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/lit/ - Literature

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19266554 No.19266554 [Reply] [Original]

>restarts the entirety of western culture after the solar flare sends us into the Stone Age

>> No.19266566

I almost didn't recognize it, it used to be ordered by size

>> No.19266570

It’s by genre now

>> No.19266577

there are several anons here who, if they were forced to, could make a considerably cultural library just by combining their libraries.
I wonder what happened to all of Rapture1's books now that he's dead

>> No.19266599
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There are no material science catalogues
Get fucked

>> No.19266680

I’ve got Newton’s Principia, a pocket book on the periodic elements, and the Pythagorean sourcebook coming soon for reference. I already have Euclid’s Elements.

I know that isn’t material sciences but it covers as much as I see fit seeing as how scientists are kikes.

>> No.19266753

>Warhol / Chris Chan
He isn't dead

>> No.19266755

He compares their arrested development, obsession with childish things, complete lack of awareness of actual art, and obsessive hoarding habits. He proposes they are of the same archtype.

>> No.19266761
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Please try and not be too impressed, I’ll go easy on you guys


>> No.19266764

>He isn't dead

>William Donald Summers Pennington, 32, passed away on Saturday, August 28, 2021 at Georgetown University Hospital.
>William continued work on his dissertation and other academic projects alongside ongoing cancer treatments. One such project is The Pykewater Library, an online platform for sharing reading lists, knowledge guides, and other resources to "democratize knowledge worth knowing."

>> No.19266765
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If it’s easier for you all, I can explain to you exactly what these books are, I wouldn’t want to make you think too hard


>> No.19266769
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A lot of people ask me, “Bartholomew, how ever did you find the time to read all these books and live in a wonderful sea-view apartment on the top floor?”

Answer in next post, stay tuned


>> No.19266775
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Answer continued here, in this post.

I would tell them “Verily, I doth protest the lady does too much! I simply do not partake ins’t the reading of literaturism”


>> No.19266785

NTA but you should at least keep a copy of Gray’s Anatomy in a library preparing for societal collapse

>> No.19266792
File: 3.23 MB, 2792x3935, 63788E2F-DF21-437A-859E-3EAFAF36C44C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on guys, the end is almost near.

Please do not miss me too much or ask for an encore. As Wordsworth once said, “The show must end when it ends, and then the show will stay in your mind until you go home and tell your friends.”


>> No.19266794

It’s right there

>> No.19266800

Oh fuck. I knew he was a cancer survivor, but I am sad to hear this. I was on his website a few weeks ago and it doesn't say anything about it. The last contact I had with him was in March. Was there a thread on lit about it? Were you in his discord or something?

>> No.19266802
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On second thought I might sell all these books for weed and pocket knives

6/6 (books without spine text)

>> No.19266806

Excuse me please, focus your attention to I, the original poster of this thread

>> No.19266816

I admit that I am impressed.

>> No.19266819

How’s you’re relationship with the governor?

>> No.19266827

I've never seen someone so interested in the aesthetics of reading

>> No.19266833

You can call me the dark academia king

>> No.19266851

No, I only found out by word of mouth from another anon after I asked about him a couple weeks ago. There wasn't a sticky or any kind of announcement here as far as I know, not sure about what happened on his Discord

>> No.19266854

Some "collection" you have—no /lit/ Annotated Moby-Dick visible anywhere

>> No.19266862

>Human Action
>Bell Curve
Yeah you're going to stay in the Stone Age LMAO

>> No.19266865
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Feelsbadman. He was a great part of this board. I will miss him

>> No.19266876

Thankfully. I hope every circuit board is fried permanently and all the tech workers starve to death and nobody remembers how to build this shit

>> No.19266885

Wow, you do have no taste at all!

