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19291850 No.19291850 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about Catholic-related Literature here.

>The Vatican website

>The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

>Catechism of the Catholic Church

>Catholic Encylopedia

>Catholic Resources

>Catholic News Service

>National Catholic Reporter

>The Jesuit Review

Talk about
>The last Catholic related book you read
>What was the last Homily in your Church about?
>Who's your favorite Catholic writer and why?

>> No.19291938
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Are Shusaku Endo's novels a good introduction to Christian literature?

>> No.19292896

Read the Bible first.

>> No.19293036

Any good recs that might help me with my terrible self discipline?

>> No.19293188
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I'm trying to read the Theology of the Body by John Paul II. The introduction says the crux of his argument is contingent on the "personalism of St John of the Cross"
I'm neither familiar with personalism nor am I familiar with John of the Cross. Can someone give me a very basic run down on what personalism is and a basic introduction to John of the Cross?

>> No.19293202
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I have shaky hands

>> No.19293274
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anybody get The Lamp? I find most of their articles and Feulleton pretty compelling. However, sometimes they get absolute midwits/bordline heretics to write articles. This issue is a perfect example, it contains both Peter Hitchens and Eve Tushnet

>> No.19293445


>> No.19293512
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Catholics wouldn't be Satanic pagans today if they had stuck with the Holy Bible. The late 2nd century fan fiction "Gospel of James" is the origin of "ever virgin Mary" "Tradition™". Heed the mistakes of the past, come out of *her*, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

>> No.19293737

I am new to Catholicism. 26, never had any religious inclinations before but started reading into Russian Orthodoxy and it didn't seem fully right to me even though I agreed with a lot of it. RC seems the best for me as a European, so I need to find a good Catholic bible...apparently Douay-Rheims is the best? It's quite pricey though and there are a few that look like either poor bindings/small text/thin paper. Bit I do really like the precise Latin translation.
Also, as an aside, I'm a Britbong and it seems you Americans get the best Bibles which I think is a bit rude desu lads :(
TLDR; newbie needs a Bible

>> No.19293759

The King James is the only legitimate Bible.

>> No.19293872
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Been listening to Fr. Hugh Thwaites audiobook version of Imitation of Christ while driving recently, sometimes I feel as if I'm going to cry.
Baronius Press's pocket Douay is nice and priced at $40, though it's far from being actually pocket-sized.
It pairs well with their reprint of the Knox version too, which is a proper britbong rendition that translates more loosely than literally but is very engaging and fresh to read. You can read both online free and compare the two and read for free at http://catholicbible.online/
Wish they would make a proper pocket-sized (vest pocket style) New Testament and Psalms. Crossway has a pretty nice ESV pocket NT+Psalms, but I'd prefer a Catholic translation.

>> No.19294817

Where are the best leather/goat bibles?

>> No.19294825

Church Bible Publishers. They are printed and hand bound in the USA for excellent prices.

>> No.19294974

Thanks, they have some nice stuff

>> No.19295431

Loreto Publications.

>> No.19295438

Out of curiosity what is the churches stance on Catholics that have no church near them?
I know now everyone has a car and can drive but what was the stance of people like frontiersmen, settlers, Catholics in countries that discriminated or banned the church

>> No.19295447

local church bible publishers too, they're the group cbp splintered from

>> No.19295452

Protestantism is Roman Catholic, cope harder

>> No.19295551

Have any of you attended a non-Latin rite church like the Ethiopian, Ukrainian, Ruthenian, etc. ones?

>> No.19295569

Why are all those people dressed like they’re going to the mall? They can’t even be bothered to wear a shirt and tie for a procession?

>> No.19295584

Also why do none of you ever talk about literature?

>> No.19295613

CPB was the bindery for LCBP so who knows what the deal is with LCBP now but they kept the original bindery video on their website and CPB asked them to remove it because that was actually them.

>> No.19295621

Who knows, when you've got Satan worshipers protesting Satan worshipers pretty much anything goes.

>> No.19295755

He states that japanese are unnable to understand the catholic concept of God in that book. So, does he understands it?

I've read "Scandal" and it's clear that he is a good catholic, but I'm curious to know how a catholic environment and education would be in such a different culture than the west

>> No.19295777

I'm not familiar with those concepts, but I bet is what the text says: San Juan de la Cruz was a mystical and as every mystical, his experience was deeply subjective, so it should go around those lines. The subjectivity of the encounter with God and the role of faith around that. If I'm not mistaken, the Church considers this "personal faith" or "faith only based around a subjective experience of the divine" as foundation of the faith in God a heresy.

I was born and raised a catholic and I've been returning to the Church after several years so I could be wrong though.

>> No.19295815

There's a Eastern Catholic Church near me.

>> No.19295901

Sede checking in

>> No.19295926
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Do you guys think the burning of Notre Dame had some significance to these prophecies?

>> No.19296306


>> No.19296493
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I just learned that Baker Book House is putting out the first 4 volumes of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series into a hardcover release next month. The whole series was 17 paperbacks, but I'm hoping they eventually get all of them out on hardcover in this style. Aside from this, IVP's 29-volume Ancient Christian Commentary series is the ultimate goal for me, but that's a super long-term thing. I really can't get enough of reading commentaries after having read the scriptures.

>> No.19296509

Looks great, I'll come back to it after three years once I gain a basic understanding of Christian theology.

>> No.19296533

>RSV Second Catholic Edition
These are the three translations I have and use. The first two are Latin Vulgate translations, with the second one being created as a companion for the Douay rather than a replacement, and the third being a total Catholicizing of the RSV with virtually all of the protestantism beaten out of it. Additionally, the first two you can find for free online, while the third you can find the original RSV-CE for free online. The Didache Bible (RSV-2CE), which I also have, is a supped-up version of the normal RSV-2CE, loaded with more footnotes directly linked to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and doctrinal essays placed on extra pages throughout the text, though I'll admit the print isn't the biggest on either, and the Didache has pretty noticeable ghosting due to very thin paper.
>Wish they would make a proper pocket-sized (vest pocket style) New Testament and Psalms
I agree, but the Ignatius NT+Ps works for me for now, at least for air travel, even if it's a tad bigger than my pocket.

