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1926522 No.1926522 [Reply] [Original]

The Beats

>> No.1926528

who're the two guys behind Burroughs?

>> No.1926533

on the left, Allen Ginsberg
on the right, Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's

>> No.1926538

I really don't understand the beats.

>> No.1926551


What does David Thomas have to do with the beats?

>> No.1926566
File: 18 KB, 300x194, The Beets..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1926579

He bought them kfc chicken.

>> No.1926592


In the 1970s, Wendy's actually hired Ginsberg and Burroughs as "consultants" in their attempt to overtake McDonald's.

Ginsberg's advice was to suggest a vegetarian pickle-patty on an all-wheat bun, called the "Big Zen". Whereas Burroughs suggested either (a) making the meat pattys in the shape of an anus and infusing them with liquid amphetamine, or (b) making them square. Dave Thomas opted for the latter, and the rest is history.

Ironically, Thomas had hired Burroughs because he felt fast food should live up to WSB's definition of heroin: "the product that sells itself".

>> No.1926602
File: 21 KB, 298x417, dave-thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here he is, offering up the famous "Wendy's Naked Lunch Combo".

>> No.1926611

Regardless of whether this is true or not (I can't tell), it's hilarious.

>> No.1926615

hmmm I'd love a Mc Donalds right now.

>> No.1926620

I agree.

>> No.1926640

Phillip Whalen

>> No.1926660

10/10 post

>> No.1926748
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>> No.1926759

much of the beats' ideas and what they stood for have become assimilated into pop culture. Going "against the man" is mainstream and has been neutered by all those anarchy t-shirts and marketing campaigns that promise an individual anti-society lifestyle.

Or they have been demonized. The proud hobo has been turned into The Ugly Hobo That You Will Become If You Fail In Society

>> No.1926773
File: 376 KB, 705x1000, burroughs_19700014266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Billy Burroughs, in his prime.

>> No.1926796

Shit. My brain won't stop reading in Burroughs' voice.

>> No.1926807


I wish I talked like him. It is truly the voice of the anti-anxiety man.

>> No.1928604


christ that was a good post. this deserves a bump.

>> No.1928612
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More like Betas amirite

>> No.1928619
File: 21 KB, 255x275, neal-cassady-1-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unsettling thing to me is that they were all experimenting with homosexuality. Even the straight ones. Pic related, the true inspiration of counter-culture literature and society for almost two decades.

>> No.1928622

"the Job"

Intereviews with Burroughs. His ideas are more interesting than his writing, I think...

>> No.1928628


Why is that so unsettling to you? Are you a little unsure of your own sexuality? Daddy touch you down there and you're not sure if you liked it, that sort of thing?

>> No.1928649


>> No.1928661

Not at all. It just seemed to be a type of a put on. Kerouac and Cassady were definitely straight, and yet they were dabbling in homosexual experiences. Unsettling because there didn't seem to be any point.

Other than to satisfy Ginsberg's perversions.

>> No.1928665



Aah. I see. Perversions.

So was it daddy who touched you in your special area, or another family member? Maybe an uncle or a stepbrother?

>> No.1928667

isn't having fun a point in itself?

>> No.1928907

“In homosexual sex you know exactly what the other person is feeling, so you are identifying with the other person completely. In heterosexual sex you have no idea what the other person is feeling.” -William S Burroughs

>> No.1928909

I saw Ginsbergs cock destroy the tightest buttholes of my generation.

>> No.1928913


They did it because they enjoyed it.

>> No.1928922

It's Philip Whalen

>> No.1928928

>definitely straight


>> No.1928939

>Kerouac a member of the beats.

No. He was the guy who hung around with the cool kids then in college told the stories of the cool kids like it was him.

>> No.1928953

That's why On the Road is considered the bible of the beat generation? It may seem like he only hung around with them, but he documented everything that happened from an outside perspective. Like he was looking in to the group even though he was part of it.

>> No.1928962

on the road details a lot of the beat culture, but if you actually read it? kerouac is just telling stories of all the people he met who were cooler than him. On The Road brought beat to the masses, that's ALL.

>> No.1928964

It's hard to classify the Beat Generation as a true movement because everyone had their own ideas and there was never anything unified. Kerouac was just an American Romantic in the classic tradition of Whitman or Emerson who lived with his mom and didn't really give a rat's ass about politics and was actually quite conservative. The only thing he wanted to do was write novels and poetry like musicians wrote bop music. About the only thing that unifies any of the Beats is that they knew each other and they all liked jazz.

>> No.1928969


Burroughs didn't give a fuck about jazz.

>> No.1928970


They also enjoyed copious amounts of drugs.

Also, I'm so sick of the beat movement. Let is go away. Go away, neo-beats, go away decadents. It's time to sound a new call.

>> No.1928972

If you want to talk about anyone who doesn't belong in the Beat Generation it's Burroughs. I don't think Burroughs belongs in anything.

>> No.1928971


Eat shit, Updike.

>> No.1928977

I agree to an extent. I wouldn't say forget about it, but people in Universities all worship them. I am personally a student now and nobody I know is interested in writing anything besides carbon copies of beat style writing. I like Ginsberg as much as anyone else, but it's time to move on to a new movement.

>> No.1928978


He's the fulcrum of the beats.

>> No.1928979


I've never read anything by Updike. In fact, I thoroughly dislike most American literature post 1940.

>> No.1928981


Eat shit, George Lincoln Rockwell.

>> No.1928990

Where does J.G ballard fall in the beat movement, because he's always sucking burroughs dick, and burroughs is always sucking his.

>> No.1928995

I think he's considered an associate of the beats.

>> No.1928999


No he isn't, he's an Englishman who began writing seriously about twenty years later. Pay attention.

>> No.1929001

That's why I said associate. He knew them years after the beats were roaming and active.

>> No.1929015


You are retarded. He never actually knew them he just read burroughs shit and was inspired by it and incorporated their ideas into his work.

He never met or pal'd around with them.

>> No.1931260

Uh, for the people in this thread who are pretending Jack Kerouac was straight.....you might want to read Gore Vidal's autobiography (Palimpsest).

>> No.1931270


I think he met Burroughs a few times, but this is basically correct.

>> No.1931273