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19266512 No.19266512 [Reply] [Original]

What are some nice books that also adults can enjoy? I really enjoyed the Moomins growing up and the books are really beautiful and have themes that everyone can understand and enjoy, from depression, abuse to friendship and adventure. The Moomins still give me joy to this day and would like pass on that joy to my kids.
Winnie the Pooh, with the Zen of Pooh and the Russian version are similar to the Moomins. Any other good childrens books?

>> No.19266523

Narnia and roald dahl books

>> No.19266530

Bone by Jeff Smith

>> No.19266533

Calvin & Hobbes

>> No.19266537
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Dr Seuss is pretty essential.
Also, the guy who wrote Bloom County wrote a children's Christmas book, and it's awesome, one of my fondest memories from my childhood.

>> No.19266539
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Based Moomin enjoyer

>> No.19266559

>roald dahl books
Narnia is great, I forgot about it, and iv seen Roald dahl mentioned on lit a few times now, thanks for the recommendation
Im not from the anglosphere so never actually read his books as a kid, and ill look up that chrismas book :)

>> No.19266667
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For the artwork mostly

>> No.19266708

"The Phantom Tollbooth" by Norton Juster
My single favorite book when I was a kid

>> No.19266728

Classic fairy tales like brothers Grimm. They're fucked up

>> No.19266779 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 660x581, AA260CF5-DE15-4857-A92E-8E9D7D5D4261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a son, whatever you do, DON'T HAVE HIM CIRCUMCISED. Keep his foreskin intact. It might also be a good idea to avoid hospital births entirely.


>> No.19266824

I had a recommendation but found out that the books are generally seen as untranslatable, so there isn't an English version. There's one in Dutch and Swedish, though.

>> No.19267096 [DELETED] 

I'm not Jewish nor American protestant aka crypto-jew, Jewish slave so I don't support genital mutilation
whats its called? Don't know dutch but I know German so maybe there's a version

>> No.19267145

The Hobbit would be a great decision. Honestly, get your child into Adventure books/Swashbucklers. Robin Hood, King Arthur, The Three Musketeers, etc. They were my favorite books as a child

>> No.19267152

Alice in wonderland makes me cry

>> No.19268263

Beautiful book

>> No.19268565

Hans Christian Andersen is my favorite writer. You have to get the right translation though (its the religious one that mentions god and heaven a lot)

>> No.19268577

how anon

>> No.19270139
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Please do give them these things but also keep your kids as far away from modern media as possible. You cannot compensate one with the other, every second of YouTube or other cancer you let them watch is like a poison and they will stop caring about other things. My brother's kids at this point have literally zero interest in anything except the Super fucking Mario and Minecraft pajeet youtube poop they watch on repeat. They don't care about animals, dinosaurs, or any of the other things I was trying to make them curious about, they have zero attention span. Can you imagine a kid who doesn't give a shit about dinosaurs and can't name 10 animals? I try every now and then to share some of the things I loved as a kid but it's like talking to a wall, they give 0 fucks. It's so depressing and corona made them even worse. Sometimes they talk to me and they say that they have collected the special level of the super mario faggot shit and they made 99999 points in the gay level of fucking enderman steve cancer. I hate this shit so much and I wish I could erase it all from existence.

Back on topic, I loved Richard Scarry as a kid. I had tons of books, peak comfy.

>> No.19271938
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Nutcracker and mouse king by Hoffman. Had it read to me as a toddler, still occasionally see in nightmares.

>> No.19272142
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>They don't care about animals, dinosaurs, or any of the other things I was trying to make them curious about, they have zero attention span
>Can you imagine a kid who doesn't give a shit about dinosaurs and can't name 10 animals?

This is my biggest fear
I have a 3y old niece so she was born before corona and she went absolutely crazy after seeing my turtles and cat, she hasn't seen an animal (except dogs on the street, stray cats, etc.) irl before or touched one. Seeing her filled with joy reminded me of how I was as a kid
I cant imagine what kids that are focused on the digital are going to turn into once they get older, seeing how internet addiction (which also is linked to porn addiction) already creates the most wretched people

>> No.19272238

It relies heavily on wordplays, the usual cause to turn down translations. Dutch and Swedish managed it somewhat, there's also a Japanese translation of the first volume, and the Russians tried it too, although some jokes got lost. Some things had to be changed in other languages, too.
The original is in German and is called "Das Sams" written by Paul Maar. They are fun children's novels that can be enjoyed by adults, too.

>> No.19273221
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my mom read this to me :)

>> No.19273643
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, Hilda-S01E03-afa73ebdeed31724501c906d19c41967-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilda is pretty good, I love the Nordic folklore aspects of it and it's full of adventure.
Her mom is a nice milf too

>> No.19273654

Surprised nobody mentioned The Little Prince yet. It’s been my phone background for almost 5 years now.

>> No.19273672

To Kill A Mockingbird
Good if you have split aged kids, it's accessible, moving, and based in reality.

>> No.19274125

The Wind in the Willows is great.

As a child I read Daulaire's Book of Greek Myths obsessively. It's lightly sanitized, but I could rattle off every major Olympian God by 5 years old and so much has stayed with me. Honestly a great foundation for so much literature. There's a book of Norse myths as well which is pretty good. Also don't be afraid to take them to see plays and the like young. Maybe they'll get bored, but I can still remember bits of a production of the Tempest that I went to when I was 6, and I love it to this day.
Congratulations on the kid.

>> No.19274759

Lame and gay, don't give them this propaganda. No matter how much you give them, nogs will never be up to white standards, that's why they're lowering the standards.

>> No.19274764

The Hobbit

>> No.19274771

Tarka the Otter
And that Salmon book from the same author

>> No.19275037

Here's fifteen: