The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro, and the famous American naïveté, in its charming as well as its more unpleasant form, invites comparison with the childlikeness of the Negro.

>The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.
>It seemed to me that American houses had their doors open all the time, just as there are no hedges round the gardens in American towns and villages. Everything seems to be street. It is naturally very difficult to decide how much of all this is due to symbiosis with the Negro, and how much to the fact that America is still a pioneering nation on virgin soil. But taken all in all, the wide influence of the Negro on the general character of the people is unmistakable."

- Carl Gustav Jung

>> No.19296510
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>Now for the facts. What about that American laughter? What about the boundless noisy sociality? The pleasure in movement and in stunts of all sorts? The loose-jointed walk, the Negroid dancing and music?
>The rhythm of jazz is the same as the n’goma, the African dance.
>You can dance the Central African n’goma with all its jumping and rocking, its swinging shoulders and hips, to American jazz.
>American music is most obviously pervaded by the African rhythm and the African melody.

>It would be difficult not to see that the coloured man, with his primitive motility, his expressive emotionality, his childlike directness, his sense of music and rhythm, his funny and picturesque language, has infected the American “behaviour.”


>Finally, there is the question of control of imitation. As the prior paragraph indicates, one new and interesting set of issues here concerns ontogenetic changes—a lessening of control, towards more ‘mindless’ blanket copying as children develop. children show a readiness to upgrade, facilitating a process of cumulative cultural change.

> However, we note that the latter findings concern infants and, again perhaps surprisingly, it is in the older and more cognitively mature children (and even adults) that we find more ‘blanket’ copying. These intriguing, apparent paradoxes should drive further research to resolve them in coming years.

>perhaps surprisingly, it is in the older and more cognitively mature children (and even adults) that we find more ‘blanket’ copying

>> No.19296517


>> No.19296518
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To a t.

>> No.19296522

The kind of resistance you refer to isn't dependent on ethnicity, but on what kind of spirit you carry. Most people, regardless of ethnicity, will shrink away from this, much less have the freedom to contemplate, the will to resolve and disengage from the ties that bind them. What do you think Ride the Tiger was about? This is a globalized problem.

>> No.19296523
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>> No.19296524

>This has nothing.... by the tens of millions.
So, you admit that this supposed mass of based whites will do literally nothing? I don't see how this changes the reality: whites are tamed. They will do as they are told.
>because the US was built by whites.
Again, stop pretending modern whites and the old whites are the same race. They really aren't.
>ou can guarantee all these dumb asian bitches from rich families would be doing the same thing, they buy into the poz just as much already.
Eh, I don't think so. Look at things like affirmative action where Asians are impacted. All of a sudden they leave the liberal fold. Whites don't.
>Again, whites are victims of psychological warfare and decades of jewish propaganda beating them over the head. Blacks are encouraged to have black pride all the time you fucking idiot, meanwhile having "white pride" will at the very least lose you your job and possibly get you charged with a crime.
As I said, whites are tamed by the system. Blacks aren't. No one else is, really.

>> No.19296529

No sorry the whole reason they want non-whites instead of whites is because whites are actually able to detect and overthrow tyrannies. Don't mistake the nonwhites societal friction in the form of sloth, hostility or obscenity for an actual virtue that can stand up to evil in high places.

Nonwhites never have and they never will revolt in the name of something higher, which is why they want us extinct. If they give us a single option to remain alive it is to degenerate ourselves into impotent reprobates who will let evil march along and do nothing, I.e. women s.oys, wiggers, and neechs last man, aka twice dead hunks of flesh.

The truth remains the same. Never fall. Remain upright.

>> No.19296540

Like I said, non-white individuals could still have a different spirit, but overall the spirit of resistance will come from the last remaining vestiges of white men worthy of the name, because the spirit is still tied closely to ethnicity. Non-white ethnic groups are in general much more conformist. Look at the groups of resistance all over Western civilisation. It is overwhelmingly white people standing up against globohomo. For any non-whites who would like to join us, they are welcome to, but I will not let some slander all of us and wrongfully call us cucks with impunity, because they have never met a "white person" outside of an inner city.

