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/lit/ - Literature

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19264986 No.19264986 [Reply] [Original]

>Mummer’s Farce

>> No.19264987

>Fummer's Marce

>> No.19264988

Poison was a woman's weapon like as not, though a flagon of fine Dornish sour red sat flanked by two stone cups in the bedchamber. "A sellsword is loyal only to his purse, but a Lannister always pays his debts," said the fiery-haired whore as she unlaced his sleeveless leather jerkin, after which he spent himself inside her with three quick thrusts.

>> No.19264989


>> No.19264990

>the more she drank

>> No.19264991

>He broke his fast

>> No.19264992

All it’s missing are some lobstered gauntlets

>> No.19264993

>stretched his legs

>> No.19264994

>If I look back I am lost

>> No.19264995

>it was all she could do to not blah blah blah
*two pages later*
>it was all he could do to not etc etc

>> No.19264996

>“Cunt!” he roared each time he struck
at her, his spittle dampening her cheeks. “Cunt! Cunt!”

>> No.19264997
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>sweet sister
>mine own
>if needs be
>needs must
>would that I could
>in his cups
>mummer's farce
>like as not
>with child
>a man grown
>on the morrow
>three and ten
>words are wind
>dark wings, dark words
>the horse whickered
>near enough to make no matter
>a flagon of Dornish sour red
>as useless as nipples on a breastplate
>poison is a woman's weapon
>he broke his fast
>swimming in butter
>grease dripped down his chin

>> No.19264998
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>read all 5 books
>even started that stupid Targ book that was as thrilling as the dictionary
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.19264999

why hasn't an AI just written twow yet?

>> No.19265000

I just finished watching the series. It was great. I KNEW watching that the books were for dorks.

>> No.19265001

The first 3 books are kino, peak comfy fantasy. Dumb redditor

>> No.19265002

Quick run down on Game of Thrones? Are the books really that good?

>> No.19265003

Yes they are. Highly recommend, even if you’re not into reading you should do the audiobooks. Be warned that the quality of both the books themselves and the narration takes a nosedive after A Storm of Swords.

>> No.19265004
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Don't listen to this anon >>19265003. See image, just replace HP with GoT. Same sentiment.

>> No.19265005
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>NOOOOOO you can’t just listen to The Beach Boys on your morning commute, don’t you know you could spend this 20-minute car ride listening to Wagner instead?
Just shut the fuck up

>> No.19265006

>and half again
>mine own

>> No.19265007

begone Satan. See how the devil lulls you into complacency?

>> No.19265008
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Yes and no.
Books 1-3 are pretty good, getting better as time goes on. As mentioned here, 3 is the high point and it doesn't hit it again. In fact, you'll likely get sick of reading such boring crap about characters you don't like and give up in book 4. If you persevere like a stubborn fool, you'll get rewarded with book 5, which isn't bad, and ends "promising" the series has been worth it, that 6 and 7 will be great reads!
But since book 6 never, I cannot in good faith recommend the books. If you watched the show, that's fine. Don't torture yourself anymore.

>> No.19265009

more like mummers arse haha

>> No.19265010


>> No.19265011

They're ok but they can feel a chore to read at times
Also don't read past the third book unless you are super invested, A Dance with Dragons is objectively bad

>> No.19265012
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Maario Naharis

>> No.19265013
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>Is that a Daenerys chapter?

>> No.19265014

Pretty based, although when Barristan takes over mereen the storyline immediately becomes more fun

>> No.19265015
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“Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.”

― George R.R. Martin

>> No.19265016

Man the creator of this is either a master troll or the biggest numpty.
>Every one of these texts are
Terrible spelling and grammar.

>> No.19265017
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, GOD DAMN IT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid millions to shitpost and then do nothing
I envy George, that fat fuck.

>> No.19265018

No. No they are not. They're excrement, and I don't say that lightly. I've been reading and enjoying what other people call trash all my life. I've read over 50 Star Trek paperbacks. I've read L. Ron Hubbard's Mission Earth decalogy. But GRRM is a step too far even for me.
>>19264997 is an accurate example of a page of text from GRRM, except the author has a blatant and easily detected fascination with children's nipples.

