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/lit/ - Literature

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19282188 No.19282188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe a RAPE in your best prose.

>> No.19282208

i do the he ha
she be the ho too

>> No.19282211
File: 277 KB, 469x452, zabka strzela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your hand out of your pants

>> No.19282227

None of you pseuds are able to write anything that arouses emotion, so don't worry about that

>> No.19282230

A minority of less than 2% of the population controls almost all the reins of finance, big business, media, the culture industry, academia, and government lobbying. It has shaped public
and foreign policy, culture, mores and habits for over a century in the countries in which it resides. Some government cabinets are routinely over 50% staffed by and selected from this minority. This minority has also convinced the people it directly and indirectly governs that it is the eternal victim of depredations by the majority.

>> No.19282232

“Oh why did you have to go do that?”

>> No.19282260

The incel glanced in my direction, into my eyes. In him I saw hell. Filthy maggot crawling hell reflected in his eyes. My heart plunged down into the black tar of the haunting pain beneath my stomach. My skin became cold. Thoughts of savagery, death and emptiness, rotting corpses of the abandoned elderly chewed by Satanic hyenas. Beneath the lights of the Target store time dialated, melted away as the horror crawled over everything and into everything. I could not breathe. I rubbed at my throat. My 90s inspired goth casual outfit felt too thin, exposing my fertile young body beneath it. I was a gaping wound. A water lily dangling over a writhing mound of Beksinskian death. The eyes of the incel we're the eyes of the brutality of existence, the hell of the Demiurge's fermented hate. I couldn't push away. I knew soon I would be falling, down, down into the filth. My body decaying. My vitality spent. Broken, haggard, ignored. The beast taken and discarded. In that moment I withered. In the eyes of the incel

>> No.19282299

In wringing agony she embraces the short moment. Her body slumps over limp as gentle tears stream down her rosy cheeks. She ponders, but doesn’t understand. “These feelings” she says quietly. “Why”? Her lusts swell up inside her as her soft lady parts begin to gush with the fluid of love.

>> No.19282304

This is the most important thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.19282310

Annudah Shoah!

>> No.19282344

Incel detected

>> No.19282358

My final thoughts:
"Maybe I should have dressed in classy Victorian clothy rather than whorish Goth lolita fashion."

>> No.19282378


>> No.19282388

She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>> No.19282395

A chase. A struggle. Desperate, fruitless. Penetration, resignation, release. He leaves her dirty, her shame settles in.

>> No.19282404

everyone gets raped by life sooner or later

>> No.19282413

Tranny detected, sneed, dilate, and kys

>> No.19282424

"No! If you put it in right now, I'm going to lose my mind!"
He put it in and she did, indeed, lose her mind-- making her eyes roll back and her tongue stick out.

>> No.19282452

This is what a transgender guy would think when a nerd looks at him in the bus.
An actual girl don't even know what a demiurge is.

>> No.19282475

>Her cunt became the world.
How can you read this sentence and think it's good? Holy fuck some people really are talentless

Rhyming doesn't excuse your lack of originality. Try saying one true statement about the experience at hand, in your own words. You'll get further that way.

>If you put it in right now, I'm going to lose my mind
People don't talk like that when in this situation. You had a punchline in mind and you forced the setup. You therefore unoriginal and inauthentic, probably the two greatest crimes you can commit when writing, followed by being boring.

The only one that can actually write at a level above an 8th grader is the goth girl guy, but even his piece was turned into mental vomit by use of the word "incel".

>> No.19282493
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>> No.19282499

there is no artistic reason to ever depict a sexual assault.

>> No.19282506

Nice selfie

Okay. Why?

>> No.19282513

Despite the pain of the forced penetration, despite the humiliation of the forced pleasure, one small part of her managed to see clearly, an unique perspective none of her history professors even thought was possible. She understood what Germany felt with the Soviets; what the Indians felt in the hands of the conquistadores; what the blacks felt under white slaveowners. The ultimate feeling of being vanquished, of becoming nothing but the instrument of another's totalitarian and unforgiving will; women could understand history's vanquished as none could, they were alike. She stopped struggling.

>> No.19282531

Objective and terse. Did Hemingway ever describe a sexual assault?