>> No.19296554
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>As I said, whites are tamed by the system. Blacks aren't. No one else is, really.
Two sides of the same Totalitarian system.
>European Descendent; High IQ = into the Party System = Struggle Sessions to keep you in line
>African Descendent = Prole

>It was not desirable that the proles should have strong political feelings. All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working−hours or shorter rations.
>And even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because being without general ideas, they could only focus it on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice....
>In all questions of morals they were allowed to follow their ancestral code. The sexual puritanism of the Party was not imposed upon them. Promiscuity went unpunished, divorce was permitted. For that matter, even religious worship would have been permitted if the proles had shown any sign of needing or wanting it. They were beneath suspicion. As the Party slogan put it: 'Proles and animals are free.'
> As the Party slogan put it: 'Proles and animals are free.'
> As the Party slogan put it: 'Proles and animals are free.'
> As the Party slogan put it: 'Proles and animals are free.'

>> No.19296562

>So, you admit that this supposed mass of based whites will do literally nothing? I don't see how this changes the reality: whites are tamed. They will do as they are told.
You're just stating your opinion. Are you expecting them to randomly attempt an armed revolt right now or something? that would be retarded. They are fighting back in rural areas, against for example, anti-white critical race theory being forced in schools.
>Again, stop pretending modern whites and the old whites are the same race. They really aren't.
If we are speaking of the ones in rural areas they are still quite similar.
>Eh, I don't think so. Look at things like affirmative action where Asians are impacted. All of a sudden they leave the liberal fold. Whites don't.
Nice opinion again. As for whites not leaving it, millions have, you fucking idiot. You're looking only at inner city white cuck leftists and pretending that represents them all, when there are tens of millions outside of this bubble you're creating to uphold your dumb worldview.
>As I said, whites are tamed by the system. Blacks aren't. No one else is, really.
All other races are already tamed, they don't need to be tamed any further, they will always vote for more government and not question authority in the same way you see whites doing.

You have still not refuted my point, you have provided midwit quips and your opinion. There is a significant portion of whites all over Western civilisation fighting back against globohomo shit, virtually all of these movements and the people leading them are whites. If your point was correct, the people leading this would be asian or black. The idea is laughable, because these groups AS A WHOLE are conformist. There is also the fact that whites are being purposefully replaced in their own nations. So again, if we were so "tamed" and the other races weren't, the economic elite would be doing the opposite of what we can observe.

Just admit you're jealous of white people and you're happy to kick them while they're down, you won't stand up for anything against any of the coming shitstorm. The resistance will be almost entirely from the remaining half of whites who are based, with a few noble non-white who we will happily ally ourselves with.

>> No.19296564

>>American music is most obviously pervaded by the African rhythm and the African melody.
>the African rhythm and the African melody.

>> No.19296565

The truth is, that if you rely on "whites" for their "whiteness" to effect change for good in the world, you will be sorely disillusioned, and perhaps you need reassess what goodness is, and what evil is, for that matter.

>> No.19296581

You say whites are tamed but all the resistance we see to the agenda of the economic elite comes from white people. You really do not know white people outside of your urban enclave, it is so obvious. Go to a rural area to see what whites used to be like. Actually even in suburban areas you will find quite a few based whites who hate all of this shit. I mean what do you expect people to do at this point? they protest at the capital and get called domestic terrorists attempting to implement a coup (a coup without guns, good one CNN). Again, we can see that these people were all white, in the US alone there is a massive chunk of the (white) population fighting back against this. You really do not know what you're talking about, and you won't see how much white people are sick of it, because you worldview is formed by corporate media, because you're a non-white slave.

>> No.19296590

Africans do not have melody, only rhythm.

Nobody is relying on "whites for their whiteness". The truth is that the only segment of the Western population that will/are fighting globohomo are white. Even the few non-white individuals on are side are very culturally white.

>> No.19296594

You will believe what you want to believe, it seems. Here, I'll make you a deal: if in ten years time whites have done anything major and won something like rolling back CRT or trangenderism, I'll admit I was wrong. I don't see that happening at all though.

