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19294338 No.19294338 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19294385
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>milquetoast liberal race denialst

>> No.19294436

>worldball meme sophist spending 40 minutes on shit a 98 year old guy say 20 years ago
Yeah I'll pass.

>> No.19294468

oh look, another libshit pseudo-historian youtuber making an opinion piece on why person xy is le heckin bad. Haven't seen one in such a long time.

>> No.19294920

Imagine a timeline where Chomsky would have been born later to become a “politics and discourse” YouTuber with a voice changer and anime maid cat boy AVI.

>> No.19294938

>40 minutes of an autist ranting

Who the fuck watches this shit

>> No.19295861

Chomsky will do any interview, this guy could probably have him on and actually force him to address the claims here. Or he can make a 40 minute YouTube video with none of Chomsky's present thoughts that his uneducated viewers will take as gospel.

>> No.19295877

Why is it age restricted?

This one’s better

>> No.19295895

this, i heard chomsky responds to any email
god Dore is such a faggot, not surprising that the "populist left" reaches the same anti-vax conclusions as the populist right

>> No.19295911

Listen to the video. He cites actual science on this issue. Chomsky is dropping the ball on this.

Vaccinate the vulnerable, avoid vaxxing the young and healthy, and especially those who had it already because they have better immunity now.

>> No.19295919

Fuck, I miss Metokur.

>> No.19295935

chomsky is such a faggot. at this point i don't think kids should read manufacturing consent, because it's such a fucking boomer take on actually manufacturing consent and he is, in his old age, a simp for the very forces he decried. the man is stuck in the past, and all the various tables and factoids he lists will not be remembered by anyone plus these days you can just look online to see this shit.

sad to see a real one absolutely BTFO by the sands of time, he would have been good in the 90s but now... this old dog just needs to go to rest.

>> No.19296014


>> No.19296089

>He cites actual science on this issue
from what im seeing hes not citing actual journal articles, but rather scientific magazines which reference studies?
the article he posts at 32:22 doesnt even match the quotes which he displays on the screen. HE IS LITERALLY MISQUOTING THE ARTICLE.
if you read the article from New Sientist it completely goes against what he is saying and the quotes from "nature" (i cant even find the real article hes quoting)
>“They absolutely do reduce transmission,” says Christopher Byron Brooke at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Vaccinated people do transmit the virus in some cases, but the data are super crystal-clear that the risk of transmission for a vaccinated individual is much, much lower than for an unvaccinated individual.”
>A recent study found that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant are 63 per cent less likely to infect people who are unvaccinated.

please dont take buffons like Jimmy Dore seriously

>> No.19296102


>> No.19296124

I suppose you have something smarmy to say about one of the inventors of the damn vaccines too.

Try not to be so liberal

>> No.19296143
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Didn't watch for obvious reasons

>> No.19296152

Deleuze btfo

Cancelled for being pedo


>> No.19296156
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>jimmy dore
god I hate this stupid faggot, just another FAUCIFAUCIFAUCI schizoid who thinks he's hot shit.

>> No.19296161

What critique are you even making?

>> No.19296162

holy shit butters is a dore fan? no wonder this board relentlessly shits on you

>> No.19296168

>Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making unsupported claims about the alleged toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines;[6][10][22][23] using interviews on mass media to popularize self-medication with ivermectin;[24] and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted.[6]
>is a literal ivermectin shill

>> No.19296171

(I actually agree with him probably 80% of the time but he is a certified retard)

>> No.19296176
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you really keep posting hour long videos with no timestamps where he doesnt even provide a bibliography to his sources and when he does post a source he doesnt even quote it correctly, and you expect me to watch this shit?

>> No.19296182

Only the fascists, tradCaths, misogynists, transhumanists, bourgie college kids, liberals and all their toady followers
Let’s go Brandon.

>> No.19296201

And you know where Wikipedia is getting their money from now, don’t you?

A comedian in his garage is reading the news to you here. Go watch CNN.

>> No.19296210

Don't care. He's an ivermectin shill. Discredited. Dore unironically watches Alex Jones. You lost.