>> No.19282538

>O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
>Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
>And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.
>‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy:
>Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
>What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot
>Nor arm nor face nor any other part
>Belonging to a man. O be some other name.
>What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
>By any other name would smell as sweet;
>So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
>Retain that dear perfection which he owes
>Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
>And for that name, which is no part of thee,
>Take all myself.

>> No.19282556

Your input for this prose is insisted upon.

>> No.19282569

Kek, women are too stupid to connect dots like this.

>> No.19282603

She had removed her breasts and she had cut her hair; through the hormones they had given her she had even started growing a beard. She -- indeed, because that one thrust had cut through that veil of lies and reminded her of who she actually was, had forced her not only to receive him and to feel pleasure but also to drop all the pretense; his cock was a mirror she could not look away from, a teacher whose class she could not sleep through. He, for he was a he and she was not, was reminding her of a reality she had been duped into forgeting.

>> No.19282612

ok incel

>> No.19282647

That's not prose

>> No.19282663

I dont need to write prose i can just copy someone elses prose and then blow my rap whistle anyways

>> No.19282687

"It has been a week by now. The light shines cold and slanted through light cream blinders. Invisible fingers draw searing circles on my skin, though white sheets conceal all parts of it. They press through the thick downs, burn right through them, and as they peer out the inside that thick comforter, those ghostly finger lie so still and heavy. Barely touching me at all. When I open my eyes and the world floods into me in now stunting dazzling flashes - so unbearably mundane -, then I come to think that they might have never laid there at all. Burning holes into my skin. But when my eyes are shut, I can feel them in the flesh. Strong hands, one laid on my thigh, holding it in place. One weaving itself through the thin fabric concealing my - You get the idea. Anyway, that's what she has written me yesterday. What am I supposed to say to that man, we just started chatting a while back and I wake up to this bullshit. I-"
"Are you still going to smash?"
"Don't know, this is kind of wild. But if she puts out why not? We have no mutual friends, and that course we have together is all duds, all over. If she tells anyone nobody will know."
"Good point, oh - got 2,30 left? Forgot my cash back at the flat, I will send it to you, like tomorrow."

>> No.19282708

Actually effective, good post

>> No.19282752

"Get in the cupboard" My big sister whispered to me. "Get in now!"
She shoved me in tbe cupboard next to the stove in the kitchen. I hurt but i didnt even notice. I was holding back whimpers and sobs every time i heard a shot from outside the house.
"Promise me." My sister grabbed me by my shirt. "Promise me that whatever you hear! You can''t come out of here." Her eyes were determined and pleading at the same time. "Promise me." She said one last time before closing the cupboard as we heard another shot rining out from directly outside or home. I was pretrified. I couldnt get a word out.
My sister closed the wooden doors and left me alone and cramped in the dark. A few moments later I heard the sounds of splintering wood and my sister shrieking.
A deep voice said something in a foreign language: "чтo тyт y нac?"

>> No.19282785

Just read Bakker.

>> No.19282810

if the bitch won't fuck me
might have to take the pussy
if the bitch won't suck me
that vulva gon get bloody
the bitch won't look me in the eyes when we is speakin
so I had to throw an uppercut through her hymen
performed a female circumcision
then I busted a nut and left

>> No.19282840


>> No.19282873

but that wasn't someone else's prose either

>> No.19282929

It happened in the underpass at Barrier Street. The lights were dim, and she felt a pang of lust when she saw his dark shape on the other side of the tunnel. He was tall and had a large torso with the upturned 'Dorito' shape she so fancied. As they passed each other, he grabbed her waist with his large, hairy, masculine hand and began to kiss her. She reciprocated. Within moments, they were on the ground of the filthy underpass, constructed in 1978 by Dublin Public Works Ltd. As he started to ravish her, one of the few lights in the tunnel made its way onto the handsome stranger's face. It was then that she saw he had an extremely weak lower third, with a jawline that was essentially invisible behind layers of fat and that connected with an almost wattle-like bunching of skin to his neck, which was thin and nerd-like. He also had a strong negative canthal tilt and wide 'prey' eyes instead of the 'hunter' eyes that women are scientifically proven to prefer. He was easily Norwood 3 and potentially of Indian origin, given his dark complexion yet straight, greasy hair. It was at this moment she knew she was being raped.

