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19282326 No.19282326 [Reply] [Original]

Now that there's a huge explosion in thirst to know more thanks to the amazing movie adaptation, can we all agree that Dune is still the best sci-fi book series of all time?

>> No.19282336


>> No.19282339

Only the first 3 books are good

>> No.19282342

>Space fantasy
Like comic books and LotR, it is great when you're a kid. Then you grown up.

>> No.19282345

Only the last 2 books are good.

>> No.19282371

What about the 4th one?

>> No.19282406

Thats the best one.

>> No.19282417

I'm at the beginning of the third book and I already Paul. His kids are not that interesting.

>> No.19282423

Shit. *miss Paul.

>> No.19282525
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Only the first two books are good.
Uncle Orson remains much more consistently decent longer.

>> No.19282692
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>And then Paul did a badass cartwheel and stabbed a guy in the neck

- Frank Herbert

>> No.19282874

This; but I also own the Dune Encyclopedia
>cannon only up to the first three books

Many would like to read the complied notes of Frank Herbert but they will likely never be released anytime soon because of his progeny shilling extra books out of it.

>> No.19283394

I stopped after Dune Messiah but damn what a waste of potential, and I know the book is like 40y old but damn there are so many things wasted in both the first book and the transition of the second and I saw what the third is about... There's no point to read it at all.

Wasted characters and plotpoints, but great concepts.

>> No.19283403

the fourth book is great

>> No.19283407

that's a lotta cartwheels and neck-stabbing

>> No.19283462

I’m reading children rn and hngghhh wensicia being obedient to farad’n is pretty hot

>> No.19283470

I like the part in the first book where Paul is tied up in the helicopter and perfectly coordinates every muscle fiber in his body through his Bene Gesserit training to deliver the perfect kick to the nuts of the Harkonnen guard, who dies instantly.

>> No.19283702

I actually love the books and don't agree with you that the new film is a good adaptation. I prefer the sci fi series.

>> No.19283715

I'm inclined to agree with you. 3 and 4 are overrated. 5 and 6 and are dreadfully bad.

>> No.19283791

I feel like I could read Dune in my spare time and then compare it to the lynch, miniseries etc but I also feel like it could be a massive waste of my time.
I've heard what goes on in later books and while it sounds good it also sounds like I'd be getting into shit on the level of starting WoW in 2021 and knocking a few weeks to months off my life.

It could be the best shit or I could just not. It's hard to tell whether it's worth it. So Imma leave it up to fate 1-5 = read 6-0 = skip. Tell me 4chan what do I do.

>> No.19283806
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well fuck.

>> No.19284150

Odd that you mention wow specifically when wow for years now has essentially nuked it's older content and if you want to experience the story, the best place to do it is by watching youtube documentaries on it.

Something more analogous is Final Fantasy XIV where you play through 10 years of MMO content and expansions, where the story/cutscenes along are like 300-400 hours.

>> No.19284227

wait, I thought there was only one book...

>> No.19284232

There are 6 original books

>> No.19284292

I want to know if there’s anything out there that is like the first book

>> No.19284309

Not sure but based on the 2021 movie it looks like the Matrix, Star Wars and many other sci-fi movies totally ripped it off.

>> No.19284330

Yeah, I really enjoyed The Butlerian Jihad

>> No.19284337

>amazing movie adaptation

>> No.19284434

Imagine fucking Baron-Alia. I coom to the thought of it.

>> No.19284439
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Visually stunning

>> No.19284442

wow this actually looks really bad I am glad I decided not to see it already due to negro-bitch liet.

>> No.19284471

Damn I wish that were me

>> No.19284485

It looks much better in the theatre

I think if you see this on your TV or laptop it's not even the same movie. The visuals are THAT striking on IMAX

>> No.19284760

movies should not have to be on big screen

>> No.19284765

Film is a visual medium. Why else would you be watching a soulless adaptation of a highly regarded book?

>> No.19284768

Why do people have to pretend as if this schlock is artistic? I get if you enjoy it as entertainment, but why do people always have to push it as if its some artistic masterpiece

>> No.19284770

>amazing movie adaptation
Was it that good?

>> No.19284822

Is this Starship troopers?

>> No.19284924

Yes! As good as the book!

>> No.19285112

it looks like a marvel movie which is exactly what I expected

>> No.19285166

Idk some scenes were pretty good

>> No.19285170

Thought the same.

>> No.19285171

dune is gay and i hate normies fucking dunelets are so fucking retarded and frank herbert is a pedophile sand niggerlover the end

>> No.19285176

I liked the first book and the first movie, because I thought back then it had a super weird atmosphere.
But I can't stand the "absolute HYPE!!!" and "OMG Dune!" screaming that's running through the public at the moment.