>> No.19296596

>Been listening to Fr. Hugh Thwaites audiobook version of Imitation of Christ while driving recently, sometimes I feel as if I'm going to cry.
Are you the anon I linked Fr. Hugh Thwaites' Knox recordings to? If so, I'm glad to hear you're making use of his other recordings, as well.

>> No.19296764

Why is Von Balthasar so criminally underrated bros?

>> No.19296954

Who's your favorite Friar today anons?

>> No.19296968

Thoughts on thomas nelson's bibles?

>> No.19296981

Can someone explain the tradcath larping to me?

>> No.19297120

>Shusaku Endo
Apparently Japanese Catholics didn't like this novel. Why is that?

>> No.19297145

Can anyone recommend a piece of Catholic writing that addresses Christian Identity?

>> No.19297349

It's a process prior to disowning or embracing the faith sincerely.

>> No.19297365

>Sam Kriss
A communist Jew.

>> No.19297375

I'm one of the anons that responded, but not the one you initially posted it for.
Ever grateful for coming across your post, many thanks brother!
The Knox NT recordings have been very nice as well, though I've only finished listening to Matthew since then.

>> No.19297405
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What's the best Catholic Bible that you know of, bros?

>> No.19297459

I own a copy of the Oxford Press Compact RSV Bible. It's the best for me because I can bring it everywhere. I highly recommend it.

>> No.19297471

When you are in a discord full of catholic larpers it creates a feedback cycle which serves the purpose of bolstering faltering belief and filtering out trannies. Many also are 4channers so you have to be contrarian, which leads to alot of sede behavior.

>> No.19297477
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>> No.19297498

Maybe because it treats denying Christ as an ok thing to do.

>> No.19297534

Begone modernist

>> No.19297541


Modernists in the Church


>> No.19297605

Get the fuck outta here with you sola scriptura nonsense, HERETIC.

>> No.19297612

>Maybe because it treats denying Christ as an ok thing to do.
Can it be inferred that that is the author's attitude?

>> No.19297652

Mormon here, considering converting to Nicene Christianity. I understand the concept of the Trinity, but I don't understand the importance RC and EO place on Mary - it almost seems like they worship her or ascribe a role in salvation to her that she doesn't seem to have in the Bible. Is there anything I can read to understand this better?

>> No.19297712
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Devotion to the Queen of Heaven is necessary for salvation

>> No.19297721

that's what I mean. They seem to be open to literally anybody writing submissions and they get wackjobs like that, but then also post scathing articles about Traditionis Custodes

>> No.19297822
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Protestants claiming the early church is hilarious

>> No.19297829

If those people were to partake to a modern Catholic mass they would have a stroke.

>> No.19297852


>> No.19297858


>> No.19298387

Remember to attend Mass, lads.

>> No.19298508

This. It’s basically a repudiation of the entire early history of the church and all the martyrs, if you accept this as a Catholic book then you might as well be part of a completely different religion.
Uh, yes, he literally has Jesus talking to the main character and telling him to do it.

>> No.19298529

Anyone who is fine with Mary *standing on the mercy seat* in the exact spot where God dwelt with man in the tabernacle and temple has no business referring to anything as "nonsense" and even less branding anyone "heretic".
1st century, Paul and Peter warn of corrupting wolves among them. 2nd century worshipping bread and sprinkling infants. 3rd century confessing to "priests" and "Purgatory". FOURTH CENTURY "Mary was permavirg".

*None* of this was 1st century and *none* in Scripture with *maybe some concession* on the bread and wine but not entreated with full on pagan ritual. The original Lord's Supper was self serve which is why Paul had to admonish the Corinthians because some where showing up and getting large self portions leaving others with none. He told them to get proper portions and *wait* for one another, rather than just eat one's own meal aside. At any rate, this would not have even been an issue getting addressed were it to have been a little wafer and sip administered by a "priest" to each member.

Come out of Babylon.

>> No.19298547

That part of theologians is spot on. And despite it being modernists who try to push the ecumenical stuff, a look at the comments shows shared disdain for modernists is one thing all sorts of Christians can ironically be pretty ecumenical about.

>> No.19298636

The cleansing process of purgatory is in the Bible, m8. Compare 1 John 5:16-17 and Rev 21:27. If nothing unclean may under into Heaven, but it's still possible to die with the guilt of sin on your soul while still being in friendship with Christ, then there must be an in-between process for unclean-yet-not-damned souls that don't immediately get admitted to Heaven or immediately cast down to hell. I hope you haven't fallen for the meme that purgatory is a place, because no Catholic will ever say that it is.

Stop rebelling and come back to Christ's Church.

>> No.19298705

Yeah, Novus Ordo mass would kill them.

>> No.19298720

>1st, 2nd, 3rd century all full of lies
>16th century onward real authentic Christianity was discovered!!!!

>> No.19298782

With the Lord's grace that will burn the Mary worship off of you.
>1st century Paul warns it will be in grave danger of becoming full of lies
>nah, it all worked out just fine, we can believe all of these nonBiblical things because it's stuff the Apostles taught us but didn't put into Scripture, even though it doesn't show up until hundreds of years after
I think you mean we actually got the Holy Bible for ourselves in the 16th after hundreds of years of Catholics burning anyone trying to make it available to the people in their own languages rather than
>dude, trust us, behave according to our dictates, and also, but not lastly, pay us

>> No.19298819

Kind of weird that you have to infer it’s existence in such a roundabout way, no? Why wouldn’t Jesus just explicitly tell people about it like he explicitly talked about heaven and hell?

>> No.19298826
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Lapsed Catholic here, born into the church. Is the catechism of the church a good starting book?

>> No.19298828

What does that have to do with literature?

>> No.19298835

>Why wouldn’t Jesus just explicitly tell people about it like he explicitly talked about heaven and hell?
Because heaven and hell are places and not a process. Why didn't Jesus just explicitly tell people to write the New Testament? Or whether or not you can lose your salvation once you have it? Or any number of things.

>> No.19298876

While the Catechism of the Catholic Church is important to have, if you want something more personable for you, I'd recommend "The Case for Catholicism" and "Why We're Catholic" both by Trent Horn and "Why Be Catholic?" by Patrick Madrid.

>> No.19298893
File: 76 KB, 720x960, Meditations N' Devotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up these two recently from Baronius Press, really impressed with the quality. Ill be carrying Meditations And Devotions around with me a lot.