>> No.19266890

I’m cooler than ALL of /lit/

>> No.19266921
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Yeah, I'd only talked to him on here a couple times, never met him IRL, never knew much about him or anything like that and I was still really sad when I found out he died. RIP

>> No.19267278


>> No.19267667


>> No.19267674

We wont' be able to read it if we're back in to the stone age

>> No.19267708

It’s really fucking easy to teach white children how to read

>> No.19267849

Enviable library anon. Tell us more about it. How long have you been building it? What percentage of the volumes have you read? Are you an academic? I'm curious about your approach. It seems very focused.

>> No.19267859

> I find your nest
> I kill and eat you (sorry but this is The Road scenario)
> Burn your library after remembering this thread
Anprim gang

>> No.19267913

High school dropout. I’ve read maybe 4 books on that entire shelf across 10 years

>> No.19268699


>> No.19268769
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Yeah, okay, but are you reading them?
These two, specifically.

>> No.19268776

I have proven in many threads that you don’t read books. You use my picture all the time and I already doxed you in another thread. Kill yourself dyke.

Also no, I like I said, I don’t read these books. I like to read magazines at the grocery store

>> No.19268778

I think I can now say that I have the best shelf on /lot/, and I’m the dumbest person here.

>> No.19268799

>like I said, I don’t read these books. I like to read magazines at the grocery store
Ah, okay. Didn’t see it before. Well, no need to be so salty, enjoy your night, Puget Man

>> No.19268973

why do you put yourself through this, butterfly? i'm just a parasite here to find shit i'd not find anywhere else (i think you may have put braudels structures of everyday life on my radar in a post of yours to someone else). from time to time i wonder why you stick around despite everyone here being so cruel to you

>> No.19268976

Kill yourself

>> No.19268998

How many of these have you actually managed to read?

>> No.19269044


>> No.19269103

Rest in peace, Rapture1. Such a loss

>> No.19269109

Whats the pengion classic next to The Human Action?

>> No.19269110

His discord is still functional, though pretty inactive, if you're on it post and help keep it going!

>> No.19269126

>ALL translations
I gotta be honest anon, I'm not impressed. I'm feeling generous though so I'll give you a light 4

>> No.19269128

Shut up dyke
Thats not even your picture

>> No.19269140

How many languages do you speak on a level that you could flawlessly read and understand any text

>> No.19269150

I’ll go and learn 8 languages fluently enough to study deep philosophy and poetry. Definitely won’t take me fucking yeeeeaaars before I even get to those books.

>> No.19269157

Make your own spines

>> No.19269167

The futurist manifesto was edited by me into an appropriate format with new fonts, and hand bound with traditional book binding techniques by my ex at her university. The doctrine of fascism had its cover ripped off and rebound with a manilla envelope cut to size

>> No.19269169

English, French, Italian, Spanish and German
>Definitely won’t take me fucking yeeeeaaars before I even get to those books
So? You've got your entire life to read those books. Put in the work and learn some other languages

>> No.19269182

Great shelf, thesenare the kind of books I mainly read
Needs more philosophy tho, you're lacking most of the tradition. No German Idealism at all, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schelling. No Nietzsche or Schopenhauer either. Only Being and Time, no Husserl, Brentano, Twardovski, Berkeley. Only Fear and Trembling from Kierkegaard. No Aquinas, no Islamic philosophy, no Luther either. Good library but this wouldn't restart western civilisation
>No slavic languages

>> No.19269187
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It is now

>> No.19269193
File: 230 KB, 1200x1608, Zzzzzzzzzblep_b95f84_9026892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cat

>> No.19269205

Look again

Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Aquinas. Husserl, Avicenna, Al-farabi, Averroes, Luther and much more are on my list once I buy/read them.

>> No.19269208

Sorry, the first sentence was listing what IS on my shelf.

>> No.19269309
File: 1.44 MB, 3200x2136, 25F53293-F697-4A37-92CC-C713892FEAD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP. Did you happen to take this picture?