>Just admit you're jealous of white people
I'm not very jealous of a race which is literally dying out, sorry. I do envy the Jews sometimes, if you consider them white.

>> No.19296599

>They are fighting back in rural areas, against for example, anti-white critical race theory being forced in schools.
This goes well beyond rural areas, this is definitely happening in suburban areas as well. Suburban areas are split half and half with respect to being based/cucked overall from what I've seen. That poster is a retard, he should be thanking whites for letting his sorry faggot immigrant parents into our countries.

>> No.19296615

>no argument
>haha whites are going extinct
You're an inferior 3rd worlder who belongs in a straw hut living in a white country, and I'm not surprised you haven't seen much of white people outside of your urban bubble. Nobody will be looking to the asian or indian or african community to save us from globohomo. The only segment of the population who will fight back will be whites (as we see them forming the resistance now, which you keep ignoring because you're too stupid/dishonest to acknowledge it). You're a coward. Of course I'm not surprised somebody of an inferior character such as yourself would be jealous of jews, most asians are. You still haven't refuted anything I said regarding whites btw, I don't expect you to either because it is obvious at a cursory glance that you are wrong.

>> No.19296625

>like rolling back CRT or trangenderism
Where are all the non-whites fighting against this stuff? according to you they are much more rebellious in nature, and this should be all the more so since they come from Traditional societies which haven't been degraded by decades of jewish poz. We see very little of it, most if not all of the vocal resistance comes from average white people lmao. How stupid and brown are you?

>> No.19296633

You tell me why there aren't that many African or Arab trans people compared to the hordes of white FtMs and MtFs. Perhaps fixing ones' community is a better course of action than seething.

>> No.19296645

Why do masculine cultists rightwingers hate negros? They're "high test" as fuck so these faggots should support them but no meme the white basedjaks while hating negros and larping as alpha men. What they don't understand is that negros are the result of high testosterone with no brains.

>> No.19296650

*with no feminine principle

>> No.19296657

>forgets they are the most sexually deviant
>doesn't mention their High Estrogen
>High on Narcissism
>Anti-social culture

>> No.19296663

>just take down the UN, WEF, multinational megacorps, all Western governments, the banking elite, the university establishment, Hollywood, etc. etc. then I'll admit I was wrong
Oh wow, how charitable of you, stupid faggot.

>> No.19296667

Yes most of them are the traits of high test men.

>> No.19296681

Also, look at all the Hip languange that is intuitive and sensual without actually talking about something specific that has appeared in the Chans
>ie: Thats based
How people are behaving and interacting socially; the words being chosen to have a dialogue has changed enourmously.

>> No.19296694

Niggers arent high test. They "peacock" by being loud and wearing clothes they can't afford. Retards interpret this as alpha when it actually demonstrates subsurvience to their women. Their societies in America and Africa are entirely ruled by obese matriarchs.

>> No.19296699

Did you not read the chapter? It's a surface masculinity with nothing underneath.

>> No.19296700

Per capita there are much more black trannies and homos than whites. Not sure about arabs but they are already pretty fucked in the head even in their home countries, obsessed with messing with little boys and animals. There are far more whites than other races in the West, so you would probably see more white trannies and fags still. But again, per capita is what counts.

You are misconstruing masculine traits with primitive, savage behaviour. They really aren't "high test as fuck," this is your fucked up brain falling for propaganda. There are so many blacks who are absolute queers, you just don't normally see them portrayed that way in jewish media. Just the fact that these people are obsessed with shoes and flashy bright clothes is highly suspicious. The rest of your post is so fucking stupid I don't even care to address it. Except oh ya, the people who want to take back the countries of their forebears from the hands of hostile foreign entities are cultists, not the freaks trying to label all white people as inherently evil or normalising genital mutilation, vaccine passports and climate alarmism. You fucking dumdum.

>> No.19296701

>is a phenomenon is as sad
What's up with this sentence?

