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19295274 No.19295274 [Reply] [Original]


can we all admit that e-readers are objectively superior in every way and move on?

>> No.19295302

Next thread

>> No.19295302,1 [INTERNAL] 

I will not elaborate

>> No.19295467

>join the botnet just to read

nah, I'm good, thanks.

Unironically though, when the pinenote comes out I'll stop buying physical books

>> No.19295479

you can grip a book in the middle of the page and it won't do anything weird because it's not a touchscreen
you can hit a book with a hammer and it will basically do nothing
both are great

>> No.19296541

>join the botnet just to read
ah an another brainwashed /g/ faggot. You don't have to connect your device to the internet to read books.

>> No.19296544

Have fun post solar flare

>> No.19296671

you should connect to internet so as to download books

>> No.19296680

you can download them on your computer then you can transfer it to your e-book reader device.

>> No.19296706

It's nice to not look at an electronic screen for 1 second

>> No.19296721

Ereaders are not great for images. This is a big deal with a lot of non fiction

>> No.19296723

I feel like everyone should use both. I buy the physical copies of books I want in my collection and I *acquire* the ebook versions of anything which I feel isn't worth it's paperback price or is difficult to find. Usually much shorter stories or something I just want to read to pass the time while I wait for an order to arrive.

>> No.19296787

I was in my somewhat prestigious university library, and by chance, I picked a book and examined it as it was a well-made volume. Passively smelling it at first and then smelling more acutely. The book smelled like Cool Ranch Doritos. I was repulsed.

>> No.19296800

It's a good alternative for poorfags, but physical books are better and they fill a bookshelf. Someone said books are like tits, it's nice to see on a screen but it's better in your hands.

>> No.19296814

Have you stupid niggers ever heard of a fucking library? Free books without having to stare at a screen?

>> No.19296853

Smart phone > e reader

Chances are 99% of the people here own a smartphone. You do not need an e reader you're just consuming more shit you don't need but you've convinced yourself that you need it. If you have poor eyesight and require large font then an e reader is for you. Otherwise stop buying meaningless shit that you don't need.

>> No.19296866

>electronics are some sort of magic

what does this even mean, brother?! you think all the electrons in the hard disk are going to get shaken around and afterwards the words are in the wrong order?

>> No.19296874

Brother Im with you on the surplus value thing but they do make a difference.

>> No.19296889

Libraries are limited

>> No.19296949

fuck off privileged firstie

>> No.19296975

I like books much more simply for the fact that my head tends to hurt quite often when I use electronics.

>> No.19296983

I can't let visitors to my apartment know I enjoy reading classic literature and historic nonfiction with a fucking e-reader.

>> No.19296985

Libraries are oppressive, built on stolen money, and should not exist.

>> No.19296988

t. got kicked out for jacking off in the computer section

>> No.19296992


>> No.19296998
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>poor bugman dependand on international megacooperations and the elecrical grid just to read a paid for book
>superiour to people collecting atiquarian literature and preserving them for future generations as well as installing a sense of duty towards their own progeny in regards to history
Whatever you need to tell yourself.

>> No.19297004
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>not having an intellectual aura

ngmi brother

>> No.19297008

Personally I only take care of my instructional reference books. Everything else I read in the sauna and physically destroy with sweat and heat.

>> No.19297012

Buying a house would interfere with my semi nomadic lifestyle

>> No.19297014

I only read when inside a faraday cage

>> No.19297095

Based. I read EVERYTHING on a kindle and buy my favourites for the bookshelf. Highlighting is so much easier than keeping a notepad to hand. The only real problem is the battery wears down fast if you read for hours on end every day. Will have to replace the device every few years

>> No.19297134

>tfw weird electronic charge
>fuck up lightbulbs regularly and electronics intermittently
>friend is ereader shill (he reads sci fi) (for the jokes)
>keeps shilling
>all muh series so many wizards etc
>me, can't even keep a smart phone alive: no
>brief moment of horror as I see eldritch file tree of endless pratchett, tolkien, whatever else in anal folders and subfolders like a bureaucracy of mediocrity being run on windows 95
>screen flickers
>battery dies forever
>they have to ship him new device
>he has to load it with all that pratchett again
>he doesn't shill it any more
He won't even read PKD.

