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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 275x183, lgbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19284113 No.19284113 [Reply] [Original]

Is there /lit/ approved LGBT literature? Especially on the T category.

>> No.19284124

my diary desu

>> No.19284130

https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/ a little bleak though

>> No.19284201

The Transgender Industrial Complex

>> No.19284208

The absolute state of /lit/.
It's over

>> No.19284209
File: 200 KB, 1330x1079, troon-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 263 reply thread got deleted after this was posted and now we have lgbt propaganda

>> No.19284215

you talking about martin rothblatt?l and klaud?

>> No.19284219

it's being targeted by troon cultists. see >>19284209

>> No.19284225

>Especially on the T category.
Orlando - Virginia Woolf
The Twyborn Affair - Patrick White

>> No.19284364

>Don't promote boats
>Shill black inventions
>Shill windows 11
>Promote leftist literature
What exactly is the strategy behind these?

>> No.19284394

I've actually found evidence for this on Facebook once believe it or not:

>“Transgenderism” is not a grassroots phenomenon, but an international conspiracy directed by Jews in Davos, Switzerland who provide most or all funds needed to run transgender education campaigns and gender-affirming clinics.

>> No.19284410

It's kind of horseshit that the threads don't get pruned. I mean they're clearly not trying to talk about literature outside of a technicality, it says so right there.

>> No.19284422

>shits on Linux
>praises Windows
I would genuinely kill that faggot if I knew I could get away with it.

>> No.19284454

Myra Breckinridge

>> No.19284493

>LGBT literature
There's plenty of homosexual authors and subject matter, but the T concerns gender identity not sexual orientation. The other factions of the LGBT umbrella have lately been noticing that the Ts are receiving a disproportionate amount of good boy tendies from mainstream liberals. A resentment-fueled ideological schism seems to be imminent. Perhaps this is a good time to reflect inward rather than proselytizing outward. Dominating the discourse by calling everyone bigots is never a good long term strategy

>> No.19284643
File: 64 KB, 640x387, AA61602E-22F7-4188-94D8-964E4FBB2121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Ironic Heaven for “b” but it does not intend to be that and is much more than that


>> No.19284807

Peaceful Pill handbook and Final Exit.

>> No.19284820

>Relies on spamming BLACKED porn as a legitimate tactic to stifle discourse
Well damn, I guess it wasn't a meme after all

>> No.19284836

>Orlando - Virginia Woolf
This and Last Exit to Brooklyn, also Queer by Burroughs

>> No.19285149

>Is there /lit/ approved LGBT literature?
Yes, this boards loves the Greeks.

>> No.19285152

Our lady of the flowers by Genet should cover everything

>> No.19285226
File: 73 KB, 1696x720, Myra-Breckinridge-1970-01-10-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myra Breckinridge

>> No.19285265

Maurice by EM Foster

>> No.19285357
File: 1.28 MB, 1476x2553, 20102021033513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot of crossover between trannies and immortality. not just with rothblatt today, but going back to 300+ BC when a black meteorite was discovered in Greece and worshipped as a goddess. cult worshippers of Cybele castrate themselves.

>> No.19285764

>What exactly is the strategy behind these?
Fuck things over, what else? Even if there is a strategy, it ammounts to fuck things over, so whatever motivation they have is moot.

>> No.19285896

yws. we are talking about people who are suicidal and their whole outlook revolves around taking as many down with them as they can before they are stopped. they are too cowardly to off themselves and they are hoping to provoke others into doing it for them.

>> No.19286116

Yes Maurice by Edward Forster

>> No.19286169

Picture of Dorian Grey

>> No.19286177

/leftypol/ is full of dumb lumpen trash but it's unarguably good that they are doing this

>> No.19286420

This, it is the OG bishounen aesthetic

>> No.19286446

I believe it, but we have to open to the possibility that much of history could be fake then.
The Kaballah seems like it hints about the kind of stuff you're mentioning.