>> No.19298898

Trent Horn is great.
ive been reading it lately and its been pretty enjoyable.

>> No.19298902

Any tips for praying consistently? I say prayers over meals and that's about it right now.

>> No.19298913

pray moar

>> No.19298920

Before bed, also all day. I pretty much pray constantly, I even keep a prayer book beside my computer and pray those sometimes. Gotta do it, bros. Feels good.

>> No.19298927

Horn is. I recommended Madrid, too, because my uncle recommended him to me. Madrid came from that early breed of modern apologetics in the 80s and 90s back when Catholics and evangelicals were far less ecumenical and much more hostile in public; as such, the debates back then, like the one against James White debate from 93, got pretty nasty at times. Hearing his case is important because, unlike Horn, Madrid had to deal with more shit. So I think both voices are useful.

>> No.19298942

>sola scriptura
>except for the books that I don't like

>> No.19299019

good idea anon, I can’t hold myself accountable either

>> No.19299044

A poster in the shelf thread gave me motivation to check out Goodwill for rare books in the piles of common stuff. I'm heading out now, since it's just a short walk away. Wish me luck on finding some Catholic stuff.

>> No.19299050

Have a blessed trip.

>> No.19299062

Check for a St. Vincent de Paul store in your area, they are more likely to have catholic stuff.

>> No.19299077

I have, but they have pretty much no books. Just clothes, furniture, and glassware.

>> No.19299092

I tried the Hallow app, and it was a giant meme. I struggle with this too.

>> No.19299109


>> No.19299126


>> No.19299141

I highly recommend becoming affiliated with an Oratory of St. Philip Neri, they're a good mix of the old and new in England. As for a good Catholic Bible, I just downloaded the Douay-Rheims off gutenberg.org and read it on my kindle one year. The Latin rite is home for all Western Europeans, but if you have some fondness for the Anglican Church you can also affiliate with the Walsingham Ordinariate.

>> No.19299147

You were dispensed from the Sunday obligation and basically if you fell into mortal sin you hoped you made acts of perfect contrition. In a way you kind of live like a Protestant in such situations.

>> No.19299149

Because there basically isn't any good Catholic literature. Seriously. All the good stuff is before the Reformation except I guess Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh.

>> No.19299154


>> No.19299156

this is not totally unheard of in the modern world. In places like the amazon, china, etc. the faithful must live out the Christian life as best the can with practically no shepherding and no access to the sacraments even remotely frequently.

>> No.19299172
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>go home from work, take the bus
>the bus stop is 100 meters from a church
>go there, don't know why, just feel like it
>is empty, look around, some statues, crosses, paintings
>sit down and start praying
>ask for the intercession of a few saints you've heard about, including Mary
>go home after 30 or 40 minutes or so
It was so comfy. I feel relief.

>> No.19299206
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i wish i didnt live in the great satan

>> No.19299251

Why can’t you talk about stuff from before the reformation though. Have any of you read Arthurian or Crusader stuff? There are a lot of good medieval romances. Wish someone would come out with some decent verse translations of Gottfried von Strasbourg and Wolfram von Eschenbach.

>> No.19299318

All right, I'm back. Surprisingly found virtually nothing. There wasn't even a stray Bible. Ended up with a paperback from Ignatius Press called "No Price Too High" by Alex Jones (no, not that Alex Jones; it's a Pentecostal-to-Catholic convert) and then a hardcover copy of John Stossel's "Give Me a Break", which had been on my general list for years. Altogether, cost me $5.

>> No.19299331

Is The Master and Margarita a christian novel?

>> No.19299407

Graced fellow St Newman enjoyer, I'm >>19293872 and my copy just arrived a few days ago as well.

>> No.19299699

Can you link the post, I'm interested in what he has.

>> No.19299707

which was a reply to this

>> No.19299749

Nice trips. I was readig more of the introduction and it's explaining how John Paul II responds to the challenge proposed by Descartes mind/body dualism. Once the thinking thing was separated from the body a purely subjective experience separate from external reality is the only possibility. But John Paul II says that in the expression kf spousal love when a man and woman become one flesh we can be certain of the necessary union of soul to body. While the likes of Descartes and Kant proposed a purely rational "personalism" or philosophy of self, John Paul's personalism is predicated on love. He sees spousal love as being trinitarian in nature. So he's really trying to bridge the gap left by Descartes.

>> No.19299824


>> No.19300062

Don’t be too surprised, charity shops are usually hit or miss for books

>> No.19300098

Divine Intimacy is great. I mean, exceptionally good.

I highly recommend it as a daily devotional for Catholics.

>> No.19300194

Stop pretending John Paul is a philosopher with serious ideas on the level of Kant and Descartes. He was a pure mediocrity.

>> No.19300199

JP2 was a more serious guy than you think.
Not that anon btw.

>> No.19300246
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As soon as I finish Ulysses--which I have to read for graduate school--I'm going to start The Way Of Perfection. I feel a really strong connection to St. Teresa of Avila. I read The Interior Castle years ago and loved it, hopefully this will be another step forward.

>> No.19300283

>Uh, yes, he literally has Jesus talking to the main character and telling him to do it.

I got a bad odor from this book the first time I read a review of it, over ten years ago. Occasionally I'd see alleged Catholics saying it's great... nonetheless, I kept my distance. I'm glad I did.

>> No.19300317

>*None* of this was 1st century and *none* in Scripture

Except Mary is literally the "woman clothed with the sun," Rev 12:1, the fulfillment of type of the ark of the covenant, Rev 11:19 (i.e., the verse that immediately precedes Rev 12:1).


>> No.19300341

Wrong, Jesus was the Ark, Mary just carried Him. Stop listening to Satan's ear tickling lies.

>> No.19300363
File: 3.01 MB, 2400x9150, Catholic - Pope, biblical basis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lapsed Catholic here, born into the church. Is the catechism of the church a good starting book?

It's very good, but it kind of depends on where *you* are starting from.

I think a pretty good starting point may be this very concise explanation of the biblical and historical basis for the Catholic claim:

Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth

It's also good to have a basic understanding of the historical basis for belief in the existence of Christ, and His Resurrection. There are many books and articles that address this issue, but one I particularly like, although it's not written specifically from a Catholic pov, is: Michael Green, Was Jesus Who He Said He Was? It's out of print, the last I checked, but inexpensive used copies are available on amazon.

