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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 500x710, harry_potter_and_the_sorcerers_stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1928213 No.1928213 [Reply] [Original]

So, I just came back from the latest Hairy Potter movie. Having read the books I got to thinking about how they were viewed on /lit/, so i decided to come ask.

I know full well that the majority of literary critics seem to hate the books, but i wanted to see what you all think of them.

Also, I do not generally post on /lit/, my main board is /mu/.

>> No.1928216


Shit... Harry*

>> No.1928217

Assuming troll. If not, lurk more. These threads are on about 10 or 11 times a day. (or contained in other threads)

>> No.1928219


Not troll, as already stated, I don't generally visit this board.

>> No.1928224


Well a troll would say that, wouldn't he?

That said, I think the general consensus here is that the books suck.

Personally, I don't fully agree with that because, despite the MASSIVE, MASSIVE plot holes and flaws in the series, the last couple of books were definitely page turners, and had me going.

Fun to read, but no one will admit that that is a good thing around here.

>> No.1928238

I don't hate the series as a whole. The first few were decent childrens books. But the last three books definitely demonstrate what happens when you don't have an editor worth shit. 6 blew and 7 should have been at least 50% shorter.

>> No.1928250

After talking with a friend online, and them telling me this is the final movie. I think I will watch all the movies, and decide if I want to read all the books from there.

Order of the Phoenix made me lose interest about half way through.

Does the series get interesting again after that?

>> No.1928254


Order of the Phoenix is the worst book

>> No.1928257

Yeah about those plot holes. I thought voldemort died in the first one, and the 2nd one his childhood avatar died.

Did they just write him back in later on, or has it been so long that I have forgotten?

>> No.1928258
File: 260 KB, 500x463, tumblr_lnivfxEfIa1qarblz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're ok, but that's probably because those were some of the first books I read and I probably have nostalgia glasses. But most of the trolling comes because of its retarded fanbase.

>> No.1928260

I far preferred it to the last two. It was whiny, yeah, but that's what I'd expect from a teenaged protagonist. And at least it was a change of pace from the schoolyear-shaped plotlines. But 6 makes a mockery of Chekov's Gun and 7 was a glorified camping montage with a fight scene tacked on.

>> No.1928262

Voldemort used "horcruxes" (basically phylacteries, things used by liches to contain their soul) so he could never truly die. Even if you destroy all the phylacteries (which the diary was one of, hence why it had a piece of him in it) he will exist in a state of limbo, half in this world, half in oblivion, like Sauron at the end of LotR.

>> No.1928265

Okay that makes a lot more sense to me now. Thank you so much for filling me in. Sorry if I am bumping what would be cancer to you guys. This board does seem dead right now though.

>> No.1928304

what plot holes?

>> No.1928314
File: 38 KB, 299x500, Earthsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my personal experience of people who think its the greatest thing since sliced bread, the euphoric praise comes from limited exposure to literature or fantasy
I always recommend they have a look at this

>> No.1928316


You don't seem to understand the appeal of these books at all do you?

>> No.1928321

you dont know what the first earthsea story is or you'd understand the recommendation

>> No.1928322


I might be wrong, but just llooking at the cover i can assume most wouldn't like it

>> No.1928324

thank you for admitting you dont know what you are talking about
now please kindly shut the fuck up and get the fuck outta here

>> No.1928325

I love them as fun-to-read books from my childhood with a pretty damn engaging story and "world" to them.

Very excited for this Pottermore stuff to expand on the backstory, woo.

The final film is bullshit though. Why the hell would you stay faithful to the books and then change the entire ENDING around?

>> No.1928327


>not even trying to make an argument

enjoy your autism

looking at the book, i can promise you most people that read harry potter wouldn't give it a chance.

you seem to think that the reason people like Harry potter is from substance. It's not, it's all about the image. It's modern

that shit would get rejected in a second

cry harder

>> No.1928328

The books are shit.

And this is the thirtieth "what does /lit/ think of Harry Potter" thread we've had in the past five days.

>> No.1928329


>> No.1928331



>> No.1928332

>And this is the thirtieth "what does /lit/ think of Harry Potter" thread we've had in the past five days.

Good thing Harry Potter fans don't enjoy literature enough to frequent this board.

>> No.1928424


>Doesn't understand greentext.


>> No.1928428

>I do not generally post on /lit/, my main board is /mu/.

there's a surprise.

>> No.1928436

I think a lot of people on /lit/ might enjoy Harry Potter as a book but not as much as literature. The story is interesting but it lacks any kind of depth; the world Rowling created is definitely a creative one, but the story doesn't really make you think or wonder as so many good literary works do. The layer of morals in Harry Potter is very one-sided and that's why there is only one way to read and interpret the books. This superficiality is probably why /lit/ doesn't appreciate Harry Potter on a serious level.

>> No.1928461

Are you serious? You're judging the content of a book by its cover?

>> No.1928467
File: 11 KB, 182x278, 3421342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That old platitude is actually not very true at all. You can tell a lot about a book from its cover.

Pic related. Just looking at that cover, I know the book isn't for me.

>> No.1928482

Was if it had rape and murder and nothing else? I know it is probably a murder at the most with some love story and probably a couple native americans in there, but it could happen. I would do that if I built a book.

>> No.1928489

I get where you're coming from, but if someone recommends a book to me, I won't refuse it because it has dragons on the front or whatever. Especially considering artists rarely seem to have read the book when they design the cover.

>> No.1928490



>> No.1930383


What a load of crap. Books can invariably be judged by their covers.

>> No.1930397

Sure they can be judged, but not accurately.