>> No.19265019


Whoever you are quoting, they are right and very based

>> No.19265020

Good luck on your AP Government midterm

>> No.19265021

and that's a good thing

>> No.19265022

this guy gets around

>> No.19265023


>> No.19265024

A Feast for Crows is boring but good. A Dance with Dragons is kino

>> No.19265025

I read the books as a teenager so I'd always stick around for the Daenerys chapters in case there was something to jack off to.

>> No.19265026

the first 2 are great

>> No.19265027

>Be warned that the quality of both the books themselves and the narration takes a nosedive after A Storm of Swords

What's wrong with after A Storm of Swords?

>> No.19265028

>the boomer fair

>> No.19265029

You forgot
Which is a real word but he used it quite a bit over the five books.
The reason Craster snapped out was because he was called a niggard, not a bastard.

>> No.19265030

he got cucked by his friend in college and never got over it after decades that his love dumped him but they still wanted to be 'friends'

>> No.19265031

after, not in

>> No.19265032

Words are wind; as useful as nipples on a breastplate

>> No.19265033

I daydream about a parallel reality where shitting and pissing and all that were acceptably displayable acts in media, where we would have gotten a live action remake of that scene with Emilia clarke shitting her heart out on the big screen

>> No.19265034

>meat and mead

>> No.19265035

Where do whores go?

>> No.19265036

You forgot
>break his/her fast
(for merry lee's shmucks)

>> No.19265037


>> No.19265038

>You forgot
>>break his/her fast
3rd from the bottom

>> No.19265039

>needs must
>with child
Nothing wrong with these in the right context, rest are retarded.

>> No.19265040

Same. Her getting fingered by her Dothraki maids was kino.

>> No.19265041

Imagine how humiliating it would be for her to have fake shit forced up her arse before each take and then for her to squeeze it out repeatedly until her arse hole was visibly red raw on camera

>> No.19265042

I'd rather just reread Harry Potter again

>> No.19265043
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>> No.19265044

>read canterbury tales because of one of these meme images
>first story is a pretty neat pseudo-greek tragedy
>therefore have pretty high expectations going into the next ones
>they're basically all medieval adult looney tunes episodes completely obsessed with cuckholding
never listening to /lit/ again

>> No.19265045

aside from some of the phrases like
>swimming in butter
>grease dripped down his chin
>dark wings, dark words
being used too often i dont see anything wrong with these. i rather have unusual expressions that are common in that world/setting than plain modern english

>> No.19265046

How about the horrible linguistics on the namys? Er I mean names.

>> No.19265047
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>> No.19265048

This is the worst along with "nuncle", "serjeant" and other mispellings. Just use normal English names for the Westerosi and keep the weird fantasy names for Targaryens/foreigners.

>> No.19265049

I always found Ser Jamie rather than Sir Jamie to be annoying. Also the name Jamie is more working class than aristocratic.

>> No.19265050

honestly just watch the show then watch Alt Shift X

>> No.19265051

that’s an actual spelling of the word though

>> No.19265052

I wish Cersei turned Sansa into her personal chamber pot maid.

>> No.19265053

serjeant is old norman stuff that is more appropriate to the setting and feel of the text

>> No.19265054
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>> No.19265055

american tolkien is unironically the right thing to call him. as america is a mentally retarded, obese, shit-obsessed mongrel shade of the UK, so is GRRM one of Tolkien.

>> No.19265056

this is why Stephen King did the right thing by making the hero of his fantasy epic a literal cowboy.
GRRM is a showbiz guy, his idea of how to write ye olde english is retarded.

>> No.19265057

>King Norwin Lannister, "the Niggardly", who was not known for his openhandedness.

>> No.19265058

The first three are then they start to lose steam

>> No.19265059

based and true

>> No.19265060

>sopping wet

>> No.19265061

Cercei, Jaime and the Ironborn POVs were the only saving grace of AFFC

>> No.19265062
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Jaime's chapters in ASOS and AFFC (and the one in ADWD) are the best thing in the books, i re-read them once every 1-2 years
god, when will the fat fuck release Winds, i just want closure on the Jaime storyline

>> No.19265063

>Nimble Dick
>Randall Tarly
>Hyle Hunt
>Septon Meribald
>The Elder Brother
Brienne's chapters are very enjoyable.

