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/lit/ - Literature

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19252773 No.19252773 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever had a moment when you were electrified by the sudden awareness that you were in the presence of genius?
Apart from when you read Sally Rooney, I mean.

>> No.19252777

You are obsessed

>> No.19252857

i am electrified by the thought of her sitting on my face

>> No.19252915

>that's vapid frances

>> No.19252925

Alright, who's the funny guy who taught big words to the mentally retarded?

>> No.19252946

Clearly someone discursive and facilitatory

>> No.19253051

I have read this novel. Bobbi is an early 20s white bisexual woman living in Dublin and going to school at a traditionally erudite college. She is intentionally depicted as someone who shuts down any sort of challebge to her vague ideas through browbeating and theory-dumps. This is like being angry because the cripple in Stoner doesn't know his English poetry - that's the point.

>> No.19253059

Whatever you say, Sally

>> No.19253063

>this gets published
Sexual revolution and it's consequences has been a disaster for the human race

>> No.19253064

>Did you ever had a moment when you were electrified by the sudden awareness that you were in the presence of genius?
I do that to myself all the time.

>> No.19253077

Leaving out punctuation and not capitalizing your sentences and switching between this dry sort of "scriptlike" dialogue isn't genius. It's tacky and I hate it.

>> No.19253099

McCarthybros is it true...?

>> No.19253158

It's a depiction of an online chat

>> No.19253188

He does more than that.
We are participating in an online chat and we at least have the decency to use proper capitalization.
It triggers my autism. Some might have greater tolerance for it, but whatever.

>> No.19253392

So why does Frances seem to fawn over her so much? Is Frances supposed to be retarded?

>> No.19253422

is this actual dialogue from the dumb cunt's book lol. absolutely pathetic when women try to sound smart.

>> No.19253504

Wayne Rooneys tweets are quite witty.

>> No.19253512

I hate native anglophones so much it's unreal

>> No.19253529

Reminder that Bobbi is the left-wing version of the average /lit/ poster

>> No.19253541

almost like sally rooney takes issue with contemporary society yo

>> No.19253557

Does she? That's my question. I haven't read (nor will I ever) her novels but the pages I've seen posted here seem fairly sincere.

>> No.19253605

Frances is definitely retarded and manipulative. Whether Rooney intended it or not Frances is a very good representation of university e-communists who live off their parents money and do slam poetry.

>> No.19253609

I thought she seemed genuine as well but after reading it it feels more like an honest description of liberal university students than an endorsement of their mentality and lifestyle. I wouldn’t go so far as to say Rooney critiques them but she doesn’t portray them as brilliant, even though the characters believe themselves to be. I wouldn’t read anymore Rooney though because these type of people make me cringe irl and I’m paper and she doesn’t make anything bad happen to them.

>> No.19253799


Okay. Now imagine if the average /lit/ poster published a novel where the main character, a tradcath gigachad, just absolutely BTFOs a gaggle of slutty undergrad feminists in a casual debate after Evensong. He is always correct, his opponents are sputtering fools, the text is replete with idle ruminations like 'Modern man lacks meaning, a hole has been left where the Holy and Apostolic Church once was' and these are treated like brilliant insights.

Do you think this would be good literature? This is the Rooney phenomenon - you guys can't get around the simple and inescapable fact that she's a bad writer.

>> No.19254002

I'm not convinced anyone here could write such shit without trashing it out of self-hatred.

>> No.19254199

I'd read that.

>> No.19254291

I am >>19253529
No, it would be horrible literature. I was just remarking on the lack of self-awareness of some commenters here.

>> No.19254322

And I would read that, at least there is a sense of absurdity to it even if the publisher unironically believes it.
It might be bad literature, but it would at least be entertaining.
I could see it..