>> No.19296704

>high test society without feminine principle is mentally braindead

>> No.19296711

No they aren't, they're cowardly pack animals who only feel strong in groups. They have no impulse control and freak out all the time. Many more per capita are gay or trans. You should stop watching cuck porn and other forms of jew propaganda, tranny. Not to mention all the issues you bring up are refuted by Evola in the pages posted itt, but that would probably be too hard for you to read. Blacks are feminine fags.

>> No.19296716

they aren't high t, they have more estrogen and possibly lower t, going by scientific surveys. They certainly have a feminine principle, far more pronounced than in traditional virile European civilisations.

>> No.19296719

Reread my reply

>> No.19296725

>You are misconstruing masculine traits with primitive, savage behaviour.
This is literally masculinity 101 according to Nietzsche. Keep coping bro

>> No.19296747
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1613155021401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't, and you aren't even engaging with the posts that refute you, so the reader will note that you are projecting when you tell me to cope.

>> No.19296749

The amount cope this unbelievable. Literal faggot parading on west's streets are more imperialists and war mongers. They topple governments, create puppet governments, start wars, commit war crimes, impose their ideology on other countries, steal their resources etc. and neolibs are winning and yet you retards cry about neolibs for being impotent feminine faggots.

>> No.19296750

The chapter was a good read, albeit pretty much all the retards here missed the point and are talking about race lol. Evola is saying Americans are a homogenous race based heavily on primitive/African ideals. All Americans talk loudly, all of them smile all the time like low iq sub Saharan Africans, all of them have garbage tastes in material. Doesn't matter if it's white/black/asian/Hispanic American, their culture is functionally primitive. Compare inner city blacks vs rural whites...both groups overuse drugs and have broken families. See the suburban American, with his big truck and her big suv to haul around their two big kids from the big daycare to their big house. Literal primitive sensibilities.

>> No.19296759


Let's see what the beloved Nietzsche of rightwing has to say about civilizational spirit and barbarians.

>They return to the innocent conscience of the wild beast, as exultant monsters, who perhaps go away having committed a hideous succession of murder, arson, rape and torture, in a mood of bravado and spiritual equilibrium as though they had simply played a student’s prank, [...] At the centre of all these noble races [...] the beast must out again, must return to the wild. It was the noble races which left the concept of ‘barbarian’ in their traces wherever they went; even their highest culture betrays the fact that they were conscious of this and indeed proud of it

>> No.19296765

>Evola is saying Americans are a homogenous race
Except for the part where he continuously differentiates whites and blacks and is disgusted by their intermingling "lol". He's talking about the spirit of the american, which is becoming increasingly "nigrofied".

>> No.19296768

Because right-wingers like low time preference and civilization.

>> No.19296775

>posting Nietzsche quotes in a thread about Evola

Keep dodging and coping, you fucking idiot.

>> No.19296780

Re-read the 4th paragraph...he claims Americans receive the same imprint no later than two generations. He's describing the process to which this imprint is more and more negro over time.

>> No.19296786

Evola and many right wingers in general differ from Nietzsche on issues such as this. You're just ignoring everything posted itt and framing things to fit your delusion bubble because you're a pseud, it is so obvious.

>> No.19296793

Yes, and he is correct, but if he is talking about race in what you are referring to, he is talking about a "race of the spirit" only, and he clearly differentiates blacks from whites constantly throughout that entire chapter.

>> No.19296799

Stop baiting retard, he knows that's what he means. Materially white, functionally nigger. End of story.

>> No.19296804

They're testosterone cultists with no respect for feminine principle which is what makes their beloved west great. They hate negros because they see their own shadow in them.

>implying Nietzsche wasn't one of the greatest influence of Evola

And you're ignoring the fact that neolib aesthetics obsessed faggots parading on western streets are way more imperialists than rightwingers.

>> No.19296806

Evolafags are the scummiest tribe I've seen on this digital shithole.
I wish I knew how you guys look, live, entertain yourselves and talk to others IRL.
You guys would be all round up and executed in firing squads in your "fascist utopia".
Stop virtue signalling about being better versions of yourselves, Evola used to be a retarded commie moron, and like other unhinged morons, he took poo2loo mysticism in order to prove how truly "superior" the "WHYTE RACE!" is.