>> No.19297142

>Runs out of battery
I don't want to recharging a fucking book. Also a bookshelves makes your living room look homely

>> No.19297172

ereaders are way better than smartphones for reading. I’m guessing you’ve never used one. E-ink is way more pleasing to the eyes, and text looks much better. The quality of one’s eyesight is irrelevant. They also have significantly better battery life than smartphones, and they’re typically more comfortable to hold. I agree that you don’t need to consoom, but ereaders definitely provide a more satisfying reading experience than smartphones

>> No.19297179

That's a fairly nonsensical complaint. Do you also object to using electric lighting to see a book in the dark?

>> No.19297206

>owning an e-reader means you can’t also own books
Also, the battery on my e-reader lasts so long that I have to charge it like twice a month, usually while I’m sleeping anyway.

>> No.19297242

Though, an eReader has technically paper paper... I mean it has ink for God sake. Just don't get glass covered screens.

>> No.19297250


>> No.19297251

Perhaps the only problem I've faced with e-reader is the enormous amount of books I put there... I've got 4000 books and I've read 1% of them

>> No.19297270

Books are vastly superior to e-readers when you have to jump around the text and when reading on a desk.
>I feel like everyone should use both.
Everyone with half a brain uses both, but there are solid arguments against using e-books.

>> No.19297282

>Muh not owning my books and being prone to have them edited
Have you written the software that is on your device? Or have the source code and compiled it. Because if not you never can be certain that will be always disconnected.

>> No.19297304

My doujins run fine, but if it's a medical image, you may be right

>> No.19297315
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>poor bugman dependant on international publishers and print just to read a paid for book
>superiour to people collecting oral atiquarian epics in their and preserving them for future generations as well as installing a sense of duty towards their own progeny in regards to history

>> No.19297326

>just pay for a feature only to not use it in order to avoid the botnet bro


>> No.19297328

it'd be neat if this were true, but it's not.

>> No.19297395

If I hit it with a hammer the only explanation is that I hated the book and therefore I expect it to shatter into thousands of pieces

>> No.19297448


>> No.19297560

>says some dumb baby word on the side like “kindooo,kabo,kubu,clubu”
>low quality plastic
>feels like a Leappad
If you like ereaders, you probably also collect toys, which is shameful.

>> No.19297583

Books > e-reader > phone

>> No.19297586
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Make love, not war.

>> No.19297626
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Retard, that doesbt know wtf he is talking about

>> No.19297655

PDFfs are unusable on e-ink readers. Everything that isn't formatted for an e-reader is going to show up at microscopic size and the zoom function is not practical to use. I think the majority of people who pirate pdfs just read on a tablet.

>> No.19297663

There are 13.3" e-readers. You don't get many LCD/OLED tablets in that size.
Zooming also isn't that bad on the models with faster processors and extra display modes.