>> No.19286453

Hamlet as he's being such a massive whiny faggot with daddy issues he might as well pretend to be a women. Even contemplated killing himself so it's as accurate as you can get

>> No.19286618

No one responded to that faggots thread beside calling them a faggot, Their tech board is basically a /g/ clone in regards to linux, cybersec, FAGMAN hate ect. I've seen posts on the website that are more homophobic and Transphobic than anything I've ever heard from conservatives.

>> No.19286668
File: 37 KB, 287x406, 9781435166547_p0_v1_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the most useful one for troons

>> No.19286719
File: 174 KB, 280x475, gay science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19286733

Katie Jay's Trumpet (I was forced to read it for university, it sucks asshole)

>> No.19287650

>i admit to browse leftpol regularly and i can say that they are way more racist than nazis

>> No.19287786

Face it, LGBT just means T now anyways. Gays are literally the straight white males of the LGBT.

>> No.19287888

Trannies will also become outdated ten years forward when the next trend is people implanting themselves with syntethic fur and snouts

>> No.19287967
File: 6 KB, 201x251, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godowski getting raped so hard he turns gay is a good metaphor for what I am going to do to all the transphobic incels in this thread.

>> No.19287995


I am Myra Breckinridge, whom no man shall possess.

>> No.19288326

If you look like 60's Rachel Welch you are welcomed to my home anytime.

>> No.19288374

The next step is genetic modification of people to express extreme female biased sexual size dimorphism. Women will be 6'5"+ and gestate litters of babies, men will be 3'-4' feet tall but proportional, athletic, strong, agile, dexterous, while being only ~50 pounds and having a basal metabolic rate of like ~700 calories a day.
Unlike fringe sexualities, this is a morphology that brings extreme economic, social, and military advantages with it.

>> No.19288417

>claims to be lefty, presumably wants to spread anticapitalist thinking
>calls for shilling megacorporations over open source on /g/
Not the brightest bunch.

>> No.19288432

Gay people should be incinerated, or hit with a machete, or maybe even crushed under a very large rock.

I'm not sure what else needs to be written on the topic

>> No.19288449

kek, pearl clutching moralfag rainbow wearers don't actually want lgtbq shit that celebrates degeneracy and jacking it. they want a very asexual kind of lgtbq that would never have the opportunity for prisonsex.
the monk

>> No.19288472

I-is there a book with this plot? Asking for a friend

>> No.19288573

Well Mr Dougherty says I have a pretty, feminine butt. Lord knows he and his children harass me like one of Raquel's paparazzi too. Yeah, emphasis on "harass ." Don't try to pretend that isn't what it is.

>> No.19288576

By T category do you mean Triple decker penis pyramid? You should read mishima

>> No.19288669

Use your brain.

>board is "problematic" => users are "problematic"
>"problematic" users dislike X
>shill X
>"problematic" users get repelled
>only non-"problematic" users remain
>board conquered

Leftists have been using this tactic for decades and it's very effective. See also White Flight.

>> No.19288747

Maybe the writings of Tariq Nasheed. He best encapsulates modern black "men".

>> No.19288764

>Unlike fringe sexualities
Whatever you say, sweetheart.

>> No.19288830

Sorry anon but actual efficiency will always win

>> No.19288868
File: 446 KB, 1276x2103, 81cj7BSq1VL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is recommended treading for all LGBTQIA+

>> No.19288916

It's called my research

>> No.19289057

There is no such thing as a transsexual. You're welcome.

>> No.19289071

As if you know any.

>> No.19289077

>Sexual Personae
only ones you need. go read something that matters.

>> No.19289126

Refuted by amazonposter

>> No.19289216

>Is there /lit/ approved LGBT literature?
Homer, Shakespeare, Plato, Nietzsche, Proust.

>> No.19289319
File: 203 KB, 906x1024, 1634140950103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19289644
File: 335 KB, 1500x2400, F34BD70B-F582-414B-98CA-6296719DCFB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and Gissing’s “The Odd Women”

>> No.19289802

Pretty much anything by Bret Easton Ellis, especially Rules of Attraction.