>> No.19283021


>> No.19283121

"Okay," I thought. I had heard much before the encounter, and so I had little by the way of expectation. Some had called it liberation and some corruption, and I had no context to personally feel either way about the matter. Often I have found myself saying throughout my life, "I'll try it once," and often I have found that to be the case. Not always, but often. So when I entered that van and came upon that discovery there, such was my disposition. I re-read the title before opening the book.

"The Communist Manifesto."

>> No.19283233


>> No.19283248

Great post, anon.

>> No.19283358
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>Beksinskian death
I love this phrase.

>> No.19283869


>> No.19283873
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>> No.19283906

Surely then they are the superior race.

>> No.19283937

If the other races are so much larger, why do they not just EAT the 2% race?

>> No.19284011

"SEX could be here," he thought. "I've never been inside this woman before. There could be SEX anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I hate SEX" he thought. Sweet Creams are Made of Deez Nuts reverberated through his entire cock, making it pulsate as the cum circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) desire to RAPE Greta Thunberg. "With a cock, you can fuck anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.19284734


>> No.19284772
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>this thread

>> No.19284834

IDK but I had prostrate exam today and felf like being raped

>> No.19284882

A story that starts with an incel, ends with one in jail.

>> No.19284885

Zeus ravished hundreds of women and the story ends here.

>> No.19285020
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you put your PENIS in
you put your PENIS out
shake it all about

>> No.19285078

"Ah madame, it's time for nonconsensual seggs" he said

>> No.19285383

You do the oogy boogy

>> No.19286181

none of you faggots can write

>> No.19286467

write ur ass lol

>> No.19286474

he put it in. she said no but came several times. afterwards she told her boyfriend and all her friends

>> No.19286725

In the tunnel, I entered her. Thousands upon thousands of my compatriots, storming and swimming with vengeful righteousness rode alongside me in spirit. Deep between her blackened soul I planted my banner, cooming and cumming and combing through her folds to establish myself as me. Acrid stench of rotten lips accentuated the killing fields' deathly sunset, as winds blew from the howling hole above my taint.

>> No.19286735

Cnaiur struck, cuffed him so hard he toppled backward.
"You act as though you live this life a second time!" Cnaiur leapt into a crouch upon the table, sent plates and bowls spinning. Eyes as round as silver talents, Conphas scrambled backwards through the cushions.

"As though you were assured of its outcome!"

Conphas had turned, was fighting his way clear of the depression. "Somp-Somp-!" Cnaiur vaulted across the table, hammered the back of his head. The Exalt-General went down. Cnaiur unfastened his belt, snapped it free. He yanked it about the sobbing man's neck, hoisted him to his knees. He wrenched him back to the table, threw him onto his chest. he smashed his face against its own reflection - once, twice...
He looked up, saw the slaves cringing in the shadows, their arms upraised. One of them wept.

"I am a demon!" he cried. "A demon!"

Then he turned back to Conphas shuddering on the table beneath him.
Some things required literal explanation.

>> No.19287581


>> No.19288175




>> No.19288242

Ruh roh, there's a peepee in my boy butt :(((

>> No.19289167
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Without warning, he penised in her vagoogoo... rapefully.

>> No.19289247

I felt bile rising and had to struggle to keep from vomitting after seeing the aftermath of Sam Hyde's latest attack. The bomb blast had left unimaginable gore and carnage, but what made it so unbearable was the copious amounts of semen and feces that Sam had left, as an additional insult to injury.

>> No.19289416

This is literally the exact moment Prince of Nothing went to shit. Two of the best characters ruined

>> No.19289426


>> No.19289462


>> No.19289480

The bloat-cocked junkie jiggaboo jittered down the stairwell like dropped crockery.
Semen stains on his hands
Semen stains on his trousers
He jumbled through an unmarked doorway, groping for white flesh, hopefully belonging to a white woman.

>> No.19289496

she regretted choosing THAT guy at the party, next morning.

>> No.19289712
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Through belligerent vigor the ultimate masculine dilates the mind of their victim to better accomodate his thoughts ease of entrance into and thus creating the ultimate feminine.

Can such a victim ever return their squinted minds eye back to cupids innocent target?
Can such a perpetrator shake off the euphoric expulsion of will manifest?