>> No.19265064
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>> No.19265065

lol I got so tired of new characters getting introduces like quentin so I skipped these chapters

>> No.19265066

>i just want closure on the Jaime storyline
I know it's a weird piece of advice, considering we're on /tv/, but just watch the show, retard.

>> No.19265067

>watch the steaming pile that has nothing to do with the book storyline
brilliant piece of advice, friend

>> No.19265068

Harry Potter is better than most of these unironically.
Only Homer stuff holds up well.

>> No.19265069

fuck bros, what could have been...

>> No.19265070

why would it be fake, wouldn’t it be way cheaper just do have the real deal

>> No.19265071

>i just want closure on the Jaime storyline
Will get free from Lady Stoneheart, go back to King's Landing when everyone finds out about FAegon, then he finds Cersei on the Throne and he kills her while the Golden Company sacks KL and kills Tommen

>> No.19265072

>then he finds Cersei on the Throne and he kills her while the
why would he do that though

>> No.19265073

He broke his fast on quails eggs before unsheathing his cock, which jutted from his breeches like a fat pink mast. The whore was sopping wet when he entered her, and it was not long before he had spilled his seed all over her breasts. The wench seemed disappointed, exclaiming that his flaccid member was as useful than nipples on a breastplate. Suddenly, he felt a great movement within his bowels. Those damned quails eggs! He rushed to find his chamber pot but by then it was too late. He shat brown water all over his fine satin pillows.

>> No.19265074

I read this entire thread in Roy Dotrice's voice

>> No.19265075

To ensure that each stool is looser than the last. It would be possible to do it for real by controlling emelias diet, but that would only give you the one take and the cute position of her eyebrows may not be captured when she makes her painful shitting face

>> No.19265076

What would you even feed her?

>> No.19265077

It's spelt Jaime too, not Jamie

>> No.19265078


>> No.19265079

>Jaime's chapters in ASOS and AFFC (and the one in ADWD) are the best thing in the books
best character in book and show, hands down

>> No.19265080

She's crazy, the city is falling, maybe she's actually gonna be the one to kill Tommen

>> No.19265081

>Life is short!
>Dies a virgin.

>> No.19265082

We’d have to consult the architect on that one.

>> No.19265083

>“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them.
>“We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered.
>“Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell.
>“When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.”
>“Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.”
>“I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”
>“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.
>“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.”
>“Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell.
>“But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.”
>“Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm.
>“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold.
>Ned’s wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three.
>“And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.
>“No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”
>Lord Stark.
>I looked for you on the Trident.
>We weren't there.
>Your friend the usurper would lie beneath the ground if we had been.
>The Mad King is dead. Rhaegar lies beneath the ground. Why weren't you there to protect your prince?
>Our prince wanted us here.
>Where's my sister?
>I wish you good fortune in the wars to come. And now it begins.
>No. Now it ends.

>> No.19265084

>make water

>> No.19265085


Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

>> No.19265086

tolkien should've written more lotr

>> No.19265087

Someone went through the manuscript of the last book and his editor had written "jesus christ don't repeat this every other page" next to words are wind.

The fat fuck kept every single instance in.

>> No.19265088

Because she's mad and going to burn everyone. It's like pottery.

>> No.19265089
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She was sopping wet when he entered her. "Damn you," she said. "Damn you damn you damn you." He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world. She forgot Moat Cailin and Ramsay Bolton and his little piece of skin, forgot the kingsmoot, forgot her failure, forgot her exile and her enemies and her husband. Only his hands mattered, only his mouth, only his arms around her, his cock inside her. He fucked her till she screamed, and then again until she wept, before he finally spent his seed inside her womb.

>> No.19265090

Is this Theon's sister? Is that the twink who likes to play it rough fucking her? She has a husband?

>> No.19265091

>"Hodor", said Hodor.

>> No.19265092


Love the books

>> No.19265093
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Why does another culture trigger fa/tv/irgins so much?

>> No.19265094

truly words are wind

>> No.19265095

The only two good audiobooks are the ones read by that girl who can't say half the shit she reads right. Can't stand them read by anyone else now

>> No.19265096

Cool inspiration.