>> No.19289840

The counterfeiters - Gide

>> No.19290244

As much as I'm anti-homosexuality, that source is basically garbage. It has absolutely obvious built in biases which are present throughout every single category. Even the cited sources are littered with obvious biases. Zero objectivity. It merely presents "le sources" as though that is in itself objective enough. Try harder, you're not helping.

>> No.19290279

>I'm anti-homosexuality
Why anon, it’s based..

>> No.19290296

as if simply saying that homosexuality is gay isn´t enough evidence

>> No.19290316

leftypol is a real place?? what the fuck I thought that was just something you say

>> No.19290840

Discord logs

>> No.19290882
File: 161 KB, 893x1360, Jack Donovan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19290893

From /lit/
TLDR :^)

>> No.19290900

For a moment I thought that was a bondage joke, but then I saw the troon comment.

We should encourage troons to get into bondage, once they are comfortable with ropes they might jump from one

>> No.19290916
File: 17 KB, 220x348, hogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.19290943
File: 50 KB, 330x500, degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is true then trannies aren't even that bad, the human condition is so evil and debased that an escape through technology into something unknowable is literally superior. the fact that we had to suffer faggots pretending to be women is a nonevent in comparison to how much of an overall good it would be to make your brain superintelligent and for humans to become something new and more capable altogether. yes, the middle part where bezos tier billionaires make everyone eat the bugs and inject their crazy bullshit will be grim, but the human experience was already grim and irredeemable anyway. posthumans will end the daily suffering of the proles and the even worse suffering of third world slaves and turn everyone who is left ubermensch eventually (don't cry because walled city technocrats were the heirs of our race, smile because our race happened)

here is the greatest fag novel btw

>> No.19290988


>> No.19291002
File: 4 KB, 218x232, 399999109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I gotta stop schizoposting for real. Oh well, it can't be helped.

>> No.19291638

Yea, the singularity is probably the final step in human evolution, but it's much farther than what r/futurism copers want to believe that it is. My post was simply discussing the actual near future of human modification and genetic engineering applied to human beings, as opposed to the anon talking about furries becoming real, which offers no benefits to a population.

Actual genetic modifications that can be applied to humans are restrained by both the limitations of genomic expression of phenotype (there are a finite amount of changes we can realistically apply to humans) and by the actual advantages/disadvantages that a morphology have on a population, it's economy, it's social structures, etc. Denying biological sex for the sake of gender expression (what the xenofeminists or transgender crowd desire) fails on account of the fact that it ignores the innate biological advantages that the sex binary awards a population. A society that attempts to optimize for "free expression" will not be able to compete with a population that optimizes for "material advantages", and ironically, their people will not even be more content or liberated. They will not benefit from a greater sense of self-actualization or whatever else they use as the motivator for their philosophy.

The future is giant women and small men. Modern technology makes small men superior to large ones, and large women superior to small ones. This is a fact. I am in the penultimate phase of my research. The dawn draws near.

>> No.19292753

>The future is giant women and small men. Modern technology makes small men superior to large ones, and large women superior to small ones. This is a fact. I am in the penultimate phase of my research. The dawn draws near.
it is always a pleasure to encounter the genetically engineered amazoness fetishist anon

>> No.19293223

Any and all literature is LGBT literature. Straight people, like NTs, by nature can't produce anything creative.

>> No.19293795


>> No.19295489

>The future is giant women and small men. Modern technology makes small men superior to large ones, and large women superior to small ones. This is a fact. I am in the penultimate phase of my research. The dawn draws near.

this gimmick is retarded man.

>> No.19295983

Unironically the Bible, as interpreted by the gnostics. They both want heaven on earth, and to have their souls emancipated from the physical form.

>> No.19296215

You are a hateful bigot. My philosophy and research are not gimmicks.