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/lit/ - Literature

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19253784 No.19253784 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends. I mostly browse lit, however, I do sometimes check on gif, because there is one type of thread there that really piques my interest. It is the hyperborea threads. You can go there right now to see what I mean, its fascinating. A while ago I remember looking it up and seeing that Guenon and Evola wrote some stuff about it, but I tried again today and I couldn't find any exact passages. Regardless, can someone reccomend me the best lit that there is on hyperborea? It can be any author, time period, style, I just want to learn more

>> No.19253824

Clark Ashton Smith's Hyperborean cycle.

>> No.19253858

I'm looking more so for non-fiction, but regardless I will add it to my reading list. Downloading it right now

>> No.19253905

Unless it isnt fiction? But regardless, go on www.b-ok.cc and look up "hyperborean", take a look at the results

>> No.19253927

Voyage of the Zeno brothers

>> No.19254040

Mi negro, what are you smoking?

>> No.19254050

I hate hyper fetishists. Just draw Fox mccloud normal proportioned, OK?

>> No.19254089
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Have you tried asking /x/

>> No.19254105

poor girl i genuinely feel bad for her

>> No.19254115

what happened?

>> No.19254173

This the one?

>> No.19254182

Sorry I forgot link, this the one?

>> No.19254217

The truth. At last I truly see

>> No.19254719

It's Megan

>> No.19255040

If you could rec me only one CAS book, which would you say its the best starting point? The dark eidolon or the zothique stories?

>> No.19255091
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Tilak is what you want

>> No.19255094
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William Warren too.

>> No.19255212

lots of Hollow Earth novels late 1800s to mid-1900s, search "thule", "agartha" ect.

>> No.19255640

Thanks for the recommendations. Downloaded.

>> No.19255724

So now I got:
Clark Ashton Smith's Hyperborean cycle
Voyage of the Zeno brothers
The arctic home in the vedas
Paradise found
Agartha: The earths inner world
Hammer of the gods: the thule society and the birth of nazism
Thule gesellschaft and the Vril society

>> No.19255730 [DELETED] 

Am I missing anything? Also, for the anon that recommended the zeno brothers voyage, in what part of it exactly does it mention hyperborea? Or was it a joke

>> No.19255808

Evola's revolt against the modern world has quite a lot of chapters dealing with hyperborean symbolism
Serrano is nice too if you can handle it.

>> No.19255889

Seems like a good scholarly source but you can also find the translated original text which is better and probably shorter

>> No.19255927

Uh can you recommend me something specific by Serrano? His stuff is all over the place. I'm getting "Hitler the Ultimate Avatar", "The Black Sun", "Hitlers UFO against the new world order", etc. After looking up his works, it seems he has written on the anatarctic and on the ice fields, but I'm finding it really hard to find copies of these works. To be honest, I dont know where to start

>> No.19255928
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Anyone read this?

>> No.19256096

Also, a question for you, what does the journey of the Zeno brothers have to do with hyperborea? I see they found two islands called Estoliland and Frisland, what is the connection?

>> No.19256123

I've looked at one of those threads and found it appalling. It speaks of evasion from the modern world much like other New Age garbage with no consistency or Traditional foundations.
>awww yeah bro I'm gonna become INITIATED by looking at pictures of Mary whilst listening to nigger music
They are no different to the coomers that are endemic on /gif/.
At least it has brought you here to read about something. The thread's value begins and ends there.

>> No.19256144

So what should I read?

>> No.19256158

The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism
So you know what's garbage

>> No.19256161

As in the book itself is garbage, or it will teach about what is garbage and what isnt?

>> No.19256163

The second.

>> No.19256216

Just because I am curious, what do you think about Hyperborea?

>> No.19256433

Most literature was lost when the Proto-Semites melted the ice libraries, but Maester Yuldubaz managed to fill a ship with ice tablets and hide them in Greenland, where they are hidden away in a cave to this very day.

>> No.19256625

You don't need to read about it, just access your ancestral memories lmao

>> No.19256781


>> No.19257319 [DELETED] 
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OP here. I just got hit with a sudden realization. Should I just unironically go read the Bible instead? Honestly are any of the books here even worth reading?, like at all? Pic related is what I have on my ereader from the thread.