At least, if you're an unironic fascist, please don't quote him, he was a pathetic human being. Go look after Linkola, Mainländer, Zappfe, Ted Kaczynski...

>> No.19296810

The way Evola speaks of "negroes" with such utter disdain while remaining cold and detached is quite exquisite, also
>Porgy and Bess by the Jew Gershwin, which deals exclusively with blacks... . The composer has declared that he lived for some time among American blacks in preparation for his work.
>*ends paragraph*
I kek'd at how he just lets that speak for itself. Of course this racism is appalling and outdated and evil and we disavow it.

>> No.19296818

He differentiates Africans from Europeans and his one use of whites was literally "American 'whites' ". And yeah he's talking about races as spirit, but my point was that there's a lot of talk in this thread about white vs Asian vs black Americans lol...not European vs African vs East Asian.

>> No.19296819

Evola wasn't a fascist and thought it was a proletarian movement and disagreed with its emphasis on dictatorialism which he viewed as Bonapartism. He agreed with some spiritual and martial aspects of it however.
I also don't understand why he makes you so mad.

>> No.19296826

Sounds like you're just plugging your ears to what others have to say for themselves and just thinking whatever fits your narrow worldview. Evola wrote a lot on superior feminine traits, and others itt have already explained how blacks are extremely feminine, you're just ignoring all of this and repeating yourself like a child.

Wow you are really upset and seem to be taking things personally. Evola wasn't a fascist and I'm not a fascist either. I'm pretty normal, or was for most of my life, had a large friend group through high school and uni, went to parties, had hobbies and played sports, got a good degree, worked with professionals, etc. Evola was never a commie btw.

>> No.19296837

Evola was persecuted quite a lot in fascist Italy, at one point if he went out in public he would go out with body guards who guarded his house because people were threatening his life and attacking him for what he wrote, which was eventually banned for not toeing the fascist line.

>> No.19296873

Then I would say rightwingers are doing really shit job at protecting feminine traits. And your average /pol/tard holds so much disdain for studying humanities and arts. They prefer "manly" endeavours of being wageslaves and other types of soulless pragmatic bullshit. All art and aesthetics are conquered by neolibs and leftwingers. And rightwingers are drooling subhumans with no culture who cry about negros fucking white women or trannies pushing their agenda and immigration all day.

>> No.19296896

>why he makes you so mad
Because the mentally challenged pseudo-dissident "intellectuals" on this Vietnamese basket-weaving website LOVE to circlejerk over "edgy" and "dangerous" writers in hopes of "sticking it to the nastee liburuls and da evil stinkee globohomo-left" like Julius when the writers I've quoted suggest paths of thought that could lead to ACTUAL SOCIETAL CHANGE FOR WESTENERS.

Who are the new Evola American supporters ofthe 21st century? Steve Bannon? Nick Fuentes? Fucking Richard Spencer? Maybe other phony Youtubers and depressed losers like Tim Pool and his clique of chuds?

>disagreed with its emphasis on dictatorialism which he viewed as Bonapartism
I give you that. On the other hand, fascism is nothing with the use (read: abuse) of power. Napoléon Bonaparte could even be treated as a "proto-20th fascist" head of state.
Taken from Wikipedia:
In the First World War, Evola served as an artillery officer on the Asiago plateau. He was attracted to the avant-garde, and after the war he briefly associated with Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's Futurist movement. Through his painting and poetry, and through work on the short-lived journal Revue Bleue, he became a prominent representative of Dadaism in Italy. In 1922, after concluding that avant-garde art was becoming commercialized and stiffened by academic conventions, he reduced his focus on artistic expression such as painting and poetry.
I know about the links between Futurism and Italian fascism. However, you can't deny Dadaism was a strict communist movement (the Cabaret Voltaire, its leader Tristan Traza and all of its followers).
He's yet another case of a failed leftist artist-turnt-rightoid pseud.
>80 years later, somewhere on the Internet

>> No.19296909

typo fix:
* nothing WITHOUT the use of (...)