Reminds me how Tolkien was inspired by Doggerland.

>> No.19265097

>In fact, you'll likely get sick of reading such boring crap about characters you don't like and give up in book 4.
I just started skipping chapters in book 4 if the heading was of someone I didnt care about.

>> No.19265098

This, honestly. Why would I bother improving myself for the shortest, least interesting stretch of existence that reality has to offer? Only reason I havent offed myself to start the next step is because I lucked out and found a nice girl and a pet i cant detatch from. We'll see how the kid turns out, but if that goes sour I'm fucking gone-zalez

>> No.19265099


>> No.19265100

Not smart. Especially Sansa and Bran change very fast from boring trash to actually interesting.

>> No.19265101

It’s a shame he went senile after ASoS, I remember starting the AFFC audiobook and thinking “Wait, why does Arya sound like an old woman now? Hang on, why does Dany sound like an old woman? And why the fuck is Tyrion talking like a leprechaun?”

It’s a shame, his narration of the first 3 books is really good

>> No.19265102

Euron has her married by proxy to some 90 year old.

>> No.19265103

>Euron has her married by proxy to some 90 year old.
Ohhhh, I see...
Anyway, it is nice to see gems like "Her cunt became the world"

>> No.19265104

You could easily do this for 4chan as well
and so on. GRRM is dictionary compared to this place

>> No.19265105

I don't really dislike GRRM using old words and weird spellings but it's silly how he comes up with some new saying in the middle of the fifth book and then everyone repeats it in every fucking chapter despite no one using that phrase in the last four books.

>> No.19265106

So where did we leave everyone in the books? The main people at least?

>> No.19265107
File: 163 KB, 768x719, 46DBE716-04E5-47AA-A2A4-AE5883F75D44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STOP saying tranny
>You HAVE TO stop

>> No.19265108

Like the fucking rabbit ears thing Danny said 12 times a chapter

>> No.19265109


>> No.19265110

How bad is his elden ring contribution going to be?

>> No.19265111

I never really skipped them, Arya and Dany were the ones I skipped the most.

>> No.19265112

He did that in ASOS too. He read brienne just like he did the cockney nights watch guy just a chapter before. I wasted an audible credit on that fucking joke of a narrator

>> No.19265113

That's not my point. I'm saying we repeat certain words or phrases a lot, tranny is just an example. Why don't you bring out some synonyms like the flowery purple fuck we all want you to be?

>> No.19265114
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Duncan and Egg is the superior ASOIAF work

>> No.19265115


The two books after the third one are a mishmash of happenings, that just sort of happen. There's very little of consequence to be had. The ending to the 5th one is a highlight tho.

>> No.19265116

it's coherent which is really nice
with asoiaf you always have those chapters that you just skip because they are fucking pointless apart from the fat guy revelling in myth
dunc and egg stories are chad and coming of age stories basically which is really good because masculine values are rare in todays literature
it's either globohomo cuck shit or neocon american comic values of "masculinity" which is distilled insecurity
dunc and egg reads like something you can recall looseley for years to come and make short campfire stories for you children from the fragments you still have

>> No.19265117

Martin wanted to do a time skip between books 3 and 4,that's why you see a bunch of open endings in ASoS, with a bunch of main characters starting their new journeys. But he gave up on that idea halfway through writting it because he couldn't come up with what some of the characters would be doing for five years without noting of notice happening (like Tyrion), This, in turn, made him scrap half of his ideas at that point and start all over again, which explain the longer release date between the books.
The fourth book feels like half of the POVs are filler

>> No.19265118

Tis weak to fire!

>> No.19265119


>> No.19265120
File: 237 KB, 2555x2555, 314410A8-C9CA-413E-9E72-09F905255F87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s another Damphair chapter

>> No.19265121

Was the show ending and pretty much the main points of the last half of the show are Gurm’s idea? Cersei becomes monarch and faegon doesn’t really matter, 20 good men, Arya kills the night king, King Bran?
I heard somewhere that he gave HBO the bullet points and the gist for the ending that he intended, I don’t know how much they changed from what he said

>> No.19265122

>not enjoying shizo kino and euron exposition

>> No.19265123

Probably something like that, but I still expect the books to have done things differently. If grum gave them anything it was just pure bare bones stuff and they still probably cut a lot of characters and plots that are important out to just finish the show.

