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/lit/ - Literature

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19283987 No.19283987 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19283993

imagine looking at the world through such a blinkered view. she is probably constantly seething about white men internally

>> No.19284018

So what? Women are the cancer of the western culture and you contribute to its destruction by reading Wolf, Yourcenar, Austen and more.

>> No.19284034

Joyce traumatizing women from the grave with the pure power of prose.

>> No.19284042
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>lifes too short to read a masterpiece of literature, but its just long enough to kvetch about white men all day

>> No.19284045

>Joyce posthumously filtering burger gender studies majors

>> No.19284048

this is the equivalent of the guys on here who won't read anything written by a woman

>> No.19284061
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Mfw Ulysses is a 1 star but role model game changers #5 is considered to be a 5 star.

>> No.19284064

I have to ask: Why do you care what she thinks?

>> No.19284119

The average woman is even more retarded than this one that reads books. Be safe out there

>> No.19284139

modern women are such a fucking meme, jesus christ

>> No.19284177

it's all so tiresome

>> No.19284221

She's probably a white girl. Her whinning is just a call for attention.

>> No.19284235

I like to go on Good Reads and look at 1 star reviews for books I liked. Almost all the 1 star reviews will be by women.

>> No.19284282

Jesus, she read over 400 erotic books THIS YEAR

>> No.19284306

Life’s too short for Ulysses but not smut apparently

>> No.19284516


>> No.19284541


>> No.19284556
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Kek, didn't Woolf also hate Ulysses with a burning passion?
This nigga Joyce needs to stop, he can't keep doing this to 'em.

>> No.19284559

Why do you care about some literal who

>> No.19284586

this is not a literal who, this is how most young people think today, and they're not gonna change their views

>> No.19284594

This is why white bois are losing their women.

>> No.19284605

Name me a book by a female author that's worth reading, and I'll read it.

>> No.19284612
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This entire board cares way too much what people like this think of great works. Let them be great, the noise will fade into nothing and people will continue reading the Greeks a thousand years later. It doesn’t matter what Stacey thinks.

>> No.19284657
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>taking white girls seriously especially on the internet

>> No.19284660

but she has a hole I want to enter

>> No.19284775

Then enter it. When you leave, continue reading the Greeks in peace.

>> No.19284787

I enjoyed the Bell Jar and Wuthering Heights.
Don’t care about their identity as whamen tho.

>> No.19284802

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

>> No.19284810

lmao the amount of projection on this board over one goodreads review

>> No.19284938

>Reading the book is a waste of time
>but reading people's reviews isn't

>> No.19284982

Women were a mistake.

>> No.19285103

Wtf I love Joyce now

>> No.19285349

These creatures are allowed to vote

>> No.19285353

bitches be crazy

>> No.19285360

Ayn Rand but then her clit was bigger than most mens dicks. The rostie supreme.

>> No.19285378

I'm glad that most people don't read desu

>> No.19285491

The Bell Jar
>Some Thot acts like a cunt then gets sectioned
Awful story. The only good thing about it is it's a great example of how bad "good" female literature is.

>> No.19285510

Women need to be beaten regularly to function properly. This unnatural way they’re living is bad for them.

>> No.19285512

What a sobering thought. Jesus christ.

>> No.19285527
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To be fair I'm the same way about female authors. Difference is I'm right of course.

>> No.19285534

You forgot the redeeming element, her contempt for manlets

>> No.19285553

In the tunnel, I entered her. Thousands upon thousands of my compatriots, storming and swimming with vengeful righteousness rode alongside me in spirit. Deep between her blackened soul I planted my banner, cooming and cumming and combing through her folds to establish myself as me. Acrid stench of rotten lips accentuated the killing fields' deathly sunset, as winds blew from the howling hole above my taint.

>> No.19285649

great pic and fuck the trannies

>> No.19285661

This isn't genuine it's ingroup virtue signalling. Context and subtext of a review > actual text

>> No.19285682

My sister has a shelf of like a thousand erotica books. I mean i play a lot of text based eroges, but christ how do you read all of that shit.

>> No.19285686

The lathe of heaven

>> No.19286811

Middlemarch is up there in my best novels ever. I don't care what you have to tell yourself to read it, I promise it's worth it.

>> No.19286853
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>> No.19286951

The two aren't mutually exclusive. Like how /pol/tards attack trans women as a form of signaling their membership to the group, but the feelings are also genuine. Woketards have a similar psychology.

>> No.19286994

I hate women so much it's unreal
My sister has lots of erotica books, she writes short reviews on sticky papers on the first page of every book she reads. I got curious and read the reviews while looking through her books, for most of them she wrote that she hated the main characters because they were being promiscuous whores and rated the books 1/5 but she still keeps reading them. I don't understand women.

>> No.19287001

No cap fr

>> No.19287011

Pride and Prejudice

>> No.19287155

ok, now im impressed.

>> No.19287184

honestly based. probably 2 people max in this thread even read ulysses, let alone read at all. yet this bitch is a scholar in erotic literature

>> No.19287336

I want to hate-fuck every white woman

>> No.19287431

Fuck you Woolf is incredible and I hope you get hit by a bus

>> No.19287437

To The Lighthouse

>> No.19287442

Get some taste, angloid.

>> No.19287444

>Wolf, Yourcenar, Austen and more.
You meant to say Meyers, Rowling, and E.L. James

>> No.19287447

>shits on Ulysses
>reads 400 porn books
I love women so much it's unreal

>> No.19287448

Everyone on /lit/ has read Ulysses, anon. The Meme Trilogy is a requirement for posting on this board. Don't come back until you have read them.

>> No.19287470
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fuck she must be so horny all the time lemme smash

>> No.19287473

I've only read Ulysses so I only post every third day

>> No.19287483

Are you just going to sit there, smug in your own myopic stupidity, and mindlessly assert that Virginia Woolf is a bad author? If you're so sure the literal generations of literati praising her works were off-base, then please, elaborate on your position: I'd love to hear it.

>> No.19287615

Never even heard of her

>> No.19287661

It's a cope because she got filtered H A R D

>> No.19287779

Yes they are. In your example, isolate the /pol/tard and press him on his hatred of trannies. Most will cave in because they can't form a coherent defence without resorting to memes and cargo cult.

>> No.19287794

Hey, at least she actually reads, already doing better than 90% of this board

>> No.19288009

Rand is the only woman who can be considered an honorary chad

>> No.19288763

Post pics of your sister

>> No.19288787

I want to impregnate her