>> No.19285188

Go the fuck up to kindergarten asshole u literally have no taste for science fiction and fantasy retard fag...

>> No.19285263

Was this in the book?

>> No.19285267

Yes because of the very poor competition

>> No.19285276


>> No.19285330

Go go power rangers!

>> No.19285882

If Dune uses the argument that "you are missing the experience because you didn't see it in imax" then it that is a disservice to the film. That means that the only optimum time to watch it is a few months after release and that for eternity going forward everyone gets half baked crap.

>> No.19285887

This the prose is terrible, repetitive and reading all 6 volumes of Dune will make you a worse writer because your brain adapts and repeats patterns it sees. Why would you want to ruin it over a literal reddit tier book? Just watch the movies. The David Lynch version is better than all the books and the new movie combined, and even then it isn't that great.

>> No.19285897

Literally the opposite, retard. Film should only be experienced on a big screen, anything else is a distorted, inferior experience, like watching a picture of the sistine chapel instead of the real thing.

>> No.19285922

>Idk some scenes were pretty good
I am not watching that.

>> No.19285956

this is pretentious faggotry to think this, have sex

>> No.19285960

Children of Dune was pretty mediocre

>> No.19285972

>That means that the only optimum time to watch it is a few months after release
Yes. Go outside incel

>> No.19285990

I can only imagine what you fags write in fighting scenes for your own work if you're hating on this >>19282692. Probably some dreadful exposition dump.

>> No.19286063

holy cringe

>> No.19286663
File: 1.27 MB, 1849x1779, DuneLore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a Dune Lore synopsis I wrote for anons in a /tv/ thread looking to get clued up on the lore before watching DUNC. Might be of some interest to people needing a quick refresher or whatever.

>> No.19286680

Nigga what? 6 is better than 5, not by much but a bit better. You should definitely read Dune. I am one of those must-finish-all-media-in-franchise guys and even I could have stopped at Dune. It is the perfect stand alone. Then if you want, go either the 1-2, 1-4, or 1-6 route.

I personally think they come in pairs. 1 and 2 are Paul's story and very realist. 3 and 4 are Leto II's story and are a little more cerebral. 5 and 6 are the far flung series with wild sex shit and breeding programs and cloning and super powers but end on a massive cliffhanger.

Read Dune though, it is good.

>> No.19286699


>> No.19286758

I agree, that was my least favourite of the tetralogy as well. I had heard general negativity about Messiah before starting it, but I loved it almost as much as the first book.

>> No.19286778

when does it get good because i'm 120 pages in and bored

>> No.19286984

get this hothead outta here

>> No.19287013

The Dune imperium would get absolutely destroyes if it ever met a spacefaring civilization that didn't reject computers fir ideological reasons

>> No.19287059

Sounds like it gets very dumb after the first book.

>> No.19287271

I am really fond of 2 and 3 is not as bad as they say. 4 is very much an acquired taste. 4 and 5 are dull and should have been one tighter book. 4 actually ends with the events I expected but I predicted they would be the halfway point or so. Felt like that was gonna be the revving up of the narrative not the final act. If it were heavily edited and very compact then I would have loved it. There are no terrible books with dune. But yes Dune is the best and almost everyone stops there or at 4.

>> No.19287295

Yes, if you want to put the Dune imperium into a powerlevel ranking it would probably get its shit wrecked by literally anything. At the same time I sort of like it for what it is, exactly because it makes itself more believable that way. People are always doing retarded self inflicted stuff until someone else comes along, stops doing it, and everyone else either has to adapt or die.

>> No.19287421

You mean first 4 right? There's no point in reading children unless you're gearing up for god emperor

>> No.19287809

Which edition of "Dune Messiah" should I get?

>> No.19287840

The Tagalog transliteration is agreed to be the best one

>> No.19287890

>Odd that you mention wow specifically when wow for years now has essentially nuked it's older content and if you want to experience the story, the best place to do it is by watching youtube documentaries on it.
Yeah, that's kinda what I meant. I know I'd have to play on classic servers etc or dig deep into wikis to experience it but I don't really play MMO enough to find a good comparison.


>> No.19287909

>That means that the only optimum time to watch it is a few months after release and that for eternity going forward everyone gets half baked crap.
That's literally always the case.

I hope you know that films displayed on TVs are cropped and are missing roughly 25% of the picture so that it can fit on the widescreen/HD format.

>> No.19287911

What? What have I said you disagree with? They go together in pairs and Chapterhouse is less boring than that great slog that is heretics. By a hairs breadth but still.

>> No.19287916

The post was rolling end digits as a decider...

>> No.19287934

What does that fucking mean? I have my digits were not significant. Please explain.