>> No.19300382

Jesus is the Word, not the ark.

The ark carries the word.

I know you're not going to watch that video, but it explains the Catholic position very clearly. It's irrefutable.

>> No.19300557

Jesus' essence is the Word, his physical body is the Ark.

>> No.19300580

His physical body is the Church.

Take and watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmNWqLSJcJI

>> No.19300581

The Holy Bible even outright states that the Word existed from the beginning but then He became flesh and *tabernacled* among us. Also, I don't need to watch your video, I'm well familiar with the Catholic lies since likely before (You) barely dodged being a stain on a sheet.

>> No.19300599

Check yourself before you wreck yourself, mon ami.

>> No.19300616


>> No.19300644
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>> No.19300668

I am no longer a Catholic

>> No.19300688

Yes im waiting till November 20th to start it! Very excited.
I think its pretty fucking cool we can keep places like Baronius Press going with these little beauties.

>> No.19300706

>appeal to Greek words
Never trust anyone who goes back to the Greek to try to make an argument. Do you know Greek well enough to evaluate the truth of his claims? Are you even sure that he knows any Greek? Or is he just repeating someone else’s argument, or blindly translating with a lexicon? You only need an English Bible to argue theology, people who knew Greek better than anyone alive today ever will already evaluated these issues and produced accurate English translations.

>> No.19300708
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>> No.19300712

LXX, the Hebrew is dwelt, abode, just like I said above when the Word became flesh and dwelt, that is, *tabernacled* among us.

>> No.19300723
File: 2.47 MB, 2400x9150, Catholic - Mary, Ark of the Covenant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never trust anyone who goes back to the Greek to try to make an argument.
Jesus and the apostles used the Septuagint.

>Are you even sure that he knows any Greek?

Mary is the fulfillment of the type of the ark of the covenant. Rev 11:19 - Rev 12:1 makes this clear, as does an abundance of other scriptural evidence, as detailed in the video, and also in the attached.

>> No.19300730

The distinction you draw between ark and tabernacle is not relevant to the force of the claim. The association between Mary in the ark is clear in Revelation and half a dozen other verses. Your claim that Jesus is the ark is just an ad hoc invention on your part that can't be substantiated.

>> No.19300733

- the association between Mary AND the ark, rather.

>> No.19300734

>Jesus and the apostles used the Septuagint.
Jesus and probably many of the apostles didn’t preach in Greek.

>> No.19300748

>"How many sheep there are without, how many wolves within"
st augustine wrote this with respect to "salus extra ecclesiam non est" (there is no salvation outside of the church).

>> No.19300749

The Mary-Ark claim doesn't turn on the words of Christ, as such, but rather the words of the NT, which was indeed written in Greek.

>> No.19300759

Bros what is the best place to get the Douay-Rheims Haydock Bible ? There is so many sites selling versions of it that vary pretty extensively in price, confused on qualities.

>> No.19300784

Angelus Press for a Douay-Rheims.

>> No.19300792

If it's from Refuge of Sinners Publishing, it's the right one. And yes, it's expensive; if you can't afford it, then stick with a regular Douay-Rheims.

>> No.19300797

Yes, I am well aware that Mary carried the Ark into the hill country for 3 months, none of this is new to me, I'm not enthralled with "special secrets" that the Gnostic Satanic pagans cook up to take away from Christ. BTW, it seems as Jesus Himself wasn't much into the Mary/Ark notion:

"Hey, Jesus, the Ark and your cousins but totally not siblings are knocking at the door to see you!!"

"Who are my Arks and cousins but totally not siblings?"
>stretches out His hands
"Behold, my Arks and cousins but totally not siblings!"

>> No.19300800

Get vaccinated to be able to attend mass.

>> No.19300812

lmao get out of here, money changer

>> No.19300816

Is that what I should say to my priest enforcing it?

>> No.19300840

>found the NAB I received for Confirmation
The translation might be janky and the footnotes garbage, but I'm glad I found this one. It was hidden in my closet with a bunch of other books.

>> No.19300843


>> No.19300881

Go to another parish then

>> No.19300945

You shouldn't have a "priest". You should go to a Protestant church and become Christian.

>> No.19300957

If you don't pay your priest you don't go to heaven.

>> No.19300977

No, you should become Christian, which entails losing the protestantism. Remember: Protestantism has some things in common with Christianity, but is still separatist.

>> No.19301026
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>> No.19301037

What are some books I can read about like codes of honor? Like Bushido but for Catholics.

>> No.19301042

separatist > Satanic pagan

>> No.19301053

You mean chivalry?

>> No.19301092

Yeah something like that.

>> No.19301098

>15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church. And if he refuses to listen even to the Church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:15-20 ESV)
Your "founder" refused to listen to the Church that Christ established, and as such he was treated as a Gentile and a tax collector. If you refuse to listen to all those who seek to guide you back to Christ's Church, then you too will be treated as a Gentile and a tax collector, so says the Lord.

>> No.19301118

Yeah, I'm going to go with
>the Church that Christ established
not burning people alive for trying to get the Holy Bible translated into the people's languages so they could read God's word for themselves.

>> No.19301120

Why the connection

>> No.19301147

>not burning people alive for trying to get the Holy Bible translated into the people's languages so they could read God's word for themselves.
They were burned for heretical translation errors, not for being in the people's languages.

>> No.19301300

Is Anglicanism just Catholicism without Papal Authority?

>> No.19301302
File: 367 KB, 800x1159, Teresa_de_Jesús.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little hard to explain. I think part of it is that for a few years now, I've wished and prayed that I could become a mystic. I've always wanted to know God in a really pervasive way, a more complete way than I knew him when I was younger. And it seemed to me that the mystics were the ones in the Church that knew God best. So I wanted to become a mystic, and I prayed about it more than once.

That may be the reason. Maybe not. Regardless, a few months ago I just felt a pull towards Teresa out of the blue. A strange sense, an idea, that I couldn't describe, and that came to me completely unbidden. I felt compelled to pray to her and it felt like she responded, after a fashion.

It was like she sought me out, rather than the other way around. I'm told the saints do that sometimes to people they take a particular interest in.

>> No.19301343
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>ywn have a wife

>> No.19301536

very interesting! thanks for sharing, God bless.