>> No.19296222

at least you admit what your watching isnt news. Dore produces content for the lowest common denominator disaffected berninefags

>> No.19296235

>He’s horse dewormer shill
You can’t be serious. Dude.
>Alex Jones
He actually spit on him once. I think he must have apologized and called a truce. But no, he watches Joe Rogan. You know. The guy who got better because ivermectin cures it. Cheap and easy to get ivermectin treats Covid.
And you’re here promoting vaccine mandates and pass cards to better control the masses and let the chaff die in the cold?
This really you? No troll?

>> No.19296240
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It’s a news show. It’s punditry

>> No.19296246

I hate socialists, anarchists, fascists and communists. I only respect the political opinions of people who are center left, center right, conservative, neocon, neo-liberal, or libertarian. I will not take you seriously, like the majority of society, if you push retarded belief systems with no practical value.

>> No.19296251

intellectual titan joe rogan
please dont tell me you watch joe rogan in 2021

>> No.19296252

>But no, he watches Joe Rogan

>> No.19296254

>Butter is an ivermectin promoter

>> No.19296262
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>> No.19296265
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Die, boomer.

>> No.19296280


>> No.19296290

Just so you know, libertarian is anarchist.
Closing your ears has impaired your knowledge of what’s actually going on.

>> No.19296329

Vaccine mandates are just so middle-management retards and executives could force everyone back into the office to wage-cuck mindlessly and not get sued for it. They're fools because they actually believe the vaccine is good and take it themselves.

>> No.19296392

how can Chomsky call himself an anarchist while asking the state to segregate entire groups of society and not give them food? like holy fuck this is some unironic horseshoe theory shit

>> No.19296410
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>noam chomsky denied a genocide
>he is literally a piece of shit, I cannot even
Nobody in Europe likes Serbians anyway but then again this entire talking point is all about how SACRED life is.

Everyone is inherently worthless. Don't give weight just because some died more than others. Don't want you women to be raped? Kill your enemies. Don't want to be slaughtered en masse? Stay armed. There's a fundamental human condition which we must maintain in order to justify our personal sovereignty, and all of those who have ALLOWED THEMSELVES to be genocided are not anybody I have sympathy for.

>> No.19296412
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It’s inexcusable.
I find it odd that Valeria Wasserman doesn’t a wiki entry, when his first wife does.

>> No.19296415

I wouldn't mind just randomly emailing chomsky and getting a few sentences of reply back for the shits and giggles. Would be fun.

>> No.19296420

Chomsky is honestly low hanging fruit at this point. He barely makes any cohesive points and when he gets cornered by other midwits like Sam Harris he immediately tries to flex himself with sophistry thinking he one up'd someone.

>> No.19296475

How are you still this naive on how power works and controls information? Have you missed the stories of dictionaries editing words in real time to suit certain political arguments? You think the info on wikipedia and by extension the sources it cites aren't just part of this reality shaping complex that is maintained by the power structure? What do you think authority even is? Are you just content to live inside Plato's Cave forever?

>> No.19296477

jesus butters

>> No.19296480
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>How are you still this naive on how power works and controls information? Have you missed the stories of dictionaries editing words in real time to suit certain political arguments? You think the info on wikipedia and by extension the sources it cites aren't just part of this reality shaping complex that is maintained by the power structure? What do you think authority even is? Are you just content to live inside Plato's Cave forever?

>> No.19296490

he is but he's still got a lot of diehard followers although he's very difficult to defend. I took an Intro Ling class this semester and we got Steven Pinker as an introduction--I emailed the prof about it and he had to painstakingly apologize and say he disagreed with the department's use of Pinker etc. BUT in the ensuing weeks whenever I bug him about this issue or another with Chomsky's work (not in class obv lol) he gets really quiet and recently threatened me to shut up about it.

>> No.19296497

I honestly didn't realize you were trolling when you posted that. I'm glad you confirmed you were just b8ing here and that you actually do secretly believe in the based horse paste medicine

>> No.19296534

That isn't the Foucault debate.