>And your average /pol/tard holds so much disdain for studying humanities and arts. They prefer "manly" endeavours of being wageslaves and other types of soulless pragmatic bullshit. All art and aesthetics are conquered by neolibs and leftwingers. And rightwingers are drooling subhumans with no culture who cry about negros fucking white women or trannies pushing their agenda and immigration all day.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POST. No seriously, thanks. Modern day neo-reactionnaries (aka : /pol/tards) aren't doing shit in order to suggest a serious alternative to liberal "aesthetics" (architecture, clothing, music, design...), except a meek rant like "we need to go baaack".

>> No.19296911

>Because the mentally challenged pseudo-dissident "intellectuals" on this Vietnamese basket-weaving website LOVE to circlejerk over "edgy" and "dangerous" writers in hopes of "sticking it to the nastee liburuls and da evil stinkee globohomo-left" like Julius when the writers I've quoted suggest paths of thought that could lead to ACTUAL SOCIETAL CHANGE FOR WESTENERS.
I don't think this is true at all. Evola just provides a framework for thinking about the modern world that people who are alienated from it can easily pick up since it connects them to ideas that resonate with them that they haven't really been exposed to. His metaphysics is appealing on an intuitive level. From my understanding people that like Evola do so because he offers a positive vision, not because he's trying to shock people by being edgy or something.
I don't think I've heard any of the people on that list really discuss Evola much besides Spencer who is an absolute basket case these days.
Also I don't see how liking Evola precludes one from liking the other people you mentioned. I'm not familiar with most of them but I at least know that Evola and Kaczynski both share a supernatural disgust for materialist society and its focus on mass, quantity etc. at the expense of the human spiritual dimension.

>> No.19296930

>THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POST. No seriously, thanks. Modern day neo-reactionnaries (aka : /pol/tards) aren't doing shit in order to suggest a serious alternative to liberal "aesthetics" (architecture, clothing, music, design...), except a meek rant like "we need to go baaack"
You can't really do anything if you don't have power.

>> No.19296931

Again, most of what you're doing is just plugging your ears and pretending all right wingers are like the stereotype of some incel shitposting on /pol/, giving your opinion on this stereotype. If you actually stepped outside of this and listened to what some of them had to say, you would find that this isn't true. Why don't you go listen to actual rightwing content creators? well you would have to go outside of youtube for this because almost all of them are banned from youtube and all other social media, because youtube (owned by google, both companies are run and owned by jews) and all other big tech is openly partnered with the ADL (look them up if you don't know who they are and what they stand for) to control what can be spoken about online. btw, the ADL was founded by b'nai br'ith (look them up), which in turn was co-founded by the ancestor of sacha baren cohen, so it's not mystery he's promoted while being as racist and edgy as he wants on youtube while others are banned for having somebody say "faggot" on their livestream. Stop being bluepilled, there is a war against the West and the dissident right are the only ones posing any real threat to the forces of the global economic elite who want to destroy all Tradition and nations and want a homogenous masse of cultureless slaves across the entire globe. Any marxists who might pose a thread have already been cucked with sjw poz shit decades ago, neo-marxism is used like a controlled poison to undermine existing power structures. .
>All art and aesthetics are conquered by neolibs and leftwingers.
Only in the mainstream, because these are the only accepted opinions in this sphere. Elsewhere there are plenty of rightwingers still, but you need to leave the mainstream bubble to discover them.

I can show you the inheritors of the legacy of the Templars whose main duty is to protect the "divine feminine," this is a chivalric tradition going back at least to the middle ages. Needless to say they are not leftists.

>> No.19296938

>I know about the links between Futurism and Italian fascism. However, you can't deny Dadaism was a strict communist movement (the Cabaret Voltaire, its leader Tristan Traza and all of its followers).
>He's yet another case of a failed leftist artist-turnt-rightoid pseud.
So because he was associated with Dadaism you think he was a communist? if you delved deeper than shitty wikipedia articles, you would find one of the reasons he didn't like these movements were because of things like communism.

>> No.19296955

I don't like him because he was associated with fascism, I don't care about fascism. I like him because of his ideas, which are basically clearly setting forth what all Tradition values were in all normal civilisations throughout history, which most importantly to me, includes a highly spiritual aspect, devoid of all newage retardation of LARPing "esoteric hitlerism". You're just strawmanning everybody who disagrees with you and it is pretty obvious you are mad (and female...).