>> No.19302079

>National Catholic Reporter
This is such a garbage publication.

>> No.19302082

The only modern Catholic journalism worth reading comes from The Pillar.

>> No.19302086

What translation is as well written as the KJV but Catholic approved

>> No.19302103

lol. It was unpopular when it came out and only gained love after every other translation was outlawed. It's only considered "beautiful" and "well-written" because "good English" was created from it as opposed to it being written from "good English." Anyway, what you're looking for is probably the Knox Version.

>> No.19302134

can you post the link again please?

comfy thread lads

>> No.19302141
File: 274 KB, 1043x1600, 31 GL y Pío XII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fr. Georges Lemaitre explaining his theory to Pope Pius XII.

>> No.19302153
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Hawking was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

>> No.19302154

Knox Bible.

>> No.19302162

For the Knox readings, they're titled:
>The Spoken New Testament read by Fr Hugh Thwaites SJ
Everything else is titled accordingly.

>> No.19302163

>being in the people's languages.
>burned for heretical translation errors
Debate me, they are pretty much the same thing.

>> No.19302186

Catholics who are against the vaccine expose the sound doctrine to the scorn of the impious.

>> No.19302194

I miss Benedict.

>> No.19302351
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Ordered this book recently

>> No.19303104

Church Militant is good

>> No.19303138

That Scorsese kike made a film about it. 100% pozzed.

>> No.19303158
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The devil is using my ex to tempt me. How do I defeat Satan and his wicked ways? It's been more than a year since she dumped me and I feel like I am fully ready to move on to a better woman, one that could be a good helper. But the devil keeps stirring my memories and passions, bringing her to the centre of my attention, telling me how if she were to come back now we could make it work, that I could help her out and bring out the best in her and whatnot. I know for a fact that all these things are lies. My ex was a horrible girlfriend and a very, very flawed person. There is a high likelihood that rather than me lifting her up she will drag me down to her level instead.
It's like every time I am ready to make a big step forward, the devil sends her into my thoughts to stop me. I sabotaged myself several times now already because of my feelings for her. I want this to stop.

>> No.19303180

Misleading statistics. As a plurality, evangelicals are the most numerous group of christians. There might be 1.5 billion Catholics on paper, but 90% of them are non-practising.

>> No.19303394

Pray (make a habit of it) for help in resisting temptation. If possible, when the temptations come around do something else that will occupy your thoughts, like reading or some constructive hobby. Remember that temptations do not last forever if you don’t give in to them.

>> No.19303534
File: 173 KB, 834x1210, Don-Dolindo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read Don Dolindo

>> No.19303899

>misleading statistic
>now let me pull a statistic right out of my ass

>> No.19304110

>read the RSV2CE NT
>now have the Fr Hugh Thwaites Knox NT readings playing on a loop as I do everything from drawing to just browsing the internet
>eventually, hopefully after absorbing enough from these audio readings, I'm going to read the Douay NT
Am I doing it right?

>> No.19304161

No, I don’t think you listening to the audiobook is doing much good if you are focused on other things. Reading is good.

>> No.19304244

But I have read. I read methodically. My first reading of the NT was with a Study Bible, where I'd read a chapter and then read all the study notes along with the select verses from the chapter again before moving on to the next. Then I reread it without looking at the notes for help. And now that I have read it myself with full focus given, I want to synthesize the words, have them repeated to me in a beautiful translation until I start being able to piece everything together in my mind without study aides or modern language, and then pursue a more challenging translation without even audio aides after I've been given as much information as I can get first.

>> No.19304302

Cathbros, physicianchads are laughing at us with their falsifiable quantum mechanics... how do we cope with determinism and the absence of will?

>> No.19304317

I used to think that 5 years ago, and now I do have one. We are expecting our first child this spring.
Keep your chin up brother.

>> No.19304338

There is though, and the best stuff was written AFTER the Reformation. Specifically in Spain there was a renaissance if religious practice and poetry with St. John of the Cross and St. Ignatius of Loyola and the like. In modern times Catholic and religious poets have not been very popular, but in my country, Mexico, religious poetry or literature written from a Catholic perspective was still being made throughout the 20th century. We even had avant-garde Catholic poetry and Faulkner-style novels written from a deeply religious worldview. I wouldn't be surprised other traditions also had writers as deeply religious that, despite their quality, aren't very popular.

>> No.19304484


Worthwhile stuff here. Re: the 3rd argument, I'm thinking of taking a pencil and annotating my copy of "Antiquities of the Jews" in accordance with this information. Seems helpful.

>> No.19304714
File: 214 KB, 522x807, 472AAD82-CD1E-4650-9DEF-3CADCBCB6D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this and get back to me

>> No.19304753
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1. “Scientists” often overstep themselves and assert conclusions based on insufficient data or even just bad models.
2. Naturalism is foundationally unsound

>> No.19304794

Your pic related was plantinga's inspiration for the evolutionary argument against naturalism

>> No.19305160

What if I live in a country where vaccines are mandatory?

>> No.19305170

Are you from New Zealand?

>> No.19305180

Anyone here a fan of Distributism?

>> No.19305391
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>> No.19305403

I had to read it for theology at my catholic high school a long time ago. It was okay, I personally found it boring but I guess there is something to be said if it's on a bunch of reading lists and Scorsese adapted it to film. Personally I would start with C.S Lewis or something

>> No.19305420


>> No.19305903

I read it over the summer, and I thought it was a pretty good story that posed some interesting questions, though I disagree with the way the author answers them. I sort of see it as the story of a failed martyr.

>> No.19306092


Haven't read The Wanderer recently, but it used to be very good.

Likewise the New Oxford Review used to have some good stuff.

Personally, I think the National Catholic ReGISTer is pretty solid. Ymmv.

And This Rock was always good for apologetics.

>> No.19306168

>take away from Christ.
it's interesting in its compatibility with local organizing

>> No.19306762
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What am I in for?

>> No.19306792

The same thing three times.

>> No.19306875
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>> No.19307245

How do you guys feel about the Theology of the Body Institute

>> No.19307462
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>> No.19307496


Give me a quick rundown.

>> No.19307554

would let JP2 speak for himself, skip the introduction. come back to it if you get lost.

