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19280166 No.19280166 [Reply] [Original]

how does philosophy of language connect to philosophy of mind in your opinion?

>> No.19280177

what exactly are you asking about?

>> No.19280335

exactly what i wrote. how much do puzzles regarding meaning connect to problems to do with cognition and the mind body problem?

>> No.19280346

> language = understanding
Without language we are literal animals, lower than retards.
Look up stories about kids who were abused and deprived of language, they don't end up at Harvard I can tell you that! Well maybe they might have a chance nowadays idk...
Bilingualism/Polyglotism, reading early, and even just reading to kids when they're young all are good for I.Q.
Being smart is litterally just about knowing more ways to speak betterer.

>> No.19280365

true, would you say philosophy or language has a lot to say on this issue?

>> No.19280573

The relation is one of concatenation. What we refer to as thought happens "within" language, and not within our cognitive apparatus, which is rather in charge of sub-vocalization, which is behaviorally strategical, not logical.
As such it is true that non-linguistic animals have no thoughts proper, although they are very obviously conscious and capable of organizing themselves.
There is something to be said about how virulent language is in human existence. It seems like its emergence correspond with the complete obfuscation of our pre-linguistic umwelt.

>> No.19280605

Philosophy of Mind allows us to understand how concepts/meaning is created by the mind.
Language allows us to understand how these concepts/meanings can be transmitted.

>> No.19280610

anal lysis = dissolving your butthole

>> No.19280614

Analytic philosophy suffers from a kind of logo/language-centrism

Fodor’s language of thought hypothesis is bullshit and based on interactions with computers

Heidegger already cleared away this myopic view in 1927

>> No.19280621

>Bilingualism/Polyglotism, reading early, and even just reading to kids when they're young all are good for I.Q.

so you think iq can be changed and isn't inherent

>> No.19280661
File: 70 KB, 1200x656, Perceptron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a definitive way in which the computer analogy works. Neurons *do* logical work in the form of implementing a perceptron function.

>> No.19280918

Geist ist Sprache

>> No.19280952

John Searle is probably the only living philosopher whose death will make me genuinely sad.
I love his common sense approach.
Here he is ripping apart those frauds who say consciousness refutes materialism:


>> No.19281003

That’s just a model for interpretation of a phenomenon

Metaphorical/model thinking is a large issue in philosophy of science

>> No.19281012
File: 14 KB, 407x330, ludwig-wittgenstein-y-los-lmites-del-pensamiento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.

>My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them.

>What should we gain by a definition, as it can only lead us to other undefined terms?

>All philosophy is critique of language

How THE FUCK has this never been refuted? the words are 100 years old and there are still people discussing about the
>meaning of meaning
>meaning of truth
>meaning of being
? do you people seriously think dictionary writers are the philosophy kings? 99% you try to talk serious with someone it devolves into word-games and high school debate club "ah yes, but what is an idea? does it exist?" like at the end of the chain there is a word that is at the same time an object? motherfucker if you are discussing World in terms of definitions, linear time and cause-effect you better stick to physical work.

philosophy is linguistics for monolinguals, learn some languages and you will easily that there could easily exist a civilisation where there are no words for EXIST, TRUTH, BEING, IDEA, GOOD and the civilisation could be similar to ours. they could all be merged into one word and the outcome could be the same. if you believe there is a path to truth that leads through English words and definitions and not through the esoteric you are inherently limited and please take acid.

>> No.19281020

tl;dr i believe in order to be able to seriously consider the difficult questions you need to speak 3+ languages and have at least some experience with psychodelics to understand how deeply brainwashed your starting position is and how unrelated words are to the truth.
>God wrote the Torah in heaven before the world was created, in letters of black fire on parchment of white fire

>> No.19281544

Philosophy of language is bullshit, literally just autists who refuse to accept that words can have different meaning depending on context or that words in natural language cannot be defined rigorously.

Philosophy of mind is dead. Every argument has been repeated a thousand times, every thought experiment discussed ad nauseam. No new insights are to be gained here.

>> No.19281880

Refuted by Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.19281959

>That’s just a model for interpretation of a phenomenon
The fuck is your point? It's a good model, applicable, and has been so for around 8 decades.

>> No.19282026

Philosophy of Language is an elaborate circle jerk to produce papers and PhD nobody needs