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19263434 No.19263434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that talk about how the elite control the culture and push low brow media like rap music and anti-intellectualism to the masses?

>> No.19263461

The elites own the media and demand maximum profits out of them, so producers are always just visionless accountants. Still art finds some ways through the ocean of crap art

>> No.19263464

I didn't ask for your opinion dumb cunt I asked for a book

>> No.19263468

no. none. sorry

>> No.19263471

And I told you, the elites don’t control the culture and push lowbrow to make you sad. I told you how it works. You’re only going to find books along those lines.
And if you do find some schizo shit confirming your dumb bias, you will be read absolute trash, not some speshul secret (((they))) don’t want you to know.

>> No.19263472

I understand but I didn't ask for your opinion. Just post a book and don't speak to me

>> No.19263477

Libido dominandi

>> No.19263484

yeah but you need a higher social credit score to read it

>> No.19263485

If this is true then you wont find any books talking about it because the evil group of elites have agents in every company in the world to prevent such things.

>> No.19263488
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>> No.19263491
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>the elites and the hip hop music made me a retarded loser because... BECAUSE THEY JUST DID OK?!

>> No.19263495

No they don't.

>> No.19263496
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Stupid stupid creature

>> No.19263499

No I'm not a retarded loser. Everyone else is. You got it backwards

>> No.19263503

Try Theodor Adorno's "The Culture Industry" for the music stuff.
>anti-intellectualism to the masses?
This is a dumb question.

>> No.19263509

>trust me my ideologically biased book is right and your ideologically biased book is wrong

>> No.19263510

Probably some Adorno or something.
Sociology has already answered all these bogeyman questions. Yes, powerful people shape discourse, knowledge production and ways of thinking in modern society.

>> No.19263516

I don’t know of any books in particular, but I state what is, and most plain to see.
And his request has probably none. Prove it wrong

>> No.19263517

>Probably some Adorno or something.
>Sociology has already answered all these bogeyman questions.
sociology hasn't answered any questions at all, let alone this dumb one
>Yes, powerful people shape discourse, knowledge production and ways of thinking in modern society.
no, they don't

>> No.19263524

>Probably some Adorno or something.
>Sociology has already answered all these bogeyman questions.
sociology has answered all questions, especially this smart one
>Yes, powerful people shape discourse, knowledge production and ways of thinking in modern society.
yes, they do

>> No.19263528

Thats not what the geniuses on pol told me.

>> No.19263555

Refutation pls.
Also, do you agree or disagree with the premise of op?

>> No.19263627

Alright faggot either the elites are consciously engaging in class warfare or they aren't. I've seen your other posts now so don't play stupid with me. Now if you're sticking to what you've already said, then does it not stand to reason that promoting low culture and anti intellectualism is a terribly effective way of preventing class mobilization? Or further of promoting inter class animosity? Answer me you fuck or I'll kill you family

>> No.19263659

The system demands profits. The bastards in the MIC don’t care who dies from their bombs, warplanes and drones.
The ghouls in big pharma are super excited about their virus and vaccines mandates, and don’t give a fuck who dies.
The entertainment sector wants sales. They don’t care or know what quality is.
The education system has always been about programming the working class.
It’s complex. I get what you’re saying. No need to make stupid threats

>> No.19263660

I’m an immigrant to America, and it’s really obvious that pop culture here has essentially made everyone Jewish cattle. Americans are fucking stupid and if you think their media isn’t one of the reason why I don’t know what to tell you

>> No.19263677

>low-life music like rap
As opposed to high-brow rock?

>> No.19263678

Why do you guys seem to care so much about who controls the mechanisms and why/how? If you can see it all, why not avoid it? What other point is there to seeing it except being antisemetic?

>> No.19263698

They are wrestling with the truth of Ephesians 6:12. It is dawning on them, slowly and surely.

>> No.19263710

Besides the bad social motivator, I’m just trying to paint the picture of why we have a 90/10 split in quality of the arts.

>> No.19263723
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Hmm. I'll accept it. I wasn't really going to kill your family though if it helps.

>> No.19263725

I’m not sure if you are agreeing with me or not but again I don’t really think it’s worth much to seethe at a screen and bitch about who ruined “your” “society” instead of trying to make something beautiful out of it even if in all likelihood the relative beauty of your life in this year is pretty low.

I guess. But really, when was there ever a favorable split? And if we assume the 10% is what you like and not what’s objectively good, then really there was never a golden age except maybe the Renaissance but even then art was still flowing downstream from people funded (and therefore influenced by) the elite. It’s the same story and again I emphasize once you get the idea that there is something you need to be fighting against you will only drive yourself crazy trying to get a clear image of it instead of just creating a life in a direction/aesthetic that feels right. I guess this does require some knowledge of the abyss/powers/whatever but my point is that, at least around these parts, there’s waaaaaay to much bitching and speculation and not enough action. Too much why, not enough how, maybe this is obvious but I don’t come on here too much.