>> No.19265124

>If grum gave them anything it was just pure bare bones stuff
So what was he doing this whole past 5-6 years?
Just watching them and doing nothing while they fucked it all up?

>> No.19265125

>A smile played across Euron’s blue lips. “I have taken the Silence on longer voyages than this, and ones far more hazardous. Have you forgotten? I have sailed the Smoking Sea and seen Valyria.”
>“Have you?” the Reader asked, so softly.
>Euron’s blue smile vanished.

>> No.19265126

I don't know. I don't think he had even started writing WoW by the time the show started. Maybe he didn't even know by then how it would end, maybe he still doesn't know. Either way they couldn't wait for him to write all this shit out and just did what they wanted with what little he did know just to finish the show. which is sad because it's likely the only ending we're ever going to know

>> No.19265127

the ck2 mod is better than any ending they could possibly make at this point

>> No.19265128
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stabbed and dying, about to warg hard
sunset shitting
vision quest with the three eyed raven far north
slowwwwly setting up some plot in the Vale
Rescued fake Sansa from the Boltons, about to run into Stannis
sitting in the snow, planning to fight the Boltons
Sailing toward Dany with his brand new volcano arm

man this book sucked

>> No.19265129
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>it's another Sam chapter

>> No.19265130

based and rodrikpilled

>> No.19265131

>man this book sucked
Outside of Arya and Meereen, it was alright.

>> No.19265132

(farts loudly)

>> No.19265133

The more she drank, the more she farted.

>> No.19265134

I hate Sam so much it's unreal

>> No.19265135

>turn page
>female pov that isn't asha

>> No.19265136

Is jamie and brie getting hung by stoneheart? What's Arya doing

>> No.19265137

Pretty much non-existent

>> No.19265138

Well, we're getting paid for our shitposts or getting TV adaptations, right? I think a different level of scrutiny is allowed when discussing GRRM's books.

>> No.19265139

What will his family do with his estate once he dies?

>> No.19265140

I have complained about Winds of Winter not being released for 10 years, but I still haven't finished reading Dance. I know what happens, and I don't really intend to finish, but the part of my brain that allows for magical thinking suspects that when I finish this book, he will release the next. I suspect this quite strongly in fact, because a similar thing happened between Feast and Dance. About three days after I finally finished reading Feast, he released Dance. I have the power to stop this. But I will not

>> No.19265141

It's in his will to have it, and all of his notes and completed chapters burned with him.

>> No.19265142

so like 3 pages?

>> No.19265143

Good. Don't.

>> No.19265144

Where's breeches and pink mast.

>> No.19265145


>> No.19265146

>3 pages
You're being very generous with that number

>> No.19265147

I don't think either of them are going to die. Brienne's companions may be goners though.

>> No.19265148

he was that butthurt about the reception to season 8?

>> No.19265149

>An airy confection of Myrish lace.

>> No.19265150


>> No.19265151

>Skipping Cat's chapters
Get a load of this loser

>> No.19265152


>> No.19265153

Yeah they definitely won't die but is that the last place we've heard of them? Us Arya still in bravos

>> No.19265154

as others said, there was supposed to be a timeskip after ASoS and AFFC and ADWD were going to be one giant book. GRRM realized he didn't like doing flashbacks to explain what happened during the skip and had to rewrite a shitload of stuff.

so what happened is AFFC is mostly filler from side characters and ADWD is a fuckton of setup for payoffs that will supposedly happen in winds of winter, but doesn't really conclude anything on its own. which is why fans have gone clinically insane with fan theories over the last 10 years due to all the cliffhangers and lack of resolutions they've been been brooding on.

>> No.19265155

I found it really hot when Cersei began gaining weight and couldn’t fit in her dresses

>> No.19265156

>dotrice pronounces damphair "dam-fair" every single time
annoyed the shit out of me

>> No.19265157


Same but with the show

>> No.19265158

What’s his endgame?