>> No.19290040

I wonder what it would be like though. I can't imagine myself doing it...it doesn't take much to stop me; but I wonder. What kind of mindset? I imagine it usually happens under the influence, in circumstances of pure uninhibited animal passion, where "reason" breaks down, and only the flesh remains. God that's what we used to be like...just a bunch of animals--and look at us now; weak little flesh dolls.

>> No.19290149

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.19290919

good read, but for real who the fuck would rape a tranny thats gross.

>> No.19291801
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Rummage rummage rummage the claws dig through dirt and the dust black dog claws click clack on the white stone now bloody now wet and as wetstone the sickle cuts and sharpened penetrates wet wet stones

>> No.19292544

Oh shit! This bitch really came out here lookin like that? Ass all fat in that see through dress, that motherfucker wrapped up tight but still wobblin. God damn I would kill six niggas to get in em cheeks. But I ain’t got to, this bitch all by herself.
I holler at this bitch, talkin bout she need some help gettin home. Bitch know she called Uber and don’t need nothin from my black ass but she stumblin over her words like she don’t know. So I say damn bitch I’m just tryna help and I can’t help but grab one of them cheeks got damn! I’m twisting that motherfucker and that silk knottin up in my grip and that ass on jello and a nigga is bricked up. I don’t know when the bitch started screaming but she shrieking and now I got to rape her ass cuz a nigga in too deep to get clapped for assault when I ain’t done nothing but cop a lil feel. I love these trick bitches cus they ain’t never wearing shit. I pull that little dress off in one swipe and I hook the thong and snap that bitch in two. This bitch really think she doing something too. She breaking her acrylics on my chest and spraying me with something aint even hot enough to put on some wings. Them screams so damn loud that I ain’t even hearin em no more. It’s like background noise. I pull my shit out through the zipper and now the bitch’s mouth is full. They don’t never bite. They know what’s good for em. I got the bitch sucking the meat off my dick, bitch is goin Hoover and Dotson on my meat nigga. I’m bout to bust immediately but nah. You know a nigga here for the cheeks. A nigga- I’m out the mouth and in the pushy for a second for I bust all over the bitch leg. I smack her ass thank you and I’m gone.

>> No.19292638

The 50 black men entered her room.
50 black men and 1 virgin girl.
Condoms had no place here.
200 loads of semen went inside her.

>> No.19292659

based gurmposter

>> No.19292694

I kekked reading this on my phone

>> No.19292766


Good one, you got talent.

>> No.19292794


Kekmao Zedong

>> No.19292830

Damn. This was actually fire fr fr no cap.

>> No.19292939

She tried to resist, she really did. Her tiny arms tried to push away and she did try and close her legs. But his arms were stronger and pushed hers away; his legs were stronger and forced hers open. And then he pushed in and started it. She felt him enter, and she moaned in response. She didn't want to, but she did. He thrust again and again she moaned. She could feel his cock inside her; she tried not to, she tried to resist; if she couldn't push him away then she could at least try to lay limp and motionless as if dead. But he was undeniable, and each thrust of his cock inside her was an unholy resurrection in which she stirred and moaned and arched.

She moved onto the next line of defense: to pretend that the reaction was purely mechanical, to set herself as a detached observer from what her body was doing, a ghost in the shell. He thrust again and again; again and again she moaned. It was not just her flesh that betrayed her, for she couldn't deny the pleasure, not anymore. The rough entering and leaving, the strong and firm hands in contact with her bare flesh and holding her immobile, the last remaining solid thing in a world that was rapidly melting. She didn't want it, yet at that point, there was nothing else to want, for her vision was cloudy, her hearing only caught moans and her flesh was aware only of his.

He thrust faster and faster, and her moans followed suit. How many things had she given him already? Her body was already his, and her moans also gave him the truth that she was feeling pleasure. She noticed with shame that her hands didn't even push him away anymore, but rather held onto his back as the last remaining rock in the world, her legs firmly locked around him instead of trying to expel him.

She would cum soon enough and she knew she would then be his. Please, she thought in dread and in shame, there must be something I can keep from him, something I can yet refuse, please...

>> No.19294608

I jerked off to this and I came hard

>> No.19294673
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I had a rape fetish, but was to afraid to find a partner in the real wide with the same kink. So? So I bored a anonymous Chinese algebra forum with my neurosis smut. Please tell me about rape senpai. How pathetic. Go fuck a hoover you repetitive snail.

