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/lit/ - Literature

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19254551 No.19254551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Because of the women ?

>> No.19254712

yes, because of the women - because of the women that raised them

>> No.19255516

Its better then american tv

>> No.19255522

Because it's entertaining and doesn't appeal to an agenda

>> No.19255963

Because this is an anime website. It's natural that each board is primarily made of the subset of anime watchers who also happen to enjoy that board's content.

>> No.19255991

Because there's no pony.

>> No.19256036

Anime is one of the worst forms of media out there. Manga is okay but like all comic-books they are ultimately very boring. Do the Japanese have the funnies? I could read that I guess...otherwise I would rather read a proper book.

>> No.19256106

worse because its not quality or worse because anime is looked down upon?

the stories are impactful and the execution is sometimes equivalent or superior to popular western entertainment

>> No.19256132

Most of anime is garbage, low IQ writing and stories.

>> No.19256618

welcome to 4chan, can I take your jacket?

>> No.19256648

This. 4channel is (unfortunately) an anime forum at heart.

>> No.19256675

No it isn't and it never has been. It's like saying 4chan is a vidya website because of the large % of the userbase that originally came for /v/ or continues to use /v/, and the overlap of general 4chan interests and vidya related interests. That still doesn't make it a video game website, any more than it makes it an inherently /pol/ website, although that has more of a claim to truth.

The claim that 4chan is an anime website has gotten even worse since anime died, roughly 10 years ago, and anime related culture began converting into the filth it is today. "Being into anime" means nothing by itself anymore. It's like saying you "enjoy movies." 98% of the time when someone says they enjoy movies they don't mean anything good, they mean whatever trash came out last year.

/a/ is an enclave of chronic masturbators and suicidal oldfags drowning in a sea of fans of the anime equivalent of Marvel movies and Rick and Morty.

>> No.19256679

2D girls are cute and I am very lonely!

>> No.19256697
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>4chan has never been an anime forum
What the actual fuck are you talking about newfag

>> No.19256751
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Most of the shows I'm interested in now are animes. There doesn't seem to be a lot of interesting stuff coming out of the west at least in terms of TV.
I know I sound like a weeaboo but that's how I feel.

>> No.19256791

What is interesting stuff?

>> No.19256882

>anime website

>> No.19256896
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It only seems that way. There’s a very insidious minority pushing it like crack dealers. Shoehorning it into things it doesn’t belong

>> No.19256976

I liked anime till I watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Now I hate anime.

>> No.19256985

imagine getting your philosophy from something that wasn't an Aria episode

>> No.19256987

Isn't that supposed to be one of the best animes? Never saw it myself.

>> No.19257005

Its so good, it made me hate all other anime in comparison. I'd strongly recommend watching it, or reading the books.

>> No.19257013

>anime elf ears
Yeah, that's gonna a cringe from me senpai

>> No.19257021

imagine watching japanese pedo cartoons

>> No.19257041

>because of the women?
Yes, specifically because developing attraction to an anime character who does not exist and so is inherently unavailable is less painful than falling in love with 3d women and whose effective unavailability is due to the /lit/ poster in question being a genetic/psychosocial failure
Also this

>> No.19257055

Why would I have to imagine something that I’m literally doing right now?

>> No.19257065

The vast majority of /lit/ posters are more interested in video games and anime than literature. They try really hard to be interested in books, but will jump at the chance to drop the disguise and talk about literally anything else.

>> No.19257428


>> No.19257441
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There’s one of them now!
Sowing seeds of discontent.

>> No.19257458
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>4chan isn't an anime website

>> No.19257474

The (translated) books are terrible

>> No.19257608

Rare pepe

>> No.19257612

It is not

>> No.19257890


>> No.19258018

It is because anime is the rightful heir of the western literary tradition.

>> No.19258875


>> No.19258898
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EVA was a pretty good adaptation of GR

>> No.19258907
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the only anime i like is logh

>> No.19258960
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I HAVE to watch anime, because Shingeki No Kyojin is the medium that best encapsulates the strife between the german idealism (specifically of Fichte) versus Schopenhauer's philosophical system.

Ignroing that would be as if Plato (Sokrates) had ignored the Illiad or the Odyssey while trying to discuss philosophy with cogent allegories.

>> No.19259264

anime = plato's forms of womanliness

>> No.19259273

I like anime primarily because I’ve lost any interest in modern Western films and television and also because I don’t really see any reason to avoid it because of the medium. In other words, I don’t think something is necessarily childish because it’s drawn or animated or something.

>> No.19259317
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based logh chad

>> No.19259567

These. But I also mostly just watch anime from the 90s and 2000s because the newer stuff is not as good anymore. It's still less bad than western/anglosphere media but you can see the decay setting in quite well.

>> No.19259613

Because there is no HBO show that can rival Monster, LOTGH, Death Note, Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop.
Miyazaki's weakest movie is still better than anything Disney has produced in the last 19 years.
and these
Admittedly a lot of anime is dogshit, but the best is better than Hollywood

>> No.19259619

The best anime is American.