>> No.19296543

>b-but what about hydroxychloroquine?
>see this nasal spray works according this one doctor!
>ok fine...b-but what about ivermectin?
why are schizos like this?

>> No.19296560

Brainwashed poltards believe in post modern garbage like 'power structures' keeping them down so they distrust anything remotely rooted in scientific fact if it comes from the top down.

>> No.19296574

>power structures are incapable of influencing the direction of science, despite being fully responsible for financing it and patronizing them

>> No.19296589

I took the vaccine, fool.
They’ve been telling us that we have nothing for the virus but wait for the eventual ventilator. That’s big pharma. Why are you a shill for big pharma?
Tell us you’re not making a micropayment from from a pharmaceutical company, anon.

We know the time trusted truth of follow the money.
The scientific fact and the historical fact is that ivermectin is a human drug and in cures a lot of stuff. But it’s also cheap.

>> No.19296607

do you have any recommendations to substitute manufacturing consent? ive read a good number of other popular propaganda books (ellul, bernays, a few random who gives a fuck professors) and was planning on chomskys next

>> No.19296617

>tfw you will never be sequestered together with butterfly in the chomsky camp

>> No.19296618

Someone brought up Parenti’s Inventing Reality.

>> No.19296621

sounds like you already read better than what you'll get from chomksy (his book is just quoting those guys while screaming america bad! and giving a bunch of charts about how muh news ignored the story i like and reported the story i don't like)

>> No.19296628

True, I find it odd that they trust other power structures that promote anti-science garbage just to sell shit like herbs and remedies, but not the big bad gubmint and their 'evil' agencies. The people promoting dewormers and alternative medicine are just preying on these fools, taking a page off of old tobacoo when they muddied science with 'smoking good' """research""".

>> No.19296637

>The people promoting dewormers
No one is doing that.

>> No.19296670
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>> No.19296679

You really just believe strawman that are fed to you by the media. Very low iq but very typical

>> No.19296697
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No you have it all wrong my friend, I only listen to JRE ramblings and the intellectual giants at the America first podcast. See how high my IQ is?

>> No.19296703

The two you mentioned plus Walter Lippman. Chomsky just reintroduced earlier ideas to an ignorant modern audience.

>> No.19296714
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>practical value

>> No.19296722

Mainstream science are the tobacco advertisers of today though. A fresh vaccine is as pure as the dew that dawn spills over a golden field of clover. Ahh.

You shouldn't be surprised when people turn to other sources of authority outside mainstream power circles when they recognize that the mainstream is hostile and untrustworthy based on a pattern of persistent proven lies and deceptions.

>> No.19296729

Vaccines existed before big tobacco promoted fake news.

>> No.19296733

>I choose authority X over authority Y coz I'm angsty
grow up

>> No.19296734

Not mRNA ones lol. And in the past vaccines didn't require 3 (soon to be 4!) shots.

>> No.19296736

Remember when Chomsky demanded to academics and journalists to stop reporting on what the people fleeing the Khmer Rouge were saying because it made socialism look bad? How the fuck he got any legitimacy after that? Moldbug and Ted K were right. The world is ruled by leftists who only care for power.

>> No.19296746

My father's best friend's took the vax and a few days after got a stroke and now is in wheelchair. My father said he got lucky not to get covid and he (my father) will go to get his third doze this week.

>> No.19296748

>b-but these kinds of vaccines
moving goalposts, Next.

>> No.19296753

As if you'd take any vaccine, let alone 3.

>> No.19296757

Well it's sort of an important difference because the DNA based ones work and the mRNA ones (according to their creator) don't really work much at all.
It's interesting that in this thread which is nominally about Chomsky, I would have expected people to have read Bernays and understand his use of "scientists" as a source of authority to influence and persuade men for specific ends. The whole 1950s labcoat man telling you that smoking is healthy is all Bernays. Tobacco companies really wanted to make money so they employed these tactics. Modern pharmaceutical companies don't have the same incentives though, they only operate on peace, love and compassion and wanting to make the world a better place. God bless them.

>> No.19296758

>at this point
He has always been like this. He has always used the "that's not serious academic work" to dismiss anything that goes against his views, including the period where he defended Pol Pot.

