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19249884 No.19249884 [Reply] [Original]

What were some of the popular books you didn't like?

>> No.19249889

bruh this shit was so corny. ending was predictable from the beginning lol

>> No.19249898

It's a children's book.

>> No.19249900
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>> No.19249912

that one with the tiger in the boat i can't even remember wtf it's called now

>> No.19249916

life of pi

>> No.19249919

yeah that's it fuck that book sucked balls

>> No.19249938

It's a woman's book.

>> No.19249966

Confederacy of Dunces is pretty popular on here at least, and frankly I just wasn't all that into it.

>> No.19249969

hell yeah I hated that book

>> No.19249979

It's for pre-teens so it really should have resonated with you.

>> No.19249984
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A guy falls in love with a married woman. That's about it.

>> No.19250005

this book is literally better version of Herman Hesse s siddhartha

>> No.19250041

I really hated “if on a winters night a traveler” and I couldn’t finish pride and prejudice even though I really enjoyed the BBC miniseries

>> No.19250075

One of the few books I've ever given up on. It's just a neet acting like a jackass.

>> No.19251692

Yeah, but it was the *first* book about a NEET acting like a jackass, so it was groundbreaking.

>> No.19251763
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It was shallow and I didn't like that the protagonist has lots of sex.

>> No.19251788

Plato's Republic

>> No.19251791

With a whore

>> No.19252191

This one was just ok
Everything I've read from Joyce

>> No.19252203

Ignatius Reilly is the archetype of every trad cath and orthobro that infests this board. Every time someone mentions Aristotle I imagine him furiously pawing at some cut-rate smart phone

>> No.19252287
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>Infinite Jest
reads like Wes Anderson's Royal Tenenbaums laced with some drug talk and tennis stuff that never really pays off or goes anywhere, too long, too much meandering, most of the end notes were beyond unnecessary, it just feels like it could have been a second-rate funny little novel that young women would read if written by a discount Maria Semple

>The Catcher in the Rye
One of those philosophical novels written from the point of view of a struggling man trying to cope with reality, but written about the most uninteresting story that happened to the most uninteresting whiny fucker ever

>Bukowski's Post Office
WORST novel I've ever read, no exaggeration, never even bothered with Ham on Rye because this was so shit. Extremely boring, uneventful, self-indulgent with nothing to indulge, a real test of resilience if not for the fact it is so short.

>Kafka's Metamorphosis
One of those novels whose contents have been entirely exhausted by the collective consciousness as everyone has already talked about it to infinite lengths, leaving behind only its extremely beige prose and predictable, patience testing events, despite being not even 100 pages long

>Every Hemingway novel
Sparse beige prose, self-indulgent existentialism from a guy without much to say and without many thoughts to muse on, boring and mostly without pay off

>Great Expectations
Tacky melodrama, like a shitty soap opera, really a product of its time

>Requiem for a Dream
Trainspotting but one-dimensional, relentlesly fear mongering and much less nuanced, alarmist and hystrionic

>> No.19252292

>Every Hemingway novel
>Sparse beige prose, self-indulgent existentialism from a guy without much to say and without many thoughts to muse on, boring and mostly without pay off
Agree, waste of time
>Bukowski's Post Office
WORST novel I've ever read, no exaggeration, never even bothered with Ham on Rye because this was so shit. Extremely boring, uneventful, self-indulgent with nothing to indulge, a real test of resilience if not for the fact it is so short
Disagree, Bukowski was much better than Hemingway

>> No.19252602

Catch 22 made me want to stop reading forever. Maybe if I was 13 I would have found it amusing or at least not boring, but that Jew’s humour was dead in the water.

>> No.19253968

>The trial - Kafka
I found it boring ngl

>> No.19254593

>Infinite jest
>The catcher in the rye
Gonna borrow that bukowski novel first chance I get cause your taste seems to be the polar opposite of mine. Have you read A hero of our time and if you have what did you think?

>> No.19254853

He's not taken seriously here in Brazil, and mind you that we take even the biggest hacks (Jorge Amado, for instance) seriously.

>> No.19254890
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This uninspired, overly verbose drivel left my my brain feeling the equivalent of a parched throat.

>> No.19255161
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1984. Isaac Asimov pretty much says everything I want to say about it: http://www.newworker.org/ncptrory/1984.htm

>> No.19255175


>> No.19255505
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I don't understand what's so great about it.

>> No.19255534

Based well-adjusted normie

>> No.19255545

I don't think I'm well adjusted. Also Dostoyevsky have way better books.

>> No.19256782

A Clockwork Orange just annoyed me as I read it, it's one of the few rare cases of the film completely overshadowing the book.

>> No.19256798

Beloved by Toni Morrison

>> No.19256847

Bravo, Dostoyevsky! This is the perfect, absolutely accurate and universal portrait of the insecure, self-conscious egomaniac - pitiful and dangerous, on a negative quixotic rampage against himself, society and the laws of nature he despises but cannot change.

There are so many of these angry men (and women), and they don’t speak from the underground anymore. With modern technology, they have conquered the virtual world, spewing out their self-pity and hatred in long, inconsistent, frustrated tirades, contradicting themselves at each moment, without thinking.

“I am this or that … or no, wait, I was lying, … I am that or the other… I am going to show them all, slap them in the face …“

>> No.19256913

fucking boring, sat down to try and finish it and passed out after 3 pages. stop reading after that