>> No.19296959

>retardation of LARPing "esoteric hitlerism".

You need to chill out, I think it's your time of the month. You should stay out of politics since you aren't very clear-headed in your thinking.


>> No.19296966
File: 44 KB, 362x578, 4f01544e8c00d89173587f7d5343d733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has its birth in the earth, its strength it doth acquire in the fire...

>> No.19296979

I will add that I'm more interested in Evola's spiritual or esoteric writings, which are far more important for me than the politics, although his more profane writings on topics like politics or society are of course astute.

>> No.19296980

>if you don't have power
>forgets about Vincente Fox, AMLO, Bush Jr., Trump, Scomo, BoJo, Bolsonaro, Fujimori, Modi, Erdogan, Orban, Duda and the PiS clique, Dodon in Moldavia, Lukashenko, Blocher, Nothern Nigeria, the Lega Nord in the Northern cities of Italy, the Dutch and Eastern German far-right, There Is Such A People, the Maghreb nomenklatura...
Here's your (You), you dense motherfucker.
>So because he was associated with Dadaism you think he was a communist? if you delved deeper than shitty wikipedia articles, you would find one of the reasons he didn't like these movements were because of things like communism.
Then explain me why he indeed became a major figure of dada in his home country.
>Only in the mainstream, because these are the only accepted opinions in this sphere. Elsewhere there are plenty of rightwingers still, but you need to leave the mainstream bubble to discover them.
Whether you accept it or not, the mainstream is the only cultural fabric that really matters. So-called "alternative movements" are not regarded as important until they reach the mainstream.

>> No.19296994

>drivel, drivel, drivel
>strawman, strawman, strawman
>"Why don't you go listen to actual rightwing content creators?", he said on a fucking literature message board

>> No.19297013

>>forgets about Vincente Fox, AMLO, Bush Jr., Trump, Scomo, BoJo, Bolsonaro, Fujimori, Modi, Erdogan, Orban, Duda and the PiS clique, Dodon in Moldavia, Lukashenko, Blocher, Nothern Nigeria, the Lega Nord in the Northern cities of Italy, the Dutch and Eastern German far-right, There Is Such A People, the Maghreb nomenklatura...
None of them have real power capable of challenging the order and imposing a new one in its place. At most these people can drag their heels and slow its encroachment.
If Trump had power for instance, the wall would have been built, but the state bureaucracy refused to implement his will. No power.

>> No.19297021

>Then explain me why he indeed became a major figure of dada in his home country.
Because he was interested in avant-garde as a means to transcend mundane life...and he was one of the only Italians into it. He left it quite quickly too. He explains this in the video interview posted itt. He was never a communist or a leftist, when ww1 started he wanted Italy to side with the central powers, and he was surprised when others around him didn't want this.

>> No.19297025

Many of those people you mentioned are not even right wing. They're stooges that still allow everything to progress only slower than the main left parties.

>> No.19297028

>Whether you accept it or not, the mainstream is the only cultural fabric that really matters. So-called "alternative movements" are not regarded as important until they reach the mainstream.
From a purely pragmatic perspective sure. I don't know what your point it, since the mainstream is controlled by the global economic elite, who are absolutely terrified of any true right wing values, they allow for the most part only poz.

>> No.19297037

Start arguing any time.

>> No.19297221

Black men are not “high test” in any way, they’re culture revolves around showing of their new sneakers and crying about slavery for the 50th time this week. They are faggots. American propaganda tells you otherwise

>> No.19297435

Today's creative minority defines tomorrow's mainstream culture. The right's failure to acknowledge in the second half of the 20th century is a major source of its current predicament.

>> No.19297495

>Pretending Germany didn’t spend more on the v2 than the allies did the nuclear bomb
>Pretending Hubbard didn’t carry the most weight

>> No.19297920

Tranny bait

>> No.19298324


>> No.19298368

He's honestly a bit brutal. It might have reflected on his looks to a degree.

>> No.19298759