>> No.19257333

>zoomer retard only knows about hyperborea through ironybro memes made by people who don't even believe in hyperborea or the aryan race

>> No.19257347

And how else am I supposed to know about it? How did you know about it? Through reading? Well that's exactly what I am trying to do

>> No.19257375

>Clark Ashton Smith's Hyperborean cycle.
otto rahn, miguel serrano

>> No.19257420

Specific books or at least specific reading order

>> No.19257425

The majority of author who talk about it are larpers. Is very hard to find true stuff about it and not fantasies.

>> No.19257444

So far yeah there's like two good books on the topic
These honestly look more legit then most of what I've seen so far

>> No.19257445

Because hyperbore and hollow earth/kooky shit in general has been ruined by zoomer retards who don't believe in any of that shit and make their shtity videos for the meme value and to get le twitter upvotes
Those people making those le epic hyperborea memes with spinning black suns and 2000s pop music? They don't believe in hyperborea or any kooky occult hollow earth stuff. it's just a meme to them. these people have never read a book about hyperborea, the hollow earth, ancient aliens, they just browse wikipedia articels and go on google images

>> No.19257466

You honestly dont sound like you believe in it either, calling it kooky shit. But regardless, I am interested in the topic, so I'm gonna read about it. It doesnt really matter to me whether internet strangers disapprove, but who knows, something good could come of this. Maybe I can find out which books are bullshit or not. And then I can meme them in the threads, 'you have to read x', 'me after reading y and finding out the truth'. Honestly it would be good to get the zoomer crowd (including me) reading about it. But I do not know how much of an outlier I am, and how well it will apply to other zoomers.

>> No.19257536
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The first volume of this collection. The stories are uncensored, unaltered and arranged in chronological order.

>> No.19257785

These guys.
The Worship of Love and Nos are great

>> No.19259096

I would but I dont want to get put on a watchlist

>> No.19260741

crusade against the grail

>> No.19261343
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This one I suppose

>> No.19261353

You want /x/, not /lit/.

>> No.19261396
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Also very important:
The Oera Linda Book, newest translation by Jan Ott. His blog is worth reading. He explains in detail why he made certain translation choices and a lot more stuff. Also he is very redpilled on the jews.

"The Oera Linda Book is a manuscript written in a form of Old Frisian, purporting to cover historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, from 2194 BCE to 803 CE"

https://oeralinda.nl/ (Where to buy)

Dutch and German translations are on the way.
Note: Many historians will tell you that it's a fake manuscript. However after reading Jan Ott's blog completely. It became clear to me ho real these old Frysian stories are actually real.

>> No.19261412
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Another one:
Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe: (survivors of the Great Tsunami) - Alewyn J Raubenheimer

>> No.19261427
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This. His book on Atlantis is also decent.

>> No.19262601

>Because hyperbore and hollow earth/kooky shit in general has been ruined by zoomer retards who don't believe in any of that shit and make their shtity videos for the meme value and to get le twitter upvotes
But why Gotye?

>> No.19263737
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>> No.19263761

Beasts, Men and Gods by Ferdinand Ossendowski is a good read.


>> No.19263958

>the best lit that there is on hyperborea?
If you are looking for something "aesthetic" then I don't have any suggestion for you, but if you are insterested in a serious study of this topic, I can recommend only Guenon as an authority on this subject (everything of value in Evola is already in Guenon, anything else can only lead you astray). This being said, you can read the chapter "Atlantis and Hyperborea" from Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles, "The place of the Atlantean Tradition in the Manvantara" and "A few remarks on the name Adam" from the same book have a similar topic. Back to the north, read the chapter "The land of the sun" from Symbols of Sacred Science. Now, there is also The Arctic Home in the Vedas, which has some very interesting astrological proofs for "Hyperborea" but the language of the book is very westernized, you can see this by the way in which the author uses the term "aryan", you will have the feeling that you are reading some german indologist and not a hindu. In any case, if you have Guenon as a basis (reading his Introduction to the study of the hindu doctrines and this article: https://www.gornahoor.net/?p=14521&cpage=1#comments would help here) you will be able to take only what is good from the book.

>> No.19264222

>nooooo don't have fun aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.19264711

Hyperborea is such a cool sounding word.

>> No.19265866


>> No.19266860

I thought paradise lost. Glad to see it found.