>> No.19287952

lurk more

>> No.19287956

Fantastic book series but my god as the 2021 move awful. Some parts were very good but it dragged so much that I just wanted to leave.

>> No.19287959

Been here for years just dont speak this lingo.

>> No.19288008


>> No.19288024

I don’t get what’s wrong with it. Because it’s CG? Yeah welcome to the 21st century

>> No.19288061

ADHD zoomie, I doubt you even read if you can’t sit through a slow scene in a movie

>> No.19288070

Watching the movie did make me realize how dumb and shallow Star Wars is

>> No.19288114

It is crazy to me that this is like the most discussed movie on this website in memory.

>> No.19288131

Denis Villeneuve is one of the only real filmmakers working today

>> No.19288231

Totally agree. I hardly watch any movies anymore because they all seem so lame and cheesy, but Blade Runner 2049 and Dune are visually stunning to an unmatched degree.
And also Arrival is amazing and so is Prisoners.

>> No.19288259
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I would have literally came my pants if these two kissed. I was really hoping for some incest kino, bros...

>> No.19288268

look up behind the dune

>> No.19288271

IMAX doesn't make that scene any less retarded.

>> No.19288280
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I appreciate the recommendation, but I'm not 2D stuff.

>> No.19288289
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not into*

>> No.19288301
File: 117 KB, 1000x1483, 4430AF43-0B91-493E-B0E4-0D7DFA178A7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started listening to the first book. I like it but half the time I have no idea who’s talking or what the houses are. The names are so complex. I dunno why authors in fantasy must use weird hard to remember names when creating fantasy. It’s kept me from starting lord of the rings and other fantasy. You can use made up names but just make it more simple, please.

>> No.19288315

I does actually

I know you watched it on a laptop or something like an autistic retard but it quite literally looks different in theatres. If I had to guess it's a combination of quality compression for streaming the trailer and some contrast changes to the scene.

The scenes look and sound significantly different in the cinema.

>> No.19288325

The retarded choreography is the primary problem and IMAX doesn't fix that.

>> No.19288351

There's a huge amount of vertical detail that was cropped for widescreen as well, so I think you are wrong here

I was dreading that scene but when I saw it in theatres it looked way better

>> No.19288510

Dune > God Emperor > Messiah > Children

I'm yet to read Heretics and Chapterhouse but they'll be arriving in a few days.

>> No.19288549

Dune+Messiah (inseparable companion piece) > GEoD > Children > Chapterhouse > Heretics

>> No.19288556

>(inseparable companion piece)
You know what? I'm going to give you that. It pretty much felt like Book IV of the original novel. I fucking loved it regardless.

>> No.19288564

The level of contrarianism surrounding the film adaptation has reached never before seen levels

>> No.19288570

Wtf I love Dune now that it's a movie, buying the first book soon

>> No.19288613

Yes. It is the Godfather Part II (if it were 45 mins long) to Dune as Godfather. Michael rises to power and then through his inability to wield it effectively and his personal flaws he eventually loses it. The perfect rise and fall arc of hero and saviour and wanderer. Love that book I think it should always be included in new editions.

>> No.19288615

>but I'm not 2D stuff
Then what are you doing on 4chan anon.

>> No.19288804
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Favorite cover? I like this one a lot

>> No.19288859
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So to my understanding, Frank died before finishing DUNE. And his son took over and finished it, and then tying it a prequel series. That isn’t received well.

So regardless, going into this I should keep in find it will not end well.
Should I stop before his son’s books? Or give them a chance

>> No.19288869

You should give them a fair chance but the difference in quality is immediate from the very first page. If you enjoy the story enough then you might get something out of it. Stop when you lose interest.

>> No.19289017

I just watched DUNC 1984 so I won't complain about dodgy CGI that I never noticed. That shit was like 1960s Sinbad. Considering this was after RotJ you know they could do better.

>> No.19289812

impssible to find, but oh so tasteful

>> No.19290397

Vomit inducing post

>> No.19290474

I will drink the water from her filtered piss in her suit.

>> No.19290783

Aliens don't exist dweeb.

>> No.19290790

I think Its after Blade Runner 2049, buts its the same director.

>> No.19290793

There is a guy named Duncan Idaho ffs and the MC is named..... Paul. Some islamic names shouldn't be hard for you to follow.

>> No.19290934

he is taking the end digit of his post number as a dice roll. so in reference to his post if the digit ended in 1-5 he'd read the series and if it was 6-0 he wouldn't

>> No.19290952


>> No.19290980

Then imax theaters must play the movie forever, so that I can see it years from now whenever I feel like it.

>> No.19291041

Ah ok cheers

>> No.19291064
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this image fucking sucks why are they not in reading order??????????????

>> No.19291355


>> No.19291531

This is the copy I had when I read it. I think I gave it to the library after I finished it