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19271516 No.19271516 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Gertrude Stein? Out of all the modernists she seems to be the one most rarely talked about.

>> No.19271579

breath of fresh air for modernism really. Eliot rots in his later work, Ezra becomes a facist and is subsequently institutionalized, wc Williams is a faggot and ruins subsequent poetical movements by his over involvement in them, and joyce is reaching literary levels we will not be able to reach for another 100 years from NOW. Stein is the last good giant for analysis and serious consideration. Stanzas in meditation is quite good imo.

>> No.19272176

Wasn't she a fascist too?

>> No.19272194

What what I've read she was a bit of a fascist sympathizer. It's interesting that her politics don't get brought up all that much. I imagine people are just trying to protect her image as an LGBT icon.

>> No.19272940


>> No.19272953

A lesbian Jew who claimed Hitler should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize. Wacky.

>> No.19273032

A sneed is a sneed is sneed is a sneed.

>> No.19273099

There are two types of being independent dependent being and dependent independent being. The type of being
makes itself known in the repeating. All living is repeating.

>> No.19273172

>Eliot rots in his later work,
Delusional, his plays and four quartets are obviously his best work

>> No.19273190


>> No.19273327

she looks like this dude i used to skate with back in the day

>> No.19273338

She is so good

>> No.19273472

Man, feels based to know someone else has read The Making of Americans cover to cover. I really don't want to make that sound like a special feat, but we're probably 2 out of maybe 4 people on this board who have done that, possibly the only two.

General thought is her prose is rhythmic and relies heavily on repetition. She also uses an awkward phrasing which seems to me to capture the voice of a greenhorn (look it up). It's not easy reading but it feels easy because of her flow.

She's not as masterful as Stein, but if you want to read a writer with a similar language try Anzia Yezierska.

>> No.19273554

The Morton Feldman of literature

>> No.19273856

"Every one has experiencing in being one being living. I am saddening with not feeling each one being experiencing as each one is having that living. I am saddening with this thing. There are so many being in living and there are so many that I am knowing by seeing and hearing being in living and each one of these is experiencing in being living and I cannot be feeling what way each one is experiencing, I who am suffering and suffering because of this thing. I am in desolation and my eyes are large with needing weeping and I have a flush from feverish feeling and I am not knowing what way each one is experiencing in being living and about some I am knowing in a general way and I could be knowing in a more complete way if I could be living more with that one and I never will live more with every one, I certainly cannot ever live with each one in their being one being living, in my being one being living. I tell you I cannot bear it this thing that I cannot be realising experiencing in reach one being living, I say it again and again I cannot let myself be really resting in believing this thing, it is in me now as when I am realising being a dead one, a one being dying and I can do this thing and I do this thing and I am filled then with complete desolation and I am doing this thing again and again and I am now again and again certain that I will not ever be realising experiencing in each one of the very many men and very many women…"

>> No.19274237
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>> No.19274312

Reads like iPhone auto suggest

>> No.19274332

are you everywhere, fucking christ
just end it already nigger

>> No.19274350
File: 14 KB, 126x115, Hearty_Kek_(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really need to ask, anon?

>> No.19275271


>> No.19275276

She's a complete hack who is only remembered because of her social connections.

>> No.19275446


>> No.19275486

In my opinion she is remembered more as an enabler of other Modernists (a bit like Pound for Eliot) than for her own work, though I find her work really very based.

T. ender Buttons

>> No.19275731

I read tender buttons and it was unreadable nonsense

>> No.19275895
File: 1.37 MB, 701x1364, very pregnant and very confused Anne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the embodiment of the American progressive Jewish Lesbian that the Nazis despise so much
>literally the one Jew they didn't touch

>> No.19276060

>American progressive Jewish Lesbian
She supported Franco and said nice things about Petain years after the war ended.

>> No.19276530


>> No.19277143


>> No.19277147

Unreadable shit

>> No.19277511

Been meaning to read her for years and forgot about her but this thread reminded me

>> No.19277582

>The Morton Feldman of literature

Kek. Based on what I've seen from dipping into The Making of Americans, that's about right.

That said, the Alice B. Toklas book was fun.

>> No.19277612
File: 170 KB, 430x640, Stravinsky_picasso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this.

E.g., I don't think she created anything that touches Picasso's portrait of her. (He treats her with great dignity and gravitas. I think he gently mocks Stravinsky in the beautiful sketches he did - he distorts his features and makes him look like a doofus - although Stravinsky was his equal as a creative artist.)

>> No.19277833

Get reading.

>> No.19277860

A voracious lesbite!

>> No.19278268

Wow she's just like butterfly

>> No.19278592


>> No.19278605

her writing is sheer misery to try to get through. like chewing on tinfoil bad

>> No.19278655

She was sort of a peace maker that saw the best in most everyone and cut through the bullshit. There is a reason everyone flocked to her in Paris.

>> No.19278661
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>> No.19278698

Do you like Gertrude Stein butterfly?

>> No.19278744 [DELETED] 

Someone needs to write a book called The Stein Era

>> No.19278795

From what I hear, no.

>> No.19278968