>> No.19295523

Damm a nigga got wood fr

>> No.19295553
File: 973 KB, 1242x2208, C979108B-A092-4E95-A7B1-FB47B317D89A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you read this sentence and think it's good? Holy fuck some people really are talentless
See attached excerpt from critically acclaimed literature

>> No.19296547
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let me touch it as I enjoy too much the warm of your legs with your trembling ass trying to cross eachother trying to not let it in but only tightening it on Me.
I love it you
With your feets crossing as the nails squeez trying to touch my carpet.
Sorry for english correct me pls

>> No.19296829

"Shut up bitch"

>> No.19296850


>> No.19297868

What a shit fucking thread how has this been going on for three full days?

>> No.19298232

This is a /lit/ thread where people actually write, that alone makes it better than the average

>> No.19298235

The Seventh Rapist

You're different
From the others, i can tell right away.
How strange:
Soft delicate kiss on the back of my neck
As upon me your conquering body you lay,
Meeting my terror and fear
With a tentatie tongue on the lobe of my ear.
What kind of a rapist is this,
Who commences his rape with a kiss?

You're different:
You don't start with the pain of a savage attack
But with feelings of warmth from your chest on my back.
From the heat of your thighs on my sensitive ass;
And your cock not inside but on top of my crack
As you wait for my desolate sobbing to pass.

You're different.
Now soothing you whisper, with head next to mine:
"I'll take it real slow, we got plenty o' time.
It may hurt you at first, no denying the facts,
But things will go better if you can relax."
As you nibble my ear, sending chills down my spine,
How I wonder that rapist so gently attacks!

Are you different?
You wait til i'm quiet,
Then enter real slow,
Holding me down with your arms as you go;
A sharp stab of pain as i struggle in vain to escape from your battering-ram.
Then you soothe me once more
As i'm pierced to the core
And impaled on the flesh of a man.


>> No.19298239

You're different;
You cover me,
Motionless bodies we lay,
Until i relax
As the pain ebbs away;
Whispering comforting words in my ear,
Telling me how i have nothing to fear;
Waiting for this one to slowly adjust
To being a slave for your masculine lust.
When i am calm
It's your warmth that I feel
As you cover my body from shoulder to heel,
Protectively keeping the next one at bay.
I compare your concern
With their merciless thrust
And i suddenly want you to stay!

You're different --
So you're filling me now with your masculine power,
The seventh to rape me in less than an hour.
The difference is this:
You don't treat me like dirt;
Your body makes love where the others make hurt.
So i don't mind your vigorous fucking so much,
But mentally dwell
On the feel of your touch,
On your maleness inside me,
On being possessed,
On the feelings that girls have, and all of the rest.
--When finally your passion ascends to the height
And you lunge and you kiss me and squeeze me real tight
And you shudder and groan and you fill me with cream,
I know i've been caught
In your sexual dream.

You are different!
You whisper: "I want you to be
My own punk!
I'll keep those jocks off you,
Don't worry no more;
You'll be in my cell, babe,
And sleep in my bunk,
And if anyone hurts you, I'll even the score."
Relaxing beneath you,
Flesh still in my hole,
I consider your offer,
Ponder my role.
It's clear now: the difference is really your goal:
The six took my body,
You're taking my soul.

>> No.19298263

So many places I stick my pee, but for this one place you chastise me?

>> No.19298337

Walk in to the damn shop. Manager already there. Fucker eyes me with bloodshot eyes, accusal and reprimands floating right at the surface like fatty turds in a shit bowl. You are late again he mutters. "Yes so what?" i yell, my 6'7 built frame absolutly dominating the confined space of the antique shop. He is scared. I havent raised my voice before. I laugh at his confused face and grab him by his trousers. Before he understands what is happening i have ripped out his belt and yanked his pants down. Stained crumpy underpants get wet steadily while i slap him around. The deed is done in a min. I cum deep and get up estatic, banging his head against the wall one last time for a laugh. "You are fired" he cries, "you are fired" tears streaming down his face. Salty, salty tears. Wait i can taste these tears. They are mine. I have been day dreaming again while smashing around the antique shop. I have been fired from yet another place and mom will have to pay for these antiques. I light a cigarette and get out of the ruined shop.

>> No.19299685

cringe thread. why is it up for 3 days?