>> No.19297706

>There are 13.3" e-readers
Nobody's gonna get those things, they cost like 700 dollars and zooming is definitely bad to use for extended periods of time. If I have to zoom on one image on an e-reader that's OK but doing this for every page of a PDF is just not doable.
The truth is that the case scenario of an e-reader is rather limited, they're really good for things like novels, without illustrations. If you're reading something for study where you need to cross-reference or jump around a lot, or you want to take notes for study, or there are illustrations, physical is better. Then there are the issues like the botnet spying on you, the issue of ownership (if you buy the e-books from a store), depending on electronics for things, battery, retention being lower on e-ink devices, eye strain that still exists with e-ink, and so on. More than a few times I wanted to read but the battery was nearly KO and I had to recharge. It can definitely happen especially if you use the light. E-readers are more fragile than even paperbacks and they're very easy to damage if you go on a hike or whatever.
On the upside, e-ink is great to read when you're lying down because they're easy to hold and they save a lot of room if you like in a cramped bugman hole or you like to travel with a book. I think e-readers for genre fiction, unimportant novels, heavily discounted books and so on is the best way to go.
On the other hand I'm going to wear a tinfoil hat for a second and I think it's a bit suspicious or at least dangerous that all the classics are free, it's very attractive but I'm afraid that this way you'll have very few physical copies being printed of the western canon in a decade or two and digital data is volatile and computers are getting more and more pozzed with each passing year. I think it's definitely worth considering that more dystopian shit may happen in the future so I decided that I won't buy more e-books from now on, I'll only get physical.

>> No.19297728

I have one.
The screen real estate makes it easy to have split screen so you can have the book on one side and your notes on the other. Switching between books or going back and forth in a book is significantly faster than with paper.
You can also add annotations inside a pdf instead of worrying about ruining the book.

>> No.19297733

Maybe. but I've tried reading on Kindle and I legitimately don't enjoy it. I spend a considerable amount of time looking at screens at work and I don't want to come back home just to open another screen. I prefer a book in that sense.

>> No.19297734

>I have one.
good for you, I'm not going to spend that much money on a luxury device

>> No.19297746

What is a screen?

>> No.19297752

What do you mean what's a screen? A display. I spent most of my work hours in front of laptops and PCs and I just don't like looking at them anymore.

>> No.19297754

How is a book different?

>> No.19297756

>this absolute nigger pays for pdf documents

>> No.19297760

Yes, you absolute ZOG bugman. I like to use my senses. I like good smells and good textures, I'm not a worm like you, who is satisfied with the touch of rigid plastic on your fingers over and over. Your sensory deprived brain has already abandoned you and thank God you didn't have a soul to lose in the first place.
You are the same people that screech about progress but you keep accepting less and less everytime.

>> No.19297767

Until an e-reader can simulate the feeling of actually flipping pages no you can't say it's objectively superior
But at that point it would basically just be a book anyway wouldn't it

>> No.19297779
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>> No.19297797

It's not the same as a laptop's screen. it's not backlit and there's no such thing as something that lights up to create what you see on the display. E-ink is closer to something physically printed on a surface and if you hold it in the sun there's no glare and it looks like the page of a book, and it doesn't take any batter to actually keep the image on the screen, the device only uses battery to "redraw" the page.
That's the point of e-ink devices.

>> No.19297826

> 13.3" e-readers
Above 10" is very bad for reading books, perhaps for comics and Mangas or as a note taking device.

>> No.19297863

Nobody cares, just shut the fuck up and read

>> No.19297878

What makes it bad for reading books? Many of my books are larger than that.

>> No.19298030
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>giving a shit what other people like
pleb brained take
just use whatever you prefer and shut the fuck up

>> No.19298037

>This retard thinks downloading books means paying for them.

>> No.19298044

I hate digital so much

>> No.19298053

After using an ereader for a while I prefer them to normal books. I don't have to worry about making sure I'm properly situated under a light source, if I want to look up a word I can just tap on it, if the book is long I don't have to worry about holding up the bulk of a paperback/hardback. I've had a Kobo Clara HD and a normal Kindle (the most recent model). The Kindle is a piece of junk and the Kobo is a superior device in every way. I don't connect it to a Kobo account (there is a way to get around it).

>> No.19298064

Also I like to read horror fiction, and some of it is just prohibitively expensive to try and acquire in physical books. Also book prices have really shot up lately from what I've seen, like $16.99 for a paperback seems to be normal now. I could buy used I guess but I'm not interested.

