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/lit/ - Literature

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1928445 No.1928445 [Reply] [Original]

in the late 90s I was friends with two different groups. One was a bunch of skaters, the other were D&D nerds. One day I was going to meet my nerd friends at the bookshop (had a coffee shop inside) when I saw one of my skater friends who said he had found his older brother's stash of weed and asked if I wanted to try it.

I decided to smoke a spliff and loved it. It really was a gateway though, as from there I got into hard drugs. I took E most weekends, grew my own shrooms and weed and smoked opium every once in a while. Good times, really.

Anyway, it is 2011 now and I have been clean for 6 years having had a non-stop party for most of my early 20s. Today, I saw my nerd friends again. They looked pale and gaunt, empty and dejected. They had just been to see the final Harry Potter film that they had been waiting on for 14 years. Turns out, that day I chose to smoke weed was the day that one of them bought the first Harry Potter novel, and the whole group had been addicted since then. I felt terrible and thought of that fateful day. If only I had made the other choice, these four nice kids may have never had their lives destroyed by sub-par fiction.

>> No.1928483

I wish I started smoking weed earlier so I could be more like you.

>> No.1928486

My brother died after overdosing on marijuana. He was invited by the "cool kids" to hang out at some kids house whose liberal parents had left for the weekend.

My brother, always a moral and thoughtful individual, wanted to attend because it was one of those massive house parties that he'd never been to.

Well, as was later recalled by some of his friends at the party, he was pressured into smoking marijuana. He ended up smoking the entire pack of marijuana cigarettes.

Not long after he went into convulsions and started foaming at the mouth. The people at the party held back calling 9/11 for almost 10 minutes.

When the paramedics finally arrived they could do nothing to save him.

The autopsy revealed he had 3 times the lethal dosage of THC in his blood.

But I'm sure everyone here will deny my story and the fact that my brother died after smoking that illegal narcotic.

>> No.1928493

Sorry to hear that, I hope all's going well now.

>> No.1928494


It's been a while since I've seen this pasta.

>> No.1928496
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i lold. im 20 and have been taking mescaline/acid/shrooms/weed/sometimes pills nonstop for like two years and im certainly a better person for it.

>mfw indoctrinated babbies scared of drugs

>> No.1928497

>3 times the lethal dosage of THC in his blood.

I know this is pasta, but holy shit, I don't think that's even possible.

>> No.1928501

hey, dickhead,
if you take in to much, the most that will happen is that you'll throw up, not die!!! your bro must'v been tripin on crack/lsd/shrooms/heroin, NOT WEED!!! -_- [/rant]

>> No.1928502

You know, I've done quite a few drugs in my time, but you are a complete fucking retard.

>> No.1928503


Actually, yes you can. You can also die from weed without overdosing. There are documented cases of it causing heart attacks, for example.

And furthermore, you're responding to copy pasta that's probably older than you are.

>> No.1928506


sounds like you mad

>> No.1928508

in the late 90s, i used to be thomas pynchon's weed dealer. now, i don't know if you've read thomas pynchon's novel about marijuana and the invention of the internet, what was called "inherent vice", but there's a scene where the protagonist larry "doc" sportello is tricked into inhaling weed that has been adulterated with a truth-telling drug. pynchon's writing autobiographically in this case, because that's precisely what i did to him. honestly, one reason i started dealing weed was because i was a recovering alcoholic, and in alcoholics anonymous i met the award-winning actor john laroquette, who is (if you can believe it) a major pynchon fan. when he found out i was the guy's weed dealer in manhattan (well, actually i was mel jackson's weed dealer first, but obviously her husband did most of the costco-style bulk purchases) laroquette had literally promised me to pay a price far above rubies for any sort of genuine pynchoniana. i asked him what he wanted most. and he responded "honestly, i want to know why pynchon announced, in the preface to 'slow learner', why he thought 'crying of lot 49' was a terrible book in retrospect." okay, i thought. i'm going to have to use the old "trick inhale" which i had learned from an old cia hand back at yale, when i was studying kabbalah with my good friend harold bloom. and i spiked the blunt with a little pcp (also known on the street as "wack") plus a rock or two of crack (making what is known on the street as a "milkbone"), sparked it up and did the o.s.s. trick inhale, and handed the blunt to tommy....

let me know if you wanna hear the rest of the story. right now i gotta smoke a bowl.

>> No.1928525

I'm not the idiot you're responding to, but he's kind of right in that it's pretty much impossible to OD while smoking. Any overdoses are the result of doing it horrendously wrong, or straight up murder. Allergic reactions and the like happen though.

>I have no idea why I'm posting in a troll thread

>> No.1928650

yes. do tell us the rest of the history.

>> No.1928657


That's not funny, actually. My uncle died that way.

>> No.1928689


well, he inhaled deeply, then hung fire a moment---then all of a sudden, his eyes kinda popped out on stalks, like wile e. coyote after he's inadvertently swallowed a bundle of dynamite---and he began an ungodly horking cough. "you gotta cough to get off," i said (as one does) but then pynchon fixed me with one bloodshot eye, pulled off his yankees cap, and ran his hand through his shaggy grey hair. "jumping jesus on a pogo stick, ron," he said to me, "you really laid the full isaac on me with that one" (a "love boat" reference, for those who don't share pynchon's enthusiasm for that remarkable aaron spelling confection) and then he looked at me and realized i was still dead sober.

that's when the paranoia hit him. "what the fuck?" he sputtered, "you're c.i.a.? that was james jesus angleton's motherfucking o.s.s. trick inhale!" he laughed bitterly, and continued: "what the fuck did you put in this anyway, brown acid? i'm tripping balls here, man" and i explained that i just had to ask him a few questions but pynchon is like: "christ, mel told me you were just some nudnik who writes a column for the observer, she said you sold ganja to pay your bills and that you'd been working for 20 years on some unpublishable book about hitler, and delillo used you as the model for jack gladney. you're a c.i.a. agent?" and i explained that no, i was in private practice. then pynchon says: "who do you work for?"

but i couldn't exactly nark out laroquette, who---

oh fuck. i left the glass wand in the vape. i'll finish the story after i go deal with the sitchyation.

>> No.1928695

Proof that not even /lit/ is safe from summer right here.

>> No.1928696
File: 26 KB, 465x332, bravo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excelent trolling!

>> No.1928700
File: 53 KB, 300x301, J_VR_NEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i used to be thomas pynchon's weed dealer
>i met the award-winning actor john laroquette
>but i couldn't exactly nark out laroquette, who---

>> No.1928819

you've left my balls dangling in anticipation

>> No.1929487
File: 51 KB, 300x301, J_VR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
