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19290043 No.19290043 [Reply] [Original]

We know all about the Nazi book burnings, but what books did they actually like/endorse?

>> No.19290054
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>> No.19290058

not anne franks diary desu

>> No.19290061
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>> No.19290062

Knut Hamsun
Ernst Junger

Hitler also was obsessed with Schopenhauer and carried a copy of The World as Will in the trenches during WWI. But the NatSoc program never actively promoted Schopenhauer, but I could be wrong.

>> No.19290071
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Apparently Hitler referred to it as "my Bible".

>> No.19290074
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>> No.19290075
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>> No.19290079

>Ernst Junger
lmao they literally threatened to kill him.

>> No.19290120
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>> No.19290136

you keep posting this screenshot, is the whole movie just this one kid making an exasperated face at the camera? at least explain yourself

>> No.19290139

Hitler adored Uncle Tom’s Cabin

>> No.19290221

It's a famous meme...

>> No.19290233

No but the director uses a lot of uncomfortable closeups for emotional impact. The idea of the film is to show you the atrocities of war so the style fits really well.

>> No.19290251

So? They liked his early writings but they didn't like him.

>> No.19290252

i recall reading that he was a fan of Robinson Crusoe

>> No.19290274

>Adolf Hitler's private library was Adolf Hitler's private collection of books, excluding books he purchased for the German state library. Baldur von Schirach, the leader of the Hitlerjugend, claimed that Hitler had about 6,000 volumes and that he had read each one. Tyler James Oechsner put his collection at 16,300 volumes. No records exist to confirm this amount as several books were destroyed by The Allies.

>He is said to have believed that Shakespeare was far superior to Goethe and Schiller. he was find of quoting Shakespeare throughout his life

>His collection is said to have included "first editions of works by philosophers, historians, poets, playwrights, and novelists". He owned illustrated copies of Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe, which he ranked, along with Gulliver's Travels and Uncle Tom's Cabin, as the great works of world literature. Hitler himself was a voracious reader: he claimed to read at least one book a night, if not more. He was also given books as gifts by females of his acquaintance. "The only outstanding classical literary text found in his library today is the collected writings of Kleist.

>> No.19290288

Alfred Rosenberg
Richard Walther Darre
Gottfried Feder
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
Carl Schmitt
Richard Wagner
Madison Grant
Arthur de Gobineau

>> No.19290299

what stupid propaganda

>> No.19290312

im not sure what exactly you mean. most of his library was apparently destroyed so what we know about it is only a small portion of it so i wouldn't be surprised if it was intentionally destroyed to make him seem less well read

>> No.19290319

it's quite possibly the most blatant propaganda i've ever read

>book a night


>> No.19290330

whaqts unbelievable about that? im pretty slow and can easily read 100 pages in a night

>> No.19290358

This happens people judged by superficialities with out giving it a second thought, someone abused this situation and got rich.
Because this is always what happens.

>> No.19290365

There are many famous figures from the 18th, 19th, 20th century who have similar claims made about them. It is not unrealistic when you realize that all of the time you spend on the computer, watching tv, on your phone, playing vidya, etc would be otherwise free.

>> No.19290425

for me it is i need at least 2 days for a middle sized book.

>> No.19290469

Interesting. Wasn't Einstein also really obsessed with Schopenhauer? I'll be disappointed if there's not some conspiracy that, when Einstein worked at a patent office, he stole his relativity theory from an A. Hitler patent.

>> No.19290773

Myth of the 20th Century by Rosenberg

>> No.19290915

guessing mein kampf

>> No.19290940
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Protocols of Zion? The International Jew by Henry Ford?

>> No.19290947
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it only seems remarkable to you because you are a neoliberal faggot

>> No.19290982
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Does anybody else have more books as listed in the thread? I have already read You Gentiles. I am looking for a translation of 'Enemy of our people'. I could only find it in French, did the book jew hide all the translations?

>> No.19290991

These 3 are golden

'The Ultimate World (Jewish) Order' by Major Williams (1957).


The World (Jewish) Conquerors by Louis Marschalko (1958).


'The (Jewish) Hidden Hand by Count Cherip Spiridovich 1926


>> No.19291018

All of these books are new to me, I will be reading them all. I appreciate you giving me download links for easy access, thanks.

>> No.19291039

No problem! 'The World Conquerors' is my favourite and probably the most coherent of the three. I'd recommend it to anyone as an introduction to the JQ. 'The Ultimate World Order' is quite short and 'The Hidden Hand', while excellent, is quite a jumbled mess. But all are good.