>> No.19298097

The experience of reading on pages for most good books will always be superior. I do a lot of reading on my kindle because I wanted to be able to get whatever book I was interested in for free. It's super convenient especially on the bus or laying in bed without needing a light.
It's similar to watching movies and tv shows, something generic I can binge on a laptop, tablet or even my phone but good movies are best appreciated on a big screen. I don't think an e-read will ever fully replace books for me but their utility for new readers and people like me who read a fuck ton of books should not be understated. I don't think it should be a physical vs digital war, both sides should be able to see the benefits of both.
People who hate them with a passion don't read enough or are really rich, people who would never read a physical book have never tried.

>> No.19298147

I’m sorry but I can’t read a book if I’m constantly thinking about whether someone jacked off then flipped through the pages.

>> No.19298594

it's much better to read a long book on a kindle, especially one that has a lot of endnotes. i also really hate when i can see the words on the back of the page through paper, which happens sometimes.

>> No.19298609

Really stupid post in this specific moment since you cannot stay in a library without wearing the muzzle which is extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.19298697

I remember somthing about visual fatigue, saccadic eye movements and paper size when I was deciding which size I should pick... I doubt it has anything to do with "e-ink readers vs real papers".

>> No.19299081

13" is versatile. If you think the pages are too large you can flip to landscape and view two smaller pages at once, just like in a real book.

>> No.19299277

10" is more than enough for that. Plus double page view has the same problem I'm talking about...

>> No.19299330

packet sniffing

>> No.19299337

you know they let you take the books out of the library, right?

>> No.19299433

10" is smaller than almost all of my books.

>> No.19299530

Just buy a kindle basic, anything beyond that defeats the purpose (and is poorly veiled consooming, which, at that point, you might as well fetishize and buy books)

>> No.19299838

Not a fan of Amazon and I've note air already.

>> No.19299864

Without the margins, most would be within 10".

Here is the thing, I have a 13" ipad and 10" reader. The reader is much much more comfortable to read from, yes it is mostly because of the main difference but the size makes a big difference too...

>> No.19299876

Fuck off. Read whatever you have on deck. Buy for textbooks or for good /lit/. You can e-read for comfortability or bed or some other shit. My parents are such fucking autistic about e-books. They think the library is finished, along with print.

>> No.19299881

Looks like shit. $200 toilet paper.

>> No.19299896


>> No.19300006

my kobo clara arrived today

>> No.19300995

Epubs are open source and easily pirated. I can load them onto my boox nova pro without any account.

>> No.19301006

R-values. Game, set, and match, retards.

>> No.19301014

E readers would be perfect if they had a crunchy toothed gear to spin like a mouse scroller through pages without loading just as instantly visible and seeing slight folding of pages to mimic the flipping of a book.

>> No.19301398

you should shut the fuck up

>> No.19301441


>> No.19301836

I like physical books because when i finish reading i can just slam the book shut on my penis to keep my page.

>> No.19301861

Because iPads are too heavy and have a shitty screen.

>> No.19303312

No you... 11" vs 13" show the same difference. 11" is better of course

>> No.19303340

You can adjust the margins in ebooks.

>> No.19303544

Read the posts above

>> No.19303566

god anti-mask losers really are just the most precious people on the planet lmfao, it takes a solid 5 minutes to forget you're wearing a mask lol

absolute pansy

>> No.19303607

>this retard thinks that you need to connect your ereader to the internet to download books

>> No.19304019

Actual reasons not to like ereaders:
>glare issues
>very small page sizes compared to most books (unless you spend 400+ on one)
>no immediate sense of how far into the book you are except for a percentage

>> No.19304224

Glare is really not a big deal with electronic paper compared to emissive displays.
There are e-readers with buttons or the option to use bluetooth page turners.

>> No.19304231

True but it's still more of an issue than with paper.