>> No.19307778

Guess the name of the next pope

>> No.19307868


>> No.19308097

Popes named Pius either turn out extremely terrible or extremely good.

>> No.19308159

That reputation, mixed with unlucky number 13, will counteract and result in the greatest pope in history.

>> No.19308582

/CLG/, Do you have genuine Catholic friends your age?

I'm finding it hard to find Catholics my age when the people I go to church with are boomers or kids.

>> No.19308589

Respect the Theotokos, Heretic Protty.

>> No.19308649

Explain how a king got away with it then. A Spaniard translated the Bible before Luther made it cool.

>> No.19308706

I read the synopsis and that instantly stuck out to me. It smells like cope

>> No.19308712

Cope, go follow your Messiah: pastor Jim.

>> No.19308724
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Ruthenian Greek Catholic here, so yes.

>> No.19308799

Is there a young adult group in a parish near you? Go to that

>> No.19308982

Institue founded by John Paul 2. He has a whole philosophy based around Ephesians 5 and the significance of marriage and procreation. Saint Paul calls the becoming of two bodies into one flesh the great mystery. I havent read any of their major works but they have a youtube page dedicated to discoursing proper and healthy relationships and sex

>> No.19309004

I was born Catholic and have recently returned to a strong sense of faith. I am reading the Proverbs and saying the Rosary. My issue is that i've been having pre-martial sex with my girlfriend for over a year now. Is this really an unforgivable act? Should I really stop?

>> No.19309065

You should stop and go to confession. You do harm to yourself and your girlfriend.

>> No.19309161

>over a year
you should marry your gf
and continue to have sex

>> No.19309193

Unforgivable, no. Grave sin, yes. Give a proper confession and marry your girlfriend, refraining from further intercourse until then.

>> No.19309203

This is difficult, I am 19

>> No.19309224

Yes, turning away from sin can be difficult. But you are never too young to do so. Pray for strength.

>> No.19309280
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Take heart that the Holy Spirit will allow you to do things you never thought possible if you let Him in. Pray, fast, ask for help and limit the temptations in your life and do not be discouraged if have difficulty but start again

>> No.19309678

keep having sex with her

>> No.19309860

if you're not ready to marry then dont fuck. Simple as

>> No.19309946
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>> No.19310122

>Biden claimed

>> No.19310182

my dad works at nintendo and said that goku is getting into smash

>> No.19310206
File: 145 KB, 1240x659, The-Handmaids-Tale-Season-4-The-Buzz-Paper-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have fun in hell normiefag

>> No.19310211

Oh no wonder he spent so much time on Epstein island lmao

>> No.19310220

Books on Aristotle besides St. Thomas' commentaries?

>> No.19310242

Ibn Sina
Ibn Rushd

>> No.19310406

Are the Muslims worth reading? I thought St. Thomas already took what's good from them.

>> No.19310432

1. Stop

Simple as mate. I'm in the process of the same thing right now lad.

>> No.19310456


>> No.19310466

>Simple as mate. I'm in the process of the same thing right now lad.

>> No.19310503
File: 2.32 MB, 2048x1246, 1617630052876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pray one mystery of rosary every day, all four on sundays
>pray liturgy of the hours monday through saturday
>read at least 2 chaptres of the Bible every day
>read life of a saint every day
>read church fathers and doctors
>go to mass 2-3 times a week
>go to confession almost every week
>abide by strict fast on fridays
>say prayers before meals
>give 1/10 of earnings to the Church
>give another 1/10 to charity
>avoid using obscenities
>avoid looking at women with lust
>only consoom catholic content
>only listen to gregorian chants
and yet I'm still hopeless and miserable. I keep falling into impurity and immoderation, my faith is weak, and I can't help but feel it's a hoax, like all other religions in all other civilizations, and that accounts of miracles are fake and works of the Holy Spirit or demons are just psychological phenomena. what am I doing wrong?

>> No.19310691

Do you fellowship with other believers

>> No.19310704
File: 19 KB, 768x376, aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, join the knights of columbus or start the sons of jacob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t10AXLuTUEM

>> No.19311457
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>but feel it's a hoax, like all other religions in all other civilizations, and that accounts of miracles are fake and works of the Holy Spirit or demons are just psychological phenomena. what am I doing wrong?
The devil whispers at your ear. He makes you believe there's no hope, he shames your repentance and gives courage to your sin. You are fighting against sin and the fight is always complicated.
The action of sinning happens in an instant, in the other hand choosing to not sin is a daily struggle. Sin just like the devil is temporal, while God and choosing to follow His path is perpetual and eternal.
Keep fighting and never give up. Always remember anon, the devil is real, he walks among us and the only one you can trust is God.

>> No.19311483
File: 165 KB, 907x1360, 9123813913136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants to read a book against the modern scientific worldview through a Catholic lens read Wolfgang Smith

For history read Belloc's Europe and the Faith

>> No.19311510
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Another good history book about the English Reformation is pic related. The first half of the book goes in depth on the English Catholic liturgy. Really good stuff.

>> No.19311570
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>mfw normies who are sex-havers at 19 are now the target demographic of 4chan

>> No.19311582


>> No.19311594
File: 90 KB, 602x480, Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faith must be tied to the land for without it your faith is nothing.

An American religion for the American nation is Americas only hope.

Catholicism is a foreign swarthy face it draws up images of arab rape babies performing cannibalistic sacrifices as so called "communion".

Turn towards a truly Anglo Saxon faith.

Our numbers increase daily while the catholic must pray on children to increase their flock.

>> No.19311599

>truly Anglo-Saxon faith
>Jesus spoke to the Native Americans

>> No.19311613

>Jesus spoke to the Native Americans
He did.


Protestantism is a mistake, please stop trolling with your non sequitirs itt.

>> No.19311656

Your 16th century categorization means little to me, they like all other groups that fall outside of Gods seed do not have the authority to act in the name of Jesus.

That is an honor for the LDS and us alone.

Catholicism like Muhammadanism will fall, God bless God bless God bless.