>> No.19296772

I'm not native on how power works. I'm just enjoying the show, because my people is in power, and it looks like we'll grab it for good. This is not about the vaccine working or not. It's about making sure right wing fascism takes hold ever again.

>> No.19296784

Good, I'm glad you are perceptive and rational enough to admit that. I also think the human residual energies that you think of as fascism are eternal and will reform eventually no matter how much pressure is applied to prevent that.

>> No.19296792

I'm drunk and I realized I wrote this like shit, but wanted to say "It's about making sure right wing fascism never takes hold again." Also "my people are in power". And "I'm not naive on how power works". Thanks.

>> No.19296802
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>Well it's sort of an important difference because the DNA based ones work and the mRNA ones (according to their creator) don't really work much at all.
mRNA is more effective according to actual data and safer since it doesn't integrate with DNA.
He didn't do much of the work that Big tobacco did in the 50s when they pushed anti-science research to discredit actual science, he was mostly known for appealing to female smokers.
You're forgetting that tobacco companies aimed their target at pharma companies themselves who were anti-smoking. The belief that 'everyone is self motivated and are just selfish actors' is largely irrelevant. What matters is: are they correct scientifically or not? Because sniffing the bullshit during the tobacco fake news was pretty easy for scientist (as was the notion that emissions didn't cause climate change, a notion that most oil tycoons no longer dispute).

>> No.19296805

You're drunk AND gay?

>> No.19296808
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>> No.19296811

>What matters is: are they correct scientifically or not?
It would be cool if we actually had some way of knowing, but since power has completely captured institutional scientific processes from beginning to end there is no way of knowing.

>> No.19296815

>so I'll just listen to Alex Jones's schizo ramblings

>> No.19296820

We have a real scientists here, bros. He truly knows his stuff. Not like all those dumb rednecks who do their research on the internet.

>> No.19296821

>since power has completely captured institutional scientific processes from beginning to end there is no way of knowing
Kys, smug chud.

>> No.19296822

I like listening to the dissenting scientists just before they get their career shut down for contradicting the narrative. These are the people who can give you a glimpse into the truth of the world. Kary Mullis, Luc Montagnier etc.

>> No.19296824

You could literally replace 'camel' with ivermectin and poltard schizos would believe in it. Big tobacco really did a number on them.

>> No.19296825


>> No.19296832

I will never do that, Satan.
If Big Pharma wanted to sell ivermectin why wouldn't they promote it though? I wonder how much money these companies could make from selling it compared to the measly pathetic revenue they've gotten from selling hundreds of millions of vaccine vials liability free to dozens of governments all over the world.

>> No.19296833

i refuse to listen to anything by the trout man

>> No.19296835

>I'm an edgy contrarian

>> No.19296838

What I find hilarious is that these same people were the ones saying they wouldn't take the Trump vaccine because it wasn't properly tested. Had he been re-elected now Chomsky would be talking about how Trump is literally Hitler for pushing the vaccine, and he would proudly cite the nuremberg codes. There's no winning with this people. They only care about power.

>> No.19296839

trout's pregnancy is very short

>> No.19296840

>trying to disprove the null hypothesis is morally bad contrarianism
>btw I freaking love Science

>> No.19296844

This guy fucking sciences. Good post.

>> No.19296846

Academics, please respond.

>> No.19296848

Trump vaccine would've been a rebranded cocktail of hydroxychloroquine and other shit. Of course no one was going to take that shit.

>> No.19296854

It would unironically be fascist if Trump were the one doing it, because he's a right wing populist. The dems are not perfect. They are corrupt, greedy and whatever you have and they may be getting all their rich friends even richer from all of this, but at the end of the day I'm not afraid that they will become fascists. They are many things, but they are better than fucking fascism.

>> No.19296857

>If Big Pharma wanted to sell ivermectin why wouldn't they promote it though?
Its almost as if they know its not a cure for covid like that rightoids say. Weird huh?

>> No.19296861

Didn't Biden cancelled Trump's vaccine and they made a better one instead? Not sure about it, but I remember hearing something like that.

