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19280944 No.19280944 [Reply] [Original]

Never have I ever read something more pretentious and uninformative. The author uses pseudoscience, theories, and wild claims as a foundation for his points as if it can not ever refuted, while completely missing the real cause of why people think god exists in the first place and how it shaped our society today. That would have been an informative and strong subject to discuss to try and deliver his points across to the skeptics. What the fuck is the point of trying to demonize and stereotype all of Christianity? Is this what is considered "science"? Judging by his excessive use of big words it felt like his targeted audience were edgy rebellious 16 year olds who are just looking for validation to contradict anything their parents say.

Celebrity (scientists) are truly the scum of the earth.

>> No.19280954

Why would you even waste your time on such shit?

>> No.19280959

modern atheism is a psy-op to create vacuum for the basilisk

>> No.19280964

I didn't even. I read a summary.

>> No.19281655

Except for the parts on natural theology, it's a good book. It delivers a natural history of religion, a novel argument for atheism and deals with the social effects of religion.
t. Christian

>> No.19281717

>yes my fellow christians
I am not a christcuck myself.
I'd like to hear what this giant faggot has to say about a spinozian god
>"bbbbb-but there is no EXPERIMENTAL SETUP to Prooooove this. I have to be proooooving!"
The absolute state of modernity

>> No.19281744

As someone who despises science I think this book is a great tool for us - it drives a wedge between science and religion when there need not be one. He planted this dichotomy in the public consciousness and said “you can choose reason or you can choose mysticism”. Dickie has self-sabotaged his cause and he doesn’t even know it yet

>> No.19281788

It’s a popular science book, of course the target audience is the general public you fucking pseud. Or did you just think the book wasn’t smart enough for you? It’s a fine novel for what it sets out to discuss and people forget that Richard Dawkins is not akin to r/atheism. Dawkins popularized atheism and the rejection of the cultural supernatural in a big way in the 21st century, which is a good thing.
Dawkins has no problem with Spinoza’s god as it claims nothing supernatural. He explains this in the book, which I now know you didn’t read. Spinoza would have no problem with Dawkin’s assessment either. Triggered christfags are the absolute worst.

>> No.19281803

>it drives a wedge between science and religion when there need not be one
Imagine typing this out and posting it sincerely lmao

>> No.19282064

>Or did you just think the book wasn’t smart enough for you
I thought that the book was fucking pointless and served nothing of insight to the reader. It felt like he was just trying to push an agenda.

>> No.19282175

Just read Darwin, the source material. Darwin was agnostic btw, like any wise man.

>> No.19282262

Darwin is an actual real scholarly man. The thing with celebrity scientists is that they purposely appeal to midwits to make sales, thus producing content with almost nothing of actual value.

>> No.19282320

You're a big fucking ironic cunt of course you jumped the gun coming from your retarded LiveStreamFail career of judging things on how "based" or "cringe" they sound without ever giving merit to the truth of the argument.
We both know God doesn't exist and it's a shitty outdated idea that does more harm than good. This book is not for you, ironic scumbag, it's for people still struggling with doubt and who need the right push. I'm sure you for example have no idea how effective Dawkins et al. are for the international audience such as moslims

>> No.19282321

>push an agenda
Of what? Pro atheism? Are you surprised someone who’s been a professional scientist for their entire life rejects the supernatural? Were you upset that you read a book called The God Delusion and didn’t find arguments pro theism? Is every opinion you disagree with “pushing an agenda”?

>> No.19282347

It's your bogstandard american bad faith polemical book
t. atheist

>> No.19282367

>What the fuck is the point of trying to demonize and stereotype all of Christianity?
It is a cope for morons, and other people with actual brains usually make excuses for them, like they were the retarded cousin of the family or something.
Dawkins is spending his retirement trolling and all you flaming retards swallow it hook, line, and sinker

>> No.19282420

>professional scientist for their entire life rejects the supernatural
>((((((professional scientist))))))
>entire work is on theoretical evolutionary biology
but I digress, that isn't the point. Men of science and scholarly men need to have skepticism, there are a few things in life which are considered "100% true". I don't have any respect for any *scientist* that waste so much time and effort in trying to prove the existence or non existence of God when they could be working on something more important. Dawkins is clearly just cashing in on the popularity of mainstream atheism without actually making any real scientific work.

>Were you upset that you read a book called The God Delusion and didn’t find arguments pro theism? Is every opinion you disagree with “pushing an agenda”?
Every *opinion* that is blatantly aggressive, one dimensional, and disregards the underlying issue as a whole. Even if you disagree with something, a part of building an argument against it is to understand why it came to be in the first place so you can makeup your own conclusion on the issue. Especially if you're discussing something as complicated as Religion.

>> No.19282421

It's definitely a historically/culturally influential book.

>> No.19283549
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>> No.19283571
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>tfw you realize that your atheist community has evolved into a pseudo religious cult

Also, good point referencing Roko’s basilisk btw

>> No.19283578
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 0EB8FA13-7B84-4C35-9B18-93B7B4458660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two paragraphs of complete seething
Tip harder, fedoracuck.

>> No.19284001

It's "someone who has been a professional scientist for HIS entire life"
It really grates on me when people use the plural their instead of his or her.

>> No.19284006

Really goes to demonstrate how pathetic our culture is.

>> No.19284728

"Pseudo religious" is exactly how I'd describe many of them. Much of the historical information parroted by nu-atheist commentators are far from accurate to the actual events, yet are held to be the real(TM) truth by so many people that they've become something akin to foundational myths for New Atheism. They use the pagan thinkers of the late Roman Empire as ideological crutches without any respect to what they actually believed; lionizing them into martyrs for their cause. Was Hypatia killed because of the gang-like political warfare in Alexandria? No, it was because she got too close to the truth and Christians silenced her.

Being "rational" to them is absorbing memable and oftentimes inaccurate factoids to reaffirm their beliefs and boost their feeling of self importance. They parrot their celebrities as one would repeat the sermons of their preachers and if I were to compare their rank and file with anything, it wouldn't be enlightenment thinkers; it'd be America's evangelical movement.

>> No.19284738

Your religion is dying

>> No.19284817

>It's definitely a historically/culturally influential book.
Maybe amongst the fedora-tipping Reddit atheist crowd.

>> No.19285009

At least Hitchens' neocon manifesto was somewhat entertaining and had cool literary references. This was autistic and cringe from the get-go.

>> No.19285147
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>> No.19285154
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>> No.19285288
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>> No.19285321
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>reading a book about philosophy by this nigga