>> No.19311704

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith and History of the Church:
>"God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens! That is the great secret. If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by His power, was to make himself visible—I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in form—like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man; for Adam was created in the very fashion, image and likeness of God, and received instruction from, and walked, talked and conversed with Him, as one man talks and communes with another."
Numbers 23:19, ESV:
>God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

>> No.19311709

Catholicism is the true "Anglo-Saxon" religion

>> No.19311717

Nah I'm memeing, I'm sure he has. I think Averroes is worth reading but unless you're a particular brand of Muslim, or speak arabic, these others aren't really worth it

>> No.19311748

Read any of the prophetic books and it's pretty clear that faith is not tied to the land. This is not to say that land and people aren't important.

>> No.19311752

Incels. If you're looking for the religion of prudery, go for Calvinism or some strand of Protestantism.

Anon, Catholicism of all religions is the least strict when it comes to sexual morality. Historically it was really only the Protestants that bothered much about the autistic ban on pre-marital sex. The Italians and the French, the most Catholic of Catholic nations, have never let their religion get in the way of a good sex life, and have always been less embarassed about the human body and Eros than have G*rmans. Italian priests and monks used to have wives and mistresses; Italian aristocrats would always have cultivated courtesans around for some extracurricular activities after dining; and the Cardinals have always been frequenters of Roman brothels, without qualms. Remember that several popes have sired children out of wedlock, and no one really cared at the time. It was only in the wake of autistic Protestantism that Catholics started regulating this stuff, but it's still the same religion

>> No.19311818

Sounds pretty pagan desu famlam

>> No.19311823

>“This proves that you [Manicheans] approve of having a wife, not for the procreation of children, but for the gratification of passion. In marriage, as the marriage law declares, the man and woman come together for the procreation of children. Therefore, whoever makes the procreation of children a greater sin than copulation, forbids marriage and makes the woman not a wife but a mistress, who for some gifts presented to her is joined to the man to gratify his passion” (The Morals of the Manichees 18:65 [A.D. 388]).

>“I am supposing, then, although you are not lying [with your wife] for the sake of procreating offspring, you are not for the sake of lust obstructing their procreation by an evil prayer or an evil deed. Those who do this, although they are called husband and wife, are not; nor do they retain any reality of marriage, but with a respectable name cover a shame.

>> No.19311826

First time I’ve seen someone actually defending pre-marital sex in the name of Catholicism. Pope Alexander VI isn’t a good example to follow morally.

>> No.19311827

Yeah okay but thats litterally sinful

>> No.19311929

This is some coomer cope.

>> No.19311986

Holy mother of cope

>> No.19312148

>Belloc's Europe and the Faith
Can confirm, Belloc is lucid and decisive in his arguments

>> No.19312153
File: 237 KB, 720x720, 43415E24-DEB8-4469-B972-63AA23876FAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islam 2: Utah Boogaloo

>> No.19312220

>finish the Gospel According to St. Matthew on the bus
>"and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Got misty-eyed, ngl.

>> No.19312443

Stephen's death in Acts made me feel the same.

>54 Now hearing these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed with their teeth at him.

>55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looking up steadfastly to heaven, saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. And he said: Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

>56 And they crying out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and with one accord ran violently upon him.

>57 And casting him forth without the city, they stoned him; and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man, whose name was Saul.

>58 And they stoned Stephen, invoking, and saying: Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

>59 And falling on his knees, he cried with a loud voice, saying: Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep in the Lord. And Saul was consenting to his death.

>> No.19312831

Another good thread, blessed anons.

>> No.19313153
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>> No.19313917
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>> No.19314134

How would a Catholic deal with racism? I don't like 'em darkies but love Yeshua. Is there such a thing as Christian nationalism?

>> No.19314175

Love thy neighbor. You don’t need to like the darkies, but you do need to love them. That being said, you don’t have to support unlimited immigration or BLM (the organization/movement) or Affirmative Action. Nations are real, racial differences may be real, and you ought to treat any person with charity and dignity.

>> No.19314190

Look up Clerical Fascism

>> No.19314197
File: 377 KB, 400x514, 343bd0d7fb9a121610b47e34630e62f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the cutest/hottest clergyman in literature? place your bets

>> No.19314239
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>> No.19314310


>> No.19314745

Its Friar Mike Schmitz.

>> No.19314790
File: 1.17 MB, 1813x1080, Screenshot_20211030_193535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay.. damn
i feel tempted by this image.

>> No.19314815

Is it a sin be to anti semitic

>> No.19314867

he wasn't white was he?

>> No.19315235

Fr Hugh Thwaites has the smoothest voice I've ever heard read the Bible.

>> No.19315347
File: 31 KB, 333x499, F86A8BBC-387E-4755-8247-F931626F3DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define anti-semitic

>> No.19315355

is it.. good?

>> No.19315357

I hate Jews and think they're intrinsically evil

>> No.19315364

Bro oral sex and hj's are forbidden by Catholic doctrine yet for prots they are allowed.

>> No.19315408

Yes, like most of Belloc’s work, it is good.
Yes, that attitude is sinful. No one is intrinsically evil, every man has free will. You can be opposed to evil actions of jews without hating them as people, Christ tells us to love and pray for our enemies. Please read Belloc’s book.

>> No.19316088

Forgot to mention that Belloc predicted the rise of the Nazis in this book, all the way back in 1922. Just a fun little fact.

>> No.19316548

I suggest reading St. Irenaeus' Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching. It gives a brief yet comprehensive overview of the importance of Mary as the New Eve, and what this means for soteriology.
God bless!

>> No.19316701

I just got the Word on Fire Bible and it uses the NRSV-CE. Can I do penance for owning this translation so long as I only use the book for the commentary?

>> No.19316854

If you want to stop getting distracted by lustful and fleshly thoughts, a good first step would be to stop consuming content like that which you posted, and instead make a vow to stay away from all impure materials. Besides that, though, I would suggest going to Adoration, and perhaps doing a consecration to St. Joseph for help in being chaste, and purifying your thoughts.

>> No.19317788
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>> No.19317881
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>The last Catholic related book you read
All the way through, the Imitation of Christ; read at all, Denzinger

I'm currently about 75 pages deep in a theology thesis asserting that Catholics should be young earth creationists because if the consensus of the Fathers, Genesis 5 and 11:10-32. Willing to answer questions and open to objections that aren't:
>muh science
>Vatican II
>Genealogy gaps
>muh Augustine

>> No.19317909

Modernism isn't Catholicism, anon
DRA is a very literal translation from the Vulgate which was approved by the Council of Trent.
"To be deep in history is to cease to be Brodestandt."
More like POZZtifical academy
Absolutely correct and philosophy of sciencepilled
The Novus Ordo religion is not Catholicism and Franciscus is very likely not the Pope
Stop praying the so-called Luminous mysteries and return to the traditional faith and rosary.