>> No.19296864

What about the chuds who were anti-vax until big daddy trumpkins did a U-turn on it? I wonder if they would've gotten vaxxed from the power structures that be.

>> No.19296867

We know for a fact Pfizer has been testing ivermectin against covid to come up with their own patented drug.

>> No.19296871

>What about the chuds who were anti-vax until big daddy trumpkins did a U-turn on it?
Can't think many examples of this to be honest. Don't migapedes boo Trump whenever he mentions the vax in his rallies?

>> No.19296872

and those tests likely came up negative

>> No.19296876

They have been testing it so they can come up with something that actually works. That's how science works, retard. It's all about testing.

>> No.19296881

They do that in public because political rallies have turned into retarded wrestling events in America.

>> No.19296882

ITT /pol/tards exposing themselves as fools. Never change /lit/. If /badlit/ weren't dead I wouldn't need to come to this shithole ever again. It's like a museum of bad takes.

>> No.19296884

It's always so funny when leftoids who talk about profit motives at the expense of humanity all day long suddenly promote the innate goodness of pharmaceutical corps and their compassionate desire to heal humanity. It could not be more obvious that they are slaves to the system doing its bidding and morphing into Agent Smith to defend capital and power whenever anyone questions it.

>> No.19296895

Yikes, imagine having a bad take?

>> No.19296899

The only problem of the system is that it doesn't leave up to its standards. The left isn't about destroying the system. It's about making it crumble while reactionary crypto fascists are in power, so when they succumb we can take over and make things right, and I gotta say we're doing a pretty good job right now. Things may be a bit unstable, but I can say for sure we won't get a republican controlled government in my lifetime.

>> No.19296901

>...said the schizo as he gulps a pill of acetaminophen made by roche inc

>> No.19296903

I miss r/badlit like you wouldn't believe.
>It's like a museum of bad takes.
Beautifully written and hilarious.

>> No.19296923

>The only problem of the system is that it doesn't leave up to its standards.
This is what Scott Alexander called "50 Stalins". Living under Stalin you can "critique" him only if you say he isn't being Stalinist enough, and that you really need fifty Stalins for things to be better. Leftists are hyper-advocates of the system and its biggest promoters and supporters but they cloak their support in faux-dissidence of saying it does not live up to its own ideals of democracy or human rights or something so they can feel like they are engaging in a meaningful process, while going berserk and attacking anybody who actually wants to disrupt the system i.e. Trump.

>> No.19296963

And what's so bad about that? We're the ones fighting for a better and fairer world. Should we embrace fascism just because leftist tactics are a bit dirty? Fuck off.

>> No.19296982

I don't think you're actually fighting for a better world, I think that's just the story you tell yourselves to justify your habitual power seeking and planetary domination. I wouldn't mind if rule by type was good, but it's actually proving to be quite detrimental due to the false and sometimes dangerous ideas that get imposed as a result so I really have to root against it I'm afraid.

In answer to your question though, there's nothing inherently wrong with supporting and cheering on the power structure, that's completely normal and expected for the vast majority of people.

>> No.19296984

>disrupt the system

>> No.19296990

The hysteria against him leads me to believe that people considered him a very real legitimate threat. As does the narrative damage control against him that you are engaging in right here. Simply, if he were not a threat, you wouldn't be so obsessed with discrediting him.

>> No.19297005

>haha he owned the libs. triggered much? praise kek!
this is what poltards classify as disrupting the system

>> No.19297020

>I'm trolling lmao
I know you are bro

>> No.19297403

go seethe at shoe some more

>> No.19297521


All revolutionaries AND all individualists eventually argue for tyranny and rightly so, the world is absolutely Evil.

>> No.19297565

Noam "starve those who won't comply with Big Pharma and government" Chomsky proving yet again that leftists are only libertarian when they're not in power

>> No.19297927
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>the period where he defended Pol Pot.
Not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.19297982

Absolutely based, Anti-liberal opinions should be illegal.

>> No.19298289

This is interesting. Who is this Dore guy, I've never heard of him?