>> No.19304466

There a handful of studies done which show we remember more from what we read when it's in a book or on printed paper versus when we read it on an e-reader or tablet. Our brains are wired to remember physical, tactile objects, even if they only contain text, rather than digital forms which have no true substance beyond what our minds tell our body.
The act of reading through a book, physically turning each page, lifting it closer and further away, feeling its weight, subconsciously judging scene and chapter lengths by flipping ahead or backwards, noting how your bookmark is going further through the book each time you pick it up, seeing certain imperfections on pages; dark ink, faded ink, smudges, and generally having a full awareness of the object you're holding without any caveats that fall into the abyss which is "ungraspable digital something" inarguably changes the experience.
E-readers are super convenient, but they should be a last resort if a book is out of print, ludicrously priced or unavailable through your library or other second-hand sites. Of course, none of this applies if you're only reading trashy fiction that you're probably better off forgetting anyway, so you can re-read it sooner rather than later.

>> No.19304532


Aight, so what's the best e-reader objectively speaking ? I've heard Kobo.

>> No.19304535


Brain dead or underage ? Which one are you ?

>> No.19304537

Boox Max Lumi 2

>> No.19304544


Alright let me rephrase that. What's the best e-reader objectively speaking that isn't absurdly costly ?

>> No.19304545

A great text doesn't need smell or tactile feel or other external bullshit to be good
It's as good on paper as it is written in a 4chan post on your phone

>> No.19304557

You can't even say why looking at a book is different than looking at electronic paper.

>> No.19304602


There is no such thing as electronic paper. Only an electronic device that imitates paper. Also each books feels like it has an identity while on e-reader everything seems to be an unending stream of text.

>> No.19304687
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yeah but then what do you do when the book you want to read is $150+?

do you fork over the dinero or just pirate it?


>> No.19304690

Guy you responded to here, Kobo clara hd in my opinion just because its more portable, fits a jacket pocket which is important to me. You can fuck with storage on this one but I dont think its neccessary at all. On all kobos you can easily bypass account registration which is sweet too. I didnt do it though, I have an account using my trash email and I like to buy stuff I cant get otherwise. Ebook prices do suck though. I would pay 8 bucks tops for an ebook.
But yeah, join the kobo chads you'll fit right in, king.

>> No.19304696

information wants to be free

>> No.19304709


Thanks. By the way, why do people avoid registration so much ? Ads ?

>> No.19304711

What's your budget and what type of books can you live without?

>> No.19304713

you're acting as if a bookstore is fort knox
they are literally the easiest places to steal from, even if they catch you they are too limp wristed to stop you and too guilty-ridden to call the police

>> No.19304720

Why do you post on 4chan without a name?
People don't want to register for every tiny shit. If you don't want to use the store there's no reason for the device to require an account.

>> No.19304728

There wont be ads if you register, it gives you ability to sync, whatever that means and you get access to the kobo store. People dont like to register because fuck jannies and fuck trannies and fuck jews and fuck anyone trying to harvest any data I am generating by using a device that can connect to this kiked out internet.

>> No.19304758

you're just a thieving nigger

>> No.19304788

You compromise, also the "identity" of a book isn't just papers but the font, format, cover... etc. All preserved in ei readers

>> No.19304809

fuck off nigger

>> No.19304828

not buying your book, kike

>> No.19304847

lol niggers can't read

>> No.19304860

>Actual reasons not to like ereaders:
>glare issues
Solved, you have many non glare options.
>very small page sizes compared to most books (unless you spend 400+ on one)
Lage page size isn't recommended anyway, what you need is a readable size without the need to squint or even need glasses... Plus, buying 400+ reader is a good investment for pirates since books will cost 0$.
>no immediate sense of how far into the book you are except for a percentage
Page number? Chapters? TOC? Anyway I kinda agree with this one, the weight of a book feels different.
I believe you mean "page flipping" is what you miss here... Yeah, that's unsolvable but hey... No paper cuts!

>> No.19304890

>Solved, you have many non glare options.
The Kindle 4 still has some glare, did things get better?
>Lage page size isn't recommended anyway, what you need is a readable size without the need to squint or even need glasses
Small page size means anything with diagrams, illustrations or math equations is unreadable.
>Plus, buying 400+ reader is a good investment for pirates since books will cost 0$.
It's going to take a long time before you break even on that even if you pirate everything
>I believe you mean "page flipping" is what you miss here
No I mean accidentally flipping pages because of the touchscreen.

