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19282916 No.19282916 [Reply] [Original]

>J.R.R. Tolkien refused to review Dune, on the grounds that he disliked it "with some intensity" and thus felt it would be unfair to Herbert, another working author, if he give an honest review of the book

what did xir mean by this?

>> No.19282939

>what did xir mean by this?
that's not how you use that pronoun

>> No.19282947

>hate a book with a passion
>realize your negative sentiments will get in the way of a balanced, fair review
>refuse to review said book

Wow Tolkien was better than 99,99% of literature critics and Goodreads retards.

>> No.19282983

The world of Dune is extremely perverse and twisted compared to Middle Earth, of course JRR Tolkien hated it. The funny thing is, our world is so fucked up right now that the world of Dune seems normal.

>> No.19283310

He disliked the book and didn't review it because he knew his opinion was taken seriously and he didn't want to torpedo Herbert's career. There was nothing about being objective.

>> No.19283317

>another working author
implying Tolkien was still a working author in 1965 lol

>> No.19283427

This. Tolkien was a good man and he probably had to choose between reviewing it fairly and writing really nasty opinions or not reviewing at all. Right now an author in the same standing would take this opportunity for drama with delight.

>> No.19283441

>The funny thing is, our world is so fucked up right now that the world of Dune seems normal.
I don't know what you mean.

>> No.19283445

Have you been to London lately? It's crawling with Fremen.

>> No.19283461

>I saw a kebab shop once, the world is doomed!

>> No.19283472

>if i minimize your concerns they seem trivial!

>> No.19283498

>Have you been to London lately? It's crawling with Fremen.
I mean, I wanna see a worm God-Emperor.

>> No.19283510
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Fun fact there's an incredible Arab restaurant and kebab shop in the big city and evey time I pass by I eat there. There's always what I assume is the Quran reading going through the speakers very loudly and many of the patrons look like they're working for the Taliban. I no longer eat meat so I accept the chance of beheading for the incredible falafel and hummus they serve there. The kebab was the absolute best I've ever had, and I kind of miss it. I love those guys, people with food so good can't be that bad.
Fuck now I'm hungry.

>> No.19283520
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>> No.19283539

>I love those guys, people with food so good can't be that bad.
This. And fuck the jews.

>> No.19283552

Why did he dislike it? Is it because there is sex?

>> No.19283601

I love the Kebab shop near me run by this old Turkish guy. There is this other Kebab shop up the road run by Bangladeshi and he always shit talks them how they don't know the first thing about kebab and they should make their own food.

>> No.19283610

much more class than the fat fuck Martin who never spares a minute of the day to bitch about his 'quibbles' with Tolkien

>> No.19283673

>people with food so good can't be that bad
What are you, a donkey? No this is bacterium level reasoning.

>> No.19283723

but anon, american food is disgusting and americans are also disgusting, it perfectly checks out

>> No.19283732

the question is: why didn't the Dork of the Rings like Based Dune?

>I no longer eat meat

>> No.19283742


probably because it wasn't very good.

>> No.19283760

Freemen are Space-Bedouins specifically. A generalization to all Arabs is inaccurate.

I have never met nor heard of a Bangladeshi person who is not absolutely seething and angry about something at all times. Why are they all like this?

>> No.19283765

Well they are writing from very different places, but my main theory is that for Tolkien Mythology/Religion was enriching to the soul of man, while for Herbert it was literally at tool for social engineering. The reduction of the mythic to a mere instrument of power isn't exactly something he would be sympathetic to.

>> No.19283840

>noooo you can't renounce things over ethics that's a sign of weak spirit!!!!

>> No.19283863

It's a sign of low IQ. just don't tell everyone you're vegetarian it will be easier for you when you quit

>> No.19283874

I think you’re onto something. Tolkien believes in the glory and righteousness classical heroes while Hebert tears them down as despots and criticizes them for being monsters.

>> No.19283967

try not to choke on too much cock anon

>> No.19284082

Funnily enough, no serious critic likes Tolkien's trash.

>> No.19284099

Idk Tolkien and Herbert are the same tier for their respective genres.

>> No.19284142

Hey man there's a great bagel place in NYC, they make homemade bagels that are top notch

>> No.19284336

I would say the one glaring difference and talent that Tolkien has is his knack for linguistics. He made up 5 or so functioning languages and only wrote the books to give them a setting to live in. I can’t think of another contemporary author who has managed a body of work like that.

>> No.19284366
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>I love those guys, people with food so good can't be that bad.

>> No.19284381

Everyone thinks it. Even other vegans.

>> No.19284403

Yeah I know, critics are retarded.

>> No.19284886

Ok but what did Hebert think of Lord Of The Rings?

>> No.19284894 [DELETED] 
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>what did xir mean by this?
Tolkien meant that all fags should hang.

>> No.19284994

>Hey man there's a great bagel place in NYC, they make homemade bagels that are top notch
Wtf? I love the jews, now.

>> No.19285005

>bringing this up in completely unrelated threads
Unironically, not meant as an insult, get professional help. This kind of fixation is hurting you.

>> No.19285340


>> No.19285367
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>Fantasybro hates work by scifi bros

Riveting thread

>> No.19285701

>one kebab shop

you are in for quite the culture shock if you ever actually go somewhere like London or Birmingham my naive friend

>> No.19285712
File: 85 KB, 311x314, W.H.Auden_NewBioImage_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps he agreed with Auden, who said

>Attacking bad books is not only a waste of time but also bad for the character. If I find a book really bad, the only interest I can derive from writing about it has to come from myself, from such display of intelligence, wit and malice as I can contrive. One cannot review a bad book without showing off.

>> No.19285714

Yeah no, this is entirely accurate.

>> No.19285715

'serious critic' is like saying 'darkest nigger', there is nothing to be proud of about being a critic, 'serious' or otherwise you massive fag

>> No.19285812

It's not a pronoun

>> No.19286210


>> No.19286715
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He liked Isaac Asimov's works however

Wonder why

>> No.19286807

Auden himself was an abysmal poet (also a pederast)

>> No.19286824

He probably thought Dune's overt contemplation of philosophical and religious themes distasteful, at a guess. I think both are thematically quite similar (though Lord of the Rings is obviously far more optimistic)

>> No.19286835

Similarly I think Tolkien also disliked CS Lewis's writing for being overtly allegorical

>> No.19286836
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stop using allegories

>> No.19286839

I think he was one of the best poets.

>> No.19286840

>I no longer eat meat
Except no doubt sausage.