>> No.19317960
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top kek

>> No.19318252
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>> No.19318305

Please stop letting molester priests join your society and then covering for their sex crimes, Mr. Lefebvre.

>> No.19318675

Yes Minister is truly one of the best TV shows ever.

>> No.19318704
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>> No.19318718

thanks anon

>> No.19318852

why are the church father never fat or manlets?

>> No.19319298

>young earth creationism
Don’t tell me you’re a flat earther too

>> No.19319311

>not being a geocentrist

>> No.19319313

Imagine hating the natural world so much, a creation of our Lord that he said was good.

>> No.19319586

What's the worst Protestant Branch and why is it Baptist.

>> No.19319644
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St. Athanasius was apparently pretty short, they called him "the brown dwarf."
No, I even use flat earth as an example of what Augustine was speaking against in Ad. Lit. Gen.: Catholics who say that the Bible teaches things which are empirically, demonstrably false about currently observable empirical phenomena endanger peoples' souls. The age of the earth is not a question open to direct observation and so not condemned here by St. Augustine. I lean towards geocentrism because
1) from Earth's perspective, it's true; sure, the heliocentric model has some benefits (eg no epicycles) but I don't live on the sun nor did Christ incarnate there
2) Hell is in the center of the earth, which could be fitting either as a punishment for the apostate angels who desired power over it, or inasmuch as it's the furthest place away from Heaven; the latter leads to geocentrism. Also, Scripture teaches that Christ descended into the Earth when He harrowed hell, seems to indicate that it's down there. See Eph 4:8-9.
They're all pretty bad; any sect which holds "once saved, always saved" is my pick, though

>> No.19319730

>and yet I'm still hopeless and miserable. I keep falling into impurity and immoderation

Impurity can be very, very hard to overcome. You have to be patient with yourself, and make use of the sacrament of confession, in particular, as promptly as possible when you have a fall.

Going to Mass frequently is also a great help in this matter. When you go to Mass, cultivate an attitude of faith. Consciously believe that the Communion you receive is the Body of Christ. Thank God for this gift. Pray to overcome impurity. Trust that God is good. I repeat: Make a conscious effort to believe in the goodness of God. Periodically, throughout the day, turn your mind toward God, and the sacrament that is still within you, permeating you. Thank God for this gift of Communion.

Again be patient with yourself.

>and yet I'm still hopeless and miserable.
At Communion, pray to God for help with this. Place it before God. Trust in God. Believe that He will help you.

I can tell you, life is long; and yet, looking back over one's shoulder at the decades one has traversed, strangely short, also.

I have been through long dry spells in the spiritual life; and then a small touch of the Holy Spirit changes everything. It is very hard to predict, but be patient, trust in God, and it will come. And you will turn that corner, and climb the next stair.

Put devotion and love into your prayer time, as best you can. Ask Jesus to make up in you what is lacking in your prayers.

Some books that might help you, that have really helped me over the years, and which I highly recommend:
D'Elbee, I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux
Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence
Sr. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul
The Psalms
The Imitation of Christ

Try reading that last book, in particular, slowly and prayerfully.

I have been and will continue to pray for you, anon. Trust in God.

>> No.19319731

You are a wicked liar, and a spreader of sin. Cease posting.

>> No.19319761

You aren't a Christian.

>> No.19319895
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picI'm reading pic rel and it really makes me think about how many false legends passed as canonical miracles infallibly confirmed by the Holy Spirit

>> No.19319949

kino choice. you'll love the biblical symbolism.

>> No.19320011

which miracles of saints are infallibly confirmed?

>> No.19320105

>it really makes me think about how many false legends passed as canonical miracles infallibly confirmed by the Holy Spirit

Is that book imbued with a fundamentally skeptical spirit - although it may have certain pious overtones?

>> No.19320365

>you WILL worship me for eternity and you WILL be happy
how can anyone unironically want a fate like this? I'd rather keep my moderate vices and not have to jerk off the entity that gives bone cancer to children

>> No.19320398

You think you can find enduring happiness outside God's will? You cannot, for the reason given by Augustine:

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”

>> No.19320587

what convinced you to worship a deity that made hundreds of child sex slaves be brutally gang raped at this very moment and several starve to death in the time you read this post?

>> No.19320632

absolutely, after I die and all bodily inconveniences are no more I can happily fuck off forever

>> No.19320720

The average atheist redditor always avoids responsability. God set the rules and the way for salvation and brainlets prefer to ignore His word.
Irvine Welsh has a great scene in Acid House about your average dimwit trying to argue with God with the classic "if you were truly a good God you would fix everything bad with the world" only for God to refute him in a similar way to Job and make the protagonist of the story realize he also has the power to help, to improve, to help humanity but instead he prefers to complain and blame others.

>> No.19320757

It’s a novel anon

>> No.19320796

that's why the Bollandists exist anon, they did all the work to separate myths from truth

>> No.19320886


>> No.19320897

>if god real why bad thing happen
How can God recover from this?

>> No.19321427


>> No.19321656

I want to learn and sing some Catholic hymns. Do Catholics have a standard hymnbook?

>> No.19321744

It doesn't seem like it, these days.

I grew up singing songs like

Immaculate Mary
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Holy Holy Holy
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
To Jesus God Our Sovereign King
Now Thank We All Our God

I guess this is a decent list (although at least a third of these I've never heard of) (and a key issue is the tempo, which the video-supported versions don't always get right): https://listcaboodle.com/the-best-catholic-songs-of-all-time/

>> No.19321970

>first two songs about Mary

>> No.19321979

If you are going to Latin mass these are good to know:

Asperges Me
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Kyrie Eleison
Credo I, II or III
Sanctus et Benedictus
Agnus Dei
Pater Noster

After mass there is usually a Marian antiphons sung depending on the season:

Alma Redemptoris Mater
Ave Regina Caelorum
Regina Caeli
Salve Regina

Some Eucharistic hymns off the top of my head:

Adore te Devote
Pange Lingua Gloriosi

>> No.19322140

Thanks Anons, that's a start for me at least.