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19269284 No.19269284 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books destroying the modern emphasis on Eastern spiritualties? I feel like their influence has been growing lately in many forms - obvious new-age amazon boxes, Guenon shilling, all religions are the same, Jesus Christ was just a teacher, etc.

>> No.19269564

>I put "any other books" in the post so I can pretend it's a /lit/ thread

>> No.19269617

Is this the new shape of guenonfaggotry

>> No.19269951
File: 49 KB, 851x830, 51XvtNdBopL._AC_SL1001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Fr. Seraphim say about the nintendoization of male society? Is video gaming also a form of control, because you are trained to do sinful activities without thinking much about it.
I recently noticed that when playing minecraft I did not want to steal from the villager. When I became Christian, I see it as an evil activity distancing me from God. But for the Nintendo-male it is easy to do anything and justify anything so long as it is "just a video game". Same with movies and cartoons or animes. I have really lost interest in almost all media now that I think about it.

>> No.19270012

can't wait for demonfag to tell us that nintendo is DEMOMIC

>> No.19270021

I think that goes without saying, anon.

>> No.19270022

Japan can certainly be acknowledged as shilling paganism and occultism among Western youth

>> No.19270045
File: 203 KB, 1013x752, Fr._Elias_Wen_with_St._John_of_Shanghai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is in a weird state, and the Far East in general.
I feel like in a few centuries they might convert to Christianity if they go deep enough and see how evil the other ideologies are. Right now their interest in Christianity is surface level (see basic anime references mixing Christ with gnosticism), but there have been smaller communities of both Chinese and Japanese which were genuine Christians.
Korea is a weird place too with its shilling of megachurches. I guess it is just an accelerated view of what happens when religion is commoditized and introduced in a society which already has no higher values.

>> No.19270161
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I think it's because meditation, mindfulness, etc. are techniques that directly alter consciousness, but the type advertised by oligarchs is meant to orient consciousness down, not up. Consider the objects of these meditations. Today's YT videos, Ama-zen boxes, etc. always have soothing female voices, white noise, lofi beats, and other stuff that the Hindus would consider "tamas", the element of inertia and sluggishness. The other two elements are "rajas" (energy, restlessness) and "sattva" (luminous stability, divinity), which of course modern oligarchs don't want their serfs to experience. Hence they leave out rajasic practices as might be found in the samurai Rinzai sect of Zen or the evocative Vajrayana branches, and they certainly leave out the sattvic practices as in Theravāda Buddhism or in Patañjali's yoga-sutras. As examples of each: samurai archery, homa fire ritual, the kasina of the sky, the contemplation of the soul (atmān). Do you think any of those would foster the drowsy, drone-like attitude these elites want?

>> No.19270226

This. I think it's notable that most of these techniques are variations on the theme of "guided" meditation, rather than things which would foster self-discipline, joy or insight without the use of consumer technology.
>"sattva" (luminous stability, divinity), which of course modern oligarchs don't want their serfs to experience
People in genuine states of equilibrium or bliss don't tend to be as intimidated by their HR supervisors, I would think.

>> No.19270247

What is it called when you see any phenomenon as some kind of Elite Master plan?

>> No.19270305
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>What is it called when you see any phenomenon as some kind of Elite Master plan?
Spiritual insight. The last few centuries have been part of one big Satanic rebellion against God. The Enlightenment, Liberalism, Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, National Socialism, Atheism, Anarchism, Darwinism, sexual liberation, feminism, etc. are all Satanic in the most literal sense.

>> No.19270315
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>>What is it called when you see any phenomenon as some kind of Elite Master plan?
>Spiritual insight.

>> No.19270369

I believed this nonsense for a while. I thought Jesus was just a yogi because I had read a lot of out of context quotes from the Gospel of John and similar places that Hindus would post about constantly (“I and the Father are one”, etc.) I think it that a lot of this comes down to not taking the Biblical material seriously. When I actually began to read the Bible and see how connected Jesus was with the OT and its prophecies, I realized that the essence of Jesus teachings was purely Jewish in origin, and that Hindus and Buddhists used the out-of-context quotes of Jesus in an attempt to make Westerners like their religions more. Of course I eventually became a Christian though. I think that Hindu ideas are popular because they appeal to pride and ego even though they say they are about destroying false ego. In many Hindu teachings you are God at your deepest essence, or have the ability to cultivate magical powers or to be reincarnated as a deva or other powerful beings. It’s not hard to see how this can be ego-driven. They say that you can literally become JUST like Jesus if you get good enough at yoga, you can become ‘one’ with the Father. Also, the ideas of reincarnation and the like lessen the fears of hell and the lessen the importance of this one precious life God has given us. Ultimately Eastern ideas are a pagan trojan horse within Christianity. The way to whoring among strange gods and worshiping idols.

>> No.19270384

I have yet to see an "Eastern" "spiritual" "guru" type that didn't come off as a conman.

>> No.19270398

I’ve noticed that even white ISCKON gurus look like creeps. I don’t know what causes it.

>> No.19270455

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