>> No.19263788

I doubt the arts are in much trouble actually. Yes, there was a lot of pap made in the past, and no one remembers much of any of it. Venice had popular theatre with the same formulaic characters every time. Basically like a puppet show for adults.

>> No.19263798

You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.19263804

You’d want the Frankfurt School and Lukacs. I’d recommend starting with Lukacs and then moving onto Adorno.

>> No.19263835

Whenever I see someone criticize rap music for being degenerate they normally post edgy black metal when asked what to listen to instead.
As if screaming about raping infants isnt degenerate lmfao.

>> No.19263848


>> No.19263859

Yes, Dashawn would be listening to piano concertos and violin sonatas if the Anglo CIA Neolibs didn't force Chief Keef and Spotemgottem on him.

>> No.19263862

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

>> No.19263877

machiavelli "the prince"

>> No.19263960

>The Elite can brainwash people into making The Big Bang Theory and 2 and a Half Men the biggest comedies of their time but couldn't make le cultural tour de force Arrested Development popular
>The music scene, specifically the hip hop scene, is still controlled by The Elite despite its main source of distribution being decentralized platforms where consumers choose what they listen to without paying.
Hell, rap was barely even played on "urban" radio stations until this decade, labels couldn't even force people to like R&B despite controlling radio stations and even now most pop stations don't play more than a few rap songs an hour. Culture in a free market economy is dictated by the consumer and the consumers consume what they like.
Any book that fits your criteria is going to be delusional conspiracy theory bullshit because you are a delusional conspiracy theorist.

>> No.19263966

Show me the 10 because I don't see it.

>> No.19263970

Rap is full of swearing, that's why it's not on the radio you dummy.

>> No.19263979

It's playing on the radio now and it has been for the decades, it's just that labels and stations finally caved and made it the dominant genre of the black targeted (which now have a mostly white audience) radio stations is rap. >>19263970

>> No.19264028

lmao seeing this shilled on here is hilarious. Its a meme book that hasnt aged well post industrial era, let alone post industrial age.

>> No.19264053

>Culture in a free market economy is dictated by the consumer and the consumers consume what they like.
Basically this OP, if anything, elites keep the degenerate conssssooom crowds in check and finance some more quality niche art. I always find it funny how we live in such a contradicting post-marx age where elites are portrayed as bad and ordinary plebs as never doing evil, while at the same time the overall consensus on Marx remains negative in our culture. It might be because we always portray the social group as ourselves. Thus OP, being clearly a pleb, thinks the crowd consists of mostly people like him. While in actuality, the majority of plebs are mostly braindead hiveminded people. Normies ruin everything, not elites who have have put and effort in acquiring some taste, as is expected of them by their peers.

>> No.19264609

Everybody thinks their biases are just the most plainly visible facts.

>> No.19264626

Criticism of elites or capitalism are surface level analysis. It has to be analysed at a metaphysical level. There is no single secret group directing degenerate shit at you, the process is a bit more complex that that although of course there ARE secret powerful groups doing just that. Taking them out wont solve the metaphysical problem.

>> No.19264629

based and chipapilled

>> No.19264631

Its a circular process. Is something viewed on youtube because it is popukar with plebs or do plebs view it because it is popular? Self-propagating circles. Metaphysical in nature.

>> No.19264641
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Reject industry rappers. Embrace Drain Gang.

>> No.19264643

All later derivations in questions such as those of mode of production, culture, media, law etc are informed by our positions towards first principles, the first of first principles is the God question. Regardless of consistency or self-awareness of our position vis a vis the God question that will inform all our ppsitions to smaller derivations since all questions derive from first principles. Modernity is a cacaphony of confused screams that pretend first principles dont exist. Chaos is fertile ground for metaphysical evil which shows itself materially in degeneracy.

>> No.19264655
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>> No.19264656


This is a false dilemma. It doesn't have to be either monkey music (rap) or autistic tunes ("black metal").

>> No.19264660
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>> No.19264668

No need for secret groups although they obviously exist. In grounds where metaphysical evil is winning being degenerate is a pre-condition for ascending the societal hierarchy. It is hard-coded that to be elite you must first get dirty. All-encompassing and self-propagating. This is the state of post-enlightenment society. Metaphysical evil always initially hides itself under the slogans of fraternity, equal rights, human rights etc. which are just temporary smokescreens for the infusion of chaos into an ordered society and gradually of increasing degeneracy. Now metaphysical evil has no grounds at all on its own so it always self-destroys at a cost of the metaphysical natute ie soul of its co-conspirators. Save yourself.

>> No.19264703

filtered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5VYKkx7N-g

>> No.19264758

No, but Europeans would.

>> No.19265252


Get the rap shit out of this and you might have an actual song.

>> No.19265254
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>> No.19265266


"I don't do commercials 'cause they're too commercial"

Impossible to take seriously anyone who says this is good "music".

>> No.19265314

It’s a generalization and highly personal. Say some people like David Lynch or Wes Anderson, so do not.

>> No.19265345
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>> No.19265994

Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the entertainment sector would also be integrated into programming the working class?

>> No.19266568