>> No.19304921

There's enough books that cost hundred dollars upward. Scientific books in particular.
And a large ereader can replace more than just books.

>> No.19304973

You either spend effort into acquiring it through library systems or second-hand websites or you pirate it. No one is saying things need to be black or white.

>> No.19304995

>The Kindle 4 still has some glare, did things get better?
Not that anon, but yes. I have a 7th gen paperwhite and there's virtually no glare at all. Unfortunately, the only instances where there would be glare (in the sun) make the screen's low DPI very apparent so a real book is still usually better for those times.

>> No.19305009

William Gass writes about this in one of his essays, something about the unsubstantiality of ebooks and words on screen (something about them vanishing from existence with the click of a button) compared to the book as a physical object, and how you can prefer physical books and have a good reason to do so, without being fetishistic about them

>> No.19305010

No. I refuse you.

>> No.19305025

ebooks are great and superior in every way most of the time. Retards claiming botnet or censorship or whatever don't seem to realize you can use a kindle without ever logging into amazon or connecting it to the internet. Unless I own a book already, I pirate the ebook. If the book isn't readable on kindle or the right edition isn't on libgen then I'll buy a physical copy or read a PDF if it's expensive. There's really no reason to run out and buy a physical copy for every book anymore

>> No.19305069

to add onto this, people who stick to physical books as a primary way of reading always come up with endless cope that is just a poor justification for what is clearly just an aesthetic thing. They like seeing books on their shelves, they like the pretty colors, they love the musky book smell. But many won't admit this because it makes them seem shallow and materialistic (which they are). For them reading is asmuch about the information of the book as it is about owning books, looking at book covers, and being considered one who reads (as well as being able to easily show this to others.). Or perhaps they just really love the touch and feel of a physical book, but none of these reasons have anything to do with the actual information within the book. If that was all they cared about, they would purchase an ereader and pirate. Being able to carry thousands of books whereever they go in their pocket(or maybe more like 2-3, who needs thousands really). Ebooks also last longer and have useful features such as being able to search through the text at instant speed. Physical books are for women and fags, ebooks are for people with brains

>> No.19305083

So much of human memory evolved to be spatial, than it's conceivable to treat the memory of navigating a physical book as its own memory palace.
For example, when I want to look up a passage I read, I can remember with great accuracy where in the book it is, and which side it's on. Can't do that with digital.

>> No.19305096

Soon, there will come a time when you let the machine do the reading for you
By then it will be too late

>> No.19305115

My "memory palace" is my computer ;)

>> No.19305126

How do you read scrolls?

>> No.19305140

Today, I had to go to an imaging facility for a CT-scan and I brought a book for the lobby's wait and there was an old guy there with a book too.
I'm usually the only one reading and feel odd carrying a book with me, so it was comforting. He was reading something by Saul Bellow, though I never got a good look at the title beyond seeing a large S starting one of the words. Makes me want to give it a read.

>> No.19305142

I hate this thread. Are we promoting products for companies who wouldn't care our existence or what?!

I mean I have my eink reader, tablet and physical books. Have what you want to have, end of the story.

>> No.19305158
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>> No.19305203

Why not both? I read People Mover on screen and paperback. Checkmate

>> No.19305222

The only people who say this are the ones who've never read on an e-reader. E-ink displays utterly BTFO LED screens for reading purposes.

>> No.19306059

>You can't be certain that your e-reader isn't brute-forcing the password to the nearest WI-Fi network while you read!!!
It would be a miracle of computing if they were somehow doing this given their miniscule battery drain. You're making paranoiacs look bad, stop it.

>> No.19307556
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>sees around corners

>> No.19307822

> Can't see what's in between