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19264252 No.19264252 [Reply] [Original]

>enter local bookshop
>browse for a long time
>can't find anything good
>feel like I have to buy something before I can leave
Anyone else?

>> No.19264260

>enter local bookshop
>sit down and read for awhile
>have some coffee from my thermos
>put book back and buy nothing
>shoot the shit with the owner for a bit before leaving
What's the problem? I do this at least once a week.

>> No.19264270

Yeah. I have ratty copies of Pilgrim's Progress, Aristo's Ethics and some TS Elliot poetry because of this

>> No.19264272

i work in a bookshop and dont give a fuck lol

>> No.19264290

Obliger personality detected. Thats okay though, try to use the expectations of others to your advantage.

>> No.19264386

i feel you bro I am the same, but try not to give in. Practice doing what you know is right but makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.19264395

All good in theory but I'm not paying $40 just to avoid a random wagie looking at me funny

>> No.19264422

this but without shooting the shit with owner

>> No.19264439

You've just identified a flaw with yourself, and a basic reward for overcoming it. You know what to do.

>> No.19264455

When I go to museums and I find modernist art I didn't ask for (they do this shit all the time, you go see some Romantic shit and they put some modernist hack on the side) I openly talk shit about it to whoever is visiting with me. I explain that it's money laundering and every artist involved is a hack who can't paint, and the purple haired art students seethe because I speak loudly enough that they can hear me but softly enough to make them feel like they're eavesdropping on the conversation. So they look daggers at me while I ignore them and keep talking shit. I even say "degenerate art" hoping they'll pick up the Hitler reference. I also sigh and make gestures of contempt toward the shit on display, and I make sure to express my joy when I'm finally leaving. I also tell the museum staff that someone left some trash around all over the exhibit and they should get someone to pick it up. God I fucking hate modernist art.

But I digress. If the bookshop has nothing worth buying I don't care about not buying, but I usually walk into a bookstore with a specific title in mind, so I rarely browse idly.

>> No.19264456

Read stirner

>> No.19264478

>enter local bookshop
>browse for a long time
>can't find anything good
>"excuse me, but do you have [extremely common classic title]?"
>leave empty handed and remorseless

>> No.19265296

Modern art is literally money laundering. Everyone who denies it is either part of the scheme or desperately wants to be

>> No.19265303

this but i shoot the owner

>> No.19265315

i used to when i was younger, but now i have money i do feel bad leaving without buying something. fucked up bro.
but, younger people are usually more valuable just by fact of being young and full of potential, etc, nobody minds them. some old dude, you better be payin

>> No.19265344

this but I clog their toilet after my post-coffee dump

>> No.19266369

>enter local bookshop
>it's all the same books that were there the week before the week before the week before I last visited
>some of my donations from last year are still there
>leave empty handed
>say nothing to anybody

>> No.19266403

Only feel this way when they have signs and stuff talking about how they're on their last legs and need your support to make that month's rent. Basically, making me feel bad that as a reader I'm not supporting a local business. Otherwise I just walk in and out of they don't have anything I'm looking for at a reasonable price.

>> No.19266434

you can leave if you don't find anything worth reading, OP. however, you shouldn't sit in a café and read without purchasing at least a beverage.

>> No.19266494
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>Enter local bookshop
>Owner(?) is an older lady on crutches
>"Hi! How can I help you?"
>I don't think to reply, just start browsing
>Her voice suddenly becomes low and stern
>"What do you want?"
Jesus, woman, I'm just looking! Glad that place went under, heard she really gave many of her customers a rough time.

>> No.19266604

All you need is a Holy Bible, ever.

>> No.19266672

What country?

>> No.19266772

United States

>> No.19266980

Art has always been money laundering

>> No.19267001

Bookstores aren't fucking libraries

>> No.19267019

>browse bookstore but not see really anything I want to read
>but cute cashier might think I'm a loser if I don't buy anything
>proceed to buy classical lit stuff so she'll be impressed or whatever
>at checkout she asks me questions about my selections and I try to bs my way out
Fuck bros this happens all the time

>> No.19267246

What does shoot the shit mean in this context?

>> No.19267263

They are not, but if you do not cause issues or damage the books they really do not care. Especially if you are a regular who does also buy.
Slang for casual conversation.

>> No.19267265

Yeah, I'm too poor to buy shit I don't want

DO NOT buy new books

>> No.19267776

>Enter bookshop
>Broke my mask
>They give me another one
>"Do you sell bookmarks?"
>"No but we got some"
>Bookclerk gives me a ton of them
>I'm socially lost

>> No.19267793

> she asks me questions about my selections and I try to bs my way out
Lucky you, mine was just smiling and I come from a country where people are too polite to ask questions to others so casually.

>> No.19267878

Hmm in Canada we tend to mind our business too but we also feel the need to fill gaps of time with small talk so sometimes the store staff will just ask you questions and you have to be prepared to answer them. Horrifying I know.

>> No.19267886

Yeah, at least with modernist stuff it's something groovy to look at whereas old portrait art is pure rich people vanity shit.

>> No.19267899

this but i put the book in my bag

>> No.19267904
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yeh, try my book then. its on amazon, or leave your spammail if no money, and I will send you a free epub if you want

>> No.19267930
