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File: 479 KB, 1684x1191, 1310762872329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1929540 No.1929540 [Reply] [Original]

As I get older I feel like right side of my brain is getting smaller, so small it makes me feel colorless. I feel like I'm losing all my creativity, passion, and my sense of wonder. My spirit needs a jump start. What do I do?

>> No.1929546

Isn't that whole left brain/right brain thing a load of nonsense?

>> No.1929550


>> No.1929552


For the most part, yes. Also, drugs.

>> No.1929559
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I just used the picture as a visual metaphor.

>> No.1929567


Yeah, looks like it

>> No.1929570
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Thanks, but that's just not me. I don't want to take the shortcut (no offense).

>> No.1929579


Sometimes, the easy way is the only way.

>> No.1929694

No drugs?

Okay, deliberately sabotage your life and become homeless for a while. That has the same effect as a serious drug addiction. You can also join a cult, for example. Suffering will make you more creative and rekindle your youthful spark. Or it will kill you.

>> No.1929735

yes. utter, debunked bullshit.
i wish op would have bothered to google brain lateralization before posting.

>> No.1929982

spend a week walking in one of the cardinal directions. whenever you speak with someone, try to guide the conversation back to its own foundation. speak early but not often. then turn around and walk back.

>> No.1929991


Read some DFW

>> No.1929995
File: 32 KB, 427x507, laughing_blue_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP asks for inspiration
>anon immediately screams DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS
lol 4chan, bunch of inanimate shit that can't independently generate thought even if it wanted to.

doing something unusual in an unfamiliar location is should suffice

>> No.1930001


well, it has worked since as long as man has been sapient on earth, but you seem to be the expert so I'll defer to you and assume all that was wrong

>> No.1931356
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Drugs, mang.

>> No.1931377

Take magic mushrooms

>> No.1931386

Try reading or watching something particularly surreal.

>> No.1931387

Oh, almost forgot - also, surreal music.

>> No.1931389

I recommend Enter The Void

>> No.1931392

'this is growing-up'

>> No.1931454
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>people recommending drugs

>> No.1931462



>> No.1931803
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>> No.1931808


>> No.1931822

Stop seriously considering other people's opinions.

>> No.1931829

Quit masturbating - www.yourbrainonporn.com - look into the site fully.

If you havn't already, cannabis and psychedelics - although don't abuse them.

Life gets shitter as you get older. Being a child is full of wonder and novelty. It's just how it is.

>> No.1931861


> Quit masturbating - www.yourbrainonporn.com - look into the site fully.

You're kidding right? This shit is hilarious.

>> No.1931920
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lol their "part from a scientific perspective" has absolutely no data at all

>> No.1931954

It's not bullshit, it's a scientific neurology concept. The problem are idiots like OP and Mercedez/Benz and whoever did that drawing and that text. Hate them.

And OP, you should take drugs, there is absolutely no argument against them. At least alcohol and weed, which are very light. You can try LSD in a good opportunity to see what really helps in creativity.

And watch movies like The Fall, Barton Fink, Adventures of Baron Munchausen and so on.

>> No.1933648
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>Life gets shitter as you get older. Being a child is full of wonder and novelty. It's just how it is.

There has to be some way to retain your inner child...... Isn't there?

>> No.1933670

Experience new things as often as possible. The problem with doing that is you have less time to apply your creativity and passions when not experiencing new things.

>> No.1933692


Become an animator. 2d or 3d, doesn't matter. I feel like a kid everyday, its awesome.

>> No.1935312
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>> No.1935320

I feel like I lost a lot of creativity after I went to college, lost my virginity, and started drinking and paying bills. For someone who used to be overflowing with bountiful imagination, this is highly depressing.

>> No.1935507
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>> No.1935589

Write whatever comes to your mind for 10-20 minutes a day. It helped me come up with a new comic/animation series. The one I'm working on now. It's really the best way I've found to extract original ideas from myself. I really, really recommend it.

You can use 750words.com, or just keep track of it all yourself on microsoft word or notepad.

>> No.1935610
File: 15 KB, 450x257, sintro01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a new brain through reincarnation.
Or the Technological singularity.

>> No.1935701

What does that stand for?

>> No.1935802


I was about to recommend the same thing. yourbrainonporn.com I haven't checked out, but I have read Norman Doidge's /The Brain That Changes Itself/, which includes a chapter on the effects of porn.

The fact is that porn and masturbation hamper creativity and resolve. Hence (in part) the legions of talents here, for example, who can never seem to buckle down and write that book. This may not be something you have a problem with, but if you do, you should give it some thought.

In my experience, about a month after quitting pornography and masturbation, I found myself brimming with ideas for a project on which I'd been drudgingly working before. I still had to sit down and plug away at it, but the process was very different.

>> No.1935815

David Foster Wallace... I think?

>> No.1935840

right a sad novel thats semi autobiographical about a man who becomes slowly more and more depressed as he becomes just another drop in the ocean of mediocrity. then end the novel with a happy ending.

>> No.1936855
File: 329 KB, 850x1100, pshift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this and pray for the paradigm shift

>> No.1936869


i can understand this completely. deleted all my porn a while ago but it's still too easy to just google 'pornhub'

>> No.1937041


The same happened to my friend's sister. She was a dreamer, very creative. We would have all these deep and insightful conversations and she wanted to write a paranormal type book series but then she had a family and ten years later, she became a mindless drone with nothing interesting to say and forgets things easily. sad.