>> No.19269311

No, but that’s left bank books, which is down the street from me

>> No.19269604

>Nobody is illegal
National sovereignty wont be questioned

>> No.19269608
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Guess that im blind then, genuinely haven't seen them but i really did just throw a look at the pics so i only have myself to blame

>> No.19269615

I added Berkeley to my reading list because of you, so thanks

>> No.19269623
File: 252 KB, 1840x1840, hideo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas really b out here talkin bout "restarting western culture" and they no cap be sleeping on the single most important book in the entire canon

>> No.19269829
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creatively purging every mediocre book before the collapse is the final redpill

>> No.19270595

Nations don’t real. Individual sovereignty is all that can bring freedom

>> No.19270658

I’m pretty confident I have the best shelves of any poster on this board. Too bad I’m a pseud who doesn’t read.

>> No.19271398

>literally every race and nationality represented in your shelves
>not a single black author

>> No.19272894


>> No.19273320
File: 3.19 MB, 4031x3023, 724E9D6A-D76E-47FE-95F9-847D54D1C8F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The room and it’s view are the best part.
You may be a pseud, but you make enough for such a nice place.
Your book collection is bizarre though. Lots of contradictory tastes, a dash of pseud memer books. Not the worst, but not the best either.

Bump for the attention whore.

>> No.19273379 [DELETED] 
File: 3.80 MB, 4032x3024, 8361EE2F-1F6C-445E-A5CC-B1F484F5637E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came back from the thrift store

>> No.19273400

define "mediocre"

>> No.19273501

>I have the best shelves
See >>19269126

>> No.19273538

That poster wasn’t me. And I’m being obnoxiously ironic in every post before this one

>> No.19273910

thing that I dont like.
but being serious I think a mediocre book is one that fails to develop its own idea and is just a more or less meaningless presentation of data non fiction or fiction. if you used history books as an example it would mean the difference between an annal and a 'history' proper. if its not worth reading more than once or if its ideas are already developed better in another book then its probably mediocre

>> No.19274495

This is what I imagine every upper middle class onions guzzler's library looks like.

>> No.19274509

Not a single good book in sight

>> No.19275165
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Rapture seemed like a midwit centrist but he had a good heart, that's not common and it's worth more than intelectual prowess.
He shouldn't have died, we needed him.

>> No.19275590

F. Poor guy was always too excitable and pretensions for his own good, but he did contribute to a number of memorable /lit/ threads. RIP and prayers to his family.

>> No.19275623

I am nowhere near as impressed with myself as Rapture was, but I will try to do my part to fill the void he leaves here.

>> No.19275888

It’s literally a far-left bookstore

>> No.19276786
File: 237 KB, 1000x1503, bookcase victorian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bookcase is made out of cardboard. At least buy an antique one made of walnut or mahogany with tasteful carvings, you child.

>> No.19276803


>> No.19276813

Wood contains lignin and acids which will leech into your books and cause the paper to become yellowed and brittle and eventually fall apart

The cheap veneered cardboard bookshelves (Ikea-style) are unironically the best solution for home book storage

Obviously metal would be better and that is what is used in all professional archiving, but it is expensive and looks like shit in your home

>> No.19276825

This is awful. Probably some mid 19th century American woodwork larping as an antique

>> No.19276871

I would love to have something like that but I don’t have $700 to drop on 4 bookshelves each. That’s $2800 for something I already have.

>> No.19276876

This is interesting, didn’t know this

>> No.19276941

Now I feel bad for making fun of him for being bald and dying. I've never doubted his sincerity or his good intentions but he was so far up his ass that I would probably do it again if he were to somehow resurrect.

>> No.19277072

It's from Great Britain as far as I can tell.

>> No.19277079

You can buy liners to prevent this from happening.

>> No.19277150
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nothing to see here, just a janny cleaning up OP's mess

>> No.19277156
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>> No.19277167
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>> No.19277176
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>> No.19277183
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also I can't help but notice how clean most of the books are. Do you actually read them OP?