Also, there is 'Know Your Enemy' by M. Williams

>> No.19291042

german authors:
>The list exempted the designated artists from military mobilisation during the final stages of World War II

Gerhart Hauptmann (1862–1946)
Hans Carossa (1878–1956)
Hanns Johst (1890–1979), "Reichskultursenator"
Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer (1878–1962)
Agnes Miegel (1879–1964)
Ina Seidel (1885–1974)
Hans Friedrich Blunck (1888–1961)
Bruno Brehm (1892–1974)
Hermann Burte (1879–1960)
Gustav Frenssen (1863–1945)
Friedrich Griese (1890–1975)
Hans Grimm (1875–1959)
Max Halbe (1865–1944)
Heinrich Lilienfein (1879–1952)
Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen (1874–1945)
Wilhelm Schäfer (1868–1952)
Wilhelm von Scholz (1874–1969)
Emil Strauss (1866–1960)
Lulu von Strauss und Torney (1873–1956)
Helene Voigt-Diederichs (1875–1961)
Josef Weinheber (1892–1945)
Heinrich Zillich (1898–1988)

after ww2 hauptmann wasnt de-person'd as much as the others because of his old age and the fact that he got his nobel prize earlier. Frenssen was same age but clearly pro-nazi. Arno Schmidt still recommended Frenssen's Otto Babendiek conditionally.
Fallada's "wolf among wolves" about life in weimar republic was praised by Goebbels when it came out in 1937, but overall he wasn't trusted and during ww2 ended up in a mental asylum because of his alocoholism, otherwise he might also have been on the list.

foreign authors additionally to the ones mentioned itt: dostoyevski (goebbels' fav desu), sven hedin

>> No.19291043

First link broken, here: https://web.archive.org/web/20200607054603/https://samisdat.info/books/the-ultimate-world-order-the-jewish-utopia-1957/1957%20-%20The%20Jew%20Utopia%20-%20The%20Ultimate%20World%20Order%20-%20R%20H%20Williams.pdf

>> No.19291052

>Grant claims that the members of contemporary American Protestant society who could trace their ancestry back to Colonial times were being out-bred by immigrant and "inferior" lower-class White racial stocks.

kek this literally happened though, white amerimutts are mostly the spawn of germans, irish, wops, etc. now and don't have english ancestors due to massive migration in the late 19th/early 20th century. half the people here have never even met a bong in real life while everybody and their uncle is a continental hyphen american and still in touch with relatives who live over there, this is not a controversial take. what did wikipedia mean by this.

>> No.19291063

>kek this literally happened though
Not at all. It is the Jewish, Irish, and Italian Americans who largely make up the intellectual and upper classes in American society. Most English Americans are Southern and Appalachian rednecks.

>> No.19291073

>Not at all. It is the Jewish, Irish, and Italian Americans who largely make up the intellectual and upper classes in American society.

Because they are the majority. Seems like you mistook "American Protestant society" for "WASP", that's not what it's saying.

>> No.19291119

but anglomutts are inferior to continentials and so are protestants compared to catholics?

>> No.19291134

I’m not arguing that the Old Stock Americans were overtaken by new groups. I take aim at the idea that said immigrants were inferior. Which is central to Grant’s Nordicism and opposition to immigration.

>> No.19291138
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the funny thing about this mutt is that he actually believed that anglos were germanic while in reality they are 70%+ celtics

>> No.19291164

This article from a major german newspaper talks about the books Hitler liked and that influenced him. It is something between hilariously and grotesquely bad so take the info with a grain of salt and marvel at what the modern journalists brainchild reads like.
>This unpopular obscure occultist book that Hitler annotated with pencil is the only one out of 16.000 we need to explain Hitler.
>He was a loser that liked to read


>> No.19291185

>is the whole movie just this one kid making an exasperated face at the camera
unironically yes

>> No.19291195

>liked shakespeare more than Goethe
Maybe he was a retard after all?

>> No.19291875

kek at the nazis seething at you

>> No.19291915

Jung also found Goethe to be morally limited and have missed the mark on Faust.

>> No.19291954

His biggest mistake

>> No.19291959

they burned a lot of science books. sexual sciences got hit hard.

>> No.19292114

He was literally a do-nothing-NEET for years before being into politics.

>> No.19292208
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>buy used book
your move?

>> No.19293023
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goethe's national fame came later than schiller's, because G was deemed too amoral and unpatriotic by nationalists.
when he died, some of the biggest literature magazines refused to even publish an obituary. most scholars locate his final apotheosis in bismarck era.

>> No.19293033

Knut Hamsun had an interesting relationship with the Nazi regime. Goebbels was his biggest fan, and he even got to sit and have dinner with Hitler, which went poorly.

>> No.19293476

huh the idea always bothered me that they may have disregarded dostoyevsky for being russian, i guess its nice to know they didn't. it sounds like he was in fact quite heavily influenced by him from what im reading. neat.

>> No.19293986

all the ones that didnt burn duh

>> No.19294775
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Very interesting. I'm surprised I've never heard of this list untill now. Do you also happen to know where I can view the full list? Doesn't seem to be on the Wiki page

>> No.19295580

lmao what, Goethe was literally ennobled in his 20s for writing Werther