>> No.19265159

>they're basically all medieval adult looney tunes episodes completely obsessed with cuckholding
yeah thats what makes them good, pseud

>> No.19265160

Wrong book

>> No.19265161

Book 1 takes time to get good. Book 2 and 3 are great. Book 4 is partially good (Jaime), book 5 is a drag but has some okay moments.

>> No.19265162

>The shit groaned like a constipated fat man straining to shit.

Top kek people actually compare this hack to Tolkien?

>> No.19265163


>> No.19265242


>> No.19265322

Yes they are. Highly recommend, even if you’re not into reading you should do the audiobooks. Be warned that the quality of both the books themselves and the narration takes a nosedive after A Storm of Swords.

>> No.19265373

>long descriptions of food

even if you've never seen a picture of him, you'd know he was fat

>> No.19265622

t. lying subhuman
you have not even read his books and the fact that you even touched star trek books means your opinions are irrelevant.

>> No.19265776


>> No.19265802

____ ___ ___

>> No.19265834

I'm almost though reading the first book but I can't find the motivation to finish it.
I hate how the chapters are so short; you start off still invested in the last chapter but you force yourself to read the new chapter to get through it and then you start to get invested in that character's story only to have the rug pulled from underneath you a few pages later when you're forced onto some other character.
I feel like I'm getting whiplash reading this book. Also he over uses cliffhangers to the point where it becomes comical, it really feels like your reading a screenplay adapted into a novel like those star wars ones they released alongside the movies.

>> No.19265847

I watched the show but the only book I’ve read is Dance of Dragons. I liked it.

>> No.19265868

Based, also cerseis lesbian scene was kino

>> No.19266019

First three are good. 4th and 5th Is where Martin lost control of his own story and became a clusterfuck impossible to solve.
Keep in mind that at 99% the story Will never be finished, because Martin pretty much gave up

>> No.19266236

You may like Feast for Crows. Slower pace than the other book and is usually considered the worst/most boring, but there's some good in it. Also where the differences between show and books start mounting considerably
The fat fuck George loves writing too much about food in that book though

>> No.19266727

Except he has no notes and/or any completed chapters laying around anywhere.

>> No.19266733
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>like as not, though

>> No.19266968


>> No.19267014

He's released multiple chapters from WoW

>> No.19267103

*leftover chapters that didn't make ADWD

>> No.19267119

Books 1-3 are the best fantasy books ever written. 4 and 5 are mediocre since they're just Martin moving pieces around on a chessboard and all the action is about to happen in book 6

>> No.19267135

I did that too. Fuck Brienne's chapters
Bran isn't in book 4

>> No.19267140

>the best fantasy books ever written
Even if we restrict ourselves to ASOIAF, Fire and Blood and World of Ice and Fire are better.

>> No.19267176

>slowwwwly setting up some plot in the Vale
The people in the Vale know what's going on, the lord's declarent found Sansa's shoe with Lysa's body. Shit is about to get thrown sideways

>> No.19267215

Speaking of, is the dark tower series worth reading?

>> No.19267231


>> No.19267284

Damn that’s a lethal review

>> No.19267347

Sure, but the meta can be tedious (King as King). The Gunslinger (book 1) isn't written in the series style, so expect the begining (book 1) to suck or the sequels (books 2-7) to dip, depending on your preference. They're worth a read, not brilliant, but fun (with a real shit ending).

>> No.19267426

the moment I read that this dumbass gave himself a second middle name to be more like Tolkien, I immediately disregarded anything he ever wrote

>> No.19267510

Give it 30 years or so and they are bound to produce a re-make. Considering the trend of liberalization of what is acceptable in media it wouldn't be insane to imagine a scene like this being put to the screen. Sure it won't be Emilia, but some twenty-something will likely be spewing diarrhea for a shot at an Emmy in a few years time. There is still hope.

>> No.19267511


>> No.19268313

lol I thought I was the only one doing this...

>> No.19269031

Lmfao, that was fucking sardonic !!!

>> No.19269598

How is this shit still alive

>> No.19269657
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>> No.19269691

Did he really think he could get away with this?

>> No.19269726

He even wants to drop dead halfway through his last book just like Tolkien did with the Silmarillion, but he just embarrasses himself as usual waiting to die for thirty years while people call him a fat, lazy hack.