>> No.19277298

I do. But I also don’t take them outside my home and I hold them calmly. That copy of The Glass Bees was in jail with me for 4 months and was haphazardly thrown into a mesh laundry bag on my train ride back from jail. Still looks brand new. I take care of my things. I also don’t crack spines; do I have to angle the book to see the inner text? Sometimes, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make to be able to pass these on to my children someday.

>> No.19277542
File: 250 KB, 543x710, 130297F9-857B-4D51-8CE7-036B8AFB736A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Oera Linda Book
Incredibly based

>> No.19277552

How many books do you have total?

>> No.19277555

no bible

>> No.19277588
File: 171 KB, 397x558, vgbjn,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are missing this based volume big guy

>> No.19277615


What's your grip strength at? Must be rough plucking out the bottom book

>> No.19277758

It’s literally the second book on my shelf. Look again.

>> No.19278113

Very nice. Although I would argue you need more Spanish and Latin American literature. Like, El Cid, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Borges, etc.

>> No.19278257

Thomas Sowell is alright.

>> No.19278279

No Evola?
Carl Schmitt?

>> No.19278571

I have almost every Evola book. You’re the third person to ask why something’s not there without looking first

>> No.19279864

I'm a lazy cunt.

>> No.19279904

Who the fuck would want to bring that shit back?

>> No.19279917

But seriously. Very nice collection.
Are you a fan of Academic Agent? (youtuber)
He recently had several videos on Evola.
And also has a chapter in a book review every week which I think you would like.

>> No.19280440

I don’t watch YouTubers

I have Cervantes on my list, but now I have the rest of your recs on my to-read/buy list. I usually get an author’s most famous work and then buy more if I like what they threw down.

>> No.19281404

What are your favourites?

>> No.19281418

Propaganda by Elull, The Holographic Universe, The Glass Bees, Aeschylus, The Gnostic Gospels/Nag Hammadi Library, etc

>> No.19281461

If some event really does shutdown all technology, and somehow destroy every book except the ones in your shelf, specialists in fields such as math and most sciences can replicate the basic tenants of the field with relative ease. For example with the former, the rudimentary axioms and essential theorems are all easy enough to have been memorised by mathematicians. We'd be a set back a handful of decades at absolute most
social sciences like history, literature, and philosophy will suffer the most, the thousands of pages of details and all the hundreds of manuscripts are lost forever.

>> No.19281481
File: 3.81 MB, 2885x3347, 1D73238A-A9AD-4B96-A93A-2930FAF55264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my list is finished I feel that I will have the Noah’s Ark of world literature and philosophy.


>> No.19281489
File: 3.54 MB, 2902x3271, 70E89C28-1D93-4827-BB4D-F426E034F940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course some will be missed, but the seminal texts will survive.


>> No.19282303

I hope he's in a better place, though it would have been nice if he had spent some of his millions on something for the anons here.

>> No.19282397

Cool shelf, my man. We're very close politically. Have you read Deleuze? There's this guy on Twitter doing a far-right reading of him so I think he'll get read more in our circles.

>> No.19282690 [DELETED] 

All well and good but actually applying all that info to something practical would be the challenge

>> No.19282894

Literally on my shelf, why can’t anyone survey the books before asking

>> No.19283132

>Mein Kampf
Fuck off, Chud

>> No.19283280
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>> No.19283303

Could you give some more recommendations? I know most of the books on your shelf and have read a fraction of them, what are some which are easy to pickup or especially interesting
I put The glass bees on my reading list since if anything I find it interesting how its a self insert and ahead of its time

>> No.19283348

Moja Borba?

>> No.19283349

Chaos by Tom O’Neill is amazing.
Evola’s Eros, In Praise of Older Women, also good.

I could recommend a lot of philosophy but it’s just the Greeks.

>> No.19283435

Thanks lad, great library btw

>> No.19283518

>western culture
>popol vuh

>> No.19283823

Western culture is responsible for the popul vuh surviving in any capacity